Neal Stephenson

Image of Neal Stephenson
The science fiction approach doesn't mean it's always about the future; it's an awareness that this is different.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Mean
Image of Neal Stephenson
This is one of the two great labyrinths into which human minds are drawn: the question of free will versus predestination.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Two
Image of Neal Stephenson
Which path do you intend to take, Nell?' said the Constable, sounding very interested. 'Conformity or rebellion?' Neither one. Both ways are simple-minded - they are only for people who cannot cope with contradiction and ambiguity.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Simple
Image of Neal Stephenson
So, you're worried that a pink dragon will fly over the concent and fart nerve gas on us?
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Dragons
Image of Neal Stephenson
'It’s, like, one of them drug dealer boats,' Vic says, looking through his magic sight. 'Five guys on it. Headed our way.' He fires another round. 'Correction. Four guys on it.' Boom. 'Correction, they’re not headed our way anymore.' Boom. A fireball erupts from the ocean two hundred feet away. 'Correction. No boat.'
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Ocean
Image of Neal Stephenson
I am on an expense account that would blow your mind.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Blow
Image of Neal Stephenson
Supposing that originally there was nothing but one creator, how could ordinary binary sexual relations come into being?
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Supposing That
Image of Neal Stephenson
Can't you see that everyone is buying station wagons?
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Buying
Image of Neal Stephenson
She looked at me like I was crazy. Most of my lovers do, and that's partly why they love me, and partly why they leave
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Crazy
Image of Neal Stephenson
The franchise and the virus work on the same principle, what thrives in one place will thrive in another. You just have to find a sufficiently virulent business plan, condense it into a three-ring binder ― its DNA ― Xerox it, and embed it in the fertile line of a well-traveled highway, preferably one with a left turn lane. Then the growth will expand until it runs up against its property lines.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Running
Image of Neal Stephenson
She's not afraid. She's wearing a dentata.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Not Afraid
Image of Neal Stephenson
If you sincerely believed in God, how could you form one thought, speak one sentence, without mentioning Him?
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Speak
Image of Neal Stephenson
I just assume I'm not invisible. I assume I'm wearing fluorescent clothes, and there's a million-dollar bounty going to the first driver who manages to hit me. And I ride on that assumption.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Clothes
Image of Neal Stephenson
The sight of the bare katana inspires everyone to a practically Nipponese level of politeness
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Sight
Image of Neal Stephenson
In trying to understand the Linux phenomenon, then, we have to look not at a single innovator but to a sort of bizarre Trinity : Linus Torvalds, Richard Stallman, and Bill Gates. Take away any of these three and Linux would not exist.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Trying
Image of Neal Stephenson
Unix is not so much an operating system as an oral history.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Unix
Image of Neal Stephenson
I don't even want you to nod, that's how much you annoy me. Just freeze and shut up.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Want
Image of Neal Stephenson
Most Kabbalists were theorists who were interested only in pure meditation. But there were so-called 'practical Kabbalists' who tried to apply the power of the Kabbalah in everyday life.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Meditation
Image of Neal Stephenson
If you are a professional writer - i.e., if someone else is getting paid to worry about how your words are formatted and printed - Emacs outshines all other editing software in approximately the same way that the noonday sun does the stars. It is not just bigger and brighter; it simply makes everything else vanish.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Stars
Image of Neal Stephenson
Clearly Mr. Drkh has had a long career of being the weirdest person in any given room, but he's about to go down in flames.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Flames
Image of Neal Stephenson
This made him a grad student, and grad students existed not to learn things but to relieve the tenured faculty members of tiresome burdens such as educating people and doing research.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Faculty Members
Image of Neal Stephenson
"Sorry," she said, "I got out as fast as I could, but I had to stay and socialize. Protocol, you know." "Explain protocol," Nell said. This was how she always talked to the Primer. "At the place we’re going, you need to watch your manners. Don’t say 'explain this' or 'explain that.'" "Would it impose on your time unduly to provide me with a concise explanation of the term protocol?" Nell said. Again Rita made that nervous laugh and looked at Nell with an expression that looked like poorly concealed alarm.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Sorry
Image of Neal Stephenson
If the Coastal Republic had believed in the existence of virtue, it could at least have aspired to hypocrisy.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Hypocrisy
Image of Neal Stephenson
As convenient as it is for information to come to us, libraries do have a valuable side effect: they force all of the smart people to come together in one place where they can interact with one another.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Smart
Image of Neal Stephenson
I think that this vein is close to being mined out already, but I'll say that my knowledge of and talent for linguistics are quite limited and I'm not aware of being a hell of a lot more interested in that topic than I am in others.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Thinking
Image of Neal Stephenson
At the beginning of the project, I wasn't certain that I could come up with an engaging storyline and cast of characters in this world, so I had a strong bias toward actually writing, and worrying about research later. In other words, I was afraid that I'd devote a year or two of my life to grinding through Kant and Husserl, then discover that there simply was no novel to be written here.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Strong
Image of Neal Stephenson
Whenever I get distracted or bored, my eyes wander over to that chalkboard and I read the words. Some of them grow on me, and others annoy me. I attack the latter with eraser and chalk, and keep nudging at them until I like the way they look and sound. Others never make the cut at all and simply get erased. Perhaps one day I will sell these on eBay to RPG players who need names for characters or alien races.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Character
Image of Neal Stephenson
