Robert Pattinson

Image of Robert Pattinson
I haven't really decided to be an actor yet! I started doing plays when I was about 15 or 16. I only did it because my dad saw a bunch of pretty girls in a restaurant and he asked them where they came from and they said drama group. He said, 'Son, that is where you need to go.'
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Dad
Image of Robert Pattinson
My dad says he likes to bask in my glow.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Dad
Image of Robert Pattinson
This thing with everyone knowing you, it's weird, because people have this one-sided relationship where they look at your picture and feel they know you more than someone they actually know. I don't really know myself that well.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Relationship
Image of Robert Pattinson
Sometimes just when I say hello the right way, I'm like, 'Whoa, I'm so cool.'
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Cool
Image of Robert Pattinson
If you took away publicists and things and people spoke for themselves, then they'd have to be responsible for their words.
- Robert Pattinson
Image of Robert Pattinson
I always get carried away when I'm kissing. I just go nuts! Walking away after it is the strangest moment for me. It's embarrassing - not knowing what to say to each other.
- Robert Pattinson
Image of Robert Pattinson
I have been lucky, of course. Like, last year, if I went out, I'd have to fight to chat someone up. This year, I look exactly the same, which is really scruffy, and yet lots of people seem to have just changed their minds and decided I'm really sexy.
- Robert Pattinson
Image of Robert Pattinson
I started doing a paper round when I was about 10. I started earning 10 pounds a week and then I was obsessed with earning money until I was about 15.
- Robert Pattinson
Image of Robert Pattinson
Having a persona people recognize, it's the thing that probably gets you paid the most - but it's also the thing that virtually every actor in the world doesn't want. 'Cause, like, no one would believe me if I wanted to play something ultra-realistic, like a gangster or something.
- Robert Pattinson
Image of Robert Pattinson
In America there is a channel called TruTV which is just reruns of 'Cops' and 'World's Dumbest Criminals'. I could watch that the entire day.
- Robert Pattinson
Image of Robert Pattinson
I did this movie about Salvador Dali a few years ago and had hair extensions and a little bob. That was incredibly bizarre.
- Robert Pattinson
Image of Robert Pattinson
I have so much residue crap in my hair from years and years of not washing it and not having any sense of personal hygiene whatsoever. Even today, I go into these things where I'm supposed to be this sexy guy or whatever, and I'm literally asking, 'If I get plumes of dandruff on me, can you just brush it off?'
- Robert Pattinson
Image of Robert Pattinson
People don't find the personal lives of people with much, much more power than any celebrity would have - don't find their personal lives interesting.
- Robert Pattinson
Image of Robert Pattinson
I keep forgetting I'm speaking in an American accent sometimes. The dangerous thing is that you end up forgetting what your real accent is after a while! It's really strange; I've never done a job in an American accent before.
- Robert Pattinson
Image of Robert Pattinson
When I was flying to Rome, we flew over London; I felt like bursting into tears. It's part of me, so I can't leave London behind for good.
- Robert Pattinson
Image of Robert Pattinson
I'm afraid of buying a house or anything, 'cause if there's one paparazzi outside for one day, then they'll never leave.
- Robert Pattinson
Image of Robert Pattinson
I never really considered myself attractive. I was always kind of gangly in school.
- Robert Pattinson
Image of Robert Pattinson
I'd read the book and liked the book, but it made me really uncomfortable trying to picture myself in this part. Here's this guy who seems to be the embodiment of every single perfect guy.
- Robert Pattinson
Image of Robert Pattinson
My biggest problem in my life is I'm cheap and I didn't hire a publicist. In every awkward interview, normally actors get these things scripted.
- Robert Pattinson
Image of Robert Pattinson
I wanted to play piano in restaurants in the south of France. I went there on holiday once and I saw this guy playing in an old tuxedo. He was all disheveled, with a whisky glass on the piano. I thought that was the coolest thing. So what's happened to me with 'Twilight' isn't really what I'd planned.
- Robert Pattinson
Image of Robert Pattinson
If it's just screaming - and I know this sounds so ridiculous - that gets old. But sometimes when there's literal chaos, it's like being in a war zone, and that's kind of exciting. You're just running through the crowd of people chasing after you and no one knows what's going on.
- Robert Pattinson
Image of Robert Pattinson
I'm, like, a compulsive eater. I'm going to be so fat when I'm older, it's ridiculous.
- Robert Pattinson
Image of Robert Pattinson
I really like Nicki Minaj. I think she's great.
