Charles Barkley

Image of Charles Barkley
Poor people cannot rely on the government to come to help you in times of need. You have to get your education. Then nobody can control your destiny.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Government
Image of Charles Barkley
'War Eagle' is like 'I love you.'
- Charles Barkley
Collection: War
Image of Charles Barkley
If I got a chance to play with another great player, I want to do that. I mean, the objective is to win.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Chance
Image of Charles Barkley
The main thing to do is relax and let your talent do the work.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Work
Image of Charles Barkley
One thing about being famous is the people around you, you pay all their bills so they very rarely disagree with you because they want you to pick up the check.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Famous
Image of Charles Barkley
One of the reasons I don't trust the media is you can't have a double standard for guys you like and dislike.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Trust
Image of Charles Barkley
I got some cash from agents. I've talked to the NCAA. I think that should be legal. I want some money, too; everybody else is making money. I want to go on dates. I want to go buy myself some new suits. I want to buy myself some new sneakers, and I paid the agents back.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Legal
Image of Charles Barkley
Somebody hits me, I'm going to hit him back. Even if it does look like he hasn't eaten in a while.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Anger
Image of Charles Barkley
When you steal from somebody, you are saying to them, 'I don't respect how hard you worked for your money.' When somebody steals from you, that's what they're saying.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Respect
Image of Charles Barkley
I might go my whole life stealing money. I got paid to play basketball, which is a scam. I get paid to watch basketball, which is a scam.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Money
Image of Charles Barkley
My idea of religion is we are supposed to bring people together. We are not supposed to judge other people.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Religion
Image of Charles Barkley
I think sports has done a disservice for a lot of black kids thinking they can only be successful through athletics and entertainment. I want them to know they can be doctors, lawyers, teachers, fireman, police officers, etc.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Sports
Image of Charles Barkley
I live in Arizona. I think the Hispanic people are amazing. I think when people talk about illegal immigration... it does them a disservice.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Amazing
Image of Charles Barkley
You know it's going to hell when the best rapper out there is white and the best golfer is black.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Sports
Image of Charles Barkley
If you get a chance to play with great players, that's half the battle.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Chance
Image of Charles Barkley
If I weren't earning $3 million a year to dunk a basketball, most people on the street would run in the other direction if they saw me coming.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Sports
Image of Charles Barkley
These are my new shoes. They're good shoes. They won't make you rich like me, they won't make you rebound like me, they definitely won't make you handsome like me. They'll only make you have shoes like me. That's it.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Sports
Image of Charles Barkley
At some point, I don't want to have any obligation. And just chill out.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
I'm not a role model... Just because I dunk a basketball doesn't mean I should raise your kids.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
Sometimes that light at the end of the tunnel is a train.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
For some reason, we're brainwashed to think if you're not a thug or an idiot, you're not black enough. If you go to school, make good grades, speak intelligent, and don't break the law, you're not a good black person.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
Poor people are too stupid to know they're just chess pieces in a game.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
My initial response was to sue her for defamation of character, but then I realized that I had no character.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
I'm not paid to be a role model, parents should be role models.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
What I try to do is, I just want the fans to enjoy the game.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
I am a big pro-choice guy.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
LeBron is a great player and a great guy, but he's a drama queen.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
The only difference between a good shot and a bad shot is if it goes in or not.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
You can't sit on the sidelines of life.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
One of the worst days of my life was telling Dick Ebersol I was going to TNT.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
I have voted Democrat my entire life.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
One of my biggest regrets ever was not taking the time to go to South Africa to meet Nelson Mandela. That is a big regret of mine. I should have figured out a way.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
Fans have this perception that they can say anything to you because you are a celebrity.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
We, as black people, we have a lot of crooks.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
We need the cops, especially in the black community.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
Unfortunately, as I tell my white friends, we, as black people, we're never going to be successful - not because of you white people but because of other black people. When you're black, you have to deal with so much crap in your life from other black people.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
I'd rather have a gay guy who can play than a straight guy who can't play.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
If you are black on television, you are probably going to be some kind of thug, gangster, or portrayed in a negative light. If you are some type of Muslim, you are going to be blowing stuff up. If you are Hispanic, you are going to be some type of gangbanger. I've felt like this for years.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
I don't care what people think. People are stupid.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
I'm not going to waste my time worrying about these Confederate statues. That's wasted energy.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
Golf is fun - until you hit somebody in the head.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
Neither one of the parties is doing anything for poor people. They're both full of it. Black people have been voting Democratic their whole life, and they're still poor. And the Republicans don't do anything for poor people, either.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
The only people who distrust the cops are crooks. They're not out there just harassing innocent people. Maybe sometimes they do. But there's no inherent situation where cops are deliberately out there harassing people.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
I remember I'd be sleeping in the airport at 5 o'clock in the morning, traveling three hours, and playing a game that day. We never even chartered until my third year in the NBA.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
I love sports because it takes me away from reality, and I tell people, 'No matter how bad your life is, if you are having problems at home, you are having problems at work, that's the beauty of sports.'
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
I'm no role model.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
I just grew up a poor black kid in Alabama with a single mom and two brothers.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
The president of the United States should not be tweeting.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
I do not use words like 'liberal' or 'conservative.' You can ask me a question, and I will give you an answer. Those are words rich people on television use to divide and conquer.
- Charles Barkley
Image of Charles Barkley
Everybody wants to protect their own tribe, whether they are right or wrong.
- Charles Barkley