Elizabeth Taylor

Image of Elizabeth Taylor
Maggie the cat is alive. I'm alive.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Cat
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
There's no deodorant like success.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Success
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
This is a book that respects kids and their ideas. And in that regard, it places Chasing Vermeer in the tradition of classic favorites fondly recalled from our own childhoods.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Book
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
The public me, the one named Elizabeth Taylor, has become a lot of hokum and fabrication - a bunch of drivel - and I find her slightly revolting.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Bunch
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
... there is no deodorant like success.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Deodorant
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
John Wayne is as tough as an old nut and as soft as a yellow ribbon.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Nuts
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I never tried to act until A Place in the Sun.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Sun
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
Everything was handed to me - looks, fame, wealth, honour, love. I rarely had to fight for anything
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Fighting
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I, along with the critics, have never taken myself very seriously.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Taken
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
A strong film director does leave you to your devices. A strong director allows you to be free and you trust that he's there and he will tell you if you've gone too far. A strong director allows you to be much more experimental and take greater chances than a director who isn't secure within himself.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Strong
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I never planned to acquire a lot of jewels or a lot of husbands. For me, life happened, just as it does for anyone else.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Husband
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
[On Antony's death] Strange, there has never been... such a silence.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Death
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I find it rather tedious working with some actors who have to go into a corner and bounce up and down, shake their hands and arms, saying to the director, "Just a second - I'll be ready in a few minutes, " while all the other actors are waiting around to get in. Then they say, "OK! I'm ready now." And then they come on and do it exactly the same way they've done it in rehearsal.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Hands
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
Oh, I love red. I'm very loyal to my colors. I love violet.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Color
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
Clark Gable was the epitome of the movie star - so romantic, such bearing, such friendliness.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Stars
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I love going to rock concerts, I love to lose myself in that vast wave of rhythm and body heat and get on the same vibe.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Rocks
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
Something always made me save myself. Either the Betty Ford Center or going onstage to perform in the theater when many people didn't think I could do it.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Thinking
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
Many in Hollywood viewed the public persona of the young Debbie Reynolds as demure and vulnerable to be a complete facade. Pianist Oscar Levant once quipped, "She's as wistful as an iron factory."
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Character
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
Judaism had absolutely nothing to do with my past marriage to Mike [Todd] or my upcoming marriage to Eddie Fisher, both of whom were Jewish. It was something I had wanted to do for a long time.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Past
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
There's still so much more to do. I can't sit back and be complacent, and none of us should be. I get around now in a wheelchair, but I get around.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Should
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
Richard is a very sexy man. He's got that sort of jungle essence that one can sense." (on Richard Burton)
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Sexy
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
On the film where I didn't get along with the director, I just decided to not speak to him.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Directors
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I find vocabulary to be a great drawback.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Vocabulary
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
A "name" no longer carries a film. People used to go to the cinema to see a "John Wayne film." And you don't have that thing happening now except in the rock world, which has taken the event out of movies.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Taken
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
On Mother's Day: It's just a rip-off, to tell the truth, a chance to sell my perfume and other things that ladies like.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Mother
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I never face the day without perfume.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Faces
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I have the emotions of a child in the body of a woman. I was rushed into womanhood for the movies. It caused me long moments of unhappiness and doubt.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Children
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
Acting is, to me now, artificial. Seeing people suffer is real. It couldn't be more real. Some people don't like to look at it in the face because it's painful. But if nobody does, then nothing gets done.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Real
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
Look, sweetheart, I can drink you under any goddamn table you want, so don't worry about me.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Drinking
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I have never felt more alive than when I watched my children delight in something, never more alive than when I have watched a great artist perform, and never richer than when I have scored a big check to fight AIDS.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Children
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I hate the idea of always having to interpret other people's ideas and thoughts and words, because I'm very independent and, I guess, a free thinker.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Hate
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
Any home where there is love constitutes a family and all families should have the same legal rights, including the right to marry and have or adopt children. Why shouldn't gay people be able to live as open and freely as everybody else?
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Children
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
Marilyn Monroe seemed to have a kind of unconscious glow about her physical self that was innocent, like a child. When she posed nude, it was 'Gee, I am kind of, you know, sort of dishy,' like she enjoyed it without being egotistical.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Children
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I wear perfume even when I’m alone
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Perfume
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
When you're older, you'll appreciate the advantages of sleeping alone.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Sleep
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I'm just an instinctive actress, I've never had a lesson in my life.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Lessons
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
If it is not to make the world better what is money for?
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: World
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
Why shouldn't gay people be able to live as open and freely as everybody else? What it comes down to, ultimately, is love. How can anything bad come out of love? The bad stuff comes out of mistrust, misunderstanding and, God knows, from hate and from ignorance.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Hate
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
Sometimes I think we know too much about our idols and that spoils the dream.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Dream
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I use my fame now when I want to help a cause or other people.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: People
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I believe in mind over matter and doing anything you set your mind on.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Believe
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I feel like 45. I don't look bad for someone my age, with my history of illnesses and operations and all those anesthetics. When they knock you out, it gives you time to catch up on your beauty sleep.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Sleep
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I mean, how many young women get a set of rubies just for doing something wholesome like swimming laps? Or win a diamond ring at Ping-Pong with their husband... ? Well, I did, and for all of these memories and the people in my life I feel blessed.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Husband
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
Success is a great deodorant. It takes away all your past smells.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
The things that are important to me - being a mother, a businesswoman, an activist - are all things that were borne out of great passion.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Mother
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
You can be fat and still be sexy . It all depends on how you feel about yourself
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Sexy
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
If you can't laugh at yourself, you're cooked!
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I don't love acting; I love chocolate.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Chocolate
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
Michael Jackson is part of my heart. We would do anything for each other.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Heart