Top Tombstone Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Tombstone quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of David Brenner
I want my tombstone to read: If this is a joke, I don't get it.
- David Brenner
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Agnes de Mille
I want one word on my tombstone - dancer.
- Agnes de Mille
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Ann Richards
I did not want my tombstone to read, 'She kept a really clean house.'
- Ann Richards
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Doc Holliday
If I thought you weren't my friend, I just don't think I could bear it.
- Doc Holliday
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Doc Holliday
I have not yet begun to defile myself.
- Doc Holliday
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Will Rogers
If America ever passes out as a great nation, we ought to put on our tombstone: America died from a delusion she had Moral Leadership.
- Will Rogers
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Bessie Smith
The Greatest Blues Singer in the World Will Never Stop Singing.
- Bessie Smith
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Nicholas Murray Butler
Many peoples tombstones should read, 'Died at 30. Buried at 60.'
- Nicholas Murray Butler
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Nicholas Murray Butler
The epitaphs on tombstones of a great many people should read: Died at thirty, and buried at sixty.
- Nicholas Murray Butler
Collection: Tombstone
Image of James K. Morrow
The odor of bowel wind is known to every human, but the fragrance of book glue has crossed only a fraction of mortal nostrils. And yet it behooves us not to judge the unlettered too harshly. We must stay the impulse to write CHUCKLEHEAD above their doors and carve DOLT upon their tombstones.
- James K. Morrow
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Peg Bracken
Some people collect paperweights, or pre-Columbian figures, or old masters, or young mistresses, or tombstone rubbings, or five-minute recipes, or any of a thousand other things... My own collection is sunrises; and I find that they have their advantages. Sunrises are usually handsome, they can't possibly be dusted, and they take only a little room, so long as it has a window to see them from.
- Peg Bracken
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Ada Louise Huxtable
Who’s afraid of the big, bad buildings? Everyone, because there are so many things about gigantism that we just don’t know. The gamble of triumph or tragedy at this scale — and ultimately it is a gamble — demands an extraordinary payoff. The trade center towers could be the start of a new skyscraper age or the biggest tombstones in the world.
- Ada Louise Huxtable
Collection: Tombstone
Image of James Joseph Sylvester
Surely with as good reason as had Archimedes to have the cylinder, cone and sphere engraved on his tombstone might our distinguished countrymen leave testamentary directions for the cubic eikosiheptagram to be engraved on theirs. Spirit of the Universe! wither are we drifting, and when, where, and how is all this to end?
- James Joseph Sylvester
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Dennis Flanagan
Actually I like the idea of being a Renaissance hack. If tombstones were still in style, I would want to have the two words chiseled right under my name.
- Dennis Flanagan
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Wyatt Earp
You gonna do somethin'? or are you just gonna stand there and bleed?
- Wyatt Earp
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Dmitri Shostakovich
The majority of my symphonies are tombstones.
- Dmitri Shostakovich
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Mel Blanc
The Man of a Thousand Voices
- Mel Blanc
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Tom Bosley
My wife says that my tombstone will read, 'Here lies Mr. C, who used to be Mr. B.' So I think that's probably what I'll be remembered for.
- Tom Bosley
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Hoyt Axton
You know, I've seen a lot of people walkin' 'roundWith tombstones in their eyesBut the pusher don't careAh, if you live or if you die
- Hoyt Axton
Collection: Tombstone
Image of A. C. Green
Kids are dying from causes of sexual activity. You're not going to find a tombstone stating that Frankie died because he was a virgin.
- A. C. Green
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Scott Nicholson
Then on your tombstone, where you only get a little bit of space to sum up your life, some wax-faced creep chisels a set of meaningless numbers instead of poetry or a secret love or the name of your favorite candy. In the end, all you get is a few words.
- Scott Nicholson
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Nick Mason
I now believe when I'm dead and buried my tombstone will read, "I'm not entirely sure the band's over."
- Nick Mason
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Jack Dempsey
A Gentle Man and a Gentleman.
- Jack Dempsey
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Michael Crichton
They didn't understand what they were doing. I'm afraid that will be on the tombstone of the human race.
