Top caring Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of caring quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Pierre Trudeau
As against the "invisible hand" of Adam Smith, there has to be a visible hand of politicians whose objective is to have the kind of society that is caring and humane.
- Pierre Trudeau
Collection: Caring
Image of Harold Ramis
I was the little guy who knew how to tie a necktie. It came from having absentee parents. They were tremendously loving and caring people who, by circumstance, had to go to work.
- Harold Ramis
Collection: Caring
Image of Mary Catherine Bateson
A glad welcome to this affirmation by a group of psychologists that the self does not stop at the skin nor even with the circle of human relationships but is interwoven with the lives of trees and animals and soil; that caring for the deepest needs of persons and caring for our threatened planet are not in conflict.
- Mary Catherine Bateson
Collection: Caring
Image of Lisa Ann Sandell
It should begin with friendship, I think. Suddenly I cannot look at him. It should begin with friendship and truly knowing who a person is, knowing his flaws and hopes and strengths and fears, knowing all of it. And admiring and caring for- loving the person because of all of those things... I know that now.
- Lisa Ann Sandell
Collection: Caring
Image of Susan Beth Pfeffer
I'm the one not caring. I'm the one pretending the Earth isn't shattering all around me because I don't want it to be. I don't want to know there was an earthquake in Missouri. I don't want to know the Midwest can die, also, that what's going on isn't just tides and tsunamis. I don't want to have any more to be afraid of. I didn't start this diary for it to be a record of death.
- Susan Beth Pfeffer
Collection: Caring
Image of Marc Bekoff
We must remain hopeful that a universal ethic of courage, caring, sharing, respect, radical compassion, and love will make a difference even if we do not see the positive results of our efforts... We can never be too generous or too kind.
- Marc Bekoff
Collection: Caring
Image of Robert Charles Winthrop
The poor must be wisely visited and liberally cared for, so that mendicity shall not be tempted into mendacity, nor want exasperated into crime.
- Robert Charles Winthrop
Collection: Caring
Image of Morrie Schwartz
If you don’t have the support and love and caring and concern that you get from a family, you don’t have much at all.
- Morrie Schwartz
Collection: Caring
Image of Malorie Blackman
Jude's fourth law: Caring equals vulnerability. Never show either.
- Malorie Blackman
Collection: Caring
Image of Candice Bergen
People can get crazier as they get older. I can just be weird whenever I want, and there's the freedom of not caring what people think.
- Candice Bergen
Collection: Caring
Image of James Howard Kunstler
A land full of places that are not worth caring about may soon be a nation and a way of life that is not worth defending.
- James Howard Kunstler
Collection: Caring
Image of Tom Robbins
Amnesia is not knowing who one is and wanting desperately to find out. Euphoria is not knowing who one is and not caring. Ecstasy is knowing exactly who one is - and still not caring.
- Tom Robbins
Collection: Caring
Image of Kenneth Patchen
Caring is the only daring.
- Kenneth Patchen
Collection: Caring
Image of Richard Branson
Having a personality of caring about people is important. You can’t be a good leader unless you generally like people. That is how you bring out the best in them.
- Richard Branson
Collection: Caring
Image of Martial
Conceal a flaw, and the world will imagine the worst.
- Martial
Collection: Caring
Image of Alexandra Ripley
One of the injustices of the world was that it was so easy to make the innocent and caring ones happy with so little.
- Alexandra Ripley
Collection: Caring
Image of David Sheff
Anyone who has lived through it, or those who are now living through it, knows that caring about an addict is as complex and fraught and debilitating as addiction itself.
- David Sheff
Collection: Caring
Image of Joanne Greenberg
The horror of the Pit lay in the emergence from it, with the return of her will, her caring, and her feeling of the need for meaning before the return of the meaning itself".
- Joanne Greenberg
Collection: Caring
Image of François Lelord
Lesson no. 17: Happiness is caring about the happiness of those you love.
- François Lelord
Collection: Caring
Image of Franny Billingsley
But witchy magic doesn’t listen to please and pretty please, and anyway, I didn’t really care. I only pretended to care because not caring makes me a monster.
- Franny Billingsley
Collection: Caring
Image of Martha Stout
Sociopathy is the inability to process emotional experience, including love and caring, except when such experience can be calculated as a coldly intellectual task.
- Martha Stout
Collection: Caring
Image of Sister Souljah
We are fighters and survivors. We are here. We are alive and breathing, living and loving, birthing and caring, working and earning. The sky is above us. The earth is below us. We can never be poor. ~ NanaAnna
- Sister Souljah
Collection: Caring
Image of Kevin Spacey
To know what you want, to understand why you're doing it, to dedicate every breath in your body to achieve... If you feel you have something to give, if you feel that your particular talent is worth developing, is worth caring for then there's nothing you can`t achieve.
- Kevin Spacey
Collection: Caring
Image of Mahbod Seraji
Sometimes I find myself sitting in one spot for hours, staring at nothing, thinking of nothing, feeling nothing, and most disturbingly, caring about nothing.
- Mahbod Seraji
Collection: Caring
Image of Edward James Olmos
What volunteers bring is the human touch, the individual, caring approach that no government program, however well-meaning and well- executed, can deliver.
