Amos Oz

Image of Amos Oz
I don't envy Netanyahu's situation, because I think he is in hot water. Obviously, this man has a totally different sense of personal morality than some of our previous political leaders. What would I personally like to see? I would like to see this government go straight to hell. And I would have liked to have seen the previous government go straight to hell.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Men
Image of Amos Oz
The morning I woke up and it was announced that Trump was the elected president of the United States, I wrote to Angela Merkel. I said that she - at least for me - is now the leader of the free world.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Morning
Image of Amos Oz
The Six-Day War laid a foundation of deep hatred toward Israel 50 years ago. I said this at a very early moment back then, when people were chanting about liberating ancestral land. I was quick to say that regardless of the future of these territories, liberated they are not, because the term liberation only applies to human beings and not to land, not to real estate.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Real
Image of Amos Oz
The Palestinians have no other land. They are absolutely right about this. The Israeli Jews also have no other land and they are absolutely right about this. It is a tragedy of two peoples claiming the same very small country - very small, about the size of New Jersey. And both of them are right. Both of them have no other homeland as peoples. As individuals, maybe, but not as a people.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Country
Image of Amos Oz
The Jews have a powerful ally, America, but they do not really have a bigger family in the same way that there is a European family or an Arab-Muslim family. People who fail to understand this ambivalence will never understand this country. They will not be able to understand how Netanyahu could win the last election by saying the Iranians are coming, Islamic State (IS) is coming, the Arabs are coming, and the whole world hates us anyway.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Country
Image of Amos Oz
What is likely to happen? Either an escalation of violence or an entire change in the whole Middle East theater. It may well happen, and I say this to my Palestinian friends, that the Palestinians have in a certain way missed their hour. They had their moment when the world's public opinion was behind them, and a considerable part of the Israeli public was willing to compromise with them.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Middle East
Image of Amos Oz
I'm a great believer in compromises. I do not believe in capitulation.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Believe
Image of Amos Oz
All my novels are rooted in their time and in their place.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Novel
Image of Amos Oz
I often write about reconciling. Reconciling, or maybe half-reconciling between antagonists, between people who are deadly enemies.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Writing
Image of Amos Oz
In some of the Israeli media, but not all, they read about very nasty things done by Israeli settlers and soldiers to Palestinian Arabs. This is a pain in the neck for many Israelis. They say: Leave us alone, what can we do about it? Or they say: Look at Syria, look at Iraq, the West Bank is paradise by comparison. I was one of the first to say, shortly after the Six-Day War, that occupation is corrupting. It corrupts the occupier and, in a different way, it corrupts the occupied.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Pain
Image of Amos Oz
There are certain concepts, which exist in English, and are unthinkable, untranslatable into Hebrew and vice versa. Hebrew has a system of tenses, which is, in a big way, different from the English system of tenses, probably different than any European system of tenses, which means a different sense of reality, which means a different concept of time. So, things can be translated, but they become different.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Mean
Image of Amos Oz
Of course my books are translated into many languages. I have here, in my home, translations on my shelf of my books into forty-five different languages. Almost none of them I can read. I can read only the English editions. But, I know that a translation of a work of literature is like playing a violin concerto on the piano. You can do this. You can do this very successfully on one strict condition: never try to force the piano to produce the sounds of the violin. This will be grotesque. So, different musical instruments provide for different music.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Book
Image of Amos Oz
The opposite of compromise is not integrity. The opposite of compromise is not idealism. The opposite of compromise is fanaticism and death. And yes, I know one or two things about fanaticism and death, and I reject them. The alternative to fanaticism and to death is not some miraculous realization that someone has been wrong and he has to apologize. No, the answer to fanaticism and to death is curiosity and compromise and concession.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Integrity
Image of Amos Oz
Israel is a fulfilled dream. Nothing that exists here existed here a hundred years ago. "The State of the Jews" was not a title of a country. It was a title of a futuristic novel. A little more than a hundred years ago, "Tel Aviv" was not a city. It was a title of another novel written by the same author. The "Return to Zion" was a name of another novel. There was a bookshelf. There was no state. There was no nation. All you can see, if you look through the window - everything you see is a fulfillment of dreams, different dreams.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Dream
Image of Amos Oz
Israel is a fulfillment, and as a fulfillment, it is flawed. Dreams fulfilled are imperfect. And, Israel is imperfect, of course it is - a far cry from the monumental dreams of the founding fathers. One of the reasons is that their dreams were unrealistic. They were bigger than life. These were messianic dreams, dreams about total redemption for the Jews, for the world. Such dreams do not come true, not in their entirety.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Dream
Image of Amos Oz
I don't think a decent person has to choose between being pro-Israel and pro-Palestine. I think you have to be pro-Peace.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Thinking
Image of Amos Oz
Of course, we carry inside of ourselves our parents. Even when they are dead, we carry them inside ourselves. And they are carrying inside themselves their dead parents and so on and so forth. There is a legacy of language and culture and religion. In some cases, family stories told by grandparents to little grandchildren. When I say my novels are set in Israel in the last seventy years, this entails the fact that they begin hundreds or thousands of years earlier in time. Everybody comes from somewhere.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Grandchildren
Image of Amos Oz
