Top Naps Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Naps quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Rick Riordan
With great power... comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.
- Rick Riordan
Collection: Naps
Image of Renata Adler
I took a little celebrational nap.
- Renata Adler
Collection: Naps
Image of David Koepp
Johnny sort of popped into my head midway through the first draft, and he wouldn't leave. But the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. In the first half of the movie, this guy is in the house not doing anything. I really needed an actor who's inventive and who will make enough idiosyncratic choices to make it entertaining to watch. And let's face it, Johnny Depp could make a nap interesting to watch.
- David Koepp
Collection: Naps
Image of Marsha Warfield
I'm beginning to appreciate the value of naps. Naps are wonderful, aren't they? Sometimes now I have to take a nap to get ready for bed.
- Marsha Warfield
Collection: Naps
Image of Carrie Snow
No day is so bad that it can not be fixed by a good nap.
- Carrie Snow
Collection: Naps
Image of Natasha Lyonne
I definitely would rather take a nap than get angry.
- Natasha Lyonne
Collection: Naps
Image of Nico
With Great power comes great need to take a nap
- Nico
Collection: Naps
Image of Jurgen Klopp
I don't have a power nap when I have training. I take it so I am fresh again for the next session.
- Jurgen Klopp
Collection: Naps
Image of Feist
Everything becomes closer once you realize that the world is only as far away as a nap and a meal.
- Feist
Collection: Naps
Image of Grumpy Cat
I try to nap through as much of it as possible. I didn't even know about my Christmas movie until this February.
- Grumpy Cat
Collection: Naps
Image of Suzy Becker
There is always time for a nap.
- Suzy Becker
Collection: Naps
Image of Brock Clarke
Some people, when desperate, retreat to pills or hard liquor. I nap.
- Brock Clarke
Collection: Naps
Image of Darynda Jones
Have you slept yet?' 'Sure. I took a power nap on the way over.' 'Didn't you drive there?' 'Yeah. Other drviers kept waking me up. Car horns should be illegal.' - Charley & Cookie
- Darynda Jones
Collection: Naps
Image of Sarah Rees Brennan
They were standing in a very large room. The floorboards stretched in a pale expanse at their feet. There was so much dust on the floor that it had a pearly sheen. ”Even you could not nap on this floor,” Kami told Angela. ”I don’t know, a dust mattress might be very comfortable,” said Angela. ”Also possibly orthopedic.
- Sarah Rees Brennan
Collection: Naps
Image of Ronda Rousey
I'm going to beat Alexis Davis then take a nap
- Ronda Rousey
Collection: Naps
Image of Katherine Applegate
It's hard to put into words. Gorillas are not complainers. We're dreamers, poets, philosophers, nap takers.
- Katherine Applegate
Collection: Naps
Image of Charlie Sheen
I've got magic. I've got poetry at my fingertips.
- Charlie Sheen
Collection: Naps
Image of Nora Roberts
When the going gets tough, the tough eat ribs.
- Nora Roberts
Collection: Naps
Image of Dejan Stojanovic
All dust is the same dust. Temporarily separated To go peacefully And enjoy the eternal nap.
- Dejan Stojanovic
Collection: Naps
Image of Erma Bombeck
When the going gets tough, the tough make cookies.
- Erma Bombeck
Collection: Naps
Image of Jonathan Tropper
But the muse won’t always cooperate and she will never be coerced. Sometimes she’d rather take a nap or see a mid-afternoon movie.
- Jonathan Tropper
Collection: Naps
Image of Darynda Jones
I totally take back all those times I didn't want to nap when I was younger. - T-SHIRT
- Darynda Jones
Collection: Naps
Image of A. A. Milne
Let's begin by taking a smallish nap or two.
- A. A. Milne
Collection: Naps
Image of Catherynne M. Valente
Temperament, you'll find, is highly dependent on time of day, weather, frequency of naps, and whether one has had enough to eat.
- Catherynne M. Valente
Collection: Naps
Image of Christopher Moore
Like last year I took Advance Foods class (which is like cooking for nerds) after lunch, and so I usually took a nap. Which was fine, because I'm not even thrilled about regular foods, so, you know, what do I need with like advanced digital HD wi-fi foods and whatnot? -Abby
- Christopher Moore
Collection: Naps
Image of Jeff Bridges
The more nervous you get, the more worried you get about something... Maybe you just need to take a nap.
- Jeff Bridges
Collection: Naps
Image of Gayle Forman
Is that what death would feel like? The nicest, warmest, heaviest never-ending nap? If that’s what it’s like, I wouldn’t mind.
- Gayle Forman
Collection: Naps
Image of Yogi Berra
I take a two hour nap between 1PM and 3PM.
- Yogi Berra
Collection: Naps
Image of Orson Scott Card
So I want to ask you a hypothetical question. My favorite kind. Next to rhetorical ones. I can nap equally well through either kind.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Naps
Image of Augusten Burroughs
Bad news should be followed with soup. Then a nap.
- Augusten Burroughs
Collection: Naps
Image of Aaron Levie
I don't use many apps. I use naps.
- Aaron Levie
Collection: Naps
Image of Suzanne Collins
The most exciting thing either of us does is nap.
- Suzanne Collins
Collection: Naps
Image of Scott Eastwood
Nap time over. Gonna go be active. Do it people!!! In the end all you have is your health.
- Scott Eastwood
Collection: Naps
Image of Tori Amos
The music is the magic carpet that other things take naps on.
- Tori Amos
Collection: Naps
Image of Mason Cooley
When you can't figure out what to do, it's time for a nap.
- Mason Cooley
Collection: Naps
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
All life is a nap. The more naps you take the better.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Naps
Image of Tom Hodgkinson
Bosses should sanction the nap rather than expect workers to power on all day without repose. They might even find that workers' happiness - or what management types refer to as "employee satisfaction results" - might improve.
- Tom Hodgkinson
Collection: Naps
Image of Bobby Jones
I got an extra hour's nap.
- Bobby Jones
Collection: Naps
Image of Robin McKinley
...but with the hours I sometimes kept at the coffeehouse I had to have learned to take naps during the day or die, and I had learned to take naps. Up until five months ago "something or other or die" had always seemed like a plain choice in favor of the something or other.
- Robin McKinley
Collection: Naps