Top witty Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of witty quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more witty quotes.

Image of Michael McIntyre
I'm glad Carol Vorderman has left Countdown, I mean it's not like she did much. She was effectively just an autistic shelf-stacker.
- Michael McIntyre
Collection: Witty
Image of Leonard Rossiter
Pornography: That which excites, whether from approval or disapproval.
- Leonard Rossiter
Collection: Witty
Image of John Mason Brown
Nowhere are prejudices more mistaken for truth, passion for reason and invective for documentation than in politics.
- John Mason Brown
Collection: Witty
Image of Phil Dusenberry
Consumers know precisely what's wrong with advertising. Be it TV or print or whatever, they know that advertising is never creative enough ... never as witty, inspiring, sophisticated, entertaining and downright likeable as they would like it to be.
- Phil Dusenberry
Collection: Witty
Image of Louis-Ferdinand Celine
The biggest defeat in every department of life is to forget, especially the things that have done you in, and to die without realizing how far people can go in the way of crumminess. When the grave lies open before us, let's not try to be witty, but record the worst of human viciousness we've seen without changing one word. When that's done, we can curl up our toes and sink into the pit. That's work enough for a lifetime.
- Louis-Ferdinand Celine
Collection: Witty
Image of Michael Bennet
I think about Aaron Rodgers, he's like Chris Evans before he got the HGH injection in Captain America. But before he was super smart and was still witty and stuff. That's how I see Tom Brady.
- Michael Bennet
Collection: Witty
Image of Tony Hoare
There are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies. The first method is far more difficult.
- Tony Hoare
Collection: Witty
Image of Charles Rembar
Pornography is in the loin of the beholder.
- Charles Rembar
Collection: Witty
Image of Arthur Lynch
Yet as I cast my eye over the whole course of science I behold instances of false science, even more pretentious and popular than that of Einstein gradually fading into ineptitude under the searchlight; and I have no doubt that there will arise a new generation who will look with a wonder and amazement, deeper than now accompany Einstein, at our galaxy of thinkers, men of science, popular critics, authoritative professors and witty dramatists, who have been satisfied to waive their common sense in view of Einstein's absurdities.
- Arthur Lynch
Collection: Witty
Image of Richard Helms
A zen couch potato is a person who contemplates the nature of televised existence.
- Richard Helms
Collection: Witty
Image of Faye Wattleton
Until the day arrives when all women decide that our rights are not negotiable, our future choices will not be secure.
- Faye Wattleton
Collection: Witty
Image of Seymour Cray
Interesting - I use a Mac to help me design the next Cray.(when he was told that Apple Inc. had recently bought a Cray supercomputer to help them design the next Mac )
- Seymour Cray
Collection: Witty
Image of Seymour Cray
#3 pencils and quadrille pads.(when asked what CAD tools he used to design the Cray I supercomputer )
- Seymour Cray
Collection: Witty
Image of William Grant Bangerter
Honesty is the foundation of a sound character and the keystone of all other virtues. It is the cement without which all other redeeming features are fractured and without anchor. A dishonest person may be kind, witty, and very capable, but the strength of character simply isn't there. Honesty does not come by degrees. A person is either all honest or he is dishonest. You can be true or you can be false, but you can't be both at the same time.
- William Grant Bangerter
Collection: Witty
Image of Douglas Gwyn
Truth is not determined by majority vote.
- Douglas Gwyn
Collection: Witty
Image of Diane Johnson
Glenda Adams has written a wicked and witty novel.
- Diane Johnson
Collection: Witty
Image of Karen Abbott
She [Gypsy Rose Lee] was a sophisticated self-satirist with a contagious delight in the comedy of sex. She was coy; she was sly; she always had a witty quip; she had an intensely dramatic presence.
- Karen Abbott
Collection: Witty
Image of Irvin S. Cobb
If I wanted to go crazy I would do it in Washington because it would not be noticed
- Irvin S. Cobb
Collection: Witty
Image of Gloria Leonard
The difference between pornography and erotica is lighting.
- Gloria Leonard
Collection: Witty
Image of Hari Kunzru
Critchley and Webster’s fierce, witty exploration of Hamlet makes most other writing about Shakespeare seem simpleminded.
- Hari Kunzru
Collection: Witty
Image of Terry Carr
A person who speaks cleverly is witty; one who asks questions is smart.
- Terry Carr
Collection: Witty
Image of Chauncey Depew
A witty illustration or an apt story will accomplish more than columns of argument.
- Chauncey Depew
Collection: Witty
Image of Caroline Dhavernas
It's very witty and it's great to see teenage characters have control that way. And you can actually hear about sex and pot and it's okay, it's not completely bad and you can't say that to teenagers.
- Caroline Dhavernas
Collection: Witty
Image of Kate Spade
I adore pretty things & witty words.
