Top Encouragement Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Encouragement quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of L. Tom Perry
How our governments need standards of integrity! How our communities need yardsticks to measure decency! How our neighborhoods need models of beauty and cleanliness! How our schools need continued encouragement and assistance to maintain high educational standards! Rather than spend time complaining about the direction in which these institutions are going, we need to exert our influence in shaping the right direction. A small effort by a few can result in so much good for all of mankind.
- L. Tom Perry
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Barbara Pym
I realised that one might love him secretly with no hope of encouragement, which can be very enjoyable for the young or inexperienced.
- Barbara Pym
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Felix Dennis
The bottom line is that if I did it, you can do it. I got rich without the benefit of a college education or a penny of capital but making many errors along the way. I went from being a pauper.. a hippie dropout on the dole, living in a crummy room without the proverbial pot to piss in, without even the money to pay the rent, without a clue as to what to do next.. to being rich...
- Felix Dennis
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Bernie Siegel
If you watch how nature deals with adversity, continually renewing itself, you can't help but learn.
- Bernie Siegel
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Arthur Rubinstein
Don't tell me how talented you are. Tell me how hard you work.
- Arthur Rubinstein
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Seneca the Younger
It's all in your headJ you have the power to make things seem hard or easy or even amusing. The choice is yours.
- Seneca the Younger
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Sharon Lee
The principles of good human-to-computer interface design are simplicity, support, clarity, encouragement, satisfaction, accessibility, versatility, and personalization. While it’s essential to heed these, it’s also important to empathize with and inspire your audience so they feel you’re treating them less like a faceless user and more like a human being.
- Sharon Lee
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Marva Collins
If you don't give anything, don't expect anything. Success is not coming to you, you must come to it.
- Marva Collins
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Gavin Newsom
While I am humbled by the widespread encouragement of so many and hold in the highest esteem those who serve us in federal office, I know that my head and my heart, my young family's future, and our unfinished work all remain firmly in the State of California - not Washington D.C. Therefore I will not seek election to the U.S. Senate in 2016.
- Gavin Newsom
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Alexander Woollcott
Today just might be the best day to start seriously thinking about quitting smoking.
- Alexander Woollcott
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Self confidence is the ground stone of success
- Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Susan Rice
One of the things I love about negotiations is that you have to be able to play it like an orchestra, different instruments for different circumstances. There's sweetness, and encouragement, and cajoling. There's pressure, there's drama, there's ultimatums.
- Susan Rice
Collection: Encouragement
Image of George S. Clason
If I set for myself a task, be it so trifling, I shall see it through. How else shall I have confidence in myself to do important things?
- George S. Clason
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Catherine Marshall
Often God has to shut a door in our face, so that He can subsequently open the door through which He wants us to go.
- Catherine Marshall
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Joel Osteen
You were created to make somebody else’s life better. Somebody needs your smile. They need your love, your encouragement & your gifts.
- Joel Osteen
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Muhammad Yunus
Each of us has much more hidden inside us than we have had a chance to explore. Unless we create an environment that enables us to discover the limits of our potential, we will never know what we have inside of us.
- Muhammad Yunus
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Anne Sweeney
I think the greatest thing we give each other is encouragement...knowing that I'm talking to someone in this mentoring relationship who's interested in the big idea here is very, very important to me. I think if it were just about helping me get to the next step, it would be a heck of a lot less interesting.
- Anne Sweeney
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Jean-Pierre de Caussade
God makes all chosen souls pass through a fearful time of poverty, misery, and nothingness. He desires to destroy in them gradually all the help and confidence they derive from themselves so that He may be their sole source of support, their confidence, their hope, their only resource.
- Jean-Pierre de Caussade
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Michael Morpurgo
I don't know, but I do think that everyone has a story to tell. The question is, can they find the voice and the confidence to tell it? We lack the encouragement as young people to believe this; we very often think that writing is for clever people, which it isn't.
- Michael Morpurgo
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Wayne Gerard Trotman
I have been so very, very fortunate in my life. I've met or been in contact with several of my childhood heroes. I've interacted with people all over this planet, and even though I couldn't possibly hope to remember all their names, I remember a photograph, a poem, a sound, a joke, kind words of encouragement. All is not lost.
- Wayne Gerard Trotman
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Kay Ryan
I simply want to celebrate the fact that right near your home, year in and year out, a community college is quietly - and with very little financial encouragement - saving lives and minds. I can’t think of a more efficient, hopeful or egalitarian machine, with the possible exception of the bicycle.
- Kay Ryan
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Bill Murray
I don't have to take this abuse from you -- I have hundreds of people waiting in line to abuse me!
- Bill Murray
Collection: Encouragement
Image of William Beveridge
The State in organising security should not stifle incentive, opportunity, responsibility, in establishing a national minimum it should leave room and encouragement for voluntary action by each individual to provide more than the minimum for himself and his family.
- William Beveridge
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Scarlett Thomas
For other people, love is like some rare orchid that can only grow in one place under a certain set of conditions. For me it's like bindweed. It grows with no encouragement at all, under any conditions, and just strangles everything else.
