Top Iron Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Iron quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Ho Chi Minh
Today we should make poems including iron and steel And the poet should know how to lead an attack.
- Ho Chi Minh
Collection: Iron
Image of Dale Wasserman
I come in a world of iron to make a world of gold.
- Dale Wasserman
Collection: Iron
Image of Dean Young
A poem should be odd as a small cast-iron platypus.
- Dean Young
Collection: Iron
Image of Tahir Shah
Explorers like to pretend that they are a select breed of people with iron nerve and an ability to endure terrible hardship.
- Tahir Shah
Collection: Iron
Image of Ratan Tata
None can destroy iron, but its own rust can! Likewise none can destroy a person, but its own mindset can!
- Ratan Tata
Collection: Iron
Image of Flann O'Brien
The gross and net result of it is that people who spend most of their natural lives riding iron bicycles over the rocky roadsteads of this parish get their personalities mixed up with the personalities of their bicycle as a result of the interchanging of the atoms of each of them and you would be surprised at the number of people in these parts who nearly are half people and half bicycles.
- Flann O'Brien
Collection: Iron
Image of Rod Serling
This is not a new world - it is simply an extension of what began in the old one. It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint of a boot on the pages of history since the beginning of time. It has refinements...technological advances...and a more sophisticated approach to the destruction of human freedom. But like everyone of the super-states that preceded it - it has one iron rule: logic is an enemy and truth is a menace.
- Rod Serling
Collection: Iron
Image of Rod Serling
Every Superstate has one iron rule: logic is an enemy and the truth is a menace.
- Rod Serling
Collection: Iron
Image of Arnold Schwarzenegger
The greatest feeling you can get in a gym, or the most satisfying feeling you can get in the gym is... The Pump.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
Collection: Iron
Image of Rihanna
Spend time with people who know how to use their days well. Just as iron sharpens iron, positive people will inspire you to be positive.
- Rihanna
Collection: Iron
Image of Richard Wright
We had our own civilization in Africa before we were captured and carried off to this land. We smelted iron, danced, made music and folk poems; we sculpted, worked in glass, spun cotton and wool, wove baskets and cloth. We invented a medium of exchange, mined silver and gold, made pottery and cutlery, we fashioned tools and utensils of brass, bronze, ivory, quartz, and granite. We had our own literature, our own systems of law, religion, medicine, science, and education.
- Richard Wright
Collection: Iron
Image of St. Vincent
I wish I had a gentle mind and a spine made up of iron.
- St. Vincent
Collection: Iron
Image of Townes Van Zandt
Now you wear your skin like iron
- Townes Van Zandt
Collection: Iron
Image of Chris Powell
If you want to "tone and build," it is time to pick up some iron - that's the way we can get a muscle to grow.
- Chris Powell
Collection: Iron
Image of Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre
Our ancestors have travelled the iron age; the golden is before us.
- Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre
Collection: Iron
Image of Sir Fowell Buxton, 1st Baronet
Laziness grows on people; it begins in cobwebs and ends in iron chains
- Sir Fowell Buxton, 1st Baronet
Collection: Iron
Image of William Grant Bangerter
We have no excuse to deviate from the paths of righteousness. If we hold fast to the iron rod, we cannot be deceived.
- William Grant Bangerter
Collection: Iron
Image of Ike Barinholtz
Rules with an iron fist, but sometimes in that fist is a rose.
- Ike Barinholtz
Collection: Iron
Image of Rona Barrett
I'm really a pussycat - with an iron tail.
- Rona Barrett
Collection: Iron
Image of William Macneile Dixon
Our desires attract supporting reasons as a magnet the iron fillings.
- William Macneile Dixon
Collection: Iron
Image of David Pajo
When I was really young, I was really into Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden and those kinds of bands.
- David Pajo
Collection: Iron
Image of Chris Huhne
To change our national economic story from one of financial speculation to one of future growth, we need a third industrial revolution: a green revolution. It will transform our economy as surely as the shift from iron to steel, from steam to oil. It will lead us toward a low-carbon future, with cleaner energy and greener growth. With an economy that is built to last - on more sustainable, more stable foundations
- Chris Huhne
Collection: Iron
Image of Samuel Woodworth
The old oaken bucket, the iron-bound bucket, The moss-covered bucket, which hung in the well.
- Samuel Woodworth
Collection: Iron
Image of Bruce Dickinson
When I was in employment as a regular line pilot, I used to take unpaid leave to go on tour with Iron Maiden. I got lucky - they let me off
- Bruce Dickinson
Collection: Iron
Image of Ezra Cornell
Idleness is to the human mind like rust to iron
- Ezra Cornell
Collection: Iron
Image of Simon Greenleaf
These are no ordinary claims; and it seems hardly possible for a rational being to regard them with even a subdued interest; much less to treat them with mere indifference and contempt. If not true they are little else than the pretensions of a bold imposture, which not satisfied with having already enslaved millions of the human race, seeks to continue its encroachments upon human liberty, until all nations be subjected under its iron rule.