- Kate Spade
Collection: Witty
Image of Les Dawson
I went to my doctor and asked for something for persistent wind. He gave me a kite.
- Les Dawson
Collection: Witty
Image of Ashish Chauhan
Before the Internet, if someone disappeared, it meant you should go looking for them. Now it means they got a life.
- Ashish Chauhan
Collection: Witty
Image of Larry David
Weathermen merely forecast rain to keep everyone else off the golf course
- Larry David
Collection: Witty
Image of William of Ockham
Plurality is not to be posited without necessity.
- William of Ockham
Collection: Witty
Image of Victor Lownes
A promiscuous person is a person who is getting more sex than you are.
- Victor Lownes
Collection: Witty
Image of Nora Barnacle
Why don't you write books people can read?(to her husband James)
- Nora Barnacle
Collection: Witty
Image of Rhys Ifans
Howard Marks is very intelligent and well read, eloquent, witty, charming. I think it was those qualities that got him through. I was interested to explore that because generally, we perceive criminals as dark, twisted, angry characters. Howard isn't any of those. He was punished for his crime, released from prison, and has lived to tell the tale.
- Rhys Ifans
Collection: Witty
Image of Sylvia Boorstein
The voice of Thich Nhat Hanh-friendly, patient, steadfast, confident, contemporary, and often witty-seems, to me, an intermediary big brother talking directly to me on every page saying, 'Look! It's right there in you,' the very wisdom that leads to compassion.
- Sylvia Boorstein
Collection: Witty
Image of Tina Fey
Whatever the problem, be part of the solution. Don’t just sit around raising questions and pointing out obstacles.
- Tina Fey
Collection: Witty
Image of Tina Fey
You can tell how smart people are by what they laugh at.
- Tina Fey
Collection: Witty
Image of Tina Fey
To say I’m an overrated troll, when you have never even seen me guard a bridge, is patently unfair.
- Tina Fey
Collection: Witty
Image of Tina Fey
Do your thing and don't care if they like it.
- Tina Fey
Collection: Witty
Image of Tina Fey
Gay people don’t actually try to convert people. That’s Jehovah’s Witnesses you’re thinking of.
- Tina Fey
Collection: Witty
Image of James Sharp
Satirical writers and speakers are not half so clever as they think themselves, nor as they are thought to be. They do winnow the corn, it is true, but it is to feed upon the chaff. I am sorry to add that they who are always speaking ill of others are also very apt to be doing ill to them. It requires some talent and some generosity to find out talent and generosity in others, though nothing but self-conceit and malice are needed to discover or to imagine faults. It is much easier for an ill-natured man than for a good-natured man to be smart and witty.
- James Sharp
Collection: Witty
Image of Frances Noyes Hart
even Mademoiselle Neubahr can't make me believe in hell. It doesn't seem a very - witty - solution of the crime-and-punishment situation, does it?
- Frances Noyes Hart
Collection: Witty
Image of Robyn Carr
Count on Jill Shalvis for a witty, steamy, unputdownable love story.
- Robyn Carr
Collection: Witty
Image of Michael R. Burch
If every witty thing that's said was true, Oscar Wilde, the world would worship You!
- Michael R. Burch
Collection: Witty
Image of Alessandra Stanley
One of the less vaunted joys of Austen is that she is one of the greatest writers in the English language who also happened to write witty romance novels. Women enjoy the love stories in Austen the same way men read Hemingway for the hunting and fishing: it provides guiltless pleasure.
- Alessandra Stanley
Collection: Witty
Image of Larry Bakersfield
Hip hop is expression..our roots and culture..Its your duty to contribute uniqueness to this artform. Desire of bringing somethin new, improved, witty and soul touching is what bein an m.c. is all about. I wanted my intelligence to be heard in my lyrics..I wanted the pain to be felt...and the happiness i encountered. Bein an m.c. takes originality, style, imagination, delivery, intelligence and presence.
- Larry Bakersfield
Collection: Witty
Image of Jessi Klein
Being witty was the only side effect of being depressed that was working for me.
- Jessi Klein
Collection: Witty
Image of John Quiggin
The term "rational" and its variants (rationality, rationalism) are used in a lot of contexts in economic debate, both positively and negatively, but nearly always sloppily or dishonestly. A specimen I've seen on more occasions than I can count is the line (usually presented with a sense of witty originality) "if you are opposed to economic rationalism, you must be in favor of economic irrationalism"... I've come to the conclusion that the word "rational" has no meaning that cannot better be conveyed by some alternative term and that the best advice is probably to avoid it altogether.
- John Quiggin
Collection: Witty
Image of Margo Jefferson
Witty, brooding, contemplative, explosive: take your pick.
- Margo Jefferson
Collection: Witty
Image of David Baddiel
Clever, witty and absorbing, Amortality is a much-needed anatomy of our profound malaise about ageing. Its charms will never fade.
- David Baddiel
Collection: Witty