Maureen Johnson

Image of Maureen Johnson
It makes you very cool," he said, taking big, jumping steps to get in front of me. "CNN would interview you, for sure. Daughter of Flobie! But don't worry. I'll keep them back!
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Daughter
Image of Maureen Johnson
Also, when on a campaign to convince a stranger that you aren't a few fries short of a Happy Meal, throwing around phrases like "tangentially Swedish" is not the best way to go.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Meals
Image of Maureen Johnson
Which is both gross and breathtakingly romantic. He could always have just gone upstairs and brushed his teeth, but he stayed and lurked by the fish for me.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Teeth
Image of Maureen Johnson
It took about three minutes for the unassuming Waffle House to become the new offices of the law firm of Amber, Amber, Amber, and Madison. They set up camp in a clump of booths in the corner opposite from us. A few of them gave me an "oh, good, you are still alive" nod, but for the most part, they had no interest in anyone else.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Law
Image of Maureen Johnson
We study there a lot because... what other choice does society give us, right? It's Starbucks or death, sometimes.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Giving
Image of Maureen Johnson
You could wear the same outfit every single day and no guy - who isn't gay - will notice.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Gay
Image of Maureen Johnson
Were you playing with Stuart?" she asked. The question was loaded. I was a filthy, filthy woman, and even the five-year-old knew it.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Years
Image of Maureen Johnson
Stuart must have sensed my despair from the way I began lightly banging my forehead on the table.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Despair
Image of Maureen Johnson
Stuart, who had just witnessed me go through an entire rainbow of emotions and experiences. There was parents-have-just-been-jailed me, stuck-in-a-strange-town me, insane-and-can't-shut-up me, kind-of-snarky-to-the-strange-guy-trying-to-be-helpful me, breakup me, and the extremely popular jump-on-top-of-you-unexpectedly me.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Breakup
Image of Maureen Johnson
I could envision it all to clearly: Stuart or Debbie finding the dented door off its hinges, lying in the snow. "She came in, ravaged the boy, stole plastic bags, and ripped off the door in her escape," the police would say in the APB. "Probably making her way to bust her parents out of jail.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Lying
Image of Maureen Johnson
Oh my God!" said one of the Ambers. "Is this not the worst trip ever? Did you see the snow?" She was a sharp one, this Amber. What would she notice next? The train? The moon? The hilarious vagaries of human existence? Her own head?
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Moon
Image of Maureen Johnson
It was fine," I said stiffly. "We played Mouse Trap." "Is that what they're calling it these days?" she asked, throwing me a terrible grin. "I have to go give Rachel a quick bath. Feel free to make yourself some cocoa or whatever you like!" She stopped short of adding "...future child-bride of my only son.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Children
Image of Maureen Johnson
I dumped out the bag and found what had been inside was a bunched-up police uniform, complete with the vest. "Where did you get this?" Boo asked. "It's Callum's," he said. "What's he wearing?" "At the moment, not much of anything. Put it on." I noticed Book perk up a bit at this piece of information.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Book
Image of Maureen Johnson
It's us," Stephen said. "Oh, thank God," said a voice. Callum emerged from behind the Dumpster. Even with all that was going on, it was hard not to take notice of this: he wore only his underpants and his socks and shoes. ...I don't think I hid my staring very well either. "Go ahead and change," Stephen said, handing me the bag. "I'll go and get the car." "Please be quick," Callum added. "This is not as fun as it appears.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Fun
Image of Maureen Johnson
One question," I said. "Did you tell me all that because you think I'm going to die?" "No," he said. "It's because you're doing something brave, and I felt I should too." "I'll take that as a yes," I said.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Thinking
Image of Maureen Johnson
I'm the last of the mad ones.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Mad
Image of Maureen Johnson
No one hid their interest when I walked into the room. I'm not sure if it was the news about Boo or my general appearance. At home, people would have asked. People would have been crawling all over me for information. At Wexford, they seemed to extract what they wanted to know by covert staring.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Home
Image of Maureen Johnson
What are you?" I asked. "I'm the Ghost of the Night Before Exams." "And how long did it take you to come up with that?" Jazza asked. "I'm a busy man," he replied.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Night
Image of Maureen Johnson
Before I take you into the beating heart of the story, let’s get one thing out of the way. I know from experience that when it comes up later, it will distract you so much that you won’t be able to concentrate on anything else I will tell you. My name is Jubilee Dougal. Take a moment and let it sink in.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Heart
Image of Maureen Johnson
She looks like a jumper to me. Jumpers do that a lot, stand on the edge and stare out. Never kill yourself in a Tube station. Tip number one. You might end up down here forever, staring at the wall." Stephen coughed a little. "Just giving advice," Callum said.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Wall
Image of Maureen Johnson
No sausage?" he asked. Apparently my pork consumption habits were a matter of public record.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Pork
Image of Maureen Johnson
I could pretend, at least, and if I pretended long enough, maybe I could make it into a reality.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Reality
Image of Maureen Johnson
Can I tell you something you really don't want to hear? He's going to break up with you. - Stuart
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Want
Image of Maureen Johnson
