David Sedaris

Image of David Sedaris
They're hungry for something they know nothing about, but we, we know all too well that the price of fame is the loss of privacy.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Funny
Image of David Sedaris
The thought of killing myself had slowed me down to five miles per hour. The thought of killing someone else stopped me completely.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Killing Someone
Image of David Sedaris
Being locked up is one thing, but to have no concept of confinement, to be ignorant of its terms and never understand that struggle is useless - that's what hell must be like.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Struggle
Image of David Sedaris
But instead I am applying for a job as an elf. Even worse than applying is the very real possibility that I will not be hired, that I couldn't even find work as an elf. That's when you know you're a failure.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Sedaris
Performance is really an important part of how I edit. I sometimes take something out because I realize I put in a joke just to be funny and the audience laughed, but I should be ashamed of myself. I sometimes take out sentences, which are perfectly fine on paper, just because they don't flow when I say them out loud. I always read my work out loud now.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Work Out
Image of David Sedaris
I was the type of person who was the question-asker. And not just genuine questions, I would ask a question so the author would know how much I knew about them. Once I went to a Tobias Wolff reading. I knew he was teaching at Syracuse at that time. And so, I remember asking him how he liked Syracuse. People do that to me now and it's okay. There is rarely a time when I just have had enough.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Teaching
Image of David Sedaris
I don't think I'm a witty person. To me, a witty person is a funny person who is also a smart person. My friend David Rakoff, who died a few years ago, he was a witty person. Fran Lebowitz is a witty person. I don't think there are that many witty people around, so you tend to notice them when they do come around. I don't consider myself to be that.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Witty
Image of David Sedaris
I spend so much time like living in the past or the future. I mean, I think most people do, really. And the moments when you're really present in your life can be pretty rare, really.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Mean
Image of David Sedaris
Maybe one day, I would write a story about arguing in public, and those would come in handy in some way.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Writing
Image of David Sedaris
I wanted to be a visual artist, but I realized I was more affected by what I read than by what I saw. I would go to a show at a museum and look at a painting and say, 'Oh I wish I owned that,' and that would be the end of my relationship with a painting. With a short story I would read or with an author I would discover I could be haunted. It would affect my mood and affect the way that I saw the world. I thought, wow, it would be amazing to be able to do that.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Artist
Image of David Sedaris
His embarassment would have pleased me, but once he recovered, there would be that awkward period that sometimes culminates in a handshake. I didn't want to touch these people's hands or see things from their point of view, I just wanted to continue hating them. So I kept my mouth shut and stared off into space.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Hate
Image of David Sedaris
This left me alone to solve the coffee problem - a sort of catch-22, as in order to think straight I need caffeine, and in order to make that happen I need to think straight.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Coffee
Image of David Sedaris
We can't profess love without talking through hand puppets.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Love
Image of David Sedaris
I hate you' she said to me one afternoon. 'I really, really hate you.' Call me sensitive, but I couldn't help but take it personally.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Hate
Image of David Sedaris
I mean, I'm always happy if I have, like, humiliating asshole things that I did. I think: Oh good, that's a good story. Because if you write about humiliating asshole things other people do it doesn't work as well. I mean, you can, but you can get away with it better if you talk about what an asshole you are. It's much easier.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Writing
Image of David Sedaris
He die one day, and then he go above of my head to live with your father." He weared the long hair, and after he died, the first day he come back here for to say hello to the peoples." He nice, the Jesus.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Jesus
Image of David Sedaris
In other parts of the country people tried to stay together for the sake of the children. In New York they tried to work things out for the sake of the apartment.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Country
Image of David Sedaris
During episodes of unemployment I find it rewarding to sleep as much as possible-anything from twelve to fourteen hours a day is a good starting point. Sleep spares you humiliation and saves money at the same time: nothing to eat, nothing to buy, just lie back and dream your life away.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Dream
Image of David Sedaris
Everyone looks retarded once you set your mind to it.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Humorous
Image of David Sedaris
I'm friends with a lot of writers and so many of them say how much they hate signings and how they leave after a certain period of time. But what is so hard about sitting there while people tell you how much they love you? And if you don't like it, well, learn to like it. I try to take one person at a time. I never look down the line to see how many more people are left. And I always try to make people talk about something besides whatever they planned to say.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Hate
Image of David Sedaris
It was the look you get when facing a sudden and insurmountable danger: the errant truck, the shaky ladder, the crazy person who pins you to the linoleum and insists, with increasing urgency, that everything you know and love can be undone by a grape.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Crazy
Image of David Sedaris
They were Jesuits," she told me. "That means they believe in God but not in terlet paper. You should have seen their underwear. Disgusting.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Believe
Image of David Sedaris
The Greeks had invented democracy, built the Acropolis and called it a day.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Greek
Image of David Sedaris
I think it's good to have the alone time. Well, I kind of have to, because I have to be alone in order to work, so I have alone time. And then I go on tour and I have being-around-people time.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Thinking