- Edward James Olmos
Collection: Caring
Image of Frans de Waal
I sometimes try to imagine what would have happened if we’d known the bonobo first and the chimpanzee only later—or not at all. The discussion about human evolution might not revolve as much around violence, warfare and male dominance, but rather around sexuality, empathy, caring and cooperation. What a different intellectual landscape we would occupy!
- Frans de Waal
Collection: Caring
Image of Melody Beattie
Caring works. Caretaking doesn't. We can learn to walk the line between the two.
- Melody Beattie
Collection: Caring
Image of Sinead O'Connor
At some point the entire population of the earth is gonna have to look back at the kind of essence of spirituality which is basically caring about each other.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Caring
Image of Susan Cooper
The future cannot blame the present, just as the present cannot blame the past. The hope is always here, always alive, but only your fierce caring can fan it into a fire to warm the world.
- Susan Cooper
Collection: Caring
Image of Pitbull
I was taught in kindergarten: sharing is caring.
- Pitbull
Collection: Caring
Image of Rob Zombie
The funny thing is, I'm so used to not caring what anyone says, good or bad, that unfortunately even when people say good things I wish it made me feel good, but it doesn't.
- Rob Zombie
Collection: Caring
Image of Virginia Woolf
Let us simmer over our incalculable cauldron, our enthralling confusion, our hotchpotch of impulses, our perpetual miracle - for the soul throws up wonders every second. Movement and change are the essence of our being; rigidity is death; conformity is death; let us say what comes into our heads, repeat ourselves, contradict ourselves, fling out the wildest nonsense, and follow the most fantastic fancies without caring what the world does or thinks or says. For nothing matters except life.
- Virginia Woolf
Collection: Caring
Image of Sarah Vowell
Being a nerd, which is to say going too far and caring too much about a subject, is the best way to make friends I know.
- Sarah Vowell
Collection: Caring
Image of Tarthang Tulku
As we respond with caring and vision to all work, we develop our capacity to respond fully to all of life. Every action generates positive energy which can be shared with others.
- Tarthang Tulku
Collection: Caring
Image of Frank A. Clark
Even if you can't prevent another's sorrow, caring will lessen it.
- Frank A. Clark
Collection: Caring
Image of Frank A. Clark
You may give gifts without caring, but you can't care without giving.
- Frank A. Clark
Collection: Caring
Image of Holmes Rolston III
Perhaps we humans are cosmic dwarfs; perhaps we are molecular giants. But there is no denying our mid-scale complexity. We humans live neither at the range of the infinitely small, nor at that of the infinitely large, but we might well live at the range of the infinitely complex. We live at the range of the most caring; we ourselves might embody the most capacity for caring.
- Holmes Rolston III
Collection: Caring
Image of Holmes Rolston III
Socrates claimed famously that one never loses by doing the right thing. Stephen Post and his contributors claim, a little less boldly, that at least the generous will, probably, stay healthy—and, improving on Socrates, they support this claim with careful empirical science, impressive for its comprehensive detail. Here ethics and religion join science and enjoin us to be more caring and healthy. A seminal work, with an urgent message.
- Holmes Rolston III
Collection: Caring
Image of Justine Henin
A lot of people say I'm not very friendly, that I'm cold. But I'm just the opposite. I live a very simple life. I'm a normal person, very sensitive, very caring about those around me.
- Justine Henin
Collection: Caring
Image of Anna Garlin Spencer
It is not alone the fact that women have generally had to spend most of their strength in caring for others that has handicapped them in individual effort; but also that they have almost universally had to care wholly for themselves
- Anna Garlin Spencer
Collection: Caring
Image of Dick Morris
Despite romantic fantasies about caring candidates who learn of America in donut shops, most politicians rely on media to teach them what concerns the average person.
- Dick Morris
Collection: Caring
Image of Millard Fuller
In various ways all of us should be constantly finding people and situations that are dead, buried, and covered up in order to help bring them to the light because THE GOD THAT WE SERVE is a God of LIGHT, a God of LOVE, and a God of CARING.
- Millard Fuller
Collection: Caring
Image of Lenny Wilkens
I always felt that I was as good as the next person, and I didn't care what they had.
- Lenny Wilkens
Collection: Caring
Image of Rosalynn Carter
There are only four kinds of people in the world - those who have been caregivers, those who are caregivers, those who will be caregivers and those who will need caregivers.
- Rosalynn Carter
Collection: Caring
Image of Hester Lynch Piozzi
Every one in this world has as much as they can do in caring for themselves, and few have leisure really to think of their neighbours distresses, however they may delight their tongues with talking of them.
- Hester Lynch Piozzi
Collection: Caring
Image of Melissa McCarthy
There’s a greatness in not caring what people think
- Melissa McCarthy
Collection: Caring
Image of Sean Faircloth
To embrace humanism is to embrace the concept that caring for our fellow human beings is our highest calling.
- Sean Faircloth
Collection: Caring
Image of Elijah Muhammad
Who are the learned? Those who practice what they know.
- Elijah Muhammad
Collection: Caring
Image of Rhonda Britten
Forgiveness is not a one-time-only event. It is a process.
- Rhonda Britten
Collection: Caring