A species has to become pretty intellectually advanced in order to grasp the concept of death in the abstract, and to dream up the idea of immortality. Long before that (in evolutionary terms) all species with brains have the survival instinct in some form. So, I am just saying that there are many existent proofs of species that have one, but not the other.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Dream
Image of Neal Stephenson
Hiro watches the large, radioactive, spear-throwing killer drug lord ride his motorcycle into Chinatown. Which is the same as riding it into China, as far as chasing him down is concerned.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Drug
Image of Neal Stephenson
The mind knows...that there is an action principle that governs how the world evolves from one moment to the next - that restricts our world's path to points that tell an internally consistent story.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Our World
Image of Neal Stephenson
Two tires fly. Two Wail. A bamboo grove, all chopped down From it, warring songs.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Song
Image of Neal Stephenson
It is easy to look at these waves, accomplishing so little and to think that no matter what efforts we put forth in our lives, all we're really doing is rearranging the sand grains in a beach that in essence never changes.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Beach
Image of Neal Stephenson
This is exactly how the World Wide Web works: the HTML files are the pithy description on the paper tape, and your Web browser is Ronald Reagan.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Html
Image of Neal Stephenson
I don't like sewing machines. I don't understand how a needle with a thread going through the tip of it can interlock the thread by jamming itself into a little goddamn spool. It's contrary to nature and it irritates me.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Machines
Image of Neal Stephenson
Jad said, "The leakage was forcing choices, the making of which in no way improved matters." Okay. So we were, in effect, locked in a room with a madman sorcerer. That clarified things a little.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Choices
Image of Neal Stephenson
Like any place in Reality, the Street is subject to development. Developers can build their own small streets feeding off of the main one. They can build buildings, parks, signs, as well as things that do not exist in Reality, such as vast hovering overhead light shows and special neighborhoods where the rules of three-dimensional spacetime are ignored.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Reality
Image of Neal Stephenson
Those who think through possible outcomes with discipline, forge connections, in so doing, to other cosmi in which those outcomes are more than mere possibilities. Such a consciousness is measurably, quantitatively different from one that has not undertaken the same work and so, yes, is able to make correct decisions in an Emergence where an untrained mind would be of little use.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Thinking
Image of Neal Stephenson
Give me an adventure. I'm not talking about some massive adventure. Just something that would make getting fired seem small. Something that I might remember when I'm old." "I can't predict the future," I said, "but based on what little I know so far, I'm afraid it has to be a massive adventure or nothing." "Great!" "Probably the kind of adventure that ends in a mass burial.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Adventure
Image of Neal Stephenson
A lot of secular, modern people claim to be disillusioned whenever they learn that any smart person is religious. That's applicable to Newton as it is to any other religious smart person
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Religious
Image of Neal Stephenson
Virtually all political discourse in the days of my youth was devoted to the ferreting out of hypocrisy... Because they were hypocrites, the Victorians were despised in the late twentieth century. Many of the persons who held such opinions were, of course, guilty of the most nefarious conduct themselves, and yet saw no paradox in holding such views because they were not hypocrites themselves-they took no moral stances and lived by none.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Hypocrite
Image of Neal Stephenson
The story is everything, so it always begins with a story.And research is a kind of scaffolding built underneath the story as I go along. My enjoyment level varies, but in general, I'm writing about topics I find interesting, so I can't gripe too much.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Writing
Image of Neal Stephenson
In the case of Anathem, most of the research had to do with philosophy and metaphysics. Reading this sort of thing has never been my strong suit, so I actually had to be somewhat more "organized and results-driven" than is my habit. I just made up my mind that I was going to have to read some of these philosophy tomes, and I forced myself to read something like 10 pages a day until I had bashed my way through them.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Strong
Image of Neal Stephenson
Just as an informal, nonscientific observation, most people's personalities don't seem to change very much during their lives. There are exceptions in the case of people who go through hugely traumatic events or suffer from brain injury or disease. Some would argue that religious conversions can have deep personality-altering effects. But these are all exceptions to the rule.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Religious
Image of Neal Stephenson
You don't want your readers seeing easy connections; it becomes a distraction.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Want
Image of Neal Stephenson
Having a persistent nature is part of being human. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to speak of knowing another person, or loving them, or being their friend or enemy or rival.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Knowing
Image of Neal Stephenson
I'm strictly a one-project-at-a-time kind of guy. If I came up with a compelling idea for a different book while working on a project, I'd probably abandon the first project and go with the new idea.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Book
Image of Neal Stephenson
It would be quite unusual for me to get deep into a project and then shitcan it. One of the advantages of having done this for a while is that I have a better sense than I used to of when something is or isn't working. Until I developed that sense, this was a pretty dicey career for me, both in terms of paying the rent, and emotional wear and tear.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Emotional
Image of Neal Stephenson
But I'm not a small-literary-novel kind of guy, and once I'd developed the world in the first couple of hundred pages, I felt that there was potential here to go on and write an engaging story set in that world. So that's what I did. This probably ruins things both for the people who want small literary novels and for those who want action-packed epics, but anyway, it's what I wrote.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Couple
Image of Neal Stephenson
Early on, I settled on the first-person strategy as a way to deal with exposition and world-description issues. As long as the book is, it could have been far longer had I gone with an omniscient third-person narrator, or multiple point-of-view characters, since either of those would have enabled me to impart much more detailed information about the history and geography of the world.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Book