Top Expression Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Expression quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Hugo Black
The Establishment Clause stands as an expression of principle on the part of the Founders of our Constitution that religion is too personal, too sacred, too holy, to permit its 'unhallowed perversion' by a civil magistrate.
- Hugo Black
Collection: Expression
Image of Cecil Beaton
A technical failure that shows some attempt at aesthetic expression is of infinitely more value than uninspired success.
- Cecil Beaton
Collection: Expression
Image of Harriet Lerner
Those of us who are locked into ineffective expressions of anger suffer as deeply as those of us who dare not get angry at all.
- Harriet Lerner
Collection: Expression
Image of Mark Doty
Poetry is an investigation, not an expression, of what you know.
- Mark Doty
Collection: Expression
Image of Nicolas Sarkozy
We must defend freedom of expression and if I had to chose, I prefer the excess of caricature over the excess of censure.
- Nicolas Sarkozy
Collection: Expression
Image of Alice Bailey
There is no question, therefore, that the work to be done in familiarising the general public with the nature of the Mysteries is of paramount importance at this time. These Mysteries will be restored to outer expression through the medium of the Church and the Masonic Fraternity ... When the Great One comes with His disciples and initiates we shall have ... the restoration of the Mysteries and their exoteric presentation as a consequence of the first initiation.
- Alice Bailey
Collection: Expression
Image of Louis Nizer
Preparation is the be-all of good trial work. Everything else - felicity of expression, improvisational brilliance - is a satellite around the sun. Thorough preparation is that sun.
- Louis Nizer
Collection: Expression
Image of Paul Tillich
In those who rest on their unshakable faith, pharisaism and fanaticism are the unmistakable symptoms of doubt which has been repressed. Doubt is not overcome by repression but by courage. Courage does not deny that there is doubt, but it takes the doubt into itself as an expression of its own finitude and affirms the content of an ultimate concern. Courage does not need the safety of an unquestionable conviction. It includes the risk without which no creative life is possible.
- Paul Tillich
Collection: Expression
Image of Peter Høeg
Do you know what the mathematical expression is for longing? ... The negative numbers. The formalization of the feeling that you are missing something.
- Peter Høeg
Collection: Expression
Image of Daniel J. Siegel
Early experience shapes the structure and function of the brain. This reveals the fundamental way in which gene expression is determined by experience.
- Daniel J. Siegel
Collection: Expression
Image of Tanya Tucker
Like two sparrows in a hurricane trying to find their way.
- Tanya Tucker
Collection: Expression
Image of Rita Rudner
Going out to eat is expensive. I was out at one restaurant and they didn't have prices on the menu. Just faces with different expressions of horror.
- Rita Rudner
Collection: Expression
Image of Apsley Cherry-Garrard
And I tell you, if you have the desire for knowledge and the power to give it physical expression, go out and explore.
- Apsley Cherry-Garrard
Collection: Expression
Image of Tara Brach
Paying attention is the most basic and profound expression of love.
- Tara Brach
Collection: Expression
Image of David Abram
For the Amahuaca, the Koyukon, the Apache, and the diverse Aboriginal peoples of Australia - as for numerous other indigenous peoples - the coherence of human language is inseparable from the coherence of the surrounding ecology, from the expressive vitality of the more-than-human terrain. It is the animate earth that speaks; human speech is but a part of that vaster discourse.
- David Abram
Collection: Expression
Image of Ghassan Kanafani
If the prisoner is beaten, it is an arrogant expression of fear.
- Ghassan Kanafani
Collection: Expression
Image of Kathy Najimy
While voicing animations I use the same acting muscles, even more because you have to channel all into your voice, whereas when you're live-action you get props and scenery and other actors and your facial expressions and what happens to help you. It's not necessarily easier as an actor to do voice-overs, it's easier as a person.
- Kathy Najimy
Collection: Expression
Image of Pierre Bonnard
The expression on my face - who on earth would be interested in that? All that I have to say is to be found in my works. (On being photographed)
- Pierre Bonnard
Collection: Expression
Image of George Michael
Change is a stranger you have yet to know.
- George Michael
Collection: Expression
Image of Jessica Mitford
the prison system, inherently unjust and inhumane, is the ultimate expression of injustice and inhumanity in the society at large.
- Jessica Mitford
Collection: Expression
Image of Richard Russo
Have you ever noticed that when people use the expression 'I have to say', what follows usually needn't be said?
- Richard Russo
Collection: Expression
Image of Henry Jenkins
Participatory culture shifts the focus of literacy from one of individual expression to community involvement.
- Henry Jenkins
Collection: Expression
Image of Georges Braque
What greatly attracted me - and it was the main line of advance of Cubism - was how to give material expression to this new space of which I had an inkling. So I began to paint chiefly still lifes, because in nature there is a tactile, I would almost say a manual space... that was the earliest Cubist painting - the quest for space.
