Top Teeth Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Teeth quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Cecil Beaton
I want to make photographs of very elegant women taking the lipstick off their teeth.
- Cecil Beaton
Collection: Teeth
Image of Sharon Lee
Every time you get the world by the tail, she thought, you gotta remember there's teeth on the other end.
- Sharon Lee
Collection: Teeth
Image of Marisha Pessl
Juliet and Romeo be damned, you can't be in love until you've flossed your teeth next to the person at least three hundred times.
- Marisha Pessl
Collection: Teeth
Image of Gail Giles
Your words are teeth. And they eat me alive. Feed on my corpse instead.
- Gail Giles
Collection: Teeth
Image of Tad Williams
When your teeth are gone, learn to like mush.
- Tad Williams
Collection: Teeth
Image of Ilsa J. Bick
This is a fairy tale with teeth and claws.
- Ilsa J. Bick
Collection: Teeth
Image of Ishmael Beah
My teeth became sour as I listened to his story. It was then that I understood why he was quiet all the time.
- Ishmael Beah
Collection: Teeth
Image of Earl Blaik
You don't develop good teeth by eating mush.
- Earl Blaik
Collection: Teeth
Image of Ken Dodd
My teeth are all my own. I've just finished paying for them.
- Ken Dodd
Collection: Teeth
Image of Vincent Canby
It is guaranteed to put all teeth on edge, including George Washington's, wherever they might be.
- Vincent Canby
Collection: Teeth
Image of Morris Chestnut
I'm kind of a private person, and sometimes it's like pulling teeth to get me to talk.
- Morris Chestnut
Collection: Teeth
Image of Laetitia Casta
When I began as a model, everybody tried to remold me: I was too fat, too little, they tried to re-shape my teeth - I am very proud that I have stayed as I was.
- Laetitia Casta
Collection: Teeth
Image of Steve Buscemi
I've had dentists who have wanted to help me out, but I say, 'You know, I won't work again if you fix my teeth.'
- Steve Buscemi
Collection: Teeth
Image of Fannie Hurst
we dig our graves with our teeth.
- Fannie Hurst
Collection: Teeth
Image of Michael Rooker
You forget about it, after awhile. You forget that you even have it on. It becomes part of you. You get used to it, even the teeth and the contacts, which bothered the hell out of me. It ends up being something that is part of the role, and part of the thing that you're doing. After awhile, it just feels pretty damn awesome.
- Michael Rooker
Collection: Teeth
Image of Aden Young
An actor always wants to sink his teeth into something.
- Aden Young
Collection: Teeth
Image of D. W. Wilson
I've always thought the prettiest smiles are the ones that show the most teeth.
- D. W. Wilson
Collection: Teeth
Image of Chauncey Depew
As for food, half of my friends have dug their graves with their teeth.
- Chauncey Depew
Collection: Teeth
Image of Ian Holm
Bite your teeth into the ass of life.
- Ian Holm
Collection: Teeth
Image of David Rees
Once you use a toothbrush to clean a pencil sharpener, you should no longer use it to clean your teeth.
- David Rees
Collection: Teeth
Image of Kevin Jonas
You wouldn’t know it by looking, but I had no teeth in first grade.
- Kevin Jonas
Collection: Teeth
Image of Roberto Baggio
I received a shot and broke my tooth. Unfortunately, we Italians only eat pasta al dente.
- Roberto Baggio
Collection: Teeth
Image of Emma Donoghue
He [Ma's Tooth] was part of her a minute ago but now he's not. Just a thing.
- Emma Donoghue
Collection: Teeth
Image of John Gardner
Our noblest hopes grow teeth and pursue us like tigers.
- John Gardner
Collection: Teeth
Image of Jocelyn Murray
What good is a smooth tongue without sharp teeth?
- Jocelyn Murray
Collection: Teeth
Image of Neil Shubin
We would never have scales, feathers, or breasts if we didn't have teeth in the first place.
- Neil Shubin
Collection: Teeth
Image of Dave Attell
Let's say you're in a situation where crystal meth can help you. Like, I don't know, you have too many teeth.
