Kim Harrison

Image of Kim Harrison
You are your father's daughter,' he said, the skin around his eyes tightening. 'Trent is his father's son. Apart, you are annoying. have the potential to be a problem.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Daughter
Image of Kim Harrison
Men,” she said as she took my arm and led me to the brightly lit room. “They forget we need to see the outcome of pain before we willingly put ourselves through it. How else would we suffer nine months to have a beautiful child? We already know we have guts.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Kim Harrison
Kisten, please don't leave me," I begged, and his eyes opened. "I'm cold," he said, fear rising in his blue eyes. I held him tighter. "I'm holding you. It's going to be okay." "Tell Ivy," he said with a gasp, clenching in on himself. "Tell Ivy that it wasn't her fault. And tell her that at the end... you remember love. I don't think... we lose our souls... at all. I think God keeps them for us until we... come home. I love you, Rachel." "I love you, too, Kisten," I sobbed, and as I watched, his eyes, memorizing my face, silvered, and he died.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Love You
Image of Kim Harrison
What was it with me and organized beatings, anyway?
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Organized
Image of Kim Harrison
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Ivy
Image of Kim Harrison
Why?" I said, taking the paper from him as Al smiled. "If it's not what I agreed to, I will burn Al's gonads off the first chance I get. Turn around. I need to use your back for a second." "Ah, hold on a tick," Al said, snapping his fingers again and catching the new paper drifting down. "How silly of me. This is the one. Here.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Silly
Image of Kim Harrison
Was using “dead-man’s-toe” morally okay if the man’s relatives had knowingly sold him for parts?
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Men
Image of Kim Harrison
I could sit and watch nature documentaries with Jenks and the kids the rest of the night if I wanted. And trust me, watching a dozen pixies scream as a crocodile chomped on a zebra was something not to be missed. They invariably cheered for the crocodile, not the zebra.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Zebras
Image of Kim Harrison
I was having coffee with my bodyguard. I didn't expect to be hunting bad guys until later. Leather before sundown is tacky.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Coffee
Image of Kim Harrison
Do you hurt uncle Kisten', he asked.(...) but Kisten beat me to it. “Only my heart, Audric,” he said. “Ms. Rachel is like the sun. See her sparkling there with the wind in her hair and fire in her eyes? You can’t catch the sun. You can only feel its touch on your face. And if you get too much of it, it burns you.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Hurt
Image of Kim Harrison
Her elf is going to do just that,” he said, the red glow of the ever-after sun turning his hair auburn, almost as red as mine. “I did not work this hard at getting her to accept who she is to let you take your spoiled brat of a little-boy temper tantrum out on her. She stays on my side of the lines.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Boys
Image of Kim Harrison
I hate it when she tabs a line," Ivy whispered to Kisten in the corner. "You ever see anything freakier than that?" "You should see the face she makes when she—" "Shut up, Kist!" I exclaimed, my eyes flashing open to find him grinning at me.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Hate
Image of Kim Harrison
Find Eloy. Smack his head into a wall, dance on his guts... I'd get creative. Spontaneous like.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Wall
Image of Kim Harrison
What are you doing now?" Al questioned "Seeing if your circumcision is gone? It is. My expression went blank, and Trent hesitated. He looked at me, and I put a hand to my mouth, face flaming. "Oh. My. God. Trent. I'm sorry" "Um" Trent said, clearly at a loss. "Call me tomorrow," Al said seriously, "I've got a curse that will take care of that. Unless you like the snake in a turtleneck look
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Sorry
Image of Kim Harrison
Jenks made a move to follow, probably forgetting he didn’t have wings anymore. He leaned forward and fell to the floor, face first. “Jenks!” I shouted when he hit with a dull smack and started swearing.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Moving
Image of Kim Harrison
Together we made our way from the service entrances in back to the front, Jenks shedding clothes and handing them to me to stuff in my bag every few yards. It was terribly distracting, but I managed to avoid running into the Dumpsters and recycling bins.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Running
Image of Kim Harrison
I will compensate all your one-inch, two-inch losses because I know how important every inch is to you aged, decrepit men.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Loss
Image of Kim Harrison
She was only a year old, but elves grew up fast. Not like witches, who Jenks swore were not able to be on their own until they were thirty. Ahem.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Years
Image of Kim Harrison
Nick as in my former boyfriend Nick. Ex-rat, ex-boyfriend, ex-alive if I ever got hold of him Nick.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Ex Boyfriend
Image of Kim Harrison
Who’s going to keep them from wiping us out species by species? Not me. We aren’t prepared for a new demographic of magic-using humans who are sadistic, power hungry, don’t like Inderlanders, and see genocide as an acceptable form of communication.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Communication
Image of Kim Harrison
I pushed him away, catching Lee's awe that I was not only standing with a demon outside a circle, but that Al was treating me like an equal. Or maybe a favorite pet, I amended as Al caught me when I started to tilt.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Circles
Image of Kim Harrison
Shot me twice. I want my name, or I'm going to start charging you a fee every time I field something for you. And it's going to be expensive. I'm Park Place. Bud-dy." His red, goat-slitted eyes squinted at me from over his smoked glasses. "You're more like Oriental Avenue right now, dove. What are you on?
