Charles Barkley

Image of Charles Barkley
All I know is, as long as I led the Southeastern Conference in scoring, my grades would be fine.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Basketball
Image of Charles Barkley
I don't have time to put up with the politics. Who's a Democrat? Who's a Republican? Who's liberal? Who's conservative? Man, can my daughter just go to a school and not get killed? Can these people get a good job? That's what I'm concerned about.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Daughter
Image of Charles Barkley
When you read the book you see that these guys aren't holding any punches. They're straightforward. They're honest. They're giving you their honest opinion.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Basketball
Image of Charles Barkley
I don't believe professional athletes should be role models. I believe parents should be role models.... It's not like it was when I was growing up. My mom and my grandmother told me how it was going to be. If I didn't like it, they said, Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. Parents have to take better control.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Mom
Image of Charles Barkley
I'm really disturbed about the gay marriage thing. Because I think gay people should get married, cause it's their own business ... Because as a Black man, I think you've got to be against any form of discrimination.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Gay
Image of Charles Barkley
I came to the realization a couple months ago that I am fat. If you get tired from walking - and that's all that golf is - then you are officially fat.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Basketball
Image of Charles Barkley
I know a lot of people did a lot of heavy lifting to make me successful and I do everything in my power not to screw it up.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Basketball
Image of Charles Barkley
I like to help poor people who got no chance. If rich people don't, who will? Not other poor people, that's for sure.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Basketball
Image of Charles Barkley
I'm not paid to be a role model. I'm paid to wreak havoc on the basketball court.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Basketball
Image of Charles Barkley
Jerry Krause must have pictures of his boss's wife having sex with a monkey.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Sex
Image of Charles Barkley
I don't believe athletes should be role models. . . . We're a one-shot deal, one in a million, so we should be the least likely role models. . . . I think one of the problems in society today is that we don't stress education enough, because we glorify athletes, actors and actresses.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Education
Image of Charles Barkley
Half Man, Half Sit-Out-The-Season.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Funny
Image of Charles Barkley
Everybody in New York thinks the Knicks are Playboy bunnies, and I have been telling them for years the Knicks are a rabbit. They're closer to a Playboy bunny this year but for the last few years these guys are like, 'We have a really good team!' And I say, 'You really think that?' And I say, 'No, they don't.' But this is the best team they've had in a while.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: New York
Image of Charles Barkley
I don't how anybody taller than 6-4 can sit in those seats. And the airline executives don't give a damn 'cause they never walk back there in the first place. I don't fly first class because I have a lot of money. I do it because I need the room.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Basketball
Image of Charles Barkley
If all babies are so cute, how the hell do we have so many ugly people in the world?
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Cute
Image of Charles Barkley
If ifs were gifts, every day would be Christmas.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Would Be
Image of Charles Barkley
The meek may inherit the earth, but they wont get the ball from me.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: May
Image of Charles Barkley
Curling is not a sport. I called my grandmother and told her she could win a gold medal because they have dusting in the Olympics now.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Sports
Image of Charles Barkley
If Michael Jordan was a damn plumber, he couldn't get a date. Any guy got $500 million looks good.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Guy
Image of Charles Barkley
I'm serious. I've got to get people to realize that the government is full of it. Republicans and Democrats want to argue over stuff that's not important, like gay marriage or the war in Iraq or illegal immigration... When I run - if I run - we're going to talk about real issues like improving our schools, cleaning up our neighborhoods of drugs and crime and making Alabama a better place for all people.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Running
Image of Charles Barkley
I want to be a politician. I think I understand how the system works, I think a lot of politicians are corrupt, and it's about time we put some people in there who are going to look out for the majority of the people instead of the rich people.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Basketball
Image of Charles Barkley
I just wish all these young black kids would realize how significant it is to stop acting a fool out there, killing each other, not getting their education. You know, people have died to put us in a situation to be successful.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Basketball
Image of Charles Barkley
