Rainer Maria Rilke

Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Somewhere there is an ancient enmity between our daily life and the great work. Help me in saying it, to understand it.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Enmity
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
All this hurrying soon will be over. Only when we tarry do we touch the holy.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Patience
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
we are continually overflowing toward those who preceded us, toward our origin, and toward those who seemingly come after us. ... It is our task to imprint this temporary, perishable earth into ourselves so deeply, so painfully and passionately, that its essence can rise again “invisibly,” inside us. We are the bees of the invisible. We wildly collect the honey of the visible, to store it in the great golden hive of the invisible.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Essence
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
You are also the physician who must watch over yourself. But in the course of every illness there are many days in which the physician can do nothing but wait.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Waiting
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
And still it is not enough to have memories. One must be able to forget them when they are many, and one must have the great patience to wait until they come again. For it is not yet the memories themselves. Not until they have turned to blood within us, to glance, to gesture, nameless and no longer to be distinguished from ourselves - not until then can it happen that in a most rare hour the first word of a verse arises in their midst and goes forth from them.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Memories
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Live the questions now.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Life
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Look: the trees exist; the houses we dwell in stand there stalwartly. Only we pass by it all, like a rush of air. And everything conspires to keep quiet about us, half out of shame perhaps, half out of some secret hope.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Air
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
In the night, I wish to speak with the angel to find out if she recognizes my eyes, if she will ask me: do you see Eden? And I’ll reply: Eden burns.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Eye
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Whoever you are, go out into the evening, leaving your room, of which you know every bit; your house is the last before the infinite, whoever you are.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: House
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
There exists a creature which is perfectly harmless; when it passes before your eyes you scarcely notice it and forget it again immediately. But as soon as it invisibly gets somehow into your ears, it develops there, it hatches, as it were, and cases have been known where it was penetrated even into the brain and has thriven devastatingly in that organ, like those pneumococci in dogs that gain entrance through the nose.This creature is one's neighbor.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Dog
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Fame is the sum of the misunderstanding that gathers about a new name.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Idols
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Some day when I lose you, will you still be able to sleep, without me to whisper over you like a crown of linden branches?
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Grief
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Nothing touches a work of art so little as words of criticism: they always result in more or less fortunate misunderstandings.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Art
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
If we only arrange our life in accordance with the principle which tells us that we must always trust in the difficult, then what now appears to us as the most alien will become our most intimate and trusted experience. How could we forget those ancient myths that stand at the beginning of all races, the myths about dragons that at the last moment are transformed into princesses? Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Courage
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
You darkness, that I come from, I love you more than all the fires that fence in the world, for the fire makes a circle of light for everyone, and then no one outside learns of you. But the darkness pulls in everything: shapes and fires, animals and myself, how easily it gathers them! - powers and people - and it is possible a great energy is moving near me. I have faith in nights.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: I Love You More
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
. . . denn da ist keine Stelle, die dich nicht sieht. Du musst dein Leben andern. (... for there is no place that does not see you. You must change your life.)
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Life
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Leave to your opinions their own quiet undisturbed development, which, like all progress, must come from deep within and cannot be pressed or hurried by anything.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Progress
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
You have had many and great sadnesses, which passed. And you say that even this passing was hard for you and put you out of sorts. But, please, consider whether these great sadnesses have not rather gone right through the center of yourself? Whether much in you has not altered, whether you have not somewhere, at some point of your being, undergone a change when you were sad?
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Sadness
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
He was a worker whose only desire was to penetrate with all his forces into the humble and difficult significance of his tools. Therein lay a certain renunciation of Life, but in just this renunciation lay his triumph, for Life entered into his work.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Humble
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Harshness vanished. A sudden softness has replaced the meadows' wintry grey. Little rivulets of water changed their singing accents. Tendernesses, hesitantly, reach toward the earth from space, and country lanes are showing these unexpected subtle risings that find expression in the empty trees.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Country
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Fame — the aggregate of all the misunderstandings that collect around a new name.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Names
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
My loving friend, you see, my life was never given a foundation, no one was able to imagine what it would want to become. In Venice there stands the so-called Ca del Duca, a princely foundation, on which later the most wretched tenement came to be built. With me it's the opposite: the beautiful arched elevations of my spirit rest on the most tentative beginning; a wooden scaffolding, a few boards....Is that why I feel inhibited in raising the nave, the tower to which the weight of the great bells is to be hoisted (by angels, who else could do it)?
