Allen W. Wood

Image of Allen W. Wood
We cannot predict the effects of our actions, especially our collective actions over generations or centuries, to use instrumental reasoning toward these big final ends to tell us what we ought to do.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Finals
Image of Allen W. Wood
I don't think Kant's theory looks bad to people except insofar as they have misunderstood it (for instance, as heartless and ironheaded, or as committed to an absurd metaphysical conception of freedom that violates Kant's own philosophy).
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Allen W. Wood
It is rational to choose the right means to your ends to develop very elegant abstract formal theories of rational choice, and then turn these into what look like moral theories. Philosophers tend to be ravished by the formal beauty of such theories, and they don't pay much attention to the fact that our human limitations make them pretty useless in practice, while the simple point about instrumental reasoning is too shallow to be of much real moral interest.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Real
Image of Allen W. Wood
Some of Kant's particular moral opinions, either because he shared the prejudices of his time, or because of his own personal crotchets, can strike sensible people as ridiculous or offensive. But in my view, his own theory provides us with the resources (the best resources available, I believe) to correct his own personal errors or cultural prejudices.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Believe
Image of Allen W. Wood
When people think that moral problems can be solved by some simple strategy of calculation, that sets them up for ghastly overreaching. They think they can turn everything into a "science" the way mechanics was turned into a science in the seventeeth century. They want to turn everything over to technocrats and social engineers. They become shortsighted or simplistic about their ends, and they disastrously overestimate their ability to acquire the information they need to make the needed calculations.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Simple
Image of Allen W. Wood
The moral law is simply the way we think our own freedom as self-determination.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Determination
Image of Allen W. Wood
I could identify for virtually every important figure in the history of modern continental philosophy an idea (or more than one) absolutely central to that philosopher's thought, whose original author was Fichte.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Allen W. Wood
The problem is that many who reject Marx do not read him, or read him only by bringing prejudices to their reading that prevent them from understanding him.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Reading
Image of Allen W. Wood
Fichte takes an I or free will to be not a thing or being but an act which is not undetermined but self-determined, in accordance with reasons or norms rationally self-given.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Self
Image of Allen W. Wood
Fichte thinks that the mutual recognition of one another as free beings belongs among the transcendental conditions of self-consciousness itself.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Thinking
Image of Allen W. Wood
Hegel's theory of recognition is basically derived from Fichte, who is its real author.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Real
Image of Allen W. Wood
That Hegel's theory is derivative from Fichte's does not prevent it from being strikingly original and of independent value.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Independent
Image of Allen W. Wood
Fichte is a necessary step to both Hegel and Marx.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Steps
Image of Allen W. Wood
I think Fichte did take it further than Kant by arguing that we can regard the moral law as objectively valid only by seeing it as addressed to us by another being, even though Fichte thought God could not literally be a person who could address us.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Thinking
Image of Allen W. Wood
Both Kant and Fichte thought of traditions of revealed religion as ways of symbolically (that is, with aesthetic emotional power) thinking about our moral condition. Both thought that religion would become more and not less powerful, emotionally and morally, if the claims of scriptures and religious teachings were taken symbolically rather than literally (whatever 'literally' might mean in the case of claims that are either nonsensical or outdated or historically unsupportable if taken as metaphysical or historical assertions).
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Religious
Image of Allen W. Wood
It is a culturally interesting (but also deeply depressing) fact that many religious claims seem to retain their emotional power for believers only if taken in ways that are intellectually unsupportable and even morally contemptible.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Depressing
Image of Allen W. Wood
Kant takes a free will to be a being or substance with the power to cause a state of the world (or a whole series of such states) spontaneously or from itself.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Substance
Image of Allen W. Wood
What are we to think of the shortsightedness of the great mass of people who are content to do nothing about it, and even worse, the greed or venality of the rich and powerful who deliberately bar the way to human survival?
