Top Gone Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Gone quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Rosie O'Donnell
I'd love to be a dead body in the emergency room and have George Clooney go, 'This one's gone!' while he puts a sheet on me.
- Rosie O'Donnell
Collection: Gone
Image of Nancy Werlin
We formed the fellowship of the ring when we should've all just gone on medication
- Nancy Werlin
Collection: Gone
Image of Sakyong Mipham
When we have gone beyond the boundaries of hope and fear, we are able to work with whatever comes our way.
- Sakyong Mipham
Collection: Gone
Image of Bruce Nauman
Did you stop because it was good enough, or could have done more - but then maybe ruined it too? Sometimes you finish because you've gone too far.
- Bruce Nauman
Collection: Gone
Image of Robin Parrish
his get up and go had gone up and went
- Robin Parrish
Collection: Gone
Image of Darynda Jones
I totally should've gone to Hogwarts when I had the chance.
- Darynda Jones
Collection: Gone
Image of Alane Ferguson
It's a sad world we live in when a human being leaves so little of a mark that no one even realizes it when he's gone
- Alane Ferguson
Collection: Gone
Image of Edward Bloor
A person is not really gone until everyone who knew them is gone.
- Edward Bloor
Collection: Gone
Image of Karen Joy Fowler
The spoken word converts individual knowledge into mutual knowledge, and there is no way back once you've gone over that cliff. Saying nothing was more amendable, and over time I'd come to see that it was usually your best course of action.
- Karen Joy Fowler
Collection: Gone
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
I'd rather have a go at life, so there's something to talk about once we're gone.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Gone
Image of Guru Nanak
I don't die... He who is merged with the omnipresent is never gone.
- Guru Nanak
Collection: Gone
Image of Anders Fogh Rasmussen
The good thing is that all the symbolic elements are gone, and that which really matters - the core - is left.
- Anders Fogh Rasmussen
Collection: Gone
Image of Ozzy Osbourne
When you’re in love, it’s not just about the messing around in the sack, it’s about how empty you feel when they’re gone.
- Ozzy Osbourne
Collection: Gone
Image of Nalini Singh
Nothing's ever gone. We fool ourselves that things fade, but they never do.
- Nalini Singh
Collection: Gone
Image of Booth Tarkington
There aren't any old times. When times are gone they're not old, they're dead! There aren't any times but new times!
- Booth Tarkington
Collection: Gone
Image of Alexander Smith
It is a characteristic of pleasure that we can never recognize it to be pleasure till after it is gone.
- Alexander Smith
Collection: Gone
Image of Charles Stross
To boldly go where no uploaded metahuman colony has gone before' has a certain ring to it, doesn't it?
- Charles Stross
Collection: Gone
Image of Leslie Marmon Silko
When someone dies, you don't get over it by forgetting; you get over it by remembering, and you are aware that no person is ever truly lost or gone once they have been in our life and loved us, as we have loved them.
- Leslie Marmon Silko
Collection: Gone
Image of Eric Metaxas
We've gone all the way from foolishly accepting authority to foolishly rejecting all authority.
- Eric Metaxas
Collection: Gone
Image of Rebecca Solnit
Roads are a record of those who have gone before.
- Rebecca Solnit
Collection: Gone
Image of Ingrid Betancourt
Our life capital is measured in seconds. Once those seconds are gone, we never get them back!
- Ingrid Betancourt
Collection: Gone
Image of Jeanne Birdsall
Donit kill her now, just when we've gone to all that trouble to rescue her," said Jeffrey.
- Jeanne Birdsall
Collection: Gone
Image of David Farland
But everyone has a touch of madness, and those who can't admit it are usually farther gone than the rest of us.
- David Farland
Collection: Gone
Image of Thomas Watson
The pleasure of sin is soon gone, but the sting remains.
- Thomas Watson
Collection: Gone
Image of Aron Ralston
You'll never find your limits until you've gone too far.
