Lawrence Durrell

Image of Lawrence Durrell
Very few people realise that sex is a psychic and not a physical act. The clumsy coupling of human beings is simply a biological paraphrase of this truth - a primitive method of introducing minds to each other, engaging them. But most people are stuck in the physical aspect, unaware of the poetic rapport which it so clumsily tries to teach.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Sex
Image of Lawrence Durrell
The national characteristics... the restless metaphysical curiosity, the tenderness of good living and the passionate individualism. This is the invisible constant in a place with which the ordinary tourist can get in touch just by sitting quite quietly over a glass of wine in a Paris bistro.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Wine
Image of Lawrence Durrell
A taste older than meat, older than wine. A taste as old as cold water.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Food
Image of Lawrence Durrell
These are the moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory, like wonderful creatures, unique of their own kind, dredged up from the floors of some unexplored ocean.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Memories
Image of Lawrence Durrell
Everything really desirable has come about because of, or in spite of, wine!
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Wine
Image of Lawrence Durrell
The loved object is simply one that has shared an experience at the same moment of time, narcissistically; and the desire to be near the beloved object is at first not due to the idea of possessing it, but simply to let the two experiences compare themselves, like reflections in different mirrors. All this may precede the first look, kiss, or touch; precede ambition, pride, or envy; precede the first declarations which mark the turning point—for from here love degenerates into habit, possession, and back to loneliness.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Loneliness
Image of Lawrence Durrell
A diary is the last place to go if you wish to seek the truth about a person. Nobody dares to make the final confession to themselves on paper: or at least, not about love.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Wish
Image of Lawrence Durrell
What are stars but points in the body of God where we insert the healing needles of our terror and longing?
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Stars
Image of Lawrence Durrell
I have decided to leave Clea’s last letter un-answered. I no longer wish to coerce anyone, to make promises, to think of life in terms of compacts, resolutions, covenants. It will be up to Clea to interpret my silence according to her own needs and desires, to come to me if she has need or not, as the case may be. Does not everything depend on our interpretation of the silence around us?
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Thinking
Image of Lawrence Durrell
Gamblers and lovers really play to lose.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Play
Image of Lawrence Durrell
The memory of man is as old as misfortune
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Memories
Image of Lawrence Durrell
Shyness has laws you can only give yourself; tragically to those who least understand.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Law
Image of Lawrence Durrell
'We live' writes Pursewarden somewhere 'lives based upon selected fictions. Our view of reality is conditioned by our position in space and time — not by our personalities as we like to think. Thus every interpretation oа reality is based upon a unique position. Two paces east or west and the whole picture is changed.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Writing
Image of Lawrence Durrell
Guilt always hurries towards its complement, punishment: only there does its satisfaction lie.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Lying
Image of Lawrence Durrell
The heaviest impact of the work of art is in the guts. Art does not reason. It manhandles you and changes you.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Art
Image of Lawrence Durrell
It's unthinkable not to love - you'd have a severe nervous breakdown. Or you'd have to be Philip Larkin.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Love
Image of Lawrence Durrell
Truth is a matter of direct apprehension-you can't climb a ladder of mental concepts to it.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Truth
Image of Lawrence Durrell
All culture corrupts, but French culture corrupts absolutely.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: French Culture
Image of Lawrence Durrell
Life, the raw material, is only lived in potentia until the artist deploys it in his work.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Artist
Image of Lawrence Durrell
To be the equal of reality you must learn how to ignore it without danger.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Reality
Image of Lawrence Durrell
The artist's work constitutes the only satisfactory relationship he can have with his fellow men since he seeks his real friends among the dead and the unborn.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Real
Image of Lawrence Durrell
To write a poem is like trying to catch a lizard without its tail falling off.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Fall
Image of Lawrence Durrell
We should tackle reality in a slightly jokey way, otherwise we miss its point.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Reality