- Michael Crichton
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Bernard Ramm
A thousand times over, the death knell of the Bible has been sounded, the funeral procession formed, the inscription cut on the tombstone, and committal read. But somehow the corpse never stays put.
- Bernard Ramm
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Robert Brunner
I sometimes joke that when I die, my tombstone will say, 'Here lies the guy who hired Jonathan Ive.'
- Robert Brunner
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Susan B. Anthony
Liberty, Humanity, Justice, Equality
- Susan B. Anthony
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Merv Griffin
I will not be back after these messages
- Merv Griffin
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Eva Gabor
I had A Lover's Quarrel With The World Robert Lee Frost (Old Bennington Cemetery, Bennington, Vermont) Our Darling Eva We Love You.
- Eva Gabor
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Rita Hayworth
To Yesterday's Companionship and Tomorrow's Reunion.
- Rita Hayworth
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Sarah-Patton Boyle
... the structure of our public morality crashed to earth. Above its grave a tombstone read, "Be tolerant--even of evil." Logically the next step would be to say to our commonwealth's criminals, "I disagree that it's all right to rob and murder, but naturally I respect your opinion." Tolerance is only complacence when it makes no distinction between right and wrong.
- Sarah-Patton Boyle
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Carl Jung
- Carl Jung
Collection: Tombstone
Image of John R. Erickson
Don't take anything for granite. That's what tombstones are made of.
- John R. Erickson
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Ninon de L'Enclos
Who has not raised a tombstone, here and there, over buried hopes and dead joys, on the road of life? Like the scars of the heart, they are not to be obliterated.
- Ninon de L'Enclos
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Gabriel Campisi
My tombstone would someday read I died keeled over at my computer writing a screenplay or a business plan.
- Gabriel Campisi
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Dean Martin
Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime.
- Dean Martin
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Edward Abbey
James Joyce buried himself in his great work. _Finnegan's Wake_ is his monument and his tombstone. A dead end.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Orson Welles
On my tombstone, I want written: 'He never did 'Love Boat!''
- Orson Welles
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Keith Richards
What Muddy Waters did for us is what we should do for others. It's the old thing, what you want written on your tombstone as a musician: 'He passed it on.'
- Keith Richards
Collection: Tombstone
Image of William Shatner
I'm not going to have a tombstone. I'm going to be tossed in the air. Ashes, tossed like a salad.
- William Shatner
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Albert Schweitzer
In case my life should end with the cannibals, I hope they will write on my tombstone, 'We have eaten Dr. Schweitzer. He was good to the end.'
- Albert Schweitzer
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Bertrand Russell
All's well that ends well; which is the epitaph I should put on my tombstone if I were the last man left alive.
- Bertrand Russell
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Ali Smith
I don't want a tombstone. You could carve on it 'She never actually wanted a tombstone.'
- Ali Smith
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Brandon Mull
I was vanquished by a deer!' A giant magical flying deer with fangs,' Seth said, parroting a description Gavin had shared earlier. That sounds a little better,' Warren conceded. 'Seth is in charge of my tombstone.
- Brandon Mull
Collection: Tombstone
Image of P. G. Wodehouse
...there occurred to me the simple epitaph which, when I am no more, I intend to have inscribed on my tombstone. It was this: "He was a man who acted from the best motives. There is one born every minute.
- P. G. Wodehouse
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Sylvia Plath
Even amidst fierce flames the golden lotus can be planted.
- Sylvia Plath
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Will Rogers
I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. I'm not a member of any organized political party, I'm a Democrat! If we ever pass out as a great nation we ought to put on our tombstone 'America died from a delusion that she had moral leadership.'
- Will Rogers
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Ken Wilber
On my tombstone, I really hope that someday they will write: He was true but partial.
- Ken Wilber
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Sylvia Townsend Warner
My grandmother was unsurpassable at sitting. She would sit on tombstones, glaciers, small hard benches with ants crawling over them, fragments of public monuments, other people's wheelbarrows, and when one returned one could be sure of finding her there, conversing affably with the owner of the wheelbarrow.
- Sylvia Townsend Warner
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Lewis Mumford
I would die happy if I knew that on my tombstone could be written these words, "This man was an absolute fool. None of the disastrous things that he reluctantly predicted ever came to pass!"
- Lewis Mumford
Collection: Tombstone