All my novels are rooted in their time and in their place. The place of my novels is Israel, almost without exception. Almost without exception, my novels are rooted in Israel because that's the place I know well. And, that's my gutsy advice to any young writer: write only about what you know well. Don't write about that which you don't know.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Writing
Image of Amos Oz
The English language took in many many fertilizations, many many genes, from other languages, from foreign languages - Latin, French, Nordic languages, German, Scandinavian languages.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Latin
Image of Amos Oz
Donald Trump basically said: One state, two states, do whatever you like. I do not think this was a serious statement of American policy. This was him shrugging his shoulders and saying: Who cares about it. I think he doesn't even have the faintest idea of what he wants to do in the Middle East.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Thinking
Image of Amos Oz
I follow the way people change. I follow the way people, who are very antagonized to one another become very close to one another and vice-versa. Sometimes I follow the way people who are intimately close to each other move apart. This is my business as a novelist. It is not about positions and ideas.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Moving
Image of Amos Oz
When I say compromise I do not mean capitulation. When I say compromise I definitely do not mean what Jesus Christ meant when he offered us to turn our other cheek to our enemies. Compromise means, try to meet the other somewhere half-way. And, this can only happen if the other is willing to go half-way in order to meet you. That is the very strict line between compromise and capitulation.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Jesus
Image of Amos Oz
The kibbutz way of life is not for everyone. It is meant for people who are not in the business of working harder than they should be working, in order to make more money than they need, in order to buy things they don't really want, in order to impress people they don't really like.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Order
Image of Amos Oz
Do not cut lose from your longings - for what are we without our longings?
- Amos Oz
Collection: Cutting
Image of Amos Oz
Out there, in the world, all the walls were covered with graffiti: "Yids, go back to Palestine," so we came back to Palestine, and now the worldatlarge shouts at us: "Yids, get out of Palestine."
- Amos Oz
Collection: Wall
Image of Amos Oz
I'm not sure I'm happy with words such as "task" or "role" when they are attached to literature.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Tasks
Image of Amos Oz
All you can see, if you look through the window - everything you see is a fulfillment of dreams, different dreams.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Dream
Image of Amos Oz
A little more than a hundred years ago, "Tel Aviv" was not a city. It was a title of a novel written by an author. The "Return to Zion" was a name of another novel. There was a bookshelf. There was no country. There was no state. There was no nation. There was no physical Jewish reality in this country.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Country
Image of Amos Oz
"The State of the Jews" was not a title of a country. It was a title of a futuristic novel.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Country
Image of Amos Oz
I think there are one or two things similar in Elizabethan English and contemporary Hebrew. This is not to say that every one of us Israeli writers is a William Shakespeare, but there is a certain similarity to Elizabethan English.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Thinking
Image of Amos Oz
Almost every modern literary form existed in Hebrew two thousand years ago. And, yes, it existed even during the middle ages.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Years
Image of Amos Oz
I write in words. I don't write in sounds or in shapes or in flavors.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Writing
Image of Amos Oz
My dream for Israel is peace, external and internal peace.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Dream
Image of Amos Oz
I'm a great believer in compromise. I know it's not popular among young idealists.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Compromise
Image of Amos Oz
The whole Zionist project was based on a whole spectrum of different and even conflicting dreams and visions.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Dream
Image of Amos Oz
I never regard my characters, my protagonists, as personifications. It's not that I sit by my desk and I pick up a character who will be the spokesperson of the Israeli Left, another one will be the spokesperson of the Right, another one will be the spokesperson of Middle Eastern Jews, European Jews, religions Jews and so on.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Character
Image of Amos Oz
In my essays and articles I have been saying again and again that the case of Israel and Palestine, the case of Israel and the Arab world, and indeed the case of Israel and Europe, is not black and white. It's not a western movie.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Black And White
Image of Amos Oz
I write in words. And my words are Hebrew words.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Writing
Image of Amos Oz
I would not waste five years of my life in order to send to the Israeli readers a simple message such as, "Let us change a policy or stop the settlements," Or, "Let us strive for peace." This is not what it is about.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Simple
Image of Amos Oz
I'm not sure I'm happy with words such as "task" or "role" when they are attached to literature. I prefer to talk about the gift of literature rather than its role or task. You know, gynecology has a role; sex is a gift. And literature is not about sending messages.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Literature
Image of Amos Oz
The place of my novels is Israel, almost without exception. All of them take place in Israel - in Jerusalem, in the desert, in the kibbutz, in small towns, in villages.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Israel
Image of Amos Oz
My dream is much more modest than the dreams of the founding fathers. My dream is for Israel to live in peace with its neighbors and at peace with itself. This will be sufficient for me.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Dream
Image of Amos Oz
Almost without exception, my novels are rooted in Israel because that's the place I know well.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Israel
Image of Amos Oz
Don't write about that which you don't know.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Writing
Image of Amos Oz
I don't write novels about expeditions to the planet Mars because I haven't been there and I don't know anything about it.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Writing
Image of Amos Oz
I know one or two things about fanaticism and death, and I reject them.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Two