- Dave Attell
Collection: Teeth
Image of Darren Gough
Wilshere looks like he's got the grit between his teeth
- Darren Gough
Collection: Teeth
Image of Tom Hardy
The only thing I can do is wipe my arse, brush my teeth, turn up and do the best work I can.
- Tom Hardy
Collection: Teeth
Image of Antonia Thomas
Id love to get my teeth into Shakespeare.
- Antonia Thomas
Collection: Teeth
Image of Stephen King
Love isn't soft, like the poets say. Love has teeth which bite and the wounds never close.
- Stephen King
Collection: Teeth
Image of Stephen Bruner
I remember swallowing my tooth up in a high chair, but I definitely don't remember the first time I played bass. It was like, back there!
- Stephen Bruner
Collection: Teeth
Image of Danny Garcia
Milk Duds. It doesn't' bother me that it gets stuck in my teeth or anything.
- Danny Garcia
Collection: Teeth
Image of Jenny Downham
She'll understand what I already know - that death surrounds us all. And it tastes like metal between your teeth.
- Jenny Downham
Collection: Teeth
Image of P. J. O'Rourke
Never do anything to a clitoris with your teeth that you wouldn't do to an expensive waterproof wristwatch.
- P. J. O'Rourke
Collection: Teeth
Image of Kurt Vonnegut
He ate a pear. It was a hard one. It fought back against his grinding teeth. It snapped in juicy protest.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Collection: Teeth
Image of Veronica Roth
She smiles.Her teeth are crooked. If I knocked them out,I might be doing her a favor.
- Veronica Roth
Collection: Teeth
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
A good aphorism is too hard for the tooth of time, and is not worn away by all the centuries, although it serves as food for every epoch.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: Teeth
Image of Nalini Singh
He leaned down until his lips brushed her ear. “I told you to stop flinching.” And then he bit her. A slow, painless nip but there were definitely teeth involved.
- Nalini Singh
Collection: Teeth
Image of Charles Spurgeon
The most effective sermons are those which make opposers of the Gospel bite their lips and gnash their teeth.
- Charles Spurgeon
Collection: Teeth
Image of Claudia Black
Turn the damn tap off when you brush your teeth - Aargh!
- Claudia Black
Collection: Teeth
Image of Ellen Schreiber
I want a relationship I can finally sink my teeth into.
- Ellen Schreiber
Collection: Teeth
Image of Ilona Andrews
Look at my big teeth. I'm an apex predator. My genetic material is awesome
- Ilona Andrews
Collection: Teeth
Image of Ilona Andrews
Now Julie could stay here, in the Keep full of homicidal maniacs who grew teeth the size of switchblades and erupted into a violent frenzy when threatened.
- Ilona Andrews
Collection: Teeth
Image of Woodrow Wilson
I had rather have everybody on my side than be armed to the teeth.
- Woodrow Wilson
Collection: Teeth
Image of H. P. Blavatsky
When science shall have effectually demonstrated to us the origin of matter, and proved the fallacy of the occultists and old philosophers who held (as their descendants now hold) that matter is but one of the correlations of spirit, then will the world of skeptics have a right to reject the old Wisdom, or throw the charge of obscenity in the teeth of the old religions.
- H. P. Blavatsky
Collection: Teeth
Image of Charlotte Bronte
Que me voulez-vous?' said he in a growl of which the music was wholly confined to his chest and throat, for he kept his teeth clenched, and seemed registering to himself an inward vow that nothing earthly should wring from him a smile. My answer commenced uncompromisingly: - 'Monsieur,' I said, je veux l'impossible, des choses inouïes.
- Charlotte Bronte
Collection: Teeth
Image of Karen Marie Moning
He wasn't just masculine and sexual, he was carnal in a set-your-teeth-on-edge kind of way; he was almost frightning.
- Karen Marie Moning
Collection: Teeth
Image of The Notorious B.I.G.
When I release, you loose teeth.
- The Notorious B.I.G.
Collection: Teeth