Lucy Maud Montgomery

Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
Don't be ridiculous, please.' The most insulting words in the world!
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Insulting
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
That doesn't sound very attractive," laughed Anne. "I like people to have a little nonsense about them.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: People
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
But was anything in life, Anne asked herself wearily, like one's imagination of it?
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Imagination
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
Thank goodness, we can choose our friends. We have to take our relatives as they are, and be thankful.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Being Thankful
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
It's the worst kind of cruelty — the thoughtless kind. You can't cope with it.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Kind
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
The world looks like something God had just imaged for his own pleasure, doesn't it?
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Looks
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
Blessings be the inventor of the alphabet, pen and printing press! Life would be -- to me in all events -- a terrible thing without books.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Book
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
Besides, I've been feeling a little blue — just a pale, elusive azure. It isn't serious enough for anything darker.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Blue
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
There was something in her movements that made you think she never walked but always danced.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Thinking
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
But just think what a dull world it would be if everyone was sensible,' pleaded Anne.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Thinking
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
There might be some hours of loneliness. But there was something wonderful even in loneliness. At least you belonged to yourself when you were lonely.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Lonely
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
I like to hear a storm at night. It is so cosy to snuggle down among the blankets and feel that it can't get at you.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Night
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
I am well in body although considerably rumpled up in spirit, thank you, ma'am,' said Anne gravely. Then aside to Marilla in an audible whisper, 'There wasn't anything startling in that, was there, Marilla?
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Body
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
It's the fools that make all the trouble in the world, not the wicked.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Wicked
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
Have you ever noticed that when people say it is their duty to tell you a certain thing you may prepare for something disagreeable? Why is it that they never seem to think it a duty to tell you the pleasant things they hear about you?
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Thinking
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
I feel as if I had opened a book and found roses of yesterday sweet and fragrant, between its leaves.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Sweet
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
Life, deal gently with her ... Love, never desert her
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Desert
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
But it ain't our feelings we have to steer by through life--no, no, we'd make shipwreck mighty often if we did that. There's only the one safe compass and we've got to set our course by that--what it's right to do.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Feelings
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
Gossip lies nine times and tells a half truth the tenth.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Lying
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
Oh, of course there's a risk in marrying anybody, but, when it's all said and done, there's many a worse thing than a husband.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Husband
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
But Anne with her elbows on the window sill, her soft cheek laid against her clasped hands, and her eyes filled with visions, looked out unheedingly across city roof and spire to that glorious dome of sunset sky and wove her dreams of a possible future from the golden tissue of youth's own optimism. All the Beyond was hers, with its possibilities lurking rosily in the oncoming years — each year a rose of promise to be woven into an immortal chaplet.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Dream
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
Isn't it better to have your heart broken than to have it wither up? Before it could be broken it must have felt something splendid. That would be worth the pain.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Pain
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
It's bad enough to feel insignificant, but it's unbearable to have it grained into your soul that you will never, can never, be anything but insignificant.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Soul
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
There are many worse friends than the soft, silent, furry, cat-folk.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Cat
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
We pay a price for everything we get or take in this world; and although ambitions are well worth having, they are not to be cheaply won, but exact their dues of work and self denial, anxiety and discouragement.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Ambition
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
And if you couldn't be loved, the next best thing was to be let alone.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Next
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
No one can be free who has a thousand ancestors.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Ancestor
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
Heretics are wicked, but they're mighty int'resting. It's jest that they've got sorter lost looking for God, being under the impression that He's hard to find - which He ain't never.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Wicked
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
Poor soul, she always knew everything about her neighbors, but she never was very well acquainted with herself.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Soul
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
Anne reveled in the world of color about her. "Oh, Marilla," she exclaimed one Saturday morning, coming dancing in with her arms full of gorgeous boughs, "I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers. It would be terrible if we just skipped from September to November, wouldn't it? Look at these maple branches. Don't they give you a thrill--several thrills?
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Morning
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
That's a lovely idea, Diana,' said Anne enthusiastically. 'Living so that you beautify your name, even if it wasn't beautiful to begin with…making it stand in people's thoughts for something so lovely and pleasant that they never think of it by itself. Thank you, Diana.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
“You 're not eating anything,” said Marilla sharply, eying her as if it were a serious shortcoming. Anne sighed. “I can 't. I'm in the depths of despair. Can you eat when you are in the depths of despair?”
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Despair
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
Gilbert put his arm about them. 'Oh, you mothers!' he said. 'You mothers! God knew what He was about when He made you.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Mother
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
Mrs. Lynde says, 'Blessed are they who expect nothing for they shall not be disappointed.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
Anne Shirley. Anne with an "e.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Anne Shirley
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
It's not vanity to know your own good points. It would just be stupidity if you didn't; It's only vanity when you get puffed up about them.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Vanity
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
[Anne, commenting on city life] "I think I would probably come to the conclusion that I'd like it for a while... but in the end, I'd still prefer the sound of the wind in the firs across the brook more than the tinkling of crystal.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Thinking
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
Welcome, Anne. I thought you'd come today. You belong to the afternoon so it brought you. Things that belong together are sure to come together. What a lot of trouble that would save some people if they only knew it. But they don't...and so they waste beautiful energy moving heaven and earth to bring things together that don't belong.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
You see," she concluded miserably, "when I can call like that to him across space--I belong to him. He doesn't love me--he never will--but I belong to him.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Soulmate
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
It was less humiliating to admit crying because of your feet than because - because somebody had been amusing himself with you and your friends had forgotten you, and other people patronised you.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Feet
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
The point of good writing is knowing when to stop.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
Oh, we're very careful, Marilla. And it's so interesting. Two flashes means, "Are you there?" Three means "yes" and four "no." Five means, "Come over as soon as possible, because I have something important to reveal." Diana has just signalled five flashes, and I'm really suffering to know what it is.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Mean
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
Do you know, Gilbert, there are times when I strongly suspect that I love you!
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Love You
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
...a little "appreciation" sometimes does quite as much good as all the conscientious "bringing up" in the world.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
March came in that winter like the meekest and mildest of lambs, bringing days that were crisp and golden and tingling, each followed by a frosty pink twilight which gradually lost itself in an elfland of moonshine.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Twilight
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
We've had a beautiful friendship, Diana. We've never marred it by one quarrel or coolness or unkind word; and I hope it will always be so. But things can't be quite the same after this. You'll have other interests. I'll just be on the outside.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
I wish I were dead, or that it were tomorrow night,' groaned Phil.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Night
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
She had dreamed some brilliant dreams during the past winter and now they lay in the dust around her. In her present mood of self-disgust, she could not immediately begin dreaming again. And she discovered that, while solitude with dreams is glorious, solitude without them has few charms.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Dream
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
Anne was always glad in the happiness of her friends; but it is sometimes a little lonely to be surrounded everywhere by happiness that is not your own.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Lonely