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
His vision, from the constantly passing bars, has grown so weary that it cannot hold anything else. It seems to him there are a thousand bars, and behind the bars, no world. As he paces in cramped circles, over and over, the movement of his powerful soft strides is like a ritual dance around a center in which a mighty will stands paralyzed. Only at times, the curtain of the pupils lifts, quietly. An image enters in, rushes down through the tense, arrested muscles, plunges into the heart and is gone.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Powerful
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
O trees of life, O when are you wintering?We are not unified. We have no instinctslike those of migratory birds. Useless, and late,we force ourselves, suddenly, onto the wind,and fall down to an indifferent lake.We realise flowering and fading together.And somewhere lions still roam. Never knowing,as long as they have their splendour, of any weakness.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Fall
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
If we surrendered to earth’s intelligence we could rise up rooted, like trees. Instead we entangle ourselves in knots of our own making and struggle, lonely and confused. So like children, we begin again... to fall, patiently to trust our heaviness. Even a bird has to do that before he can fly. (from the poem "How Sure Gravity's Law")
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Lonely
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
So it's back once more, back up the slope. Why do they always ruin my rope with their cuts? I felt so ready the other day, Had a real foretaste of eternity In my guts. Spoonfeeding me yet another sip from life's cup. I don't want it, won't take any more of it. Let me throw up. Life is medium rare and good, I see, And the world full of soup and bread, But it won't pass into the blood for me, Just goes to my head. It makes me ill, though others it feeds; Do see that I must deny it! For a thousand years from now at least I'm keeping a diet.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Real
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Stand up during supper and walk outdoors, and keep on walking.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Walks
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
To write rhythmic prose one must go deep into oneself and find the anonymous and multiple rhythm of the blood. Prose needs to be built like a cathedral. There, one is truly without a name, without ambition, without help; on scaffoldings, alone with one's consciousness.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Writing
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
She who reconciles the ill-matched threads Of her life, and weaves them gratefully Into a single cloth – It’s she who drives the loudmouths from the hall And clears it for a different celebration.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Different
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Painting is something that takes place among the colors, and one has to leave them alone completely, so that they can settle the matter among themselves. Their intercourse: this is the whole of painting. Whoever meddles, arranges, injects his human deliberation, his wit, his advocacy, his intellectual agility in any way, is already disturbing and clouding their activity.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Pain
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Art too is just a way of living, and however one lives, one can, without knowing, prepare for it; in everything real one is closer to it, more its neighbor, than in the unreal half-artistic professions, which, while they pretend to be close to art, in practice deny and attack the existence of all art - as, for example, all of journalism does and almost all criticism and three quarters of what is called (and wants to be called) literature.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Art
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
And you should not let yourself be confused in your solitude by the fact that there is something in you that wants to move out of it.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Confused
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
It is so often on the name of a misdeed that a life goes to pieces, not the nameless and personal action itself, which was perhaps a perfectly definite necessity of that life and would have been absorbed by it without effort.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Names
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
In the difficult are the friendly forces, the hands that work on us.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Life
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
You, God, who live next door - If at times, through the long night, I trouble you with my urgent knocking - this is why: I hear you breathe so seldom. I know you're all alone in that room. If you should be thirsty, there's no one to get you a glass of water. I wait listening, always. Just give me a sign! I'm right here... Sen komşu tanrı, Uzun geceler bazen, Kapına vura vura uyandırıyorsam seni Solumanı seyrek duyduğumdandır... Bilirim, yalnızsın odanda. Sana birşey gerekse kimse yok, Bir yudum su versin aradığında. Hep dinlerim, yeter ki bir ses edin, Öyle yakınım sana.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Night
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Bound by conventions, people tend to reach for what is easy. Here we must be unafraid of what is difficult. For all living beings in nature must unfold in their particular way and become themselves despite all opposition.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: People
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
At the bottom no one in life can help anyone else in life; this one experiences over and over in every conflict and every perplexity: that one is alone. That isn't as bad as it may first appear; and again it is the best thing in life that each should have everything in himself; his fate, his future, his whole expanse and world.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Life
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Only the individual who is solitary is like a thing placed under profound laws, and when he goes out into the morning that is just beginning, or looks out into the evening that is full of happening, and if he feels what is going on there, then all status drops from him as from a dead man, though he stands in the midst of sheer life.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Morning
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
For poems are not, as people think, simply emotions (one has emotions early enough)-they are experiences.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Thinking
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Being an artist means, not reckoning and counting, but ripening like the tree which does not force its sap and stands confidence in the storms of spring without fear that after them may come no summer
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Summer
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Whoever has no house now, will never have one. Whoever is alone will stay alone, will sit, read, write long letters through the evening, and wander on the boulevards, up and down, restlessly, while dry leaves are blowing.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Writing
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
[A]t bottom, and just in the deepest and most important things, we are unutterably alone, and for one person to be able to advise or even help another, a lot must happen, a lot must go well, a whole constellation of things must come right in order once to succeed.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Order
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Most people have turned their solutions toward what is easy and toward the easiest side of the easy; but it is clear that we must trust in what is difficult; everything alive trusts in it.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
To have a childhood means to live a thousand lives before the one.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Mean
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
What we do battle with is so small, what battles us is so large.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Struggle
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
My eyes already touch the sunny hill. Going far ahead of the road I have begun. So we are grasped by what we cannot grasp; it has inner light, even from a distance- and charges us, even if we do not reach it, into something else, which, hardly sensing it, we already are; a gesture waves us on answering our own wave... but what we feel is the wind in our faces.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Distance
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Be ahead of all parting, as though it already were behind you, like the winter that has just gone by. For among these winters there is one so endlessly winter that only by wintering through it will your heart survive.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Heart
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
I am learning to see. I don't know why it is, but everything enters me more deeply and doesn't stop where it once used to. I have an interior that I never knew of... What's the use of telling someone that I am changing? If I'm changing, I am no longer who I was; and if I am something else, it's obvious that I have no acquaintances. And I can't possibly write to strangers.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Writing
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Lord, it is time. The summer was very big. Lay thy shadow on the sundials, and on the meadows let the winds go loose. Command the last fruits that they shall be full; give them another two more southerly days, press them on to fulfillment and drive the last sweetiness into the heavenly wine.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Summer