Robert Pattinson

Image of Robert Pattinson
I have a natural propensity to work on big piles of poop.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Poop
Image of Robert Pattinson
I had pecs for about two days. Everyone would hate me. Just look at me walking around with my little peacoat on. My little customized pea coat.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Funny
Image of Robert Pattinson
This is a good look. I'm gonna mess him up," Pattinson praises Stewart. "And I'm just like, I don't know what's going on? Where am I? I just walked out of a flower bed in this scene as well.... I was standing in the flower bed and then walked out of it and then stopped and looked confused.... If I didn't have contact lenses on, that was a really spectacular look I just did.... I should have had million thoughts, like Hamlet.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Funny
Image of Robert Pattinson
It's fun to deal with the terror and the huge highs and lows of things. We're still getting massive surprises, every time you have any kind of Twilight-related event or anything.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Fun
Image of Robert Pattinson
I've said, I think since the second one [part of Twilight Saga ], that it's going to take 10 years to really settle in my brain, and I'm four years into it.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Twilight
Image of Robert Pattinson
I used to be able to be in England and just be fine. No one had any idea who I was.I get a lot more abuse in England.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Ideas
Image of Robert Pattinson
I go through fan mail myself, but I think I might get them censored, because I'm always expecting to get the one thing that says, 'I know where you live and I'm going to kill you!' I'm always expecting that to come, but it never seems to arrive. I never get any negative mail, so someone must be censoring them.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robert Pattinson
It's insane. I've had girls throwing themselves at me since the hype started. Now the film's out I can't walk down the street without being pounced on. All my life I've hated crowds. Now I only have to step outdoors and I'm at the centre of one. It's very cool but it's very uncomfortable too.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Girl
Image of Robert Pattinson
As soon as you have someone who's providing stuff to react to, especially working with a baby, it's great.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Baby
Image of Robert Pattinson
Every time I would say put a baby in every scene.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Baby
Image of Robert Pattinson
I also think if you get sort of early success there's always this part of you which feels like, "I need to address the imbalance, I need to kind of earn that success after the fact". I try to find roles that are hard and also, I still find now, even after I've done loads of really random movies, directors are really surprised that I want to play the parts that I want to play. They just assume that you want to only do the honorable good guy lead who saves the day or dies at the end .
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robert Pattinson
I always think that you have to have a certain understanding of what an audience would want to see from you as a public person as well as a character.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Character
Image of Robert Pattinson
If you are using a digital camera specifically for that reason you have in mind from the beginning, then yeah, it'll work. But like if you're just shooting a normal film and just kind of just shooting extra stuff because you can because you've got the memory space, it's a bit pointless.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Memories
Image of Robert Pattinson
I watch so many movies and I find a lot of them very predictable, and also, a little bit playing it safe.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Playing It Safe
Image of Robert Pattinson
To be honest, everyone thinks that a digital camera is more reliable and every single time I work on any movie, it's just as many problems, the memory card doesn't work or blah blah blah, it overheats; it's the same volume as another camera. I think people are bit taken in by it.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Memories
Image of Robert Pattinson
I still remember, I think it was with the third movie, when we went to Munich and the entire Olympic stadium was filled with fans, and just to walk in there and do nothing.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robert Pattinson
Shooting on the street in Brazil - compared to people trying to sneak a picture of something, if you're shooting in the States or Canada - people would literally just try to grab you.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: People
Image of Robert Pattinson
You have this weird thing where you end up trying to fight against this faceless blob, where the more you hate it, the bigger it gets, because it's all in your head.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Hate
Image of Robert Pattinson
I still had the same frustration with trying to play [Edward Cullen], the entire way through, right up until the last shot. It's a strange part because, on the one hand, a lot of the audience projects their idea of Edward[Cullen] onto him. It doesn't matter what he is. They want him to be a certain way. And then, my instincts were to try and play it and to try to find the fallibility in him and the weaknesses.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Frustration
Image of Robert Pattinson
If I could get any semblance of, not really anonymity, but control over my public image, that would be nice. But no, I think it's impossible [to maintain that], for one thing. I don't think anyone can do that, apart from Denzel Washington. It's a strange place that the film industry is at, where you can just play superhero after superhero.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Nice
Image of Robert Pattinson
I have very, very specific ideas about how I want to do my work and how I want to be perceived and to the point of ridiculousness sometimes.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Ideas
Image of Robert Pattinson
[Sometimes] I will go through periods where I will think 'Oh maybe I should do a commercial movie' and then I just think, someone gave me a really great piece of advice, someone from my agency weirdly, they said the only clients that are happy are the ones that just do what they want to do. So I just kind of do everything for myself.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robert Pattinson
