Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 143

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 143 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Kristin Cashore
Well then, "Katsa said. "Of course, we'll operate with the greatest possible secrecy, Bitterblue. And for what it's worth, we'll deny your involvement to our dying breaths, and I'll kill anyone who doesn't." Bann began to laugh into Raffin's shoulder. Smiling, Raffin said sideways to him, "Can you imagine what it would be like to be able to say that and mean it?
- Kristin Cashore
Collection: Mean
Image of Mira Grant
A proper lady should be able to smile pretty, wear sequins like she means it, and kick a man's ass nine ways from Sunday while wearing stiletto heels. If she can't do that much, she's not trying hard enough.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Mean
Image of Zach Braff
At first, I didn't really care if global warming existed. But then I realized it means that less bums would freeze to death in the winter
- Zach Braff
Collection: Mean
Image of Zach Braff
Compared to my talents, Whoopi Goldberg is like one of those fake plastic Buddhas you get at dollar stores. I mean really, I fail to see the humor in an overweight negro woman with dreadlocks, no eyebrows, and is named after a childish term for flatulence.
- Zach Braff
Collection: Mean
Image of Zach Braff
I'm pretty sure Africa was made up by the media to scare people. I mean, I've never seen it. Have you? I didn't think so.
- Zach Braff
Collection: Mean
Image of J. K. Rowling
Many parts of my life are perfectly ordinary, if that's what you mean. One could even call it boring, but that's what I like about it.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Mean
Image of Errol Morris
Not suing others does not mean that others won't sue you.If people are desperate enough to think that they can gain some kind of financial advantage, they'll sue.
- Errol Morris
Collection: Mean
Image of Errol Morris
I've been horribly depressed (lately), which, as you know, can be terribly time-consuming. I mean, if you're going to do it right, that is.
- Errol Morris
Collection: Mean
Image of Neil Peart
I'm less comfortable in a gregarious social situation, and you can be introverted and still share everything. It just means that you're guarded.
- Neil Peart
Collection: Mean
Image of Murray Rothbard
Money is the general medium of exchange. It is the thing for which all other goods are traded, the means of final payment for such goods on the market.
- Murray Rothbard
Collection: Mean
Image of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
There are always moments when one feels empty and estranged.
 Such moments are most desirable, 
for it means the soul has cast its moorings and is sailing for distant places. 
This is detachment -- 
when the old is over and the new has not yet come. 
If you are afraid, the state may be distressing, 
but there is really nothing to be afraid of. 
Remember the instruction: 
Whatever you come across -- go beyond.
- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Collection: Mean
Image of Smokey Robinson
If I just gave you a piece of paper with the lyrics written down on it, it would mean something to you. It would tell you a story.
- Smokey Robinson
Collection: Mean
Image of John Owen
The indulgence of one sin opens the door to further sins. The indulgence of one sin diverts the soul from the use of those means by which all other sins should be resisted.
- John Owen
Collection: Mean
Image of James Patterson
Love means you can never be apart.
- James Patterson
Collection: Mean
Image of Timothy Keller
Just because you cannot realize your highest aspirations in work does not mean you have chosen wrongly, or are not called to your profession, or that you should spend your life looking for the perfect career that is devoid of frustration. ... You should expect to be regularly frustrated in your work even though you may be in exactly the right vocation.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Mean
Image of Michael Sandel
I do not argue that nature is sacrosanct in the sense that we must never tamper with nature. That would disempower, really, all of medicine. That would mean that we can't combat dread diseases - malaria, polio, all of which are given by nature, if one thinks about it.
- Michael Sandel
Collection: Mean
Image of Deb Caletti
It's strange, isn't it, how the idea of belonging to someone can sound so great? It can be comforting, the way it makes things decided. We like the thought of being held, until it's too tight. We like that certainty, until it means there's no way out. And we like being his, until we realize we're not ours anymore.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Mean
Image of Deb Caletti
Just because it turned out bad, doesn’t mean it wasn’t meant.
