Evan Rachel Wood

Image of Evan Rachel Wood
I have my own demons, my own pain and darkness, but I choose to embrace them and look at them head-on and deal with them. Then it doesn't hurt, and you learn from it.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Hurt
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
You always have that moment where you grow up and you're like, "Oh, my god, I'm being exactly like my mother." I think that's everyone's greatest hope and worst fear.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Mother
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
I had been in a place where I was letting too many people dictate who I should be and what I should be, and I was trying to make everybody happy to the point where it was just killing me. I'd completely lost myself. It's kind of funny now that people think I've completely changed myself for Marilyn Manson, when this is actually the first time in my life that I took a stand and said, "This is who I am and this is who I've always wanted to be, and I'm finally with somebody who lets me be who I want to be."
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Thinking
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
Whenever I start freaking out and getting stressed, I have to remember that this is just the beginning.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Stressed
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
And, look, I'm sorry if I have blond hair and blue eyes and my boyfriend looks like a vampire. What do you want me to do about it?
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Sorry
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
Who you are as a character is kind of the foundation of everything.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Character
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
I think I did realize that early on, and then I went through a fun phase where I was figuring out who I was and the different sides of myself. I think like most women, I bought into a certain ideal of beauty that I didn't quite fit into, and I tried to pretzel myself and alter myself to be what I was told is beautiful, and then I realized that you are in control of what you think is beautiful.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
That's why I love music so much. It completely saved me. There are so many feelings you can't explain, and you can hear one note on a guitar and somehow that sound explains what you can't put into words.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Feelings
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
Getting to share a project with Anthony Hopkins is incredible. It's like watching Da Vinci paint or something - you're reminded why you do what you do.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Incredibles
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
Dear God, I've done so many crazy hair colors and outfits and makeup looks where I look back and it's like, What the hell was I doing? You can't be afraid to make mistakes, you have to take risks. We all have those moments we look back on and wish weren't captured on film, but we're not alone in that.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Mistake
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
Working with men like Al Pacino, Tommy Lee Jones, Michael Douglas, Edward Norton, David Morse, and Kevin Costner, you have to step up and look them dead in the eye and, you know, scare them. I can see it when it happens, and they don't know it's coming. It's the best look on any man's face when he gets paired with a woman and he doesn't expect her to kick his ass. I'm not saying I've kicked any of their asses, but I feel like I have held my own and said, "I am a force to be reckoned with." It's about not being intimidated. I feel it makes me a stronger woman.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Eye
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
The most complicated character I have ever played - she has many, many, many layers that even I'm not fully aware of.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Character
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
There's really barely any sex in [The Westworlds]. But there is a lot of nudity. And it was always described to me as being done in a way that was supposed to be kind of sterile and mannequin-like and dehumanizing.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Sex
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
What's amazing about this show [Westworld], and what it gives us permission to do, is to be kind of superhuman. Because at the end of the day, [Dolores] she's not a male and she's not a female. She's evolved past that. She's a very highly advanced being, and so I think it's really going to knock down a lot of stereotypes and a lot of gender roles and be a neutral party.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Party
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
I've always had a real fascination with Alice in Wonderland and really related to it in some way. And since I was little, people always nicknamed me Alice, even total strangers. I do know I'm always in Wonderland. And I'm definitely just as curious. I don't mind being amongst the mad people, I enjoy it.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Real
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
Authentic and free. The Gucci guilty woman is about living in the moment. She's a modern woman, someone who really owns herself and her sensuality. It's supposed to be a very empowering and sensual fragrance.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Empowering
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
When people were very concerned about the violence against women, I encouraged people to stick with it because it was going somewhere and there was a reason why. It's all a commentary on gender roles and women and having to be the damsel or to stay on the ranch or to stay at home.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Home
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
I try to stay out of the public eye as much as possible because I want people to be able to watch my films and not be distracted.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Eye
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
I love Ellen [Page] like family. And even if we don't hang out all the time, she's still just somebody that always has a place in my heart.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Heart
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
This film [ Into the Forest], it was special for that reason, because as an actress, you usually don't get to work with other actresses because you are usually up for the same roles, and you don't get to hang out that much.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Special
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
It was really cool to get to know her as a person and artist. And getting to act with her after a year of knowing her and be like, "Oh my god! There's a whole 'nother thing here!" It was really cool to be her friend and then see Ellen Page on the set.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Artist
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
It was such a bigger picture [ Westworld] than what I thought it was. It's more of a revolution than a TV show.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Tv Shows
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
We trusted the writers and showrunners [in Westworlds] so much because they're so brilliant and the writing's so incredible. It really was like playing Marco Polo, where you just kind of followed their voice and they would lead you to water.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Writing
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
I just couldn't believe that it [Into the Forest script] had fallen into my lap, because I felt so incredibly connected to my character, and I understood her, and I really...I haven't had that feeling about a script since I had read Thirteen or The Wrestler when I was just like, "No one else can do this." I just feel so passionate about it.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Believe
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
J.J. Abrams and Jonah Nolan and Lisa Joy, who are brilliant people, so I knew it [Westworld] was going to be amazing.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: People
