Top Disappointment Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Disappointment quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Patricia McCormick
Look. I have a strategy. Why expect anything? If you don’t expect anything, you don’t get disappointed.
- Patricia McCormick
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Athol Fugard
Anybody who thinks there's nothing wrong with this world needs to have his head examined. Just when things are going all right, without fail someone or something will come along and spoil everything. Somebody should write that down as a fundamental law of the Universe. The principle of perpetual disappointment. If there is a God who created this world, he should scrap it and try again.
- Athol Fugard
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Theodore Parker
Disappointment is often the salt of life.
- Theodore Parker
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Charles Stanley
Nobody else can make us discouraged; it is a choice that we alone make when facing disappointments.
- Charles Stanley
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Helen Oyeyemi
However awful the storm of my disappointment, it's a response that belongs to me. It's my heart, after all. My territory, my kingdom. And since I'm the only one with the authority to surrender it, I can also take it back.
- Helen Oyeyemi
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Bill Watterson
Life's disappointments are harder to take when you don't know any swear words.
- Bill Watterson
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Perry Moore
I saw Dad's eyes widen just a fraction when he heard my voice catch. He glanced at me but quickly turned away. He didn't want me to see his reaction, but I did, and I'll never forget it. In that brief glimpse, I could see what he was thinking behind that fixed stare. There would be no grandkids, there would be no more Creed family bloodline, nothing else to look forward to. From that point on I'd become the last, most devastating disappointment in what he thought his life had added up to--one overwhelming failure.
- Perry Moore
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Albert Brooks
I've always enjoyed stories that take place in the future but my one disappointment was that the future books described never came. We're not on other planets, there are no flying cars, and the only robots we have in our homes just sweep the floor. So I wanted to write about a future that I thought could really happen. People ask me when I tell them the title of the book, 'Are we all dead?' The good news is, no. We're still here. And I even think the future in my book is strangely hopeful, although I'm sure there will be people who strongly disagree.
- Albert Brooks
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Catherine Marshall
The cross stands as the final symbol that no evil exists that God cannot turn into a blessing. He is the living Alchemist who can take the dregs from the slag-heaps of life - disappointment, frustration, sorrow, disease, death, economic loss, heartache - and transform the dregs into gold.
- Catherine Marshall
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Ravi Zacharias
There is no greater discovery than seeing God as the author of your destiny.
- Ravi Zacharias
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Kathryn Minshew
Starting a business isn't for everyone, and it's not what you should do if you aren't sure what else to do. It requires thick skin and the willingness to carry a great deal of stress, sometimes alone. It's more often a life of failure than a life of success, and the majority of successes came after a long road of disappointment, and often shame.
- Kathryn Minshew
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Emily Blunt
To not make any resolutions. Whenever I make them, I wind up ultimately breaking them. I think a lot of people are that way, so I am going to try and avoid inevitable disappointment next year and just not make any.
- Emily Blunt
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Bruce C. Hafen
Each of us will taste the bitter ashes of life, from sin and neglect to sorrow and disappointment. But the atonement of Christ can lift us up in beauty from our ashes on the wings of a sure promise of immortality and eternal life. He will thus lift us up, not only at the end of life, but in each day of our lives.
- Bruce C. Hafen
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Scott Adams
Aim low, reach your goals, and avoid disappointment.
- Scott Adams
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Alyson Noel
Life is still life. It’s still tough, complicated, and more than a little messy, with lessons to be learned, mistakes to be made, triumphs and disappointments to be had, and not every day is meant to be a party.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Baron de Montesquieu
Study has been for me the sovereign remedy against all the disappointments of life. I have never known any trouble that an hour's reading would not dissipate.
- Baron de Montesquieu
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Earl Wilson
Golf is a lot of walking, broken up by disappointment and bad arithmetic.
- Earl Wilson
Collection: Disappointment
Image of W. E. B. Du Bois
Strive for that greatness of spirit that measures life not by its disappointments but by its possibilities.
- W. E. B. Du Bois
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Thomas Moore
Disappointments in love, even betrayals and losses, serve the soul at the very moment they seem in life to be tragedies. The soul is partly in time and partly in eternity. We might remember the part that resides in eternity when we feel despair over the part that is in life.
- Thomas Moore
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Thomas Moore
It may help us, in those times of trouble, to remember that love is not only about relationship, it is also an affair of the soul.
- Thomas Moore
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Derek Landy
Plans are invitation to disappointment.
- Derek Landy
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Ann Patchett
Only a few of us are going to be willing to break our own hearts by trading in the living beauty of imagination for the stark disappointment of words.
- Ann Patchett
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Abigail Van Buren
Love is what enables us to bridge the gap of disappointment when others don't live up to the expectations we have of them.
- Abigail Van Buren
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Frederick William Robertson
Defeat in doing right is nevertheless victory.
- Frederick William Robertson
Collection: Disappointment
Image of A. C. Benson
I never enter a new company without the hope that I may discover a friend, perhaps the friend, sitting there with an expectant smile. That hope survives a thousand disappointments.