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Eye
Image of Kim Harrison
Rachel, my itchy witch," Al said as he tugged the lace at his cuffs. "We've talked about this. You simply must stop collecting nasty little men. How many do you really need, love?
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Men
Image of Kim Harrison
Typical" Kisten said, his eyes dramatically sad. "Try to do something nice for a person, cheer her up, and what do I get? Abused and robbed.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Cheer
Image of Kim Harrison
Rachel, Rachel, Rachel,” he said, very still and unmoving. “Always jumping to the wrong conclusion. You’re like a frog, you know.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Jumping
Image of Kim Harrison
You need a new hobby, Rachel. Something other than nasty little men with visions of world domination.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Men
Image of Kim Harrison
I'd never seen a man who could outshop me, but Jenks was a master.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Men
Image of Kim Harrison
Life was going on, and no one but a handful of people cared if I lived or died.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: People
Image of Kim Harrison
Puppy presents on the rug. This sucked.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Puppy
Image of Kim Harrison
Just so you know, I’ve trusted you since camp.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Camps
Image of Kim Harrison
No, you just keep crashing my life. Look—" I said, and Al grunted. "Here it comes," the demon muttered. "Listen. Listen to this, runt. She's going to have a list.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Looks
Image of Kim Harrison
He's going to hurt you," Al said, looking at Pierce. "I can take care of you, teach you to survive. Be there for you, even if you do hate me." I shivered. "I don't want him," I said, and Al turned away, seeming smaller somehow.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Hurt
Image of Kim Harrison
We were innocent once. How could it have gone so bad?
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Gone
Image of Kim Harrison
I gestured my frustration. “I don’t know. She’s much better already. She wasn’t talking half an hour ago. Look at her now.” We all turned, finding Ceri sobbing quietly and drinking her tea in small reverent sips as the pixy girls hovered over her. Three were plating her long, fair hair and another was singing to her. Okay,” I said as we turned back. “Bad example.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Girl
Image of Kim Harrison
The quickest way to a woman's crotch is through her gullet. Can I make you a cake?" Big Al to Pierce, then Rachel.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Cake
Image of Kim Harrison
Face it, you stupid little cookie maker,” Jenks said, almost sounding fond, “in the last couple of days you’ve seen what it’s like to be in a family, with all the touchy tempers and irritation that goes on. Now you get to see the other side, where we do stupid stuff for each other just because we like you. Rache is the little sister. Ivy’s the big sister. I’m the uncle from out of state, and you’re the rich nephew no one likes but we put up with you anyway because we feel sorry for you. Just let me help, huh? It won’t kill you.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Uncles
Image of Kim Harrison
But the same things that had once attracted menow left me with a mild sense of unease. Ivy would say I was getting smarter, but I just felt…empty.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Ivy
Image of Kim Harrison
Pierce made a calculating noise, accidentally brushing my knee as he shifted. "As Jenks would say, you snore nice." I smiled back unconvincingly. I snore nice. Not "I opine that your auditory nasal exhalations are most pleasing.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Nice
Image of Kim Harrison
HAPA was like mint. You could rip it up, and six months later, it was back, healthier than ever. Mint smelled better, though, and you could make juleps out of it. I don’t know what I could make out of HAPA. Compost, maybe.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Rip
Image of Kim Harrison
I suddenly realized that a bunch of my friends needed babysitters and vowed to start screening my calls.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Bunch
Image of Kim Harrison
[Jenks]"I think you're all screwy in the head," he said when Bis nodded his encouragement. "But go ahead. I've got Quen's number in my phone. I'll call him if you both explode in a flash of black underwear and money so I won't have to fly all the way home.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Kim Harrison
Dead Witch Walking is basically a modern-day witch living in Cincinnati.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Witch
Image of Kim Harrison
Just because I don't wear my heart on my sleeve - " "You don't even wear your heart in your chest.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Heart
Image of Kim Harrison
So I’ve seen my boys do that a hundred times with the neighboring pixy girls. Give her their favorite seed and be too flustered to tell her what it was.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Girl
Image of Kim Harrison
Jenks squinted at me, and when Trent nodded, the pixy gestured sourly to Bis to get on with it. A four inch man ruled us all.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Men
Image of Kim Harrison
You cannot thrash the person who makes you coffee. It's a rule somewhere.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Coffee
Image of Kim Harrison
How many mistakes can one life survive?
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Mistake
Image of Kim Harrison
"I'm going back!" I shouted, standing to put some distance between us in case I was yanking her chain too hard and she came after me. "I'll show him," I said, waving an arm. "I'll sneak in. I'll steal his freaking glasses and mail them back to him in a freaking birthday card!"
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Distance
Image of Kim Harrison
I turned back to the mirror, seeing that there were no lines on it. It was empty. "What happened to my mirror?" I said, bewildered. Then realizing that I was looking at the back of the dumb thing, I swore and turned it over.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Mirrors