- Deb Caletti
Collection: Mean
Image of Evelyn Waugh
After all, damn it, what does being in love mean if you can't trust a person.
- Evelyn Waugh
Collection: Mean
Image of Evelyn Waugh
Civilization - and by this I do not mean talking cinemas and tinned food, nor even surgery and hygienic houses, but the whole moral and artistic organization of Europe - has not in itself the power of survival. It came into being through Christianity, and without it has no significance or power to command allegiance ... It is no longer possible, as it was in the time of Gibbon, to accept the benefits of civilization and at the same time deny the supernatural basis on which it rests ... Christianity ... is in greater need of combative strength than it has been for centuries.
- Evelyn Waugh
Collection: Mean
Image of William Irwin Thompson
If a person is open to a new world view, it can often mean that he is not firmly rooted in the reality of the old world view; as a lunatic or alienated artist, his own neurotic traits can become magnified as they tremble with the new energy pouring in from the universal source.
- William Irwin Thompson
Collection: Mean
Image of Thomas Sowell
What does calling this medical care legislation "historic" mean? It means that previous administrations gave up the idea when it became clear that the voting public did not want government control of medical care. What is "historic" is that this will be the first administration to show that it doesn't care one bit what the public wants or doesn't want.
- Thomas Sowell
Collection: Mean
Image of Thomas Sowell
What 'eminent domain' laws mean in practice is that politicians have a right to seize your property and turn it over to someone else, in order to gain campaign contributions and win votes.
- Thomas Sowell
Collection: Mean
Image of Stephenie Meyer
Time means little; I never notice its passing.
- Stephenie Meyer
Collection: Mean
Image of Karen Russell
For me, the term "literary fiction" means there's always attention paid to language, and linguistic experimentation, sophistication.
- Karen Russell
Collection: Mean
Image of Robert Pattinson
I think so much of a director's job is just to convince you that what you're doing is worthwhile. "Yes, this does mean something, we're not just messing around." Even though at the end of the day it's a film. But at the time it's something else. I don't feel like I'm making a film, I'm confronting things in myself. I don't know what it is. So if someone is enthusiastic enough to convince you that it's important it's kind of magical.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Mean
Image of John Flanagan
Looks like he's lost a guinea and found a farthing," Horace said, then added, unnecessarily, "Will, I mean." Halt turned in his saddle to regard the younger man and raised an eyebrow. "I may be almost senile in your eyes, Horace, but there's no need to explain the blindly obvious to me. I'd hardly have thought you were referring to Tug.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Mean
Image of John Flanagan
Shokaku is a crane of some kind.' 'For lifting things?' Will asked. 'For flying. A large bird type of crane,' she corrected him. 'In fact, as near I can Work it out, Shokaku means “a flying crane". 'Seems like a logical thing for a crane to do,' Halt mused. 'I suppose you wouldn't expect it to mean “a hiking crane" or “a waddling crane".'
- John Flanagan
Collection: Mean
Image of Samuel Smiles
No laws, however stringent, can make the idle industrious, the thriftless provident, or the drunken sober. Such reforms can only be effected by means of individual action, economy and self-denial; by better habits, rather than by greater rights.
- Samuel Smiles
Collection: Mean
Image of Peter S. Beagle
I fear it, for her sake. It would mean that she too is a wanderer now, and that is a fate for human beings, not for unicorns. But I hope, of course I hope.
- Peter S. Beagle
Collection: Mean
Image of Donald Trump
I won. I mean, I became president.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Mean
Image of Bernie Sanders
We did really, really badly with older African-American voters. I mean we got decimated.
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: Mean
Image of Neale Donald Walsch
When you find peace within, you also find that you can do without. This means simply that you no longer need the things of your outside world, and not needing is a great freedom.