Image of David Sedaris
I would still be reading out loud. I think that if you are any kind of an artist, then validation is just sort of... it can be a result, but you're going to do the work anyway. Because you're just wired that way. It's so engrained, it's such a part of your personality that you don't just stop doing it. Eventually I'll retire on some level, eventually no one will want to buy my books or a ticket to see me read, it's inevitable that's going to happe
- David Sedaris
Collection: Book
Image of David Sedaris
Kools and Newports were for black people and lower-class whites. Camels were for procrastinators, those who wrote bad poetry, and those who put off writing bad poetry. Merits were for sex addicts, Salems were for alcoholics, and Mores were for people who considered themselves to be outrageous but really weren't.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Sex
Image of David Sedaris
I won't put in a load of laundry, because the machine is too loud and would drown out other, more significant noises - namely, the shuffling footsteps of the living dead.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Machines
Image of David Sedaris
If you are any kind of an artist, then validation . . . can be a result, but you're going to do the work anyway.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Artist
Image of David Sedaris
Now, I like a church service, but this was one of those write-your-own-vows sorts of things. Neither of them had ever picked up a pen in their life, but all of a sudden they’re poets, right, like that’s all it takes — being in love.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Being In Love
Image of David Sedaris
When someone tell me they illegally downloaded one of my audiobooks I think, Thanks a lot, Pal. When someone tells me they checked my book out of the library, I'm delighted. I've always been a big library user, and feel a kinship with others who do the same thing.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Book
Image of David Sedaris
..she took pictures of germs, viruses, and people reacting to germs and viruses. On weekends, for extra money, she photographed weddings, which really wasn't that much of a stretch
- David Sedaris
Collection: Weekend
Image of David Sedaris
My boyfriend got me a computer three years ago. I'll admit it does make things a lot easier. When I was working on a typewriter and I whited out a line, often I would choose a word to go in the space just because it fit. Now I don't have to do that.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Typewriters
Image of David Sedaris
Standing in a two-hour line makes people worry that they're not living in a democratic nation. People stand in line for two houres and they go over the edge.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Two
Image of David Sedaris
A good [short story] would take me out of myself and then stuff me back in, outsized, now, and uneasy with the fit.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Writing
Image of David Sedaris
It was my friend Frank, a writer in San Francisco, who finally set me straight. When asked about my new look he put down his fork and stared at me for a few moments. "A bow tie announces to the world you can no longer get an erection."
- David Sedaris
Collection: San Francisco
Image of David Sedaris
Writing gives you the illusion of control, and then you realize it's just an illusion, that people are going to bring their own stuff into it.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Writing
Image of David Sedaris
If you aren't cute, you may as well be clever.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Cute
Image of David Sedaris
Every day we're told that we live in the greatest country on earth. And it's always stated as an undeniable fact: Leos are born between July 23 and August 22, fitted queen-size sheets measure sixty by eighty inches, and America is the greatest country on earth. Having grown up with this in our ears, it's startling to realize that other countries have nationalistic slogans of their own, none of which are 'We're number two!
- David Sedaris
Collection: Country
Image of David Sedaris
Some friendships are formed by a commonality of interests and ideas: you both love judo or camping or making your own sausage. Other friendships are forged in alliance against a common enemy.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Ideas
Image of David Sedaris
What I really hated, of course, was my mind. There must have been an off switch somewhere, but I was damned if I could find it.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Mind
Image of David Sedaris
Hugh consoled me, saying, "Don't let it get to you. There are plenty of things you're good at." When asked for some examples, he listed vacuuming and naming stuffed animals. He says he can probably come up with a few more, but he'll need some time to think.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Smart
Image of David Sedaris
She said, “I’m going to have you fired.” I had two people say that to me today, “I’m going to have you fired.” Go ahead, be my guest. I’m wearing a green velvet costume; it doesn’t get any worse than this. Who do these people think they are? I’m going to have you fired!” and I wanted to lean over and say, “I’m going to have you killed.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Thinking
Image of David Sedaris
Boys who spent their weekends making banana nut muffins did not, as a rule, excel in the art of hand-to-hand combat.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Art
Image of David Sedaris
The woman in charge of costuming assigned us our outfits and gave us a lecture on keeping things clean. She held up a calendar and said, "Ladies, you know what this is. Use it. I have scraped enough blood out from the crotches of elf knickers to last me the rest of my life. And don't tell me, 'I don't wear underpants, I'm a dancer.' You're not a dancer. If you were a real dancer you wouldn't be here. You're an elf and you're going to wear panties like an elf.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Real
Image of David Sedaris
Given enough time, I guess anything can look good. All it has to do is survive.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Enough Time
Image of David Sedaris
Sometimes the sins you haven't committed are all you have to hold on to. If you're really desperate, you might need to grope, saying, for example, "I've never killed anyone with a hammer" or "I've never stolen from anyone who didn't deserve it.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Needs
Image of David Sedaris
I just looked at the pattern of my life, decided I didn't like it, and changed.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Insightful
Image of David Sedaris
Most people would have found it grotesque, but when you're in love nothing is so abstract or horrible that it can't be thought of as cute.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Cute
Image of David Sedaris
I felt uncomfortable calling myself a writer until I started with 'The New Yorker,' and then I was like, 'Okay, now you can call yourself that.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Calling