Top Europe Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Europe quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of John Wesley
I am not afraid that the people called Methodists should ever cease to exist either in Europe or America. But I am afraid lest they should only exist as a dead sect, having the form of religion without the power. And this undoubtedly will be the case unless they hold fast both the doctrine, spirit, and discipline with which they first set out.
- John Wesley
Collection: Europe
Image of Nicolas Sarkozy
Europe is not a choice, it is a necessity, but it needs to be rethought, refounded.
- Nicolas Sarkozy
Collection: Europe
Image of Nicolas Sarkozy
With the world in turmoil and doubt, the American people, faithful to the values that have always defined America's identity, have expressed with force their faith in progress and the future. At a time when we must face huge challenges together, your election has raised enormous hope in France, in Europe and beyond.
- Nicolas Sarkozy
Collection: Europe
Image of Theodore White
America is a nation created by all the hopeful wanderers of Europe, not out of geography and genetics, but out of purpose.
- Theodore White
Collection: Europe
Image of Edward Said
The Orient that appears in Orientalism, then, is a system of representations framed by a whole set of forces that brought the Orient into Western learning, Western consciousness, and later, Western empire.... The Orient is the stage on which the whole East is confined. On this stage will appear the figures whose role it is to represent the larger whole from which they emenate. The Orient then seems to be, not an unlimited extension beyond the familiar European world, but rather a closed field, a theatrical stage affixed to Europe.
- Edward Said
Collection: Europe
Image of Geoffrey Rush
Freedom is the kind of essence of being a pirate: You're away from land-locked Europe. You're not part of the society. You're part of the brotherhood of the sea, Your ship is your sense of identity. So when you approach the wheel, that's what you own.
- Geoffrey Rush
Collection: Europe
Image of Gerhard Schroder
The euro is a sickly premature infant, the result of an over-hasty monetary union.
- Gerhard Schroder
Collection: Europe
Image of Donald Tusk
What we have to do is to definitively remove the last vestiges of power from those who treat terms such as liberal democracy, free markets and Europe with suspicion.
- Donald Tusk
Collection: Europe
Image of Sidney Blumenthal
The incubator for terrorism, after the Middle East, is Europe, partly because of proximity, partly because of the existence of large Muslim communities there.
- Sidney Blumenthal
Collection: Europe
Image of Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon
In Ireland, there are the same fossils, the same shells and the same sea bodies, as appear in America, and some of them are found in no other part of Europe.
- Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon
Collection: Europe
Image of Pentti Linkola
The 20th century peatlands ditching in Finland was the worst human environmental destruction action in Europe.
- Pentti Linkola
Collection: Europe
Image of Jaroslav Hašek
And somewhere from the dim ages of history the truth dawned upon Europe that the morrow would obliterate the plans of today.
- Jaroslav Hašek
Collection: Europe
Image of Orhan Pamuk
In Europe the rich are refined enough to act as if they're not wealthy. That is how civilized people behave. If you ask me, being cultured and civilized is not about everyone being free and equal; it's about everyone being refined enough to act as if they were. Then no one has to feel guilty.
- Orhan Pamuk
Collection: Europe
Image of Ronald Wright
America seemed a virgin land waiting for civilization. But Europe had made the wilderness it found; America was not a virgin, she was a widow.
- Ronald Wright
Collection: Europe
Image of William Joyce
We know that England is crying for a leader, and that leader has emerged in the person of the greatest Englishman I have ever known, Sir Oswald Mosley... When the history of Europe comes to be written I can assure you that his name will not be second to either Mussolini or Hitler.
- William Joyce
Collection: Europe
Image of Timothy Radcliffe
Christianity will only make a contribution to the future of Europe if it can prove that people like Sam Harris are wrong and that we can make peace.
- Timothy Radcliffe
Collection: Europe
Image of Tom Verlaine
There were a lot of things I listened to, but so-called pop music never killed me, you know, the type of stuff that always seems to make it on the radio. The whole radio thing seems so... it's like they've accepted the whole "new wave" thing only because this kind of pop element came into it. In Europe they really love emotion, but here it's like, "let's stay away from it because we might cry or something".
- Tom Verlaine
Collection: Europe
Image of Edward Heath
Pitt the Younger was a great British Prime Minister. He saved Europe from Napoleon, he was the pilot who weathered the storm. I don't know whether he'd have done it any better or quicker had he been married.
- Edward Heath
Collection: Europe
Image of George Canning
Intimately concerned as we are with the system of Europe, it does not follow that we are therefore called upon to mix ourselves onevery occasion, with a restless and meddling activity, in the concerns of the nations which surround us.
- George Canning
Collection: Europe
Image of Ismail Serageldin
We need to return to the cosmopolitanism of Alexandria of yore, and marry that with the tolerance and democracy of Europe today
- Ismail Serageldin
Collection: Europe
Image of Gordon S. Wood
Americans, [John Adams] wrote in 1780, believed that their "revolution is as much for the benefit of the generality of Mankind in Europe, as for their own."
- Gordon S. Wood
Collection: Europe
Image of Gordon Cooper
I did have an occasion in 1951 to have two days of observation of many flights of them, they were of different sizes, flying in fighter formation, generally from east to west over Europe.
- Gordon Cooper
Collection: Europe
Image of Geert Wilders
Europe's greatest problem is cultural relativism. This has led to a situation where Europeans no longer know what they should be proud of and who they really are because a so-called liberal and leftist-imposed concept says that all cultures are the same.
- Geert Wilders
Collection: Europe
Image of Geert Wilders
I'm against the European Union, but I am very much in favor of Europe.
