Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 145

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 145 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Susanna Clarke
You mean to say he became mad deliberately?' ...Nothing is more likely,' said the duke.
- Susanna Clarke
Collection: Mean
Image of Swami Vivekananda
I must remark that what I mean by our religion working upon the nations outside of India comprises only the principles, the background, the foundation upon which that religion is built.
- Swami Vivekananda
Collection: Mean
Image of Rick Riordan
So...your name means Mr.Underwear." -Frank
- Rick Riordan
Collection: Mean
Image of Tamora Pierce
As I recall, this word's use means somewhere there is a tree that is now a - a two-legger. -Numair Salmalin
- Tamora Pierce
Collection: Mean
Image of H. G. Wells
Socialism is the preparation for that higher Anarchism; painfully, laboriously we mean to destroy false ideas of property and self, eliminate unjust laws and poisonous and hateful suggestions and prejudices, create a system of social right-dealing and a tradition of right-feeling and action. Socialism is the schoolroom of true and noble Anarchism, wherein by training and restraint we shall make free men.
- H. G. Wells
Collection: Mean
Image of Mark Steyn
Public interest criteria does not mean criteria that the public decides are in its interest. It means that the elite - via various appointed bodies - decide what the public's interest is for them.
- Mark Steyn
Collection: Mean
Image of Mark Steyn
If the IMF is correct (a big if), China will be the planet's No.1 economy by 2016. That means whoever's elected in November next year will be the last president of the United States to preside over the world's dominant economic power.
- Mark Steyn
Collection: Mean
Image of Octavia Spencer
I choose projects that resonate with me on some personal level and projects that I'm afraid to do. If I'm afraid to do them, then I usually say yes, because it means that I'm not ready to go there and deal with certain aspects of the script.
- Octavia Spencer
Collection: Mean
Image of Ludwig von Mises
Economic control is not merely control of a sector of human life that can be separated from the rest; it is the control of the means for all our ends.
- Ludwig von Mises
Collection: Mean
Image of Robert Wyatt
I get slightly irritated by people who say they're natural rebels because it just means that they're going to be against whatever anybody does, which is almost like saying you might as well leave it as it is.
- Robert Wyatt
Collection: Mean
Image of Richard J. Foster
Freedom in the Gospel does not mean license. It means opportunity.
- Richard J. Foster
Collection: Mean
Image of James Taylor
There's a lot more information at hand and sometimes there's information overload and we become desensitized to it, so things start to mean less.
- James Taylor
Collection: Mean
Image of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The church is only the church when it exists for others. To make a start, it should give away all its property to those in need. The clergy must live solely on the free-will offerings of their congregations, or possibly engage in some secular calling. The church must share in the secular problems of ordinary human life, not dominating, but helping and serving. It must tell men of every calling what it means to live in Christ, to exist for others.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Collection: Mean
Image of Juan Manuel Santos
At this moment, I don't think people would back the old-fashioned Marxist-Leninist ideas of FARC. But I do hope that the rebels will continue to pursue their agenda by legal means and not through violence.
- Juan Manuel Santos
Collection: Mean
Image of Andrew Jackson
Live within your means, never be in debt, and by husbanding your money you can always lay it out well. But when you get in debt you become a slave. Therefore I say to you never involve yourself in debt, and become no man's surety.
- Andrew Jackson
Collection: Mean
Image of Andrew Jackson
Live within your means, never be in debt, and by husbanding your money you can always lay it out well.
- Andrew Jackson
Collection: Mean
Image of Jon Stewart
Everyone knows if a Republican comes out of the closet and sees a gay shadow, it means six more years of a Democratic administration.
- Jon Stewart
Collection: Mean
Image of Hannibal Buress
I smoke occasionally, but it's not a part of my routine. I mean, I don't need it.
- Hannibal Buress
Collection: Mean
Image of Neil deGrasse Tyson
A state of negative energy means that you are essentially getting something for nothing.
- Neil deGrasse Tyson
Collection: Mean
Image of Neil deGrasse Tyson
When NASA says they're going into space, they don't mean up and back. They mean orbit.
- Neil deGrasse Tyson
Collection: Mean
Image of Joe Biden
I travel a lot on foreign policy, as you know. I'm in Europe a lot. I travelled over a million miles as vice president. They didn't do stimulus. Look where they are. Come on. I mean, this is like, I just get so frustrated. Like come on.
- Joe Biden
Collection: Mean
Image of William Shakespeare
Give thy thoughts no tongue, nor any unproportioned thought his act. Be thou familiar but by no means vulgar.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Mean
Image of Eric Schmidt
We didn't see any statistically significant relationship between our buzz and our short-term sales...Is that the end of the story? I would say no. This is one study on a set of brands in a particular company within a certain segment of the consumer-packag ed-goods industry. It is by no means a generalized result that applies to all industries.
- Eric Schmidt
Collection: Mean
Image of Lynne Truss
The problem is that it has become politically awkward to draw attention to absolutes of bad and good. In place of manners, we now have doctrines of political correctness, against which one offends at one's peril: by means of a considerable circular logic, such offences mark you as reactionary and therefore a bad person. Therefore if you say people are bad, you are bad.
- Lynne Truss
Collection: Mean
Image of Karl Popper
Science is the century-old endeavour to bring together by means of systematic thought the perceptible phenomena of this world into as thorough-going an association as possible. To put it boldly, it is the attempt at a posterior reconstruction of existence by the process of conceptualization. Science can only ascertain what is, but not what should be, and outside of its domain value judgements of all kinds remain necessary.