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
I haven't got many tattoos, but the two that are most important to me are music tattoos. I have a black heart with a lightning bolt down the middle. And the black heart was for Manson and the lightning bolt down the middle was for David Bowie. I have black diamond with circles that keep swirling and swirling, and it's surrounded by sort of crazy diamonds because Pink Floyd's "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" really inspired me, and everybody's called me Crazy Diamond since I was a teenager, so it was always important to me.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Tattoo
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
I love walking onto the set and the blindfold is taken off and then everything I do is fresh and in the moment. That's why I loved working with Darren Aronofsky.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Taken
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
I mentioned Ellen Page on Twitter in a tweet. It was like, "I met Ellen Page last night and she's so beautiful and lovely!" So then we started talking.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
I love that this film [Into the Forest] has a balance.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Balance
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
I literally cried on Lisa Joy's shoulder when it ended. Just, "Thank you." Because those roles [like Dolores in the Westworld] are few and far between. What an amazing opportunity. It was an honor and a privilege to get to bring it to life, and I hope she gives other people the strength that she's given me as a survivor and as a human. I don't even mean to make it just a woman's issue because obviously it's men and women, but it certainly is an epidemic with women.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Mean
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
I also loved that there [in Into the Forest] was a beautiful balance to it, where they were strong and survivors and doing things in the film that we normally only see men do, but they were still human and vulnerable, and they still broke and had moments of weakness. That's something that we don't often get to see in these films, either.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
I have to go through that arc with Dolores, and I didn't know what my arc was going to be. We found out episode by episode, and the more it went on, the more I felt a change in myself and allowed myself to be strong and to get angry and to access emotions that I don't normally, and I think a lot of women don't because we're kind of conditioned not to. It's freed me in a way, and it made me find a strength in myself.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Strong
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
I really fell for Marilyn Manson. I thought how awful it was that an artist like him could be blamed for something - someone who brings so much to the world and, if anything, probably comforts kids who are in pain by saying, "You're not alone."
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Pain
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
I loved Stand By Me. I loved Tombstone. Give men a little credit. Maybe we'll be able to humanize women more and see more of their depth as people.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
I'm opening the doors, I'm buying dinner. Yeah, I'm romantic.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Doors
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
The running joke on set [of the Westworlds] was that everyone at some point thinks that they're Anthony Hopkins. Like, "Guys, I think I'm Dr. Ford. I'm Anthony Hopkins. That's the twist." We love all of the theories. Part of the fun of that show is figuring it out.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Running
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
I would want my son to value himself as a person. To hold himself to a higher standard, and to not listen to all the stuff that's shoved down men's throats about what they're supposed to do and how they're not supposed to feel. I want him to know that he's a person and he's allowed to have emotions and be vulnerable. That doesn't mean he's not strong.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Strong
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
One of the reasons why I fought for my roles is that I think there are so many things about them that are just human, but people like to label them as weird or bad or wrong because they're scared of them. I don't consider them bad - they're girls. They're going to make mistakes, but the films show the repercussions and show that they're going to learn. A lot of people are made to feel bad for being sad, so on top of already being unhappy, you're gonna hate yourself for it.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Girl
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
I got the part [in Into the Forest], I started taking ballet again to try to regain my strength back. I actually love that it was changed to Crystal Pite's modern dance. And I wouldn't even really call it modern dance because it feels like it's in its own genre.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Ballet
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
People have misconceptions about Marilyn Manson, of course, but they can think what they want.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Thinking
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
I get that some people just want to do work and keep their lives private. I think for me, it just felt like I needed to be open about who I am. It just felt like the right thing for me to do.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Thinking
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
Usually I approach to acting completely blindfolded. I read the script, I connect to the character, and then I try not to think about it too much until I'm there and I'm in wardrobe and I'm with the other actors and we're going through the scene once.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Character
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
I adore Susan Sarandon, she's just so cool, and brilliant, and beautiful. I just like her whole vibe - off- and on-screen.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
With bisexuality, there's so much out there in terms of what that means and there are so many definitions, and it's about finding out what's right for you.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Mean
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
I like having surprises in the morning for each other on the bedside table, so when you wake up you have something immediately. Just like a little teaser. Then I think it's nice to stay in bed all morning. It's simple.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Morning
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
You can become very reclusive in Hollywood. This gave us permission to be able to open up and be intimate with somebody that you might not normally be kind of brave enough or confident enough to do so with.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Brave
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
I think my favorite theory so far is that I am actually a robot. That's pretty great. In real life.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Real
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
I'm also a sucker for a view. Take me to a high place where I can see the landscape or the stars or the whole city, and I'm putty, I'm melting in your arms. Then I think having a romantic night, getting a little dressed up, but don't kill yourself trying to force the romance. A bunch of little subtle changes that will make the day more special will amount to a big awesome day in your memory. I like little breadcrumbs along the way. Draw it out!
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Stars
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
Whenever I talk about being a feminist or speaking out for equality, it's also about the idea that men are treated with respect. It's not just about treating women like people and not abusing them. You also can't abuse men and you can't say things like, 'Oh, he was just a man. He didn't know any better.' Or 'He's a man, what did you expect?' That's just as abusive and damaging to men, I feel.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Men