- Geert Wilders
Collection: Europe
Image of Charles A. Murray
It was the transmutation of the classical liberal intellectual foundation by Christianity that gave modern Europe its impetus and that pushed European accomplishment so far ahead of all other cultures and civilizations around the world.
- Charles A. Murray
Collection: Europe
Image of Elizabeth Oakes Smith
Spain- a great whale stranded on the shores of Europe.
- Elizabeth Oakes Smith
Collection: Europe
Image of Percy Heath
I had to go to Europe to tour and he died on the second day of the tour.
- Percy Heath
Collection: Europe
Image of Abdoulaye Wade
Europe is not one of the major powers. And Africa even less so of course. But Africa has what Europe lacks: space, human resources, and natural resources while Europe has the technological innovation that Africa lacks. Together we can become a power which can count in the future.
- Abdoulaye Wade
Collection: Europe
Image of Ramsey Clark
The U.S. has in its stockpiles more nuclear bombs, chemical and biological weapons, more aircraft, rockets and delivery systems in number and sophistication than the rest of the world combined. Included are twenty commissioned Trident II nuclear submarines any one of which could destroy Europe.
- Ramsey Clark
Collection: Europe
Image of Carol P. Christ
The Goddess of Old Europe and Ancient Crete represented the unity of life in nature, delight in the diversity of form, the powers of birth, death and regeneration.
- Carol P. Christ
Collection: Europe
Image of Kenneth Clarke
I look forward to the day when the Westminster Parliament is just a council chamber in Europe
- Kenneth Clarke
Collection: Europe
Image of Kenneth Clarke
A balanced tone on Europe will free us to address in depth the domestic, economic and social agenda which we neglected throughout the last parliament.
- Kenneth Clarke
Collection: Europe
Image of Nigel Lawson
In Europe, where climate change absolutism is at its strongest, the quasi-religion of greenery in general and the climate change issue in particular have filled the vacuum of organised religion, with reasoned questioning of its mantras regarded as a form of blasphemy.
- Nigel Lawson
Collection: Europe
Image of William Barrett
Modern Existentialism... is a total European creation, perhaps the last philosophic legacy of Europe to America or whatever other civilization is now on its way to supplant Europe.
- William Barrett
Collection: Europe
Image of Richard Henry Lee
Christianity, by introducing into Europe the truest principles of humanity, universal benevolence, and brotherly love, had happily abolished civil slavery. Let us who profess the same religion practice its precepts... by agreeing to this duty.
- Richard Henry Lee
Collection: Europe
Image of William Merritt Chase
My God, I'd rather go to Europe than go to heaven.
- William Merritt Chase
Collection: Europe
Image of Robert Briffault
The Renaissance of Europe did not take place in the 15th century. Rather it began when Europe learned from the culture of the Arabs. The cradle of European awakening is not Italy. It is the Muslim Spain.
- Robert Briffault
Collection: Europe
Image of Aldrich Ames
Historians don't really like to carry on speculative debates, but you could certainly argue that the likelihood of a Soviet invasion of Western Europe was extremely, extremely low.
- Aldrich Ames
Collection: Europe
Image of Ferdinando Galiani
Paris is the café of Europe.
- Ferdinando Galiani
Collection: Europe
Image of Joschka Fischer
We already have a federation. The 11, soon to be 12, member States adopting the euro have already given up part of their sovereignty, monetary sovereignty, and formed a monetary union, and that is the first step towards a federation.
- Joschka Fischer
Collection: Europe
Image of Aurora Levins Morales
The whole point of anti-Semitism has been to create a vulnerable buffer group that can be bribed with some privileges into managing the exploitation of others, and then, when social pressure builds, be blamed and scapegoated, distracting those at the bottom from the crimes of those at the top. Peasants who go on pogrom against their Jewish neighbors won't make it to the nobleman's palace to burn him out and seize the fields. This was the role of Jews in Europe. This has been the role of Jews in the United States, and this is the role of Jews in the Middle East.
- Aurora Levins Morales
Collection: Europe
Image of James Callaghan
If Britain becomes a member of the Community, it will be healthier for Britain, advantageous for Europe, and a gain for the whole world. I do not know of many economic or political problems in the world which will be easier to solve if Britain is outside rather than inside the Community.
- James Callaghan
Collection: Europe
Image of Simon Jenkins
Without history we are infants. Ask what binds the British Isles more closely to America than to Europe and only history gives a reply. Of all intellectual pursuits, history is the most supremely useful. That is why people crave it and need ever more of it.
- Simon Jenkins
Collection: Europe
Image of John Bruton
We in Ireland have not been immune from the bigotry and the indifference which manifested itself in Europe this century
- John Bruton
Collection: Europe
Image of Johan Galtung
One basic formula for understanding the Community is this: 'Take five broken empires, add the sixth one later, and make one big neo-colonial empire out of it all.'
- Johan Galtung
Collection: Europe
Image of Klemens von Metternich
When Paris sneezes, Europe catches a cold.
- Klemens von Metternich
Collection: Europe
Image of Klemens von Metternich
When France sneezes, all of Europe catches cold.
- Klemens von Metternich
Collection: Europe
Image of Heinrich Himmler
It will undoubtedly happen, that the enemy will make the attempt, today, tomorrow or the next day, at some time, to break into this fortress of Europe at one point or another. That will undoubtedly be the case.
- Heinrich Himmler
Collection: Europe
Image of Heinrich Himmler
Today, Germany is on the borders of Europe everywhere.
- Heinrich Himmler
Collection: Europe
Image of Steven Chu
Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.
- Steven Chu
Collection: Europe