- Scarlett Thomas
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Bernard Berenson
Pessimism like calumny is easy to do, and attracts immediate attention. The gossiper and the writer may find this out soon enough, and a little encouragement from the current mood will procure them successes that bring endless imitators in their trail. On the other hand saying good things about life in general and individuals in particular and making it interesting is a serious task which few can achieve with credit.
- Bernard Berenson
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Eleanor Porter
What men and women need is encouragement. Their natural resisting powers should be strengthened, not weakened ... Instead of always harping on a man's faults, tell him of his virtues. Try to pull him out of his rut ... Hold up to him his better self, his real self that can dare and do and win out! ... People radiate what is in their minds and in their hearts.
- Eleanor Porter
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Craig T. Nelson
What happened to society? I go into business, I don't make it, I go bankrupt. I've been on food stamps and welfare, did anybody help me out? No. No. They gave me hope, they gave me encouragement, and they gave me a vision.
- Craig T. Nelson
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Bethany Hamilton
My strength came from my relationship with Christ and from the love and encouragement of my family and friends.
- Bethany Hamilton
Collection: Encouragement
Image of John  Gray
When a man can listen to a woman's feelings without getting angry and frustrated, he gives her a wonderful gift. He makes it safe for her to express herself. The more she is able to express herself, the more she feels heard and understood, and the more she is able to give a man the loving trust, acceptance, appreciation, admiration, approval, and encouragement that he needs.
- John Gray
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Sam Walton
There's absolutely no limit to what plain, ordinary, working people can accomplish if they're given the opportunity and encouragement to do their best.
- Sam Walton
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Sigourney Weaver
Don't depend on other people's encouragement. It's never enough and never when you need it.
- Sigourney Weaver
Collection: Encouragement
Image of John Tyler
If the tide of defamation and abuse shall turn, and my administration come to be praised, future Vice-Presidents who may succeed to the Presidency may feel some slight encouragement to pursue an independent course.
- John Tyler
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Erwin W. Lutzer
Everything that God brings into our life is directed to one purpose: that we might be conformed to the image of Christ.
- Erwin W. Lutzer
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Diana Ross
Take a little time out of your busy day to give encouragement to someone who's lost their way.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Lucretius
No matter how difficult a task may look.. Persistence and steady action will get you through
- Lucretius
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Victoria Osteen
The people closest to you need to hear your words of encouragement the most!
- Victoria Osteen
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Joni Eareckson Tada
What an encouragement to realize that God has reserved you and me for a special task in His great work. In His hands we're not only useful, but priceless.
- Joni Eareckson Tada
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Ernest Becker
I think that taking life seriously means something such as this: that whatever man does on this planet has to be done in the lived truth of the terror of creation, of the grotesque, of the rumble of panic underneath everything. Otherwise it is false. Whatever is achieved must be achieved with the full exercise of passion, of vision, of pain, of fear, and of sorrow. How do we know, that our part of the meaning of the universe might not be a rhythm in sorrow?
- Ernest Becker
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Thomas More
The things we pray for, good Lord, give us grace to labor for.
- Thomas More
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Jim Abbott
I benefited from tremendous encouragement as a kid. So many people reached out to me, helped me, and believed in me even when I didn't always believe in myself.
- Jim Abbott
Collection: Encouragement
Image of William Morris
I am going your way, so let us go hand in hand. You help me and I'll help you. We shall not be here very long ... so let us help one another while we may.
- William Morris
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
All violence is the result of people tricking themselves into believing that their pain derives from other people and that consequently those people deserve to be punished.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Edith Schaeffer
Our personal afflictions involve the living God; the only way in which Satan can persecute or afflict God is through attacking the people of God. The only way we can have personal victory in the midst of these flying arrows raining down on us is to call upon the Lord for help. It is His strength, supplied to us in our weakness, that makes victory after victory possible.
- Edith Schaeffer
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Joseph B. Wirthlin
The church is not a place where perfect people gather to say perfect things, or have perfect thoughts, or have perfect feelings. The Church is a place where imperfect people gather to provide encouragement, support, and service to each other as we press on in our journey to return to our Heavenly Father.
- Joseph B. Wirthlin
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Peter Singer
All the arguments to prove man's superiority cannot shatter this hard fact: in suffering, the animals are our equals.
- Peter Singer
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Therese of Lisieux
Perfect love means putting up with other peoples shortcomings, feeling no surprise at their weaknesses, finding encouragement even in the slightest evidence of good qualities in them.
- Therese of Lisieux
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Matthew Reilly
To anyone who knows a writer, never underestimate the power of your encouragement.
- Matthew Reilly
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Reggie Watts
Obviously, there's all sorts of life happening all around us, but on a human level, I'm just interested in people making informed decisions. You know, increasing their awareness. And also, trying to encourage people to be more fascinated with information and science and knowledge of all sorts, instead of, you know, it's a generalization, but the encouragement by society, the reflections that society gives us, which is media, television, art - anything, really.
- Reggie Watts
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Knute Rockne
An automobile goes nowhere efficiently unless it has a quick, hot spark to ignite things, to set the cogs of the machine in motion. So I try to make every player on my team feel he's the spark keeping our machine in motion.
- Knute Rockne
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Adrian Rogers
If you need encouragement, give it. If you need love, give it.Whatever you need, give it away.
- Adrian Rogers
Collection: Encouragement