- Karl Popper
Collection: Mean
Image of David Platt
Passionate worship always leads to personal witness. Always. And what that means is . . . if we’re not witnessing, there’s a problem with our worship. We’re not seeing God for who He is! We’re not realizing what He’s done! We’re not realizing the magnitude of what He’s done for our souls!
- David Platt
Collection: Mean
Image of Jason Schwartzman
I just have some restaurants to just go and eat there. Do mean places to watch people? I like to go shopping look for guitars and stuff with my friends. Look at Meyer, great old instruments, talk about pedals and stuff
- Jason Schwartzman
Collection: Mean
Image of Anna Wintour
To be in Vogue has to mean something
- Anna Wintour
Collection: Mean
Image of Joss Whedon
Unfortunately for Hillary Clinton she's a competent politician, which means she seldom says anything in less than three paragraphs. So people like the guy who just goes, "Nuh-uh, no puppet, no puppet, you're the puppet."
- Joss Whedon
Collection: Mean
Image of Mark Twain
Definite speech means clarity of mind.
- Mark Twain
Collection: Mean
Image of Michael Pollan
Much more has to be done to democratize the food movement. One of the reasons that healthy food is more expensive than unhealthy food is that the government supports unhealthy food and does very little to support healthy food, whether you mean organic or grass-fed or whatever.
- Michael Pollan
Collection: Mean
Image of George Packer
The way Donald Trump talks about the problems of black Americans as a kind of separate group who are not part of his audience but he's kind of reaching over his audience or behind his audience to black Americans, saying what have you got to lose? As in you might as well join me because the Democrats haven't done anything for you. But joining me means joining this group that already supports me.
- George Packer
Collection: Mean
Image of Paul Ryan
But just because we can't fix Obamacare doesn't mean we can't start to get rid of its worst features. On Thursday, the House will take up a bill to define 'full time' as 40 hours per week, so more people can work full time.
- Paul Ryan
Collection: Mean
Image of Swami Vivekananda
The progress and civilisation of the human race simply mean controlling this nature.
- Swami Vivekananda
Collection: Mean
Image of Charles Bradlaugh
I know not what you mean by God; the word God is to me a sound conveying no clear or distinct affirmation.
- Charles Bradlaugh
Collection: Mean
Image of Darren Shan
I mean, seriously, what lady of taste could resist a shiny green head of hair like mine?
- Darren Shan
Collection: Mean
Image of Vladimir Putin
Respect for sovereignty means to not allow unconstitutional action and coup d'états, the removal of legitimate power.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Mean
Image of Michel de Montaigne
The shortest way to arrive at glory should be to do that for conscience which we do for glory. And the virtue of Alexander appears to me with much less vigor in his theater than that of Socrates in his mean and obscure. I can easily conceive Socrates in the place of Alexander, but Alexander in that of Socrates I cannot.
- Michel de Montaigne
Collection: Mean
Image of Alan Rickman
One of the most, in a weird way, encouraging things a director can say to an actor - I know this as an actor - is when you ask them a question, they say, I don't know - 'cause it means there's some space there for you to find out. And it means that there's going to be a process.
- Alan Rickman
Collection: Mean
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
I stand for the square deal. I mean not merely that I stand for fair play under the present rules of the game, but that I stand for having those rules changed so as to work for a more substantial equality of opportunity and of reward for equally good service.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Mean
Image of Thomas Sowell
If a word means everything, then in means nothing.
- Thomas Sowell
Collection: Mean
Image of Thomas Sowell
Any judicial nominee who has said that the Constitution means what it says, not what judges would like it to mean, is going to be called an 'extremist.' That person will be said to be 'out of the mainstream.' But the mainstream is itself the problem.
- Thomas Sowell
Collection: Mean
Image of Alfred North Whitehead
In a living civilization there is always an element of unrest, for sensitiveness to ideas means curiosity, adventure, change. Civilized order survives on its merits and is transformed by its power of recognizing its imperfections.
- Alfred North Whitehead
Collection: Mean
Image of Rick Riordan
You mean a bad heel?" I said. "Couldn't I just, like, wear something besides sandals? No offense." -Percy
- Rick Riordan
Collection: Mean
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
Nihilism: any aim is lacking, any answer to the question "why" is lacking. What does nihilism mean?--that the supreme values devaluate themselves.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: Mean
Image of Wilhelm Wundt
Many psychologists ... thought by turning their attention to their own consciousness to be able to explain what happened when we were thnking. Or they sought to attain the same end by asking another person a question, by means of which certain processes of thought would be excited, and then by questioning the person about the introspection he had made. It is obvious ... that nothing can be discovered in such experiments.
- Wilhelm Wundt
Collection: Mean
Image of Susane Colasanti
Maybe but... if being impulsive means ruining other people's lives, then maybe I should just stay the same.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Mean
Image of Rajneesh
Contentment is the door to god. If one is contented, one has already arrived. And the meaning of contentment is absolute acceptance as you are. Contentment means acceptance, discontentment means non-acceptance. A wants to become B - that is discontent. A is perfectly happy in being A, there is no desire to become B - that is contentment.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Mean
Image of Lucretius
The nature of the universe has by no means been made through divine power, seeing how great are the faults that mar it.
- Lucretius
Collection: Mean