Top Twilight Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Twilight quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Rod Serling
This highway leads to the shadowy tip of reality: you're on a through route to the land of the different, the bizarre, the unexplainable...Go as far as you like on this road. Its limits are only those of mind itself. Ladies and Gentlemen, you're entering the wondrous dimension of imagination. . . Next stop The Twilight Zone.
- Rod Serling
Collection: Twilight
Image of Rod Serling
You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead—your next stop, the Twilight Zone.
- Rod Serling
Collection: Twilight
Image of Allen Tate
The twilight is long fingers and black hair.
- Allen Tate
Collection: Twilight
Image of Jacki Weaver
Even in Australia I'd say 80 percent of our television was American. I grew up watching Alfred Hitchcock Presents and The Twilight Zone. I used to sit with my mum when I was just nine years old, trying to guess what the twist would be. I love that kind of thing.
- Jacki Weaver
Collection: Twilight
Image of Robert Pattinson
Twilight fans are literally on the verge of being clinically insane.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Twilight
Image of Matt Smith
There’s rivalry between the Harry Potter fans and the Twilight fans. And Twilight fans think they’re much cooler than the Harry Potter fans. And I’m like, I dunno why, they’d all get their butts kicked by the Doctor Who fans.
- Matt Smith
Collection: Twilight
Image of Siegfried Sassoon
December stillness, teach me through your trees That loom along the west, one with the land, The veiled evangel of your mysteries. While nightfall, sad and spacious, on the down Deepens, and dusk embues me where I stand, With grave diminishings of green and brown, Speak, roofless Nature, your instinctive words; And let me learn your secret from the sky, Following a flock of steadfast-journeying birds In lone remote migration beating by. December stillness, crossed by twilight roads, Teach me to travel far and bear my loads.
- Siegfried Sassoon
Collection: Twilight
Image of Stephenie Meyer
It sounded like you were having Bella for lunch, and we came to see if you would share.
- Stephenie Meyer
Collection: Twilight
Image of Stephenie Meyer
I can feel what you’re feeling now — and you are worth it.
- Stephenie Meyer
Collection: Twilight
Image of Janette Rallison
I didn't bother to explain about the glitter in my hair. I figured they could think it was a family trait. We all glittered, just like the Cullens in Twilight.
- Janette Rallison
Collection: Twilight
Image of Shan Sa
Years have passed and how I am anxiously watching the twilight of my childhood, quietly sinking, never to rise again.
- Shan Sa
Collection: Twilight
Image of Tariq Ali
Basically, we are witnessing the twilight of democracy.
- Tariq Ali
Collection: Twilight
Image of Stephen Moyer
I think there are worse things for a teen to be enraptured with than 'Twilight.
- Stephen Moyer
Collection: Twilight
Image of Thomas Young
Newton advanced, with one gigantic stride, from the regions of twilight into the noon day of science. A Boyle and a Hooke, who would otherwise have been deservedly the boast of their century, served but as obscure forerunners of Newton's glories.
- Thomas Young
Collection: Twilight
Image of Caryl Parker Haskins
It is the gifted, unorthodox individual, in the laboratory, or the study, or the walk by the river at twilight, who has always brought to us, and must continue to bring to us, all the basic resources by which we live.
- Caryl Parker Haskins
Collection: Twilight
Image of Peter Facinelli
I think we're all fans of Twilight. Being in this Saga, you become a fan. I have the whole DVD collection at home. I put it on every day and watch it at least five times a day. Is that weird?
- Peter Facinelli
Collection: Twilight
Image of Peter Facinelli
We had a lot of rehearsals for the original Twilight to get the family to learn each other and experience each other, so we could all be like a family. We spent a lot of time together.
- Peter Facinelli
Collection: Twilight
Image of Peter Facinelli
Well, in Twilight, I started out dying my hair blonde. And then, as the movie progressed, I wore wigs. The wigs went through a transformation. In Breaking Dawn, it's a little longer. That's my arc.
- Peter Facinelli
Collection: Twilight
Image of Fitz-Greene Halleck
There is an evening twilight of the heart, When its wild passion-waves are lulled to rest.
- Fitz-Greene Halleck
Collection: Twilight
Image of Isabelle Fuhrman
I really love the story in 'Twilight.
- Isabelle Fuhrman
Collection: Twilight
Image of Chris Hillman
It's different now but I enjoy it more than I did then. I think I appreciate it more now and I love playing acoustically. This is the way I started. Herb and I met each other forty years ago when we were both eighteen years old, playing bluegrass, and that's what drew me into music, and I enjoyed every particular part of my career. But now I enjoy it because it's the twilight of my career, where I can play what I want and I can play when I want and where I want. And that's the greatest part it all. So it's sort of a right that I've earned. I can record records the way I want to.
- Chris Hillman
Collection: Twilight
Image of Rachelle Lefevre
I'm the one with the wicked curve ball.
- Rachelle Lefevre
Collection: Twilight
Image of Rachelle Lefevre
Twilight''s got some avid - and rabid - fans.
- Rachelle Lefevre
Collection: Twilight
Image of Danila Kozlovsky
I can't compare these movies (Vampire Academy/Twilight/Harry Potter). Every single one of them has their own mythology.
- Danila Kozlovsky
Collection: Twilight
Image of Paul Hamilton Hayne
Happy the heart that keeps its twilight hour, And, in the depths of heavenly peace reclined, Loves to commune with thoughts of tender power,-- A shining Jacob's-ladder of the mind!
