Gloria Steinem

Image of Gloria Steinem
I’ve only ever met one woman who actually was a prostitute of her own free will. She didn’t have a pimp. She could pick and choose her customers. That’s so rare. So we have to look at the reality and not romanticize it. We have to be clear that you have the right to sell your own body but nobody has the right to sell anybody else’s body. No one has that right.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Reality
Image of Gloria Steinem
I want us to organize, to tell the personal stories that create empathy, which is the most revolutionary emotion. The truth of the mater is that hierarchy and violence can't be remedied by more hierarchy and violence. The end doesn't justify the means, the means we choose decide the end we get. The means are the end.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Mean
Image of Gloria Steinem
Gratitude never radicalized anybody. I don't care if they recognize the past, I just want them to get angry about the present and keep going.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Gloria Steinem
It's obviously a great sign of growth and success that the media no longer try to embody the bigness and diversity of the women's movement in one person. Only a diverse group can symbolize a movement.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Media
Image of Gloria Steinem
As a concept [androgyny] raise[s] anxiety levels by conjuring up a conformist, unisex vision, the very opposite of the individuality and uniqueness that feminism actually has in mind.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Opposites
Image of Gloria Steinem
[On the Internet and activism:] The danger of the Internet is cocooning with the like-minded online - of sending an email or twitter and confusing that with action - while the real corporate and military and government centers of power go right on. In a way, the highest purpose of the Internet is to bring us together for empathy and action. After all, the reflector cells and empathy-producing chemicals in our brains only work when we're physically together with all five senses. You can't raise a baby online.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Baby
Image of Gloria Steinem
This is what forty looks like. We've been lying so long, who would know?
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Lying
Image of Gloria Steinem
All biographers, no matter how sympathetic, end up using their subjects as mirrors to figure themselves out. I don't want to be anyone's mirror.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Gloria Steinem
Women get hit with a double whammy. If they're attractive, they're presumed to have slept their way to the top. If they're unattractive, they are presumed to have chosen a profession because they could not get a man.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Men
Image of Gloria Steinem
[On gender-rating by insurance companies:] They say the reason they get to charge more is we have children. I would say having children is a socially useful act. Being female is not a preexisting condition.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Children
Image of Gloria Steinem
Whoever has power takes over the noun - and the norm - while the less powerful get an adjective.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Powerful
Image of Gloria Steinem
women used to be elected only when their husbands died and they became widows. The men found this was too hard on them. That's why they've become feminists.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Husband
Image of Gloria Steinem
During years of working for a living, I have experienced much of the legal and social discrimination reserved for women in this country, I have been refused service in public restaurants, ordered out of public gathering places and turned away from apartment rentals. All for the clearly stated, sole reason that I am a woman.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Country
Image of Gloria Steinem
The kind of power I want is the power to persuade. But I do not want the power to tell other people what to do.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: People
Image of Gloria Steinem
Frequently people just vote for the party out of power because they're disappointed or angry at what is happening at the moment.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Party
Image of Gloria Steinem
I'd just begun to be taken seriously as a freelance writer, but after the Playboy article, I mostly got requests to go underground in some other semi-sexual way. It was so bad that I returned an advance to turn the Playboy article into a paperback, even though I had to borrow the money.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Taken
Image of Gloria Steinem
I continued for too long to do things that I already knew how to do, or to write stories that I was assigned instead of fighting for stories that I couldn't get, or doing ones that I thought were important on my own. The wasting of time is the thing I worry about the most. Because time is all there is.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Writing
Image of Gloria Steinem
I wasn't ever unable to function, but I did realize at some point that I had built a wall between myself and my childhood by saying, "I'm so glad that's over. Nothing can ever be as bad again," without understanding that my childhood was still very much with me.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Wall
Image of Gloria Steinem
Little girls do not wake up in the morning and say "I dream of being a prostitute." It is a terrible, terrible life. Body invasion is more traumatic than even getting beaten up. In certain circumstances, obviously, it may be a way to survive.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Girl
Image of Gloria Steinem
Like so many women, I was living out the unlived life of my mother, so I wouldn't be her. But the price I paid was that I distanced myself internally. I wasn't as close to her then as I nowadays, in retrospect, wish I had been.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Mother
Image of Gloria Steinem
Our own lives feel so disordered and confusing, so it's amazing to me that the filmmakers caught the personal, emotional high points and low points of my life and not just the public aspects.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Emotional
Image of Gloria Steinem
I always say to audiences of men: "Cooperation beats submission. Trust me."