- Georges Braque
Collection: Expression
Image of Ai Weiwei
If there is no freedom of expression, then the beauty of life is lost. Participation in a society is not an artistic choice, it’s a human need.
- Ai Weiwei
Collection: Expression
Image of Douglas Coupland
As the expression goes, we spend our youth attaining wealth, and our wealth attaining youth.
- Douglas Coupland
Collection: Expression
Image of Joe Queenan
Incapable of conjuring up any facial expression that she did not learn from watching television, Jessica Alba plays a brilliant scientist who inadvertently acquires the ability to make herself invisible. This is not a gift Alba seems particularly comfortable with, as the last thing she needs is to be heard but not seen.
- Joe Queenan
Collection: Expression
Image of Osamu Dazai
For someone like myself in whom the ability to trust others is so cracked and broken that I am wretchedly timid and am forever trying to read the expression on people's faces.
- Osamu Dazai
Collection: Expression
Image of The Notorious B.I.G.
Never get high on your own supply.
- The Notorious B.I.G.
Collection: Expression
Image of Charles Taylor
We become full human agents, capable of understanding ourselves, and hence of defining our identity, through our acquisition of rich human languages of expression.
- Charles Taylor
Collection: Expression
Image of Ferdinand de Saussure
Psychologically our thought-apart from its expression in words-is only a shapeless and indistinct mass.
- Ferdinand de Saussure
Collection: Expression
Image of Daniel D. Palmer
Life is the expression of tone. In that sentence is the basic principle of Chiropractic.
- Daniel D. Palmer
Collection: Expression
Image of Daniel D. Palmer
Life is but the expression of spirit through matter. To make life manifest requires the union of spirit and body.
- Daniel D. Palmer
Collection: Expression
Image of Francis Parker Yockey
The purest expression of the doctrine of Liberalism was probably that of Benjamin Constant
- Francis Parker Yockey
Collection: Expression
Image of Garry Trudeau
At some point free expression absolutism becomes childish and unserious.
- Garry Trudeau
Collection: Expression
Image of Pope Benedict XVI
The Holy Spirit gives us joy. And he is joy. Joy is the gift in which all the other gifts are included. It is the expression of happiness, of being in harmony with ourselves, that which can only come from being in harmony with God and with his creation. It belongs to the nature of joy to be radiant; it must communicate itself. The missionary spirit of the Church is none other than the impulse to communicate the joy which has been given.
- Pope Benedict XVI
Collection: Expression
Image of Daniel H. Wilson
We are all expressions of our own minds, projected onto the world.
- Daniel H. Wilson
Collection: Expression
Image of John Ralston Saul
Panic: A highly underrated capacity thanks to which individuals are able to indicate clearly that something is wrong. Given their head, most humans panic with great dignity and imagination. This can be called democratic expression or practical common sense.
- John Ralston Saul
Collection: Expression
Image of Charles Nodier
Literature is the expression of society.
- Charles Nodier
Collection: Expression
Image of Tariq Ali
The extreme center is the political expression of the neoliberal state.
- Tariq Ali
Collection: Expression
Image of Guy Sajer
No time to spare: the expression assumed its full significance, as so many expressions do in wartime.
- Guy Sajer
Collection: Expression
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
Analyses of others are actually expressions of our own needs and values
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Expression
Image of Sonny Terry
If talk was money, you'd be a millionaire. If thoughts could kill, there'd be no one here.
- Sonny Terry
Collection: Expression
Image of Willard Van Orman Quine
To define an expression is, paradoxically speaking, to explain how to get along without it. To define is to eliminate.
- Willard Van Orman Quine
Collection: Expression
Image of Harun Yahya
At the same time believers realise that the defects they see in one another are tests from Allah. For this reason they don't call attention to these defects, but compensate for them by acting positively. They carefully avoid the slightest action, facial expression or word that would suggest ridicule.
- Harun Yahya
Collection: Expression
Image of Gil Scott-Heron
The way you get to know yourself is by the expression on other people's faces.
- Gil Scott-Heron
Collection: Expression
Image of Richard Wright
Violence is a personal necessity for the oppressed...It is not a strategy consciously devised. It is the deep, instinctive expression of a human being denied individuality.
- Richard Wright
Collection: Expression
Image of Shashi Tharoor
No one says "Gee Whiz!" very much these days, of course, not even in America - both because that expression has long since been supplanted by others more colourful and less printable, and because our capacity for surprise has long since been dulled by a surfeit of sources.
- Shashi Tharoor
Collection: Expression
Image of Robert Mitchum
Listen. I got three expressions: looking left, looking right and looking straight ahead.
- Robert Mitchum
Collection: Expression
Image of Lev Yilmaz
Whenever I get the sort of fancy pants idea that I'm doing anything other than pure expression things start to go wrong. When I get too premeditated, things start to go wrong. I just shut that part of my brain off.
- Lev Yilmaz
Collection: Expression