Something about her suggested that her leisure activities included wrestling large woodland animals and banging bricks together.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Wrestling
Image of Maureen Johnson
All right. Normal rules apply." "Right." The man walked off, leaving us. "What are the normal rules?" I asked. "He walks away and has a tea break and doesn't ask any questions.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Men
Image of Maureen Johnson
I like to talk. Talking is kind of my thing. If talking had been a sport option at Wexford, I would have been captain. But sports always have to involve running, jumping, or swinging your arms around. You don’t get PE points for the smooth and rapid movement of the jaw.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Sports
Image of Maureen Johnson
But we made our own fun, mostly. I recall a time, many years later, when American children seemed unable to amuse themselves without a fortune in electrical and electronic equipment. We had no fancy equipment and did not miss it.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Children
Image of Maureen Johnson
Having your back scratched is not the only reason to be married, but it is a good one, especially for those spots that are so hard to reach by yourself.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Married
Image of Maureen Johnson
Harry Potter achieved a very special act of actual magic: it made it completely acceptable for an adult to carry around, read and enjoy a childrens book.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Book
Image of Maureen Johnson
A woman who shaves or otherwise depilates her pubic curls has a profound interest in recreational sex.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Sex
Image of Maureen Johnson
You've never told me about your love life, Scarlett. You're a very pretty girl. You must have a boy shacked up somewhere for your personal delights. I'd bet it's a booky one, overtones of Harry Potter and a lot of black T-shirts.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Girl
Image of Maureen Johnson
The cast of Hamlet had not moved much. They had that haunted yet hopeful look in their eyes, like the ones you see in photographs of people crammed into steerage compartments, traveling to some new, unknown land.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Eye
Image of Maureen Johnson
Quarrels are a natural part of relationships. Making up is always the best part.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Natural
Image of Maureen Johnson
Kissing is something that makes up for a lot of other crap you have to put up with...It can be confusing and weird and awkward, but sometimes it just makes you melt and forget everything that is going on.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Kissing
Image of Maureen Johnson
I may have been a complete lunatic, but I was a complete lunatic with manners.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: May
Image of Maureen Johnson
I remember how, at first, I had felt the tension in his lips, as if he was trying to make a barrier between us - then they had relaxed, parted slightly. And that's when I had known he wanted to kiss me, wanted to give in. That little parting of the lips, the little sigh that came out... I would hear that sigh forever. That little, little sound when the whole world seemed to open up.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Kissing
Image of Maureen Johnson
Do you ever sing in the car?" "Generally not. But I am driving a police car." "I think people would like a singing policeman. Makes life seem more like a musical. Like Foot-tastic." "You can talk for a long time about nothing." "I certainly can, you charming man!
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Men
Image of Maureen Johnson
I try to shake it loose-but these ideas, they cling. It's like I'm shackled to them with an iron chain. They rattle along behind me, dragging against the ground, always reminding me of their presence.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Ideas
Image of Maureen Johnson
Don't get stabbed. It makes everything awkward.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Awkward
Image of Maureen Johnson
I don't know if there is actually more rain here in England, or if it was just that the rain seemed to be so deliberately annoying. Every drop hit the window with a peevish "Am I bothering you? Does this make you cold and wet? Oh, sorry.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Sorry
Image of Maureen Johnson
This is England," he explained. "Tell someone it's a procedure, and they'll believe you. The pointless procedure is one of our great natural resources.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Believe
Image of Maureen Johnson
Oh, the ongoing love affair between hair and mouths. Hair always goes for the mouth. The mouth opens, and hair says, "I'm going in! I'm going in!" like a manic cave diver.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Hair
Image of Maureen Johnson
Life is always going to be a series of ouch-making moments, and the question was, was I going to go all fetal position, or was I going to woman up? I went into fetal position on the bed to think about this. Fetal position turned out to be very comfortable.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Thinking
Image of Maureen Johnson
Some nutter's gone and pulled a Jack the Ripper.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Gone
Image of Maureen Johnson
Sometimes people graduate but they don't leave. They hang around for years, for no reason. I would think of ghosts like that, I decided.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Thinking
Image of Maureen Johnson
Although it was very cold, he wore no coat. I think some English people think coats are for the weak.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Thinking
Image of Maureen Johnson
English rain feels obligatory, like paperwork. It dampens already damn days and slicks the stones.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Rain
Image of Maureen Johnson
People always say they can't do things, that they're impossible. They just haven't been creative enough.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: People
Image of Maureen Johnson
Sometimes I feel like I've been waiting for someone to tell me when I can be normal again,' she said. 'I keep thinking I'll get a letter. Or a call. When does it happen?' Pete looked like he wanted to walk toward her, but then he fell back against the car. The staring contest between them for almost a minute, and finally Pete exhaled loudly. It's okay,' he said.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Thinking