Every time I think about changing a diaper, I run a little bit harder and a little bit faster to make sure I can afford a nanny until my daughter's old enough to take care of that herself.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Basketball
Image of Charles Barkley
Being black or white isn't an accomplishment. What you do with your life - or what you accomplish with your life - dictates what you should be proud of.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Basketball
Image of Charles Barkley
I was a Republican until they lost their minds
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Mind
Image of Charles Barkley
People always say he can run and he can jump. So can a deer and you wouldn't put a deer in the game.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Running
Image of Charles Barkley
I just thank God for Dennis [Rodman], cause he makes me look like a saint.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Thank God
Image of Charles Barkley
We're just playing basketball. It's not like we're going out to have unprotected sex with Magic.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Funny
Image of Charles Barkley
The older I get, the faster I was.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Funny
Image of Charles Barkley
The word conservative means discriminatory practically. It's a form of political discrimination. What do the Republicans run on? Against gay marriage and for a war that makes no sense. A war that was based on faulty intelligence. That's all they ever talk about. That and immigration. Another discriminatory argument for political gain.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Running
Image of Charles Barkley
White folks are not going to come to see a bunch of guys with tattoos, with cornrows. I'm sorry, but anyone who thinks different, they're stupid.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Tattoo
Image of Charles Barkley
Everybody in the world has an ego. The only difference between us is we have a reason to have an ego.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Differences
Image of Charles Barkley
It bothers me when I hear these reporters and jocks get on TV and say: 'Oh, no guy can come out in a team sport. These guys would go crazy.' First of all, quit telling me what I think. I'd rather have a gay guy who can play than a straight guy who can't play.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Sports
Image of Charles Barkley
Any time a little midget does something like this, you gotta give him a 10!.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Basketball
Image of Charles Barkley
Any professional league that goes on strike right now - that's just suicide.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Suicide
Image of Charles Barkley
The most underrated player in NBA history is Dominique Wilkins. Right behind him is Gary Payton. He never has gotten the respect he deserves. If he doesn't spend the rest of his days in Seattle, I hope he goes someplace where he has a chance to win a title.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Winning
Image of Charles Barkley
If you can't slam with the best, then jam with the rest.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Jam
Image of Charles Barkley
They always try to make it like jocks discriminate against gay people. I've been a big proponent of gay marriage for a long time, because as a black person, I can't be in for any form of discrimination at all.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Gay
Image of Charles Barkley
If you go out with a girl and they say she has a great personality, she's ugly. If they tell you a guy works hard, he can't play a lick. Same thing.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Basketball
Image of Charles Barkley
Most sportswriters don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Ass
Image of Charles Barkley
It's kinda great to see the Celtics doin well again cuz that was so much fun in my day to go to the Boston Garden and they spit at you and throw things at you and talk about your mom. It sounds like dinner at Kenny Smith's house.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Basketball
Image of Charles Barkley
I want her to understand that it's going to be a factor in her life. I just want her to know that (racism) does exist, and I want her to always be diligent, and if she sees it, address it and fight it.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Basketball
Image of Charles Barkley
To me, there's only 5 real jobs in America: Police Officers, Teachers, Firefighters, Doctors, and the Military Service.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Teacher
Image of Charles Barkley
Adrian Dantley is a guy that I looked at . . . on how to maneuver my body around.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Basketball
Image of Charles Barkley
There's no medical term for what I've got.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Medical
Image of Charles Barkley
I'm still going to Disney World.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: World
Image of Charles Barkley
I'm so sick and tired of people in the media telling us that because of the war, sports aren't important. Fans need sports. We'd have only crime and war to watch on TV if not for sports.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Sports
Image of Charles Barkley
What I told [my teammates] after the game was I'm just fortunate [for] my 16 years because, this [injury] can happen every single night you go out and play... It can be over in one instant, so you should appreciate everyday.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Basketball
Image of Charles Barkley
They run like deer, jump like deer and think like deer.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Inspirational