Joan Rivers

Image of Joan Rivers
I was my own buddy in camp.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Camps
Image of Joan Rivers
Boy George is all England needs. Another queen who can't dress.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Queens
Image of Joan Rivers
Anyone that says looks don't count is lying.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Lying
Image of Joan Rivers
I think we all in comedi business, especially when we reach a certain age, are divas up to a point. I love when a limousine comes for me, I can't lie about that. I love when you go to a restaurant and they say, "Come this way, Miss Rivers," and you get a good table. I love all that, the perks that come with the business.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Lying
Image of Joan Rivers
My personal style is over-the-top dowager. The old days they said get dressed and take one thing off, I say get dressed and put one thing on.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Style
Image of Joan Rivers
I'm at the top, top, top of my game now. I'm so happy to be on that stage, I'm in control of it, and I love every minute of it. I walk onstage in rehearsal and I start to smile. And so I just don't care what anyone else is doing. Do what you want, say what you want. Nobody else can do what I do onstage. Nobody.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Care
Image of Joan Rivers
Sold my house in LA, packed myself up and moved to New York, not knowing anybody. Friends are very hard to make after a certain age.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Friends
Image of Joan Rivers
I think I've lost 3lbs - I'm very, very happy. I thought of it as work and a spa.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Thinking
Image of Joan Rivers
If you hate something, you hate it, and if you like something or somebody, you like it, but tell the truth. And most celebrities have that thin veneer that they will not break for you.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Hate
Image of Joan Rivers
All babies look like Renée Zellweger pushed against a glass window.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Baby
Image of Joan Rivers
Life is hard. And we better laugh at everything, otherwise we're going down the tube.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Laughing
Image of Joan Rivers
Al Roker said I am 80 years 'young'; it's like saying Al Roker is 320 pounds 'thin'.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Years
Image of Joan Rivers
My sex life has gone from bad to pathetic. My G spot stands for godforsaken.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Sex
Image of Joan Rivers
My body is dropping so fast, my gynecologist wears a hard hat.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Body
Image of Joan Rivers
I'll lie still for a lot of things - but sex isn't one of them.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Funny
Image of Joan Rivers
My body is a temple, and my temple needs redecorating.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Needs
Image of Joan Rivers
The nice thing about Viagra is that they are proving men can go blind on it, so you can gain weight and have a great sex life.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Sex
Image of Joan Rivers
Comedy exists to laugh at things that aren't laughable. But isn't it? That's what separates us from the animals. We laugh.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Animal
Image of Joan Rivers
Never floss a stranger.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Advice
Image of Joan Rivers
I hate Billings, Montana. They have a fashion show at Sears Roebuck
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Fashion
Image of Joan Rivers
I felt a comedy ego beginning to grow, which gave me the courage to begin tentatively looking into myself for material.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Self Confidence
Image of Joan Rivers
I think Hillary Clinton's style is perfect. Perfect. You don't notice what she's wearing, you notice the woman.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Thinking
Image of Joan Rivers
The only way I can get a man to touch me at this age is plastic surgery.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Men
Image of Joan Rivers
Comedy is truth. We should not apologize for it.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Comedy
Image of Joan Rivers
You know you've reached middle age when you're cautioned to slow down by your doctor, instead of by the police.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Doctors
Image of Joan Rivers
Now, I'm not against sex before marriage, but two minutes before? When the organist played "Here Comes the Bride".
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Funny
Image of Joan Rivers
The psychic scars caused by believing that you are ugly leave a permanent mark on your personality.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Believe
Image of Joan Rivers
Oprah Winfrey is so powerful that she had the Rapture postponed until after her final show airs.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Powerful
Image of Joan Rivers
Having my daughter, I screamed for twenty-three hours straight. And that was just during conception.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Daughter
Image of Joan Rivers
The people voting for the Oscars are so old. I haven't seen one Academy award voter with a tampon in her purse.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Funny
Image of Joan Rivers
Tonight I'll be interviewing Ken Watanabe, Keisha Castle Hughes, Benecio Del Toro and Djimon Honsou - and yes, those are actors, not caterers.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Castles
Image of Joan Rivers
Joan Collins told a reporter that she hasn't had plastic surgery; come on... she's had more tucks than a motel bedsheet!
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Plastic
Image of Joan Rivers
Mick Jagger could French-kiss a moose. He has child-bearing lips.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Children
Image of Joan Rivers
I think it was Cosby who also said to me, 'If only 2 percent of the world thinks you're funny, you'll still fill stadiums for the rest of your life.'
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Thinking
Image of Joan Rivers
I was just reading about the new Lindsay Lohan diet, which is all liquid. 80 proof.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Reading
Image of Joan Rivers
if you don't think that all life is improvisation, then you haven't been paying attention. Life is what happens to you while you're making other plans.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Thinking
Image of Joan Rivers
I could never be in a cult. For starters, they never accessorize properly. David Koresh had no fashion sense, Jim Jones wore leisure suits, and I don't care how charismatic Osama bin Laden was, an AK-47 and an insulin drip do not take the place of drop earrings or a well-placed brooch.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Fashion
Image of Joan Rivers
I have so little sex appeal that my gynecologist calls me "sir."
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Beauty
Image of Joan Rivers
At my age an affair of the heart is a bypass!
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Heart
Image of Joan Rivers
I want to be buried in a Valentino gown and I want Harry Winston to make me a toe tag.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Gowns
Image of Joan Rivers
I love Israel for its blue and white flag as it matches my legs.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Love Is
Image of Joan Rivers
If you don't think you're funny, no one else will.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Thinking
Image of Joan Rivers
I’m never without a bandage.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Plastic Surgery
Image of Joan Rivers
I can't wear yellow anymore. It's too matchy-matchy with my catheter.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Yellow
Image of Joan Rivers
Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I believe when a woman enters a room, men should stand up - and gay men should stand up at least halfway.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Believe
Image of Joan Rivers
We all mourn in our own way. I mourn with a great steak.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Age
Image of Joan Rivers
Don't cook. Don't clean. No man will ever make love to a woman because she waxed the linoleum.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Men
Image of Joan Rivers
On the Vanna White diet, you only eat what you can spell.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: White
Image of Joan Rivers
I said to my husband, 'my boobs have gone, my stomach's gone, say something nice about my legs.' He said, 'Blue goes with everything.'
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Fashion