The first period of getting famous was incredibly strange to me and really fun at the beginning because you didn't realise the consequences of anything. You could say or do whatever you wanted and it just didn't matter.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Fun
Image of Robert Pattinson
When someone tells you the fundamentals you think that everything's going to come out and be amazing.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robert Pattinson
New York seems very very foreign to me, like more foreign than almost anywhere in America, and almost anywhere in the world, I find it like one of the most overwhelming places.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: New York
Image of Robert Pattinson
It's always been strange to me that someone can say they're a vampire fan. I'm not a non-fan, but it's such an unusual thing to be a fan of. That's like saying, "I love zombie movies! I just love 'em! They're my favorite!" That's more of a psychological problem than being an actual fan.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Unusual Things
Image of Robert Pattinson
I really like Blade. I wish people would make hard R-rated fantasy movies again. It's completely irrelevant, but people should do that more. I haven't seen that many vampire things.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: People
Image of Robert Pattinson
I actually quite like working with kids and I like working with animals, which everybody says you shouldn't do. It makes you feel like you're not acting, as soon as you have someone who's providing stuff to react to.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Kids
Image of Robert Pattinson
You can make five massive hits in a row and still not get cast by the directors you want to work with, doing little movies. There are no guarantees. I'm trying to sign up and do movies that I'll be proud of, if it's my last one. That's how I think about it.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robert Pattinson
What's it like kissing Taylor Lautner.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Funny
Image of Robert Pattinson
But you're not really allowed to complain about any of this, You're just supposed to be grateful. And obviously-I get it. You're lucky and you should appreciate your luck. But, I mean, it just seems if you even hint that there's a bad side to any of this people will be like-Liar! I guess it's because people want to have it as a dream
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Dream
Image of Robert Pattinson
I don't know [what things are forever]. Friendship. I can think of lots of things.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robert Pattinson
What is forever? God, I don't know. Hope, I guess. That's a difficult question.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Difficult Questions
Image of Robert Pattinson
Start drinking vodka instead of beer, and try to get a six-pack as early as possible and you'll be a much more successful actor.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Drinking
Image of Robert Pattinson
I don't even know if Stephenie Meyer could tell you why she was so fixated on this very, very contained story [The Twilight] with obsessive characters. It's just an anomaly. That's a terrible answer. I don't know.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Twilight
Image of Robert Pattinson
I don't think there is any analysis. I don't think anyone knows why people like [The Twilight]. I don't think even the fans know why they connect with it in the way they do. It's a visceral thing.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Twilight
Image of Robert Pattinson
I never thought people would buy the soundtrack [to Twilight]. So, it's a little more nerve-wracking now. I don't know.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Twilight
Image of Robert Pattinson
My dream job is being a pianist
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Dream
Image of Robert Pattinson
I never ever would have thought initially it would have been someone like Pierce playing Charles. I think he has an innate likeability to him, as soon as you meet him he's very, very charismatic. Charles, on the page, was someone who's very domineering and quite a negative character, and Pierce just by being Pierce can change the whole dynamic of it, which made for a much for interesting relationship. He's a really nice guy.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Nice
Image of Robert Pattinson
I'm trying to make something every time that feels new and surprises people. Hopefully at least one person. But it's not like I turn it off. I don't make a movie and then go back to my normal life. When I'm finishing one movie the next day I'm thinking about the next one.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robert Pattinson
Up until I was 12 my sisters used to dress me up as a girl and introduce me as 'Claudia'!
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Girl
Image of Robert Pattinson
I definitely want to record an album, direct a film and start my own religion.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Albums
Image of Robert Pattinson
I will keep that a secret as it was so indecent I doubt she was in her normal state of mind when she made it.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Doubt
Image of Robert Pattinson
I think that's just a general English attitude [being abusive]. I did the same thing to famous people.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Attitude
Image of Robert Pattinson
I might go to some tiny little town in Idaho with, like, three people living there.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Idaho
Image of Robert Pattinson
Cosmopolis is the movie of my life. I didn't consider myself an actor before, even if I had 10 years of acting behind me. I always felt like a fraud, and inappropriate. I doubt a lot. David Cronenberg gave me confidence in myself. He changed my way of acting and thinking in this industry.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robert Pattinson
I’ve always said to my agents and stuff, like, it’s going to be 10 years before people forget about Twilight, And that’s totally understandable. Normally people keep working and working until their big break. You just keep trying to make the best of your decisions. Like I try to think how I used to think before all the Twilight movies.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Twilight
Image of Robert Pattinson
I am a big fan of music and clothing style of the 1960s. Whether in England or the United States, I like everything from that time.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Style
Image of Robert Pattinson
I want to strangle whoever invented that R-Patz thing.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Want