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Powerful
Image of Allen W. Wood
It seems to me self-evident that it is worthwhile to understand the best thoughts of the past, to appropriate them, to criticize them.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Past
Image of Allen W. Wood
Surely the world will be a better place, at least marginally, if people have a better understanding of Kant and Hegel, if Marx's thought its studied and appreciated, if people gain a better understanding of Fichte, whose philosophy is far more important than people realize.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Allen W. Wood
I do not know how much my own work has achieved, and I must not pretend it has done more than it has.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Done
Image of Allen W. Wood
In my acquaintance with John Rawls, I found him to be a simple and honest man, who just by chance also happened to be the greatest moral philosopher of the twentieth century. I would like to think that I could emulate at least his modesty - his refusal to exaggerate his perception of himself and his place in the larger scheme of things - even if my work never compares with his in its importance.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Simple
Image of Allen W. Wood
Those who employ their modest talents as best they can do make a contribution to a better human future.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Talent
Image of Allen W. Wood
As Kant says, the contribution of any common laborer would be greater than that of the greatest philosopher unless the philosopher makes some contribution to establishing the rights of humanity.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Rights
Image of Allen W. Wood
Leaders of nations, and people whose wealth or fame gives them power over the lives of others quite often do more harm than good.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: People
Image of Allen W. Wood
What I most fear now is that within a century or so there may not be any human future at all.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: May
Image of Allen W. Wood
As long as the Republican party exists in its present form, our nation cannot endure as a free society. Still worse, under their policies the human race is being rapidly propelled toward its extinction.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Party
Image of Allen W. Wood
Kant regards the universalizability test for maxims as focused on a very special sort of situation: one where the agent is tempted to make an exception to a recognized duty out of self-preference. The universalizability test is supposed help the agent to see, in a particular case of moral judgment, that self-preference is not a satisfactory reason for exempting yourself from a duty you recognize. Kant thinks, as a matter of human nature, that this situation arises often enough and that we need a canon of judgment to guard against it.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Thinking
Image of Allen W. Wood
Kant's description of most ethical duties reads more like a description of moral virtues and vices. Once we see this, we see that Kantian ethics is indeed a kind of virtue ethics, and that it does not "divide the heart from the head" (to anticipate one of your later questions) but instead recognizes the deep truth that reason and emotion are not opposites.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Heart
Image of Allen W. Wood
Reason necessarily expresses itself through emotions and emotions are healthy only insofar as they are expressions of reason.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Expression
Image of Allen W. Wood
From the beginning, there has been a tension in the reception of the Kantian idea of autonomy. If you emphasize the 'nomos' (the law), then you get one picture: the objectivity of ethics. If you emphasize the 'autos' - the self - you get the idea that we make the law. Kant never hesitated in his choice between the two emphases. He emphasizes the nomos (the universal and objective validity of the law).
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Self
Image of Allen W. Wood
The relation of the law to the self is only a helpful way of thinking about the law, that helps us better understand its validity for us.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Thinking
Image of Allen W. Wood
Kant says that we may regard ourselves as legislator of the moral law, and consider ourselves as its author, but not that we are legislators or authors of the law.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Law
Image of Allen W. Wood
If being "iron headed" is to be lacking such feelings, then Kant's position is that an ironheaded person could not be a moral agent because such a person would not be rational.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Iron
Image of Allen W. Wood
What is central to morality is rational self-constraint (acting from duty), in cease where there is no other incentive to do your duty except that the moral law commands it.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Self
Image of Allen W. Wood
Some empirical feelings, such as sympathy, are indispensable parts of certain moral virtues.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Feelings
Image of Allen W. Wood
Virtues consist not only of acting in certain ways, but in ways of caring and feeling.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Caring
Image of Allen W. Wood
There is a very common, though also very silly, picture of Kant according to which as empirical beings we are not free at all, and we are free only as noumenal jellyfish floating about in an intelligible sea above the heavens, outside any context in which our supposedly "free" choices could have any conceivable human meaning or significance. Part of the problem here is that Kant faces up honestly to the fact that how freedom is possible is a deep philosophical problem to which there is no solution we can rationally comprehend.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Silly
Image of Allen W. Wood
I think if there were to be a solution to the problem of free will, it would have to be a compatibilist one. Unfortunately, from that it does not follow that there is such a solution. Many philosophers find this an unwelcome message, and as often happens in philosophy, they punish the messenger by ascribing to him an entirely imaginary but untenable position.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Allen W. Wood
Kant does not think that the silly commandment "universalize your maxims" is the be-all and end-all of ethics or that it provides us with some sort of general decision procedure that is supposed to tell us what to do under all circumstances.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Silly
Image of Allen W. Wood
It was an important part of Mendelssohn's philosophical and religious view that the traditional rationalist proofs for God's existence should be sound an convincing. Kant thought they were not. So Kant's critique was world-shaking for Mendelssohn.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Religious
Image of Allen W. Wood
Kant did think he had a moral route back to rational faith in God, for those who need it, and he thought that at some level, we all do need something like it.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Thinking
Image of Allen W. Wood
Kant's system of duties constitutes a Doctrine of Virtue because the duties also indicate what kinds of attitudes, dispositions and feelings are morally virtuous or vicious.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Attitude
Image of Allen W. Wood
Kant thinks of judgment as a special faculty or talent of the mind, not reducible to discursive reasoning but cultivated through experience and practice.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Thinking
Image of Allen W. Wood
In the mid-1960s, as hard to believe as it may be now, choosing to go into academic philosophy was not an imprudent career choice. There were lots of academic jobs in philosophy then.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Jobs
Image of Allen W. Wood
Teaching and writing about philosophy is about the only thing I've ever been really good at.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Allen W. Wood
I am a one-trick pony. But I have worked hard at something I would have liked to do even if I weren't paid a penny for it, and made a good living at it. You can't be luckier than that in this life, no matter who you are or what you do.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Ponies
Image of Allen W. Wood
In my view, there was a long period in which analytical philosophy had little to say about ethics. I think their intellectual tools did not do well with it, and analytical philosophy was above all about revolutionizing the philosophical tool box. It was more or less assumed that the Truth about ethics was some form of utilitarianism (perhaps because some consequentialist calculus looked to them like a respectable tool). Kantian ethics was then interpreted as a particularly odious version of the False - "deontology" - and treated with contempt.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Allen W. Wood
It is often difficult to know about one's own era which philosophers in it will be remembered as the most important ones, but I think it is already clear that John Rawls is the greatest moral philosopher of the twentieth century.
- Allen W. Wood
Collection: Thinking