Janeane Garofalo

Image of Janeane Garofalo
TV, it's a director's medium, and they wanna make it look interesting. To be rehearsing mostly for the sake of where you're standing so they can do the lighting, that's what I don't like.
- Janeane Garofalo
Image of Janeane Garofalo
I was thrilled to work opposite Carl Reiner and Robert De Niro. Mr. Reiner was very chatty and delightful, but I learned that if you want Robert De Niro to like you, don't speak at all, and he'll be friendly to you.
- Janeane Garofalo
Image of Janeane Garofalo
Boy, does that give you street cred for years after, if you tell people you were on 'The Larry Sanders Show!'
- Janeane Garofalo
Image of Janeane Garofalo
I don't think Hollywood was trying to do anything with me. In fact, they lost interest pretty quick.
- Janeane Garofalo
Image of Janeane Garofalo
Sometimes people say I'm a political comedian, which, actually I'm not. I'm a comedian who sometimes discusses politics, culture - again, the word 'politics' to me is just life.
- Janeane Garofalo
Image of Janeane Garofalo
I remember the old Times Square from when I was younger, and there was a seedy thrill to it. Some of that is gone, which I have a little bit of nostalgia for.
- Janeane Garofalo
Image of Janeane Garofalo
I guess intractable right-wing ideologues are my mortal enemy.
- Janeane Garofalo
Image of Janeane Garofalo
I'm not a cook. I like to watch the Food Network, but I don't like to cook.
- Janeane Garofalo
Image of Janeane Garofalo
I love a nice cooking show. It's as aesthetically pleasing as any other thing that tempts the senses, I suppose.
- Janeane Garofalo
Image of Janeane Garofalo
I'm not specifically attached to anything other than trying to, in my personal life, fight against where I see right wing thinking. Whether it be around my dinner table or on the street or somebody reading the New York Post.
- Janeane Garofalo
Image of Janeane Garofalo
The reason a person is a republican is because something is wrong with them. Again, that's science - that's neuroscience. You cannot be well adjusted, open-minded, pluralistic, enlightened and be a republican.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Open Minded
Image of Janeane Garofalo
It’s mentally exhausting, feeling bad about something you can do nothing about.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Feelings
Image of Janeane Garofalo
Taking into account the public's regrettable lack of taste, it is incumbent upon you not to fit in.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Being Yourself
Image of Janeane Garofalo
Many people feel that mass acceptance and smooth socialization are desirable life paths for a young adult… Many people are often wrong… Don’t bother being nice. Being popular and well liked is not in your best interest. Let me be more clear; if you behave in a manner pleasing to most, then you are probably doing something wrong. The masses have never been arbiters of the sublime, and they often fail to recognize the truly great individual. Taking into account the public’s regrettable lack of taste, it is incumbent upon you not to fit in.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Nice
Image of Janeane Garofalo
Rejection kills, disappointment only maims.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Janeane Garofalo
I truly believe a woman's weight is a political issue, and if one young woman out there can see me and not feel crummy about herself, that's a good thing.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Believe
Image of Janeane Garofalo
I feel bad that people think that "feminism" is a dirty word. I don't understand that at all, I'm proud to be labeled a feminist. I consider myself a person who has throughout my entire life stood up for myself. It's never been my ambition to be someone who takes a backseat to anything. I'm not a male basher at all. I divide people into assholes and non-assholes, and that's genderless. I encounter sexism everyday.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Dirty
Image of Janeane Garofalo
Nothing translates worse than comedy into the printed word.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Printed Word
Image of Janeane Garofalo
This dress exacerbates the genetic betrayal that is my legacy.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Betrayal
Image of Janeane Garofalo
He [God] just seems so man-made to me. There are so many theories, and not everyone can be right. It's human nature to need a religious crutch, and I don't begrudge anyone that. I just don't need one.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Religious
Image of Janeane Garofalo
How long do we have to deal with conservative failure? How long? Thirty years is not enough? So I would say enough with that, and I would say check out the Center for American Progress, and the writings by Patrick Garofalo, economic guru. That's what I would say.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Writing
Image of Janeane Garofalo
My hell is going to be the stairmaster wing of Dante's inferno, where they're gonna tape my feet to the pedals and the only music I get is Michael Bolton karaoke style.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Wings
Image of Janeane Garofalo
Last night, I went to a birthday party, and this girl brought a cake and a cheesecake. And the other girls that lived in the apartment, I swear to God, all night long: 'You're taking that cake with you when you go. That cake's not staying in this house.' Like it's this evil, Hope Diamond, nuclear, horrifying cursed thing.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Girl
Image of Janeane Garofalo
Evil is in the face of every frat guy that ever raised a beer cup and went "whoooooo!"
