Ken Livingstone

Image of Ken Livingstone
It would actually be quite nice if the American ambassador in Britain could pay the [congestion] charge that everybody else is paying and not actually try and skive out of it like some chiselling little crook.
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: Nice
Image of Ken Livingstone
I just long for the day when I wake up and find that the Saudi royal family are swinging from lamp-posts.
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: Family
Image of Ken Livingstone
Racism serves as the cutting edge of the most reactionary movements. An ideology that starts by declaring one human being inferior to another is the slope whose end is at Auschwitz.
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: Cutting
Image of Ken Livingstone
The Tories had the legal right to demand extra meetings of the council but I could decide when they would be held and always called them for Friday afternoons, knowing that three or four of the richer Tories went to the country early and were not prepared to stay in the city beyond lunchtime. I realised that nothing in politics is new when I read in Suetonius's The Twelve Caesars that Julius Caesar pulled the same trick when reactionaries in the senate were making his life difficult.
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: Friday
Image of Ken Livingstone
Just because I am critical of the coalition doesn't mean I am anti-English. I am just anti-scumbags.
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: Mean
Image of Ken Livingstone
One thing that Chairman Mao did was to end the appalling foot binding of women. That alone justifies the Mao Tse-tung era.
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: Feet
Image of Ken Livingstone
The American agenda is sweeping everything before it, and although it's not perfect, the EU is better on environmental issues. It's a less rapacious form of capitalism.
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: Issues
Image of Ken Livingstone
Politics is not a game. Thousands of people's jobs and services depended on what the GLC did, and they expected us to do the best we could.
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ken Livingstone
Working with the Jewish community is essential to me and what I stand for. I do explicitly see Jewish people as a people - not either a religion or an ethnicity but a people. The Tories take Jewish London for granted. I will not.
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: Ethnicity
Image of Ken Livingstone
I take a much more pragmatic view than many people on the Left about working with Neil Kinnock. Kinnock represents the best vehicle possible for achieving socialism now.
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: Views
Image of Ken Livingstone
Everyone is bisexual. Almost everyone has the sexual potential for anything.
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: Bisexual
Image of Ken Livingstone
Well, on lots of small things we could have done better, but on all the big things we called it right. You should make less mistakes as you get older, and I became a councillor back in 1971, so if by this stage in politics I'm making lots of big mistakes, then I shouldn't be here.
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: Mistake
Image of Ken Livingstone
I'd love to write about my growing sexual awareness, but the press would turn it into something squalid.
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: Writing
Image of Ken Livingstone
I feel a degree of regret that Marshall did not push on and say 'abolish the GLC' because I think it would have been a major saving and would have released massive resources for productive use.
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: Regret
Image of Ken Livingstone
What defines someone's music taste is their teens and early 20s. It's that combination of your sexual awakening and the music of the time, it fixes you forever.
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: Forever
Image of Ken Livingstone
The idea that the GLC should be abolished at a stroke is ill though out, undemocratic and will cost the people of London dear.
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: Ideas
Image of Ken Livingstone
To avoid manufactured misunderstandings, the policies of Israeli governments are not analogous to Nazism. They do not aim at the systematic extermination of the Palestinian people, in the way Nazism sought the annihilation of the Jews.
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: Government
Image of Ken Livingstone
The British judiciary is one of the most corrupt in the world because of politically active judges.
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: Judging
Image of Ken Livingstone
I don't just denounce suicide bombers. I denounce those governments which use indiscriminate slaughter to advance their foreign policy.
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: Suicide
Image of Ken Livingstone
When you see someone trying to manoeuvre it round the school gates, you have to think, 'You are a complete idiot.'
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: School
Image of Ken Livingstone
We look to the left and to the right And we need help but nobody's in sight Where is the man that we all need Tell him he's to come and rescue me.
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: Men
Image of Ken Livingstone
[Pigeons are] rats with wings.
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: Wings
Image of Ken Livingstone
There is now a desperate need for a London-wide left caucus of those interested in the GLC and local councils so that we can compare and discuss what is happening in each borough.
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: Needs
Image of Ken Livingstone
If transport, housing and Olympic projects do not work, I will crawl away under a stone.
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: Stones
Image of Ken Livingstone
I think George Bush is the most corrupt American president since Harding in the Twenties. He is not the legitimate president. This really is a completely unsupportable government and I look forward to it being overthrown as much as I looked forward to Saddam Hussein being overthrown.
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: Thinking
Image of Ken Livingstone
Only some ghastly dehumanised moron would want to get rid of the Routemaster.
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: Want
Image of Ken Livingstone
Most kids dont get to go their parents wedding.
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: Kids
Image of Ken Livingstone
My view is rather than just rage at your impotence you find the best way of achieving as much as you can within whatever constraints there are. It's not the world I would have created but you do what you can within it.
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: Views
Image of Ken Livingstone
It is all very well for people with fine arts degrees, but for ordinary people like myself, we want a statue to look like the person.
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: Art
Image of Ken Livingstone
Boris [Johnson] and Dave [Cameron] gnawed each other's testicles [during the Tory civil war which blighted the EU referendum].
- Ken Livingstone
Collection: War