Elizabeth Taylor

Image of Elizabeth Taylor
Money is the best deodorant.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Funny
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
When women stops blushing, she has lost the most powerful weapon of charm.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Powerful
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I do enjoy life, I really do. Especially if I wake up the next day.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Next Day
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
Seems like we always spend the best part of our time just saying goodbye.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
All I see in the mirror every morning is a face that needs washing.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Morning
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
Every breath you take today should be with someone else in mind.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Mind
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
A belly laugh increases the ability of your immune system to fight infections.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Fighting
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I've been married too many times. How terrible to change children's affiliations, their affections - to give them the insecurity of placing their trust in someone when maybe that someone won't be there next year.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Children
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I'm not worried about dying. I consult with God, my maker. And I don't have a lot of problems to work out. I'm pretty squared anyway.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Work Out
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I want it all quickly 'cause I don't want God to stop and think and wonder if I'm getting more than my share.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Thinking
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
The ups and downs, the problems and stress, along with all the happiness, have given me optimism and hope because I am living proof of survival.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Stress
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I have been supremely lucky in my life in that I have known great love, and of course I am the temporary custodian of some incredible and beautiful things.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I'm not afraid. Life is just such an adventure to me.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Adventure
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
Fragrance is an incredibly intimate thing. It can evoke very specific thoughts or memories and is a little different for each person who wears it. I also think it's the most accessible luxury.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Memories
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
You can't choose between right and wrong by taking a census.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Decision
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I think I ended up being the scarlet woman partly because of my rather puritannical upbringing and beliefs. I always chose to think I was in love and that love was synonymous with marriage.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Thinking
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
Originally, we were going to set up a cappuccino bar in the showroom, but we've been so busy, ... We decided when we're old and grey, we're going to set up a coffee shop, and we formed the company about 18 months ago when we thought of the name. It's going to be TLC - Tastes Like Chocolate.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Coffee
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I've never had an acting lesson. I've never been given techniques. Everything I've done is invented. I just sort of found out [how to do it].
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Acting
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
When you're fat, the world is divided into two groups - people who bug you and people who leave you alone. The funny thing is, supporters and saboteurs exist in either camp.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Funny Things
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
Humility, never me; it is a characteristic I expect to find in other people.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Humility
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I love to be casual and comfortable, but I also love the easy glamour of wearing jewelry all the time.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Jewelry
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
The most sensible thing to do to people you hate is to drink their brandy.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Hate
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I like the connection with fans and people who have been supportive of me. And I love the idea of real feedback and a two-way street, which is very, very modern.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Real
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I hate being called "Liz", because it can sound like such a hiss.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Hate
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
To me, acting is a matter of absolute concentration. You can laugh and giggle with your friends up to the minute the director says, "Action!" Then you snap your mind into shape and into the character that you're playing and relate to the people that you're acting with and forget everybody else that you've been joking with.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Character
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
Michael Jackson is one of the most normal people I know.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: People
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I just loved the feeling of flying. I could jump six feet bareback and it was the closest thing to being Pegasus and flying next to God. It's the most liberating freedom-making feeling in the world.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Feet
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I believe in the difference between men and women. In fact, I embrace the difference.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Believe
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
It is bad enough that people are dying of AIDS, but no one should die of ignorance.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Sex
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
You can always avert throwing yourself in front of an oncoming train. There is something that just pulls you away - and it has pulled me away, because I'm not dead yet - just at the brink of impact. Sometimes I have been really grazed by that train.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Impact
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
It's amazing the gymnastics you can do when you don't want to do something. How you can force yourself against all the forces of nature. I threw myself backward.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Gymnastics
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
Without homosexuals there'd be no Hollywood.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Hollywood
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I hate to try to be that person in my own skin, in my own way, in my own head, not through exercises or anything else, just by, I guess, belief, concentration.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Hate
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
Just in case you get pneumonia or die. The dangerous bits are always the last days of shooting.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Pneumonia
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I was so strictly brought up that the only time I could get away would be on my own pony. I could ride wherever I wanted on my godfather's estate in Kent.I wasn't brought up to be afraid of anything.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Would Be
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
My forties are the best time I have ever gone through.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Gone
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I'm loud and I'm vulgar, and I wear the pants in the house because somebody's got to, but I am not a monster. I'm not.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: House
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
Why shouldn't gay people be allowed to be able to marry? Those against gay marriages say marriage should only be between a man and a woman. God, I of all people know that doesn't always work!
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Gay
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
When I hear the name Michael Jackson, I think of brilliance, of dazzling stars, lasers and deep emotions. I think he is one of the world's biggest and greatest stars, and it just so happens that he is one of the most gifted music makers the world has ever known. I think he is one of the finest people to hit this planet, and, in my estimation, he is the true King of Pop, Rock, and Soul. I love you Michael.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Kings
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I was born with scoliosis. I have a double curvature of the spine, and it's forced me to use a wheelchair because the disease has really taken hold. It really saddens me that I can't ride.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Taken
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
Acting is fun. It's not my whole life. It's not my entire being. It's secondary to my life. My life is primary. I'm running in the primary, as you know.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Running
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I left home as soon as I could, when I was 18. I thought I was in love and got married - the press called it Prince Charming and Cinderella. He was a Hilton so I was the poor little Cinderella. And when I got a divorce nine months later I never told the court why, but he was cruel.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Divorce
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I've never thought of my jewelry as trophies. I'm here to take care of it and to love it, for we are only temporary custodians of beauty.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Custodians
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I don't like my voice. I don't like the way I look. I don't like the way I move. I don't like the way I act. I mean, period. So, you know, I don't like myself.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Inspiring
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
What is a genius? What is a living legend? What is a megastar? Michael Jackson -- that's all. And when you think you know him, he gives you more. I think he is one of the finest people to hit this planet, and, in my estimation, he is the true King of Pop, Rock and Soul.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Kings
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
What do you expect me to do? Sleep alone?
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Sleep
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I don't have a set pattern. I take things as they come. Usually with a great amount of relish. I just lay back and wait for it to happen. And it usually does.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Waiting
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I gave a very dear friend of mine my humanitarian award. Because you don't need an award to be, or not be, a humanitarian.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Awards
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
I've always sung in the shower. Now I make the stage a mental shower in order not to get too uptight and enjoy it.
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Order