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Beer
Image of Janeane Garofalo
It is not crazy to think that powerful people do some pretty horrible things. And maybe they get out of hand. Maybe it just gets away from them. It snowballs.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Powerful
Image of Janeane Garofalo
Leaving your ears open to the suggestions of others only closes the mind's eye, thereby creating a type of spiritual glaucoma.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Janeane Garofalo
Listen, young people, I understand narcissism - clearly. But at least I have the decency to hate myself. And that's what's missing from the young people. They don't have the debilitating self-loathing and the second guessing.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Hate
Image of Janeane Garofalo
Not that I was ever an asshole but I used to be much more of a bulldozer.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Used
Image of Janeane Garofalo
I'm almost 46. You become no longer even regarded in a sexual way. As you get older you're just taken out of that realm. So it's not anything that particularly confronts me very much at all.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Taken
Image of Janeane Garofalo
Sometimes the critics review me harshly for not being critical of government but it's not me who has said I was political.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Government
Image of Janeane Garofalo
For some reason I get advertised when I travel as a political comedian, which I'm not. Sometimes I talk about it and sometimes I don't.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Political
Image of Janeane Garofalo
Should have dogs before they have kids. Everybody.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Dog
Image of Janeane Garofalo
Pedestrian's rights - because we live in California, I've got to address this issue. I don't know where on the fence I am about that. I suppose if I'm walking, I'm all for it, but if I'm driving, that's a whole other can of worms.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Issues
Image of Janeane Garofalo
The right, like Pat Buchanan and Rush Limbauggh, use women and the black man and the Hispanic immigrant and the gay man as a scapgoat for society's ills. They pretend it's about traditional family values, but that's a bullshit phrase that means nothing to me. They like to use us all. They use pro-life as a way to hate women and slam women, dressed up in the nobility of saving unborn fetuses. I think it's just misogyny.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Hate
Image of Janeane Garofalo
Silence does not equal patriotism. Obedience is not the American way.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Silence
Image of Janeane Garofalo
I don't think that the administration is being particularly honest with the American people about what this is going to cost in life and in dollars, what the dangers are, retaliatory strikes, once it happens. This is not a war that needs to happen immediately, if ever.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: War
Image of Janeane Garofalo
As actors, it is our responsibility to read the newspapers, and then say what we read on television like it's our own opinion.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Janeane Garofalo
How is it that this debate has been twisted on its head, that somehow those that advocate peace and diplomacy are anti-American?
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Patriotism
Image of Janeane Garofalo
I think we all remember where we were when Rush Hour hit the water. That was an important day.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Thinking
Image of Janeane Garofalo
To a right-winger, unions are awful. Why do right-wingers hate unions? Because collective bargaining is the power that a worker has against the corporation. Right-wingers hate that.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Hate
Image of Janeane Garofalo
Anthony Weiner deserves to be supported and hopefully he will be mayor of New York one day. I'm serious. He is a Democrat [who] actually fights for the things liberals and progressive and rational people care about. I don't know why he's being thrown under the bus. He hasn't done any - he hasn't broke any laws.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: New York
Image of Janeane Garofalo
You know what is good about these Dixie Chicks burnings or bashings? It's a wonderful, wonderful way for really stupid people to hook up. They meet, they throw some things on the fire, they talk about Vin Diesel, they tell stories about who their favorite Fox anchor is, they exchange phone numbers and in some cases has led to marriages.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Stupid
Image of Janeane Garofalo
Granted, not really a joke, but how often do you get a mic in your hand? You know? So. I am sorry but don't anybody trip on my soap box on the way out. Don't anybody trip over that. And the chip on my shoulder's a little heavy. I have back problems now.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Sorry
Image of Janeane Garofalo
The handful of corporations that own most of the media outlets have an interest in reflecting establishment views.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Views
Image of Janeane Garofalo
Without liberals we wouldn't have unions. We wouldn't have environmental protections. We wouldn't have seat belts or birth control or the ACLU! Any of these things!
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Environmental
Image of Janeane Garofalo
I hate high fashion. I hate that we reward people for being genetic freaks. You hear the guys announcing the runway shows saying, 'A pretty face is your best asset this season.' And what? Ugly girls had a free ride last year?
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Girl
Image of Janeane Garofalo
We got married drunk in Vegas . . . We dated for a year, and we got married at a drive-through chapel in a cab. [We thought] you have to go down to the courthouse and sign papers and stuff, so who knew? We were married, and apparently now that [Rob] is getting married for real, his lawyer dug up something.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Real
Image of Janeane Garofalo
I guess I just prefer to see the dark side of things.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Dark