- Paul Hamilton Hayne
Collection: Twilight
Image of Martin Mayer
This is the twilight of the banks. It would be a more cheerful spectacle if we could envision the dawn of the institutions that will replace them
- Martin Mayer
Collection: Twilight
Image of Hugh MacLennan
Man is a thinking animal, a talking animal, a toolmaking animal, a building animal, a political animal, a fantasizing animal. But, in the twilight of a civilization he is chiefly a taxpaying animal.
- Hugh MacLennan
Collection: Twilight
Image of Gregory Crewdson
I have always been fascinated by the poetic condition of twilight. By its transformative quality. Its power of turning the ordinary into something magical and otherworldly. My wish is for the narrative in the pictures to work within that circumstance. It is that sense of in-between-ness that interests me.
- Gregory Crewdson
Collection: Twilight
Image of Gregory Crewdson
In "Twilight," the narratives are more literal, and the event is much more spectacular. The pictures in "Beneath the Roses" are much more psychological and grounded in reality.
- Gregory Crewdson
Collection: Twilight
Image of Will Barnet
I don't want dead paint, so I test many of my works by studying them in a dark room at twilight or even after dark to check the luminosity. If the darker forms still have resonance and luminosity, I know the painting's working.
- Will Barnet
Collection: Twilight
Image of Bill Condon
The fact is, these are actors playing parts, and maybe it's not such a bad thing that people be reminded of that. Both of these actors gave heart and soul to the Twilight movies, not only during shooting, but also by navigating so graciously the whole life-in-a-fishbowl aspect of the phenomenon. Above all they have always shown great respect for the fans who made these movies such a success. Now it's time that some of that respect be returned to them.
- Bill Condon
Collection: Twilight
Image of Helen Eustis
Twilight was the worst hour, because it was the hour of indecision.
- Helen Eustis
Collection: Twilight
Image of Malese Jow
Im a Harry Potter fan, a Twilight fan, and I think The Hunger Games surpasses them all.
- Malese Jow
Collection: Twilight
Image of Justin Cronin
Because that's what heaven's opening the door of a house in twilight and everyone you love is there.
- Justin Cronin
Collection: Twilight
Image of Philip Jose Farmer
Let those who think the soul is shallow rail, They must be warned before they dare to leap They'll plunge into the twilight depths where sweep In ceaseless thirst great teeth too swift to fail.
- Philip Jose Farmer
Collection: Twilight
Image of Nyanaponika Thera
Two thoughts cannot coexist at the same time: if the clear light of mindfulness is present, there is no room for mental twilight.
- Nyanaponika Thera
Collection: Twilight
Image of Greg Dulli
When you get a chance to play with people - informally is one thing, but when you hook up and make something that's going to last or mean something to someone, I take it very seriously. I take it no less seriously than the band I was in for 15 years; it's just a new place that I'm in. I'm in the Gutter Twins right now and that's what I am. But if I'm a Twilight Singer next year, it will be with no less passion.
- Greg Dulli
Collection: Twilight
Image of Catherine Hardwicke
Even after I had just done Twilight, which made $400 million at the worldwide box office, I could not get financing for three or four projects that I really loved and I thought people would love because they didn't fit some studio or investor's model of thinking, "This will definitely make money." It's a business and a film does potentially cost millions of dollars, and they have to think that they're going to get their money back somehow.
- Catherine Hardwicke
Collection: Twilight
Image of Paul G. Quinnett
In this quiet, peaceful time of twilight there is, in this great circle of life, an awful lot of hunting and fishing and catching and killing and dying and eating going on all around me. As the old fisherman said, 'That's the way with life. Sometimes you eat well; sometimes you are well-eaten.'
- Paul G. Quinnett
Collection: Twilight
Image of Kevin Drum
The folks who want to be left alone are the ones who actually get most of the work done, but they’re still mocked as drones or beavers or trolls. That’s bad enough, but now technology is helping the extroverts in their long twilight campaign against actually concentrating on anything.
- Kevin Drum
Collection: Twilight
Image of Jason Silva
We have always dovetailed our cognition to our tools, but when our tools start dovetailing back, where do I end and where does the tool begin? It is going to be a really Twilight Zonish situation. It is definitely interesting. Once Google is in a blood cell sized device in our brain, do we become part Google? There are certainly interesting things to think about and provocative questions, but I don't think those provocative questions are going to do anything to slow down the onset of these technologies arriving and becoming even more pervasive.
- Jason Silva
Collection: Twilight
Image of Chaske Spencer
Twilight' fans are great.
- Chaske Spencer
Collection: Twilight
Image of Elie Faure
Velázquez, past the age of fifty, no longer painted specific objects. He drifted around things like the air, like twilight, catching unawares in the shimmering shadows the nuances of color that he transformed into the invisible core of his silent symphony.
- Elie Faure
Collection: Twilight
Image of Adam Rayner
We're all waiting for the opportunity to do big films but you have to wait your turn - unless you get offered something like Twilight when you're 20! Otherwise, you just have to keep slogging away.
- Adam Rayner
Collection: Twilight
Image of Judi Shekoni
I think that Twilight is so big that nothing can affect it.
- Judi Shekoni
Collection: Twilight
Image of Bryan Fuller
I love the supernatural in storytelling. The Twilight Zone was a huge influence on me, in terms of writing and storytelling, where you're not restricted to the parameters of reality to tell your tale.
- Bryan Fuller
Collection: Twilight
Image of Letitia Elizabeth Landon
Toil is the portion of day, as sleep is that of night; but if there be one hour of the twenty-four which has the life of day without its labor, and the rest of night without its slumber, it is the lovely and languid hour of twilight.
- Letitia Elizabeth Landon
Collection: Twilight