- Neale Donald Walsch
Collection: Mean
Image of Douglas Coupland
I mean five thousand years ago people emerge out of nowhere -sproing!- with brains and everything and begin wrecking the planet. You'd think we'd give the issue a little more thought than we do.
- Douglas Coupland
Collection: Mean
Image of Bill Murray
The human condition means that we can zone out and forget what the hell we're doing.
- Bill Murray
Collection: Mean
Image of Jean Vanier
The poor are always prophetic. As true prophets always point out, they reveal God's design. That is why we should take time to listen to them. And that means staying near them, because they speak quietly and infrequently; they are afraid to speak out, they lack confidence in themselves because they have been broken and oppressed. But if we listen to them, they will bring us back to the essential.
- Jean Vanier
Collection: Mean
Image of Jean Vanier
Community means caring: caring for people. Dietrich Bonhoeffer says: "He who loves community destroys community; he who loves the brethren builds community." A community is not an abstract ideal.
- Jean Vanier
Collection: Mean
Image of Bruce Sterling
I know that the human condition will be radically changed through technical means. Much of this change will be painful, monstrous and horrible. Most mutations are disgusting failures, most experiments are failures. I accept this and I don't find it frightening.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Mean
Image of Mario Puzo
Even as a young man, Vito Corleone became known as a "man of reasonableness." He never uttered a threat. He always used logic that proved to be irresistible. He always made certain that the other fellow got his share of profit. Nobody lost. He did this, of course, by obvious means. Like many businessmen of genius he learned that free competition was wasteful, monopoly efficient. And so he simply set about achieving that efficient monopoly.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Mean
Image of Jodi Picoult
She shrugged. "You can be happy for someone else's good fortune, but that doesn't mean you forget your own bad luck.
- Jodi Picoult
Collection: Mean
Image of Miguel Angel Ruiz
When we try to describe the truth with words, we distort it and it's no longer truth--it's our story. The story may be true for us, but that doesn't mean it's true for anyone else.
- Miguel Angel Ruiz
Collection: Mean
Image of Barack Obama
The single biggest threat that we face is a nuclear weapon or some weapon of mass destruction. What that means is that we have to be extraordinarily aggressive and vigilant in controlling nuclear proliferation.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Mean
Image of David Wilkerson
Beloved, God has never failed to act but in goodness and love. When all means fail-his love prevails. Hold fast to your faith. Stand fast in his Word. There is no other hope in this world.
- David Wilkerson
Collection: Mean
Image of Gloria Steinem
It's going to take a while because for the last 500 years patriarchal societies have been devoted to controlling reproduction and that means controlling women. So we got into this masculine/feminine, dominant/passive paradigm, and it's going to take a while to get out.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Mean
Image of Haruki Murakami
Nakata's empty inside... Do you know what it means to be completely empty? Being empty is like a vacant house. An unlocked, vacant house. Anybody can come in, anytime they want. That's what scares me the most
- Haruki Murakami
Collection: Mean
Image of George Bernard Shaw
Now of all the idealist abominations that make society pestiferous I doubt if there be any so mean as that of forcing self-sacrifice on a woman under the pretense that she likes it.
- George Bernard Shaw
Collection: Mean
Image of Thomas Merton
The danger of education, I have found, is that it so easily confuses means with ends. Worse than that, it quite easily forgets both and devotes itself merely to the mass production of uneducated gradtuates - people literaly unfit for anything except to take part in an elaborate and completely artificial charade which they and their contemporaries have conspired to call "life".
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Mean
Image of Nate Silver
Accountability doesn't mean apologizing.
- Nate Silver
Collection: Mean
Image of Bill McKibben
We'd already lost the possibility of stopping global warming entirely. That hasn't been in the cards for a long time. The triumph of Trump probably means that we're not going to be able to stop it at the two-degree mark that the world had been aiming for. That's very bad news, mostly because the planet seems to be more sensitive than we thought to even small increases in temperature.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Mean