Image of Lawrence Durrell
Comedians are the nearest to suicide.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Suicide
Image of Lawrence Durrell
Art—the meaning of the pattern of our common actions in reality. The cloth-of-gold that hides behind the sackcloth of reality, forced out by the pain of human memory.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Art
Image of Lawrence Durrell
People only see in us the contemptible skirt-fever which rules our actions but completely miss the beauty-hunger underlying it.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: People
Image of Lawrence Durrell
There is no pain compared to that of loving a woman who makes her body accessible to one and yet who is incapable of delivering her true self -- because she does not know where to find it.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Pain
Image of Lawrence Durrell
She took kisses like so many coats of paint […] how long and how vainly I searched for excuses which might make her amorality if not palatable at lest understandable. I realize now the time I wasted in this way; instead of enjoying her and turning aside from these preoccupations with the thought, ‘She is untrustworthy as she is beautiful. She takes love as plants do water, lightly, thoughtlessly.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Lawrence Durrell
Frost in January minus 20 for a week. Dead birds frozen on the branch—they fall with the first thaw like ripe fruit—death-ripened. We shall all end like them—just a stain in the snow.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Fall
Image of Lawrence Durrell
Odd, isn't it? He really was the right man for her in a sort of way; but then as you know, it is a law of love that the so-called 'right' person always comes to soon or too late.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Men
Image of Lawrence Durrell
It’s only with great vulgarity that you can achieve real refinement, only out of bawdry that you can get tenderness.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Real
Image of Lawrence Durrell
I see artists as a great battalion moving through paint, words, music towards cosmological interpretation.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Moving
Image of Lawrence Durrell
The sense of truth no matter how subjective is necessary for the experience of beauty.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Beauty
Image of Lawrence Durrell
The cocktail party - as the name itself indicates - was originally invented by dogs. They are simply bottom-sniffings raised to the rank of formal ceremonies.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Dog
Image of Lawrence Durrell
Of women, the most we can say, not being Frenchmen, is that they are burrowing animals.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Women
Image of Lawrence Durrell
A critic is a lug-worm in the liver of literature.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Criticism
Image of Lawrence Durrell
Brazil is bigger than Europe, wilder than Africa, and weirder than Baffin Land.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Europe
Image of Lawrence Durrell
The effective in art is what rapes the emotions of your audience without nourishing its values.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Art
Image of Lawrence Durrell
No history much? Perhaps. Only this ominous Dark beauty flowering under veils, Trapped in the spectrum of a dying style: A village like an instinct left to rust, Composed around the echo of a pistol-shot.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Dark
Image of Lawrence Durrell
You see, nothing matters except pleasure - which is the opposite of happiness, its tragic part, I expect.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Opposites
Image of Lawrence Durrell
He thought and suffered a good deal but he lacked the resolution to dare--the first requisite of a practitioner.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Firsts
Image of Lawrence Durrell
All artists today are expected to cultivate a little fashionable unhappiness.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Artist
Image of Lawrence Durrell
Truth is what most contradicts itself.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Truth
Image of Lawrence Durrell
I am just a refugee from the long slow toothache of English life. It is terrible to love life so much you can hardly breathe!
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Love Life
Image of Lawrence Durrell
They flower spontaneously out of the demands of our natures - and the best of them lead us not only outward in space, but inward as well.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Flower
Image of Lawrence Durrell
Let us define 'man' as a poet perpetually conspiring against himself.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Men
Image of Lawrence Durrell
I suppose the secret of his success is in his tremendous idleness which almost approaches the supernatural.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Secret
Image of Lawrence Durrell
Now stiff on a pillar with a phallic air nelson stylites in Trafalgar square reminds the British what once they were.
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Squares
Image of Lawrence Durrell
The steward, according to custom, had stopped all the clocks. This, in the language of Narouz, said "Your stay with us is so brief, let us not be reminded of the flight of the hours."
- Lawrence Durrell
Collection: Emotion