- Aron Ralston
Collection: Gone
Image of Maria Shriver
I lost myself in the process and I realized how much I had identified myself with Maria Shriver, newswoman. When that was gone, I had to really sit back and go, 'Well, actually, who am I today?
- Maria Shriver
Collection: Gone
Image of William Shakespeare
All his successors gone before him have done 't; and all his ancestors that come after him may.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Gone
Image of Nicholas Evans
I am not gone but merely walk within you.
- Nicholas Evans
Collection: Gone
Image of Jon Voight
I've gone through a lot of stuff in my life.
- Jon Voight
Collection: Gone
Image of Jerry Stahl
All my life I'd gone for women who were a little off.
- Jerry Stahl
Collection: Gone
Image of Todd Rundgren
I've been essentially not only deconstructing and reconstructing the material to make it suitable for the performance, but I've gone back and found some older material that's appropriate for the show and I've re-recorded that as well in kind of a newer format. So I've been pretty much focused on my own thing.
- Todd Rundgren
Collection: Gone
Image of Jonathan Cahn
And at any moment it all ends with a heartbeat…just one heartbeat, and there’s no more time. One heartbeat and the chance to be saved is gone. One heartbeat and there’s no more choosing—it’s all sealed for eternal life or eternal death.
- Jonathan Cahn
Collection: Gone
Image of Julie Anne Peters
I have no intent. I have no reason to live, that's all. When I'm gone, I don't want to be remembered.
- Julie Anne Peters
Collection: Gone
Image of Kristen Bell
You don't know a good thing until it's gone.And found something else
- Kristen Bell
Collection: Gone
Image of William Dalrymple
Partition was a total catastrophe for Delhi,’ she said. ‘Those who were left behind are in misery. Those who were uprooted are in misery. The Peace of Delhi is gone. Now it is all gone.
- William Dalrymple
Collection: Gone
Image of George VI
There is great weight in the modern times of being monarch, the scrutiny and access is much more than in times gone by.
- George VI
Collection: Gone
Image of Francois Villon
My days are gone a-wandering.
- Francois Villon
Collection: Gone
Image of Sandra Brown
Life was precious. Life was fragile. Here one moment, gone the next. Every second should be milked for all it's worth because you never know when the bottom was going to drop out.
- Sandra Brown
Collection: Gone
Image of Erin Brockovich
None of us can take anything with us when we're gone. It's what we leave that's gonna matter.
- Erin Brockovich
Collection: Gone
Image of John Romero
I've gone on record to say that I'm proud of the PC version of Daikatana and I stand behind that.
- John Romero
Collection: Gone
Image of Albertus Magnus
I have never gone out to mingle with the world without losing something of myself.
- Albertus Magnus
Collection: Gone
Image of Felicia Hemans
I had a hat. It was not all a hat,-Part of the brim was gone:Yet still I wore it on.
- Felicia Hemans
Collection: Gone
Image of Justin Langer
I don't know a lot about the Scots, but I'm aware they have beaten some of the English counties in the NCL and have gone close in other matches.
- Justin Langer
Collection: Gone
Image of Erik Brynjolfsson
Retailing has gone from an information-scarce to an information-rich environment.
- Erik Brynjolfsson
Collection: Gone
Image of Vittorio Alfieri
The time for hope is gone, and come for fear.
- Vittorio Alfieri
Collection: Gone
Image of John Cleese
No hope for planet at all. But I will be gone before the planet is gone, so it's your problem.
- John Cleese
Collection: Gone
Image of Frederick Jackson Turner
The frontier has gone, and with its going has closed the first period of American history.
- Frederick Jackson Turner
Collection: Gone
Image of Gautama Buddha
Only those who go where few have gone can see what few have seen.
- Gautama Buddha
Collection: Gone
Image of T.I.
You can't go through the kinds of things I've gone through, as much as I have, without re-evaluating yourself and making adjustments. And you can't endure these horrendous circumstances without developing a certain level of strength and wisdom.
- T.I.
Collection: Gone