Obert Skye

Image of Obert Skye
there is no moment more precious than the exact moment you are living now
- Obert Skye
Collection: Moments
Image of Obert Skye
You can be only what you give yourself the power to be.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Giving
Image of Obert Skye
There is no moment more precious than the exact moment they are living. And that exact moment has a lot to do with how future moments play out.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Play
Image of Obert Skye
There are some things your mind has been hiding from you.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Mind
Image of Obert Skye
Don't predict disappointment while hope is an option
- Obert Skye
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Obert Skye
I am what I am because I have made myself so.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Made
Image of Obert Skye
Desperate times call for desperate measures. That's a saying, or a bit of advice, or a catchprase, or a string of words used to confuse people less intelligent than you. In any case, it means: Life is tough, so you'd better fight hard-or something like that.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Mean
Image of Obert Skye
You seem to be attracted to trouble," he said. "Yeah, she's real pretty," I replied. "Your tongue is sharper than mine ever was." I stuck out my tongue and tried to look at the tip of it.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Real
Image of Obert Skye
What's that darkness over there?" Leven asked. "It's not good." Clover said. "Then what is it?" 'Bad," Clover suggested, sounding as though he wasn't all that impressed with Leven's level of knowledge. "I understand opposites," Leven said, frustrated.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Opposites
Image of Obert Skye
Listen,' Clover said. 'Don't worry about not being able to come back, I've lived both places, and trust me, you won't be getting the short end of the stick if you end up in Foo. I mean, candy alone.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Mean
Image of Obert Skye
He came into the world like a delivery that no one knew what to do with, and nobody wanted to sign for.
- Obert Skye
Collection: World
Image of Obert Skye
Terry was beside himself. Not literally. This story would be that much more painful if there were two Terrys, able to stand next to each other and simultaneously curse Leven.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Two
Image of Obert Skye
We can only be what we give ourselves the power to be.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Giving
Image of Obert Skye
That said, I, Beck Phillips, take full responsibility for being stuck in m y school's pitch-black venting system with my friend Jason, behind me and a garbage bag full of angry bees in front of me.
- Obert Skye
Collection: School
Image of Obert Skye
impossible is not a word
- Obert Skye
Collection: Impossible
Image of Obert Skye
I shouldn't have said it, but the word slipped out of my mouth as easy as air. it wasn't exactly the kind of work any well-behaved student would use, which sort of explained why I had just used it. And it certainly isn't the most elegant way to start off a story, but it honestly represents what I was feeling. Besides, I could have said something a lot stronger. But not everybody wants to read a story with those kinds of words and thoughts being expressed in the very first sentence. "Stop swearing," Jason screamed.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Air
Image of Obert Skye
Winter looked at Leven. Leven looked right back at her. Winter's cheeks burned red and her green eyes outshone Leven's. The two of them stared at one another and then, as if they were destined to, thay began to lean into one another, Leven closed his eyes. "What are you doing?" Geth asked concerned. Winter closed his eyes too and leaned close. Both of them looked panicked and out of control, but it didn't stop them from moving closer and kissing each other. Clover's jaw dropped and he pulled something out of his void just so he could let go of it in shock.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Obert Skye
What-ifs are for fools
- Obert Skye
Collection: Fool
Image of Obert Skye
I vowed to never, ever talk or reason like an adult.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Adults
Image of Obert Skye
There would be little reason to lie down at night without the possibility of seeing things bigger and more amazing than the average day might bright about. Why pick up a pen or type on a keyboard if there's no imagination or wonder left to behold? I would hate to be in the position of hoping for nothing simply because my brain can no longer dream.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Dream
Image of Obert Skye
There are times in a person's life when he or she must make a choice to believe. I choose to believe the sun will rise tomorrow. I also choose to believe that if you go to bed hungry you will wake up ready to eat. I've met a group of men in a faraway country who choose to believe that if you stand on a tree stump for an hour you will gain sympathy for trees. I am already quite sympathetic to trees, so I choose to think they are bonkers.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Country
Image of Obert Skye
The car emitted on last gasp and rolled to a stop, in the middle of the Altlantic Ocean. "We're here," Leven tried to joke.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Ocean
Image of Obert Skye
There is nothing quite as painful as a truly awkward silence.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Silence
Image of Obert Skye
Then, there are the places you would rather not go-a tax collectors' convention, a sewage treatment plant, or maybe the home of someone who keeps spiders as pets and insists on taking them out of their cages and making you hold them.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Home
Image of Obert Skye
Mercury dropped the purple car and shot up into the air, whistling like a shooting star. The woman in the car next to me looked up at me like I was a superhero. I smiled at her and jumped down, trying to be smooth. I landed wrong and went sliding on my face. I glanced back at her. She appeared less impressed than before.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Stars
Image of Obert Skye
Stupid deer," I said, embarrassed about being startled. "We need a ladder." "I think they're easier to shoot with a rifle." "I'm not talking about the deer," I said, hitting Milo on the back of his shoulder. "We need a ladder to look over the wall." "Or a catapult," Milo said seriously.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Wall
Image of Obert Skye
Perhaps nothing is more magical then the book. Paper, glue and some words and you are taken away from where you sit, stand, dance, or lean.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Book
Image of Obert Skye
There is no dignity in a crying toothpick.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Dignity
Image of Obert Skye
Apparently I wasn't in the mood to listen to myself.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Mood
Image of Obert Skye
Cats learned how to fly that evening.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Cat
Image of Obert Skye
What are you up to?" "I was trying to climb that tree. But I fell. Now I'm bored.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Bored
Image of Obert Skye
What-ifs are for fools. We are here because are meant to be.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Fool
Image of Obert Skye
I'm man enough to know when to scream.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Fear
Image of Obert Skye
Well, it's not my fault that you can't manage your money.' You threw away my purse.' I thought it was an enemy.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Enemy
Image of Obert Skye
Not likely. Dreams are pretty and usually involve horses or rainbows or castles, or big-
- Obert Skye
Collection: Dream
Image of Obert Skye
Thrust the sword into the dark
- Obert Skye
Collection: Dark
Image of Obert Skye
Believe, it is our best defense.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Believe
Image of Obert Skye
You have food?" Winter scolded. "I thought you said you were hungry." I'm hungry for other things besides what I have," [Clover] argued.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Winter
Image of Obert Skye
What was that you gave me to eat?" Winter panicked. A Filler Crisp," Clover said, his eyes seventy percent concerned and thirty percent mischievous.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Eye
Image of Obert Skye
[Clover] secretly hitched a ride with a nice German couple and their new baby...Clover appeared to the baby, so as to be a delightful, soothing surprise. Well, the child did like Clover. In fact, she held him and cooed. When the parents turned around to look at her and saw their child holding a furry, living creature, they needlessly panicked.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Baby
Image of Obert Skye
You're kidding, right?" Ezra barked. "We're not just going to wait." "I suppose we could help people clean up a bit," "Girl!" Ezra called out. "Big eyes!" Winter turned from what she was looking at. "Are you talking to me?
- Obert Skye
Collection: Girl
Image of Obert Skye
There is no relationship in life that comes with the promise of zero pain.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Zero