- A. C. Benson
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Joko Beck
When we refuse to work with our disappointment, we break the Precepts: rather than experience the disappointment, we resort to anger, greed, gossip, criticism. Yet it's the moment of being that disappointment which is fruitful; and, if we are not willing to do that, at least we should notice that we are not willing. The moment of disappointment in life is an incomparable gift that we receive many times a day if we're alert. This gift is always present in anyone's life, that moment when 'It's not the way I want it!
- Joko Beck
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Sharon Salzberg
Meditation has made me happy, loving, and peaceful-but not every single moment of the day. I still have good times and bad, joy and sorrow. Now I can accept setbacks more easily, with less sense of disappointment and personal failure, because meditation has taught me how to cope with the profound truth that everything changes all the time.
- Sharon Salzberg
Collection: Disappointment
Image of George Edward Woodberry
Thrashing is not the most noticeably awful of disappointments. Not to have attempted is the genuine disappointment.
- George Edward Woodberry
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Ben Affleck
I've seen high and lows. When things go well that doesn't make me feel like some genius. Nor will I allow the next disappointment to make me feel like a complete failure.
- Ben Affleck
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Joe Queenan
If you have read 6,000 books in your lifetime, or even 600, it's probably because at some level you find 'reality' a bit of a disappointment.
- Joe Queenan
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Bella Pollen
I think women sign on for some ideal when they get married, and when they realise they haven't got anything close to what they want, they bury their disappointment.
- Bella Pollen
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Scott Turow
Nobody ever gets what they want when it comes to love.
- Scott Turow
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Steven Furtick
It shouldn't freak you out to realize that God's eyes are on you. Because He doesn't see you through eyes of disapproval or disappointment. His presence is not a sign of condemnation. It's actually an invitation. God is present with you, through His Holy Spirit, because He intends to uproot you from the tyranny of the familiar, shatter the monotonous life you've had. And take you on an adventure.
- Steven Furtick
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Tonya Hurley
If you expect nothing, you can never be disappointed.
- Tonya Hurley
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Betty Smith
It is a good thing to learn the truth one's self. To first believe with all your heart, and then not to believe, is good too. It fattens the emotions and makes them to stretch.
- Betty Smith
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Gayle Forman
There’s a difference between losing something you knew you had and losing something you discovered you had. One is a disappointment. The other feels like losing a piece of yourself.
- Gayle Forman
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Henri Nouwen
Hope is willing to leave unanswered questions unanswered and unknown futures unknown. Hope makes you see God's guiding hand not only in the gentle and pleasant moments but also in the shadows of disappointment and darkness.
- Henri Nouwen
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Bruno Bettelheim
Although we like to think of young children's lives as free of troubles, they are in fact filled with disappointment and frustration. Children wish for so much, but can arrange so little of their own lives, which are so often dominated by adults without sympathy for the children's priorities. That is why children have a much greater need for daydreams than adults do. And because their lives have been relatively limited they have a greater need for material from which to form daydreams.
- Bruno Bettelheim
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Andre Agassi
It's easier to live with disappointment than regret.
- Andre Agassi
Collection: Disappointment
Image of The Notorious B.I.G.
If you don't love yourself, I'll make you see your own heart.
- The Notorious B.I.G.
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Jess Walter
A writer needs four things to achieve greatness, Pasquale: desire, disappointment, and the sea.” “That’s only three.” Alvis finished his wine. “You have to do disappointment twice.
- Jess Walter
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Kim Stanley Robinson
You can only kill disappointment with a new try.
- Kim Stanley Robinson
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Amy Carmichael
Give me the Love that leads the way The Faith that nothing can dismay The Hope no disappointments tire The Passion that'll burn like fire Let me not sink to be a clod Make me Thy fuel, Flame of God
- Amy Carmichael
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Boyd K. Packer
We live in a day when the adversary stresses on every hand the philosophy of instant gratification. We seem to demand instant everything, including instant solutions to our problems. . .It was meant to be that life would be a challenge. To suffer some anxiety, some depression, some disappointment, even some failure is normal.
- Boyd K. Packer
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Thomas Watson
The world rings changes, it is never constant but in its disappointments. The world is but a great inn, where we are to stay a night or two, and be gone; what madness is it so to set our heart upon our inn, as to forget our home?
- Thomas Watson
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Brad Warner
Disappointment is just the action of your brain readjusting itself to reality after discovering things are not the way you thought they were.
- Brad Warner
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Stephen Sondheim
Ah, but if you have no expectations, You can never have a disappointment.
- Stephen Sondheim
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Barbara Delinsky
I had nothing to fear from my father. Except his disappointment. Which was no small thing.
- Barbara Delinsky
Collection: Disappointment
Image of David Remnick
The notion that somehow through a trade war or protectionism or magical thinking that we're going to return to a romanticized economic past is, in the end, going to be an illusion. And a severe disappointment to millions of decent, hard-working people.
- David Remnick
Collection: Disappointment