- Robert Pattinson
Image of Robert Pattinson
I don't know if I could ever really be cast in a heartthrob role apart from 'Twilight', which I didn't really know was a heartthrob role. I really don't feel I am one.
- Robert Pattinson
Image of Robert Pattinson
I have very, very low expenditures, but still I manage to spend it all. I guess Hot Pockets are more expensive than I thought.
- Robert Pattinson
Image of Robert Pattinson
My little cousin tells me I look like Magneto so I guess that's who I should probably play.
- Robert Pattinson
Image of Robert Pattinson
I'm not one of these guys who's constantly in a relationship, not at all.
- Robert Pattinson
Image of Robert Pattinson
If you find a girl who reads, keeps her close. When you find her up at 2 AM clutching a book to her chest and weeping, make her a cup of tea (coffee) and hold her. You may lose her for a couple of hours but she will always come back to you. She'll talk as if the characters in the book are real because, for a while, they always are. Date a girl who reads because you deserve it. You deserve a girl who can give you the most colorful life imaginable.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Girl
Image of Robert Pattinson
I see love as an evolution of true friendship.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: True Friend
Image of Robert Pattinson
I prefer to be someone who has to confront his many fears instead of someone who has the illusion he doesn't fear anything
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Illusion
Image of Robert Pattinson
I was only given this life because I'm strong enough to live it.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Strength
Image of Robert Pattinson
The only emotional connection of relevance is with my dog. My relationship with my dog, it's ridiculous.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Dog
Image of Robert Pattinson
Music means freedom to me. But in acting you can pretend to be someone else and I like that.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Music
Image of Robert Pattinson
People who are the most normal are probably the most crazy.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Crazy
Image of Robert Pattinson
Twilight fans are literally on the verge of being clinically insane.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Twilight
Image of Robert Pattinson
I don't want people to hate me. I basically do whatever I want. But one of the aspects of what I want is, I want people to like me!
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Hate
Image of Robert Pattinson
I had a stalker while filming a movie in Spain last year. She stood outside my apartment every day for weeks – all day, every day. I was so bored and lonely that I went out and had dinner with [her]. I just complained about everything in my life and she never came back.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Lonely
Image of Robert Pattinson
I learned that if a relationship is honest, it can last through anything despite all the challenges we have to face and everything that happens around us.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Challenges
Image of Robert Pattinson
The link between my brain and my mouth is just not there anymore.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Brain
Image of Robert Pattinson
I always think everything is going to be my last job so every single day is a gift. This whole life is an accident for me.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robert Pattinson
I'm boring. I stay home, watch TV, and eat a lot of fast food. That's really exciting, isn't it?
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Home
Image of Robert Pattinson
I'm always shocked by the people who I'm attracted to. It's always completely random. I generally like people who are a bit crazy but yeah, that's pretty much my only prerequisite.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Crazy
Image of Robert Pattinson
Nothing can be good if you do it for money or for fame.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Life
Image of Robert Pattinson
In public, I hardly ever show feelings. That's what happens when everything you do is put under a magnifying glass. But if you've spent some time hiding behind your public mask, and you're back in your own environment, then all that suppressed emotions still has to be set loose. As a result you are going to behave like a nutcase. I think thats why so many people who are famous go nuts.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robert Pattinson
When you read the [Twilight series], it's like saying 'Edward Cullen is so beautiful I creamed myself'. I mean every line is like that. He's the most ridiculous person who's so amazing at everything. I think a lot of actors tried to play that aspect. I just couldn't do it. And the more I read the script, the more I hated this guy, so that's how I played him, as a manic-depressive who hates himself. Plus, he's a 108-year old virgin, so there's clearly some issues there
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Robert Pattinson
People just project their idea of my character on to me and they just seem to assume that I'm the same, when in reality I'm not.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Character
Image of Robert Pattinson
I don't think anyone can understand what's happening. Something like this is so rare. It's a mix of chance and coincidence. You wake up one day and you're suddenly a star.. Really weird. All of a sudden everyone knows who you are while you haven't changed one bit
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Stars
Image of Robert Pattinson
It's not necessarily that satisfying getting monetary success, but sometimes it keeps the door open to make what you want to make.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Doors
Image of Robert Pattinson
I can't say I prefer blondes, brunettes, or redheads. I like emotion and elegance. Even expensive clothes do not guarantee a good look. You must be yourself above all!
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Being Yourself
Image of Robert Pattinson
I haven't found one place in the world yet where I could disappear.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: World