Top Our World Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Our World quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Masaru Emoto
What we imagine in our minds becomes our world.
- Masaru Emoto
Collection: Our World
Image of Stanley Hauerwas
The narratives of Scripture were not meant to describe our world ... but to change the world, including the one in which we now live.
- Stanley Hauerwas
Collection: Our World
Image of David Morrell
As long as thriller authors teach us about our world, they'll be relevant.
- David Morrell
Collection: Our World
Image of Michael Ondaatje
Most of the time in our world, truth is just opinion.
- Michael Ondaatje
Collection: Our World
Image of Imre Kertész
I am sick of atrocities, though these are now the natural order of our world. And I would still like to act!
- Imre Kertész
Collection: Our World
Image of Edwin A. Abbott
I call our world Flatland, not because we call it so, but to make its nature clearer to you, my happy readers, who are privileged to live in Space.
- Edwin A. Abbott
Collection: Our World
Image of Wess Stafford
So why is a third of our world battling obesity and spending huge sums to burn off excess calories, while the other two-thirds yearn to get more of them?
- Wess Stafford
Collection: Our World
Image of Rob Bell
Take faith, for example. For many people in our world, the opposite of faith is doubt. The goal, then, within this understanding, is to eliminate doubt. But faith and doubt aren't opposites. Doubt is often a sign that your faith has a pulse, that it's alive and well and exploring and searching. Faith and doubt aren't opposites, they are, it turns out, excellent dance partners.
- Rob Bell
Collection: Our World
Image of Bob Ross
We have no limits to our world. We're only limited by our imagination.
- Bob Ross
Collection: Our World
Image of John Mortimer
The greatest horrors of our world are committed by people who are totally sincere.
- John Mortimer
Collection: Our World
Image of Edmund Waller
The chain that's fixed to the throne of Jove, On which the fabric of our world depends, One link dissolved, the whole creation ends.
- Edmund Waller
Collection: Our World
Image of Jeremy Rifkin
The greenhouse crisis is the bill coming due for the Industrial Revolution. It's not an accident. It's the logical outcome of our world view - the idea that we can control the forces of nature, that we can have short-term expedient gains without paying for them, that there are no limits to exploitation of the environment, that we can produce and consume faster than nature's ability to replenish.
- Jeremy Rifkin
Collection: Our World
Image of Joe Meno
Our worlds are so momentary. We are along all our lives and then go off that way as well.
- Joe Meno
Collection: Our World
Image of Yanni
I know that our world is going through a very difficult time right now, but I will never lose my faith in humanity, and our incredible ability to overcome just about anything.
- Yanni
Collection: Our World
Image of Francis Chan
In our world, where hundreds of things distract us from God, we have to intentionally and consistently remind ourselves of Him.
- Francis Chan
Collection: Our World
Image of Maria Shriver
I myself am still learning how to be me and that's OK. It can take a really long time to become the person you really want to be. Be who you are. It's the greatest gift we can give to ourselves, our community and our world.
- Maria Shriver
Collection: Our World
Image of Roger Scruton
Beauty is vanishing from our world because we live as though it does not matter.
- Roger Scruton
Collection: Our World
Image of David Bohm
Thought creates our world, and then says 'I didn't do it
- David Bohm
Collection: Our World
Image of Marguerite Yourcenar
Every life is punctuated by deaths and departures, and each one causes great suffering that it is better to endure rather than forgo the pleasure of having known the person who has passed away. Somehow our world rebuilds itself after every death, and in any case we know that none of us will last forever. So you might say that life and death lead us by the hand, firmly but tenderly.
- Marguerite Yourcenar
Collection: Our World
Image of Seth Rogen
Even vegetables have feelings in our world.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Our World
Image of Joanna Macy
Grace happens when we act with others on behalf of our world.
- Joanna Macy
Collection: Our World
Image of Jessica Simpson
Please remember, no matter what you go through in life, somebody else might have it harder. So just appreciate. I feel like in our world today, we focus on so many things that are completely pointless.
- Jessica Simpson
Collection: Our World
Image of Jacinto Benavente
The more we reduce the size of our world, the more we shall be its master.
- Jacinto Benavente
Collection: Our World
Image of Oliver Sacks
People will make a life in their own terms, whether they are deaf or colorblind or autistic or whatever. And their world will be quite as rich and interesting and full as our world.
- Oliver Sacks
Collection: Our World
Image of John Morton
The cycle of God, the good, is broken by a single act of negativity. The cycle of negativity is stopped by choosing the good -- not just once, but again and again until it is goodness that prevails in your life and in our world altogether.
- John Morton
Collection: Our World
Image of Gene Luen Yang
If you look at our world, we're becoming so much more diverse in every sense of the word. It's not just about culture or identity. It's also about the different ways we communicate.
- Gene Luen Yang
Collection: Our World
Image of Mairead Corrigan
We have really got to create a culture in our world today where we recognize that every human life is sacred and precious and we have no right to take another human life.
- Mairead Corrigan
Collection: Our World
Image of Mairead Corrigan
Everyday there are people in our world that do absolutely amazing things. People of all ages are very capable of doing tremendous, courageous things in spite of their fear.