- Simon Greenleaf
Collection: Iron
Image of Mary N. Cook
The first group started along the strait and narrow path, but they did not take hold of the iron rod that would keep them on the path, and they got lost in the mists of darkness
- Mary N. Cook
Collection: Iron
Image of Vasily Rozanov
With a rumble and a roar, an iron curtain is descending on Russian history.
- Vasily Rozanov
Collection: Iron
Image of Theodore E. Steinway
In one of our concert grand pianos, 243 taut strings exert a pull of 40,000 pounds on an iron frame. It is proof that out of great tension may come great harmony.
- Theodore E. Steinway
Collection: Iron
Image of John Dryden
We must beat the iron while it is hot, but we may polish it at leisure.
- John Dryden
Collection: Iron
Image of Hugh McCulloch
By common consent of the nations, gold and silver are the only true measure of value. They are the necessary regulators of trade. I have myself no more doubt that these metals were prepared by the Almighty for this very purpose, than I have that iron and coal were prepared for the purposes in which they are being used.
- Hugh McCulloch
Collection: Iron
Image of Paula Fox
Families hold each other in an iron grip of definition. One must break the grip, somehow.
- Paula Fox
Collection: Iron
Image of Elizabeth Gaskell
But the future must be met, however stern and iron it be.
- Elizabeth Gaskell
Collection: Iron
Image of Larry Atchley Jr.
Streets teemed with hell's wretched souls. New dead with their gadgets and old dead from antiquity. Demons roamed the avenues and alleyways, tormenting hapless damned at random with branding irons, flaming pitchforks, and razor-wire whips. -From the story Remember, Remember, Hell in November, in the anthology, Lawyers in Hell.
- Larry Atchley Jr.
Collection: Iron
Image of Rick Falkvinge
When the Iron Curtain fell, all of the West rejoiced that the East would become just as free as the West. It was never supposed to be the other way around.
- Rick Falkvinge
Collection: Iron
Image of Bobby Heenan
By the time The Iron Sheik gets to the ring, it will be Wrestlemania 37!
- Bobby Heenan
Collection: Iron
Image of Victoria Laurie
Death has an energy. It is thick as sludge, heavy as iron, and pulls you down into yourself like an imploding building.
- Victoria Laurie
Collection: Iron
Image of Jake M. Johnson
If you have the ability to work with people smarter than you, always try to be the least smartest person in the room and surround yourself with talent, because iron sharpens iron.
- Jake M. Johnson
Collection: Iron
Image of Happy Rhodes
I am skilled now, at casting iron To make a hardened bed for my heavy world
- Happy Rhodes
Collection: Iron
Image of Sasha Frere-Jones
Meryl Streep, despite not being a Prime Minister, is reasonably convincing in 'The Iron Lady.'
- Sasha Frere-Jones
Collection: Iron
Image of Anastas Mikoyan
While Zinoviev is in the majority he is for iron discipline.... When he is in the minority... he is against it.
- Anastas Mikoyan
Collection: Iron
Image of Cinco Paul
But the world of Despicable Me is such a cartoony world. It is much more Looney Tunes than I would say the Pixar world or those movies. We can get away with a little more, although I know some people responded negatively to the Iron Maiden beat in the first movie where it looks like Edith.
- Cinco Paul
Collection: Iron
Image of Lynn Barber
I don't want to give a cool appraisal of Jeremy Irons. I just want to boil him in oil.
- Lynn Barber
Collection: Iron
Image of Diogenes Laertius
Antisthenes used to say that envious people were devoured by their own disposition, just as iron is by rust.
- Diogenes Laertius
Collection: Iron
Image of Rumi
I am iron resisting the most enormous magnet there is.
- Rumi
Collection: Iron
Image of Bertrand Russell
Respectability, regularity, and routine - the whole cast-iron discipline of a modern industrial society - have atrophied the artistic impulse, and imprisoned love so that it can no longer be generous and free and creative, but must be either stuffy or furtive.
- Bertrand Russell
Collection: Iron
Image of Kiersten White
I've got a nine iron that says otherwise.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Iron
Image of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
It's true that private enterprise is extremely flexible, But its only good within very narrow limits. If private enterprise isn't held in an iron grip it gives birth to people who are no better than beasts, those stock-exchange people with greedy appetites beyond restraint.
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Collection: Iron
Image of Alain de Botton
Responsible for wrapping the iron fist of authority in its velvet glove is Jane Axtell, head of the accountancy firm's Human Resources department.
- Alain de Botton
Collection: Iron
Image of Ann Voskamp
Any kind of love that lacks the iron of the Cross in it, is anemic love.
- Ann Voskamp
Collection: Iron