Top Jam Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Jam quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Violette Leduc
Often, we melt into our ecstasies as though they were jams, as though we were sinking into syrupy bowls of gooseberries, of raspberries, of bilberries.
- Violette Leduc
Collection: Jam
Image of Iwan Rheon
There was so much great music around in the 60s, stuff like The Small Faces, but I also love The Jam.
- Iwan Rheon
Collection: Jam
Image of John T. Flynn
Fascism is the consequence of economic jam and dictatorship is the product of Fascism, for Fascism cannot be managed save by a dictator.
- John T. Flynn
Collection: Jam
Image of Dorie Greenspan
Meyer lemons are a splurge, but they're so wonderful. You could make a Meyer lemon curd or a jam. You could make a salad with slices of Meyer lemon. You could make a Meyer lemon tart and top the tart with candied slices of the lemons. You could use the lemons in a salsa to go over grilled fish or in a ceviche.
- Dorie Greenspan
Collection: Jam
Image of John Grisham
I'm being followed so much I'm causing traffic jams.
- John Grisham
Collection: Jam
Image of Tove Jansson
Someone who eats pancakes and jam can't be so awfully dangerous. You can talk to him.
- Tove Jansson
Collection: Jam
Image of Dana Cowin
Check out the produce bin in your fridge or your cabinet before you buy more. When you see something on the verge of going bad, freeze it, turn it into a sauce, make jam.
- Dana Cowin
Collection: Jam
Image of Catherine Gilbert Murdock
Why was it that jam always coated me so?
- Catherine Gilbert Murdock
Collection: Jam
Image of Tony Benn
Some of the jam we thought was for tomorrow, we've already eaten
- Tony Benn
Collection: Jam
Image of Chogyam Trungpa
The epitome of the human realm is to be stuck in a huge traffic jam of discursive thought.
- Chogyam Trungpa
Collection: Jam
Image of A. C. Benson
Do you know the times when one seems to stick fast in circumstances like the fly in the jam-pot? It can't be helped, and I suppose the best thing to do is to lay in a good store of jam!
- A. C. Benson
Collection: Jam
Image of Zig Ziglar
There's no traffic jam on the extra mile.
- Zig Ziglar
Collection: Jam
Image of Sylvia Plath
Sometimes I nursed starfish alive in jam jars of seawater and watched them grow back lost arms. On this day, this awful birthday of otherness, my rival, somebody else, I flung the starfish against a stone. Let it perish.
- Sylvia Plath
Collection: Jam
Image of Brian Tracy
There are never any traffic jams on the extra mile.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Jam
Image of Cassandra Clare
-Nunca dejaría de creer en ti -dijo-. Jamás. Lo que siento por ti...-Se atracó-. Es lo más grande que he sentido en mi vida. [pp.78]
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Jam
Image of Lewis Carroll
It's jam every other day: to-day isn't any other day, you know.
- Lewis Carroll
Collection: Jam
Image of Darrell Royal
As far as I'm concerned, everything's ham and jam.
- Darrell Royal
Collection: Jam
Image of Italo Calvino
Fantasy is like jam. . . . You have to spread it on a solid piece of bread. If not, it remains a shapeless thing . . . out of which you can’t make anything.
- Italo Calvino
Collection: Jam
Image of Tove Jansson
One can't be too dangerous, if they like to eat pancakes. Especially with jam on it.
- Tove Jansson
Collection: Jam
Image of Charles Barkley
If you can't slam with the best, then jam with the rest.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Jam