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Men
Image of Gloria Steinem
If you consider that the gender roles are just political, then what you come to see is that the full circle of human qualities is divided up so that two-thirds are masculine and one-third is feminine. Women are missing more of their human qualities, so you'll find us on the fore-front of trying to change this.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Circles
Image of Gloria Steinem
It's especially ridiculous to think you have to be successful when you're so young. You should be able to adventure and not worry so much about achievement.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Adventure
Image of Gloria Steinem
Society definitely encourages and condones men's violence toward women. Not as much as it used to be when it was less visible, and there were still laws on the books that made it alright for men to beat their wives, as long as it was within certain limits, and women were chattel.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Book
Image of Gloria Steinem
In almost any situation, if you have been the powerful one, which would tend to be men more than women but not always, it's very important to listen as much as you talk. If you have been the less powerful one, it's very important to talk as much as you listen.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Powerful
Image of Gloria Steinem
You may very well fall in love with somebody who makes less money, who's younger than you, who weighs less than you.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Falling In Love
Image of Gloria Steinem
The phenomenon of the woman who's asked what movie she wants to see, and she says, "I don't know. What do you want to see?" It's a tiny version of a big tendency. Women need to say, "This is what I want."
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Needs
Image of Gloria Steinem
Any group of people that has been subordinate absorbs the idea of our own subordination, and that it is natural, and comes to think that the only way to survive is to identify with the powerful. And I think that is not surprising, and it is what happens to a lot of right-wing women. I mean they think they better do what the powerful tell them do otherwise they'll be in even more trouble.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Powerful
Image of Gloria Steinem
I haven't been in a job situation in which I was competing with other women. As a writer, you're more likely to be treated as an individual.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gloria Steinem
I wasn't even in a newspaper office where I was getting assignments in competition with other people. I remember earlier, though, that I knew a young woman who had been published in the New Yorker, and I was so jealous of her. It wasn't exactly a personal competition. I just envied that accomplishment.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Jealous
Image of Gloria Steinem
Am I a capitalist? No. Why would I be a capitalist? I have no capital. Most people have no capital. But to punish the individual for the sins of the system makes no sense. We're responsible for changing it, yes. But we can't actually invent another universe, so we have to start where we are.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: People
Image of Gloria Steinem
I think we all have the power to name ourselves. I try to call people what it is they wish to be called. But we can take the sting out of epithets and bad words by using them.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Thinking
Image of Gloria Steinem
I think it's important to see the parallels, and to understand that our masculine and feminine roles are relatively new in human history. Both gender and race are inventions that go deep because we have been raised with them, but they are still inventions.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Thinking
Image of Gloria Steinem
I hate when people say, "Have fun at the press preview." Fun is talking to you.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Fun
Image of Gloria Steinem
If we have reproductive freedom, that is the ability to decide for ourselves when and whether to have children and what happens to our bodies, sexism can be reversed. It's the understanding that it's not inevitable. I think that is crucial.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Children
Image of Gloria Steinem
no one ever got radicalized by being grateful
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Grateful
Image of Gloria Steinem
I definitely think men can be leaders. I see an analogy in the case of what helped me think about racism, which was to find parallels with sexism. In other words, I don't think I was such a great ally until I got mad on my own behalf.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Men
Image of Gloria Steinem
Progress is not automatic, it depends on what we do every day. So any statement of ownership of our own bodies, however that occurs in our individual lives or our community or our collective lives, is crucial.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Community
Image of Gloria Steinem
Violence against women is clearly not solved, not at all solved, and the reasons for it, which are controlling women's bodies in order to control reproduction, are definitely not solved.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Order
Image of Gloria Steinem
Racism is not real, it's made up, it's cruel, it can be stopped.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Real
Image of Gloria Steinem
Violence is not inevitable. I mean, the only inevitable form of violence is the kind that we understand, the only legitimate (if there can ever be legitimate violence) and that's self-defense.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Mean
Image of Gloria Steinem
We need to take violence against women seriously. It is the biggest indicator of whether a country is violent inside itself, and whether it will be militarily violent against another country.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Country
Image of Gloria Steinem
It's important that we recognize how extreme the Republicans are in almost every case and how against our self-interest it is to vote for them whether or not we are disappointed with the current crew. At least they believe in the Constitution. At least they have an idea of economic justice. The Republicans are devoted to creating more rich folks.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Believe
Image of Gloria Steinem
Women are never again going to be mindless coffee-makers or mindless policy-makers in politics.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Coffee
Image of Gloria Steinem
... if young women have a problem, it's only that they think there's no problem.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Thinking
Image of Gloria Steinem
You're afraid to be close to women. Because it's not masculine to be close to women. The last time you were close to a woman, you were a child.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Children
Image of Gloria Steinem
Show me something that is not transformed by the other half of the human race.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Race
Image of Gloria Steinem
Men have to ask, 'How can I combine career and family?'
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Careers