Rainer Maria Rilke

Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
You, Beloved, who are all the gardens I have ever gazed at, longing. An open window in a country house - , and you almost stepped out, pensive, to meet me. Streets that I chanced upon, - you had just walked down them and vanished. And sometimes, in a shop, the mirrors were still dizzy with your presence and, startled, gave back my too-sudden image. Who knows? Perhaps the same bird echoed through both of us yesterday, separate, in the evening.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Country
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
May I strike my heart's keys clearly, and may none fail because of slack, uncertain, or fraying strings. May the tears that stream down my face make me more radiant: may my hidden weeping bloom.... How we waste our afflictions!... [T]hey're really our wintering foliage, our dark greens of meaning, one of the seasons of the clandestine year—; not only a season—: they're site, settlement, shelter, soil, abode.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Heart
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
I am touched by your beautiful anxiety about life.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
What is necessary, after all, is only this: solitude, vast inner solitude. To walk inside yourself and meet no one for hours-that is what you must be able to attain. To be solitary as you were when you were a child.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Children
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
The future must enter you long before it happens.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Long
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Our task is to take this earth so deeply and wholly into ourselves that it will resurrect within our being.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Tasks
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
A birdsong can even, for a moment, make the whole world into a sky within us, because we feel that the bird does not distinguish between its heart and the world's.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Heart
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
He who understands one thing understands everything, for the same laws are in all.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Law
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
You must give birth to your images. They are the future waiting to be born. Fear not the strangeness you feel. The future must enter you long before it happens. Just wait for the birth, for the the hour of the new clarity.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Long
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
The artist's experience lies so unbelievably close to the sexual, to its pain and its pleasure, that the two phenomena are really just different forms of one and the same longing and bliss.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Sex
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
We make our way through Everything like thread passing through fabric, giving shape to images that we ourselves do not know.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Giving
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Perhaps creating something is nothing but an act of profound remembrance.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Creating
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
It is clear that we must embrace struggle. Every living thing conforms to it. Everything in nature grows and struggles in its own way, establishing its own identity, insisting on it at all cost, against all resistance.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Struggle
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Be of good courage all is before you, and time passed in the difficult is never lost...What is required of us is that we live the difficult and learn to deal with it. In the difficult are the friendly forces, the hands that work on us.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Hands
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Do not allow yourself to be misled by the surfaces of things
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Misled
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Embrace your solitude and love it. Endure the pain it causes, and try to sing out with it. For those near to you are distant.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Pain
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Right in the difficult we must have our joys, our happiness, our dreams: there against the depth of this background, they stand out, there for the first time we see how beautiful they are.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
You must give birth to your images. They are the future waiting to be born.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Future
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Look, we don't love like flowers with only one season behind us; when we love, a sap older than memory rises in our arms.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Memories
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Nearly everything that matters is a challenge, and everything matters.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Challenges
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
I believe in all that has never yet been spoken.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Believe
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Shattered people are best represented by bits and pieces.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: People
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
May you find in yourself enough patience to endure and enough simplicity to have faith.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Faith
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
As people used to be wrong about the motion of the sun, so they are still wrong about the motion of the future. The future stands still, it is we who move in infinite space.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Moving
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
And these things that keep alive on departure know that you praise them; transient, they look to us, the most transient, to be their rescue. They want us to change them completely, in our invisible hearts, into -- O endlessly -- us! Whoever, finally, we may be.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Heart
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Never has grief been possessed, never has love been learned, and what removes us in death is not revealed.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Grief
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
... be indulgent toward those who ... are afraid of the aloneness that you trust.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Solitude
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Children are still the way you were as a child, sad and happy in just the same way-and if you think of your childhood, you once again live among them, among the solitary children.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Children
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Who is there today who still cares about a well-finished death? No one. Even the rich, who could after all afford this luxury, are beginning to grow lazy and indifferent; the desire to have a death of one's own is becoming more and more rare. In a short time it will be as rare as a life of one's own.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Luxury
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
If there is anything unhealthy in your reactions, just bear in mind that sickness is the means by which an organism frees itself from what is alien; so one must simply help it to be sick, to have its whole sickness and to break out with it, since that is the way it gets better.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Mean
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
One of the most difficult tests for the creator: he must always remain unconscious, unaware of his best virtues, if he doesn't want to rob them of their candor and innocence.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Want
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Across the moment, aeons speak with aeons. More than we experienced has gone by.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Gone
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Young people, who are beginners in everything, cannot yet know love: they have to learn it.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: People
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Now for some heartwork.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Heart
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Poetic power is great, strong as a primitive instinct; it has its own unyielding rhythms in itself and breaks out as out of mountains.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Strong
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
For bel.i.eve me, the more one is, the richer is all one experiences. And whoever wants to have deep love in his life must collect and save for it and gather honey.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Swells, Marina? we ocean, depths, Marina? we sky!
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Ocean
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
My life is not this steeply sloping hour, in which you see me hurrying. Much stands behind me; I stand before it like a tree; I am only one of my many mouths, and at that, the one that will be still the soonest. I am the rest between two notes, which are somehow always in discord because Death’s note wants to climb over— but in the dark interval, reconciled, they stay there trembling. And the song goes on, beautiful.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
For our part, when we feel, we evaporate; ah, we breathe ourselves out and away; with each new heartfire we give off a fainter scent. True, someone may tell us: you're in my blood, this room, Spring itself is filled with you . . . To what end? He can't hold us, we vanish within him and around him.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Spring
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Here is the time for the sayable, here is its home. Speak and attest. More than ever the things we can live with are falling away, and ousting them, filling their place, a will with no image. Will beneath crusts which readily crack whenever the act inside swells and seeks new borders.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Fall
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Those doves below, the ones utterly cared for, never endangered ones, cannot know tenderness.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Dove
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
A merging of two people is an impossibility, and where it seems to exist, it is a hemming-in, a mutual consent that robs one party or both parties of their fullest freedom and development.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Party
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
As the arrow endures the string, and in the gathering momentum becomes more than itself. Because to stay is to be nowhere.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Arrows
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Isn't it time that these most ancient sorrows of ours grew fruitful? Time that we tenderly loosed ourselves from the loved one, and, unsteadily, survived: the way the arrow, suddenly all vector, survives the string to be more than itself. For abiding is nowhere.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Arrows
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
To be in circumstances that are working upon us, that from time to time place us in front of great natural Things - that is all we need.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Needs
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
People have (with the help of conventions) oriented all their solutions toward the easy and toward the easiest side of the easy; but it is clear that we must hold to what is difficult; everything alive holds to it, everything in Nature grows and defends itself in its own way and is characteristically and spontaneously itself, seeks at all costs to be so and against all opposition.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: People
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Of all my books, I find only a few indispensible.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Book