- Mairead Corrigan
Collection: Our World
Image of Gardner Murphy
I have believed for a long time that human nature is a reciprocity of what is inside the skin and what is outside: that it is definitely not "rolled up inside us" but our way of being one with our fellows and our world. I call this field theory.
- Gardner Murphy
Collection: Our World
Image of Alvin Plantinga
If we don't know that there is such a person as God, we don't know the first thing (the most important thing) about ourselves, each other and our world. This is because the most important truths about us and them, is that we have been created by the Lord, and utterly depend upon him for our continued existence.
- Alvin Plantinga
Collection: Our World
Image of Roger Dawson
Our world exists onlythrough our perception of it. Change our perception of our world and we change the world -- for us.
- Roger Dawson
Collection: Our World
Image of Joan Halifax
We in the "developed" world seem to have many auditory strategies that insulate us from the presence of silence, simplicity, and solitude. When I return to Western culture after time in desert, mountain or forest, I discover how we have filled our world with a multiplicity of noises, a symphony of forgetfulness that keeps our won thoughts and realizations, feelings and intuitions out of audible range.
- Joan Halifax
Collection: Our World
Image of Rudolph Rummel
To gauge the understanding and insight that metaphysics provides is to ask whether, in the final analysis, it helps us to cope with our world and harmonize our existence with nature, humanity, and ourselves, and leads to greater freedom and self-realization. Metaphysics is only the beginning. The end is human progress.
- Rudolph Rummel
Collection: Our World
Image of Barbara Marx Hubbard
So, the path of the co-creator is to be awakened spiritually within, which then turns into your own deeper life purpose, which then makes you want to reach out and touch others in a way that expresses self and really evolves our communities and our world. Certainly, we can't do that unless we activate ourselves first. That's why, for me, emergence is the shift from ego to essence. That is so important.
- Barbara Marx Hubbard
Collection: Our World
Image of Krista Tippett
For every shrill and violent voice that throws itself in front of microphones and cameras in the name of God, there are countless lives of gentleness and good works who will not. We need to see and hear them, as well, to understand the whole story of religion in our world.
- Krista Tippett
Collection: Our World
Image of Jon Anderson
We're physically part of the sun. The sun gives us energy, creates our world.
- Jon Anderson
Collection: Our World
Image of John Battelle
Increasingly, search is our mechanism for how we understand ourselves, our world, and our place within it.
- John Battelle
Collection: Our World
Image of David Boaz
Most change in America doesn't come from, politicians. It comes from people inventing things and creating. The telephone, the telegraph, the computer, all those things didn't come from government. Our world is going to get better and better, as long as we keep the politicians from screwing it up.
- David Boaz
Collection: Our World
Image of Jacob Needleman
Our world, so we see and hear on all sides, is drowning in materialism, commercialism, consumerism. But the problem is not really there. What we ordinarily speak of as materialism is a result, not a cause. The root of materialism is a poverty of ideas about the inner and the outer world. Less and less does our contemporary culture have, or even seek, commerce with great ideas, and it is that lack that is weakening the human spirit. This is the essence of materialism. Materialism is a disease of the mind starved for ideas.
- Jacob Needleman
Collection: Our World
Image of Owen Gingerich
Fred Hoyle and I differ on lots of questions, but on this we agree: a common sense and satisfying interpretation of our world suggests the designing hand of a superintelligence.
- Owen Gingerich
Collection: Our World
Image of Ariel Winter
It's really unfortunate that instead of focusing on the really important issues in our world, Donald Trump chooses to make personal attacks on people.
- Ariel Winter
Collection: Our World
Image of Peter Joseph
The true terrorists of our world do not meet at the docks at midnight, or scream "Allahu Akbar" before some violent action. The true terrorists of our world wear 5000 dollar suits and work in the highest positions of finance, government and business.
- Peter Joseph
Collection: Our World
Image of Jim Tully
Our world was brutal, immoral, smug and conventional. We had unbounded contempt for all those who did not sin as we sinned.
- Jim Tully
Collection: Our World
Image of Thomas Burnet
What a rude Lump our World is that we are so apt to dote upon.
- Thomas Burnet
Collection: Our World
Image of Widad Akrawi
The quality of life in our world does not depend on the conflicts that arise, but on our response to them.
- Widad Akrawi
Collection: Our World
Image of Ronald Goldman
Those who would circumcise, implicitly suggest that they know better than nature, God, or whatever power created us and our world.
- Ronald Goldman
Collection: Our World
Image of Gertrud von Le Fort
The louder our world today is, the deeper God seems to remain in silence. Silence is the language of eternity; noise passes.
- Gertrud von Le Fort
Collection: Our World
Image of Christopher Okigbo
We carry in our worlds that flourish, our worlds that have failed.
- Christopher Okigbo
Collection: Our World
Image of Charles Hendry
Embracing a low carbon economy will be as momentous as the previous industrial revolutions. As the shift from coal to oil did. And the shift from gas light to electric light. It has the potential to give us the competitive edge in the new global economy. The scale of the challenge is extraordinary. We will need to reinvent in the way we live our lives, the way our world works
- Charles Hendry
Collection: Our World
Image of David Almond
This is our world. Aye, there's more than enough of darkness in it. But over everything there's all this joy, Kit. There's all this lovely, lovely light.
- David Almond
Collection: Our World