Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 141

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 141 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Martha Beck
Most people go through their whole lives," John went on, "and never have one miracle happen to them. You've had dozens and dozens, and you still want more! It's like God gives you a brownie, I mean a really good brownie, but you can't be content with it. You want the whole pan of brownies. Nobody gets that.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Mean
Image of Martha Beck
Menders of all times and places have taught that silencing the thoughts in our heads and opening to the experience of the body and emotions is the basis of all healing. It's the only means by which we can reclaim our true nature or feel the subtle cues telling us how to find our way through life.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Mean
Image of Edith Sitwell
One's own surroundings means so much to one, when one is feeling miserable.
- Edith Sitwell
Collection: Mean
Image of Steven Furtick
Accepting God’s acceptance of me doesn’t mean I’m going to stop trying. It means I’m going to stop trying out. And I am intentionally redirecting my obsession.
- Steven Furtick
Collection: Mean
Image of Andy Stanley
Asking doesn't mean you lack wisdom - it's evidence of wisdom.
- Andy Stanley
Collection: Mean
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
We'll have to deal with the networks. One of the ways to do that is to drain the swamp they live in. And that means dealing not only with the terrorists, but those who harbor terrorists. This will take a long, sustained effort. It will require the support of the American people as well as our friends and allies around the world.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Mean
Image of Haruki Murakami
This is what it means to live on. When granted hope, a person uses it as fuel, as a guidepost to life. It is impossible to live without hope.
- Haruki Murakami
Collection: Mean
Image of Marlon Brando
I only mean forty per cent of what I say.
- Marlon Brando
Collection: Mean
Image of Joseph Brodsky
The fact that we are living does not mean we are not sick.
- Joseph Brodsky
Collection: Mean
Image of Virginia Woolf
If the best of one's feelings means nothing to the person most concerned in those feelings, what reality is left us?
- Virginia Woolf
Collection: Mean
Image of Andy Murray
No, 'cause, I mean, the expectation for me is I'm gonna try my best to win the tournament. But it's the people that sort of are in the media, are in the press, and the people that read it are the ones that, you know, see the expectation getting bigger or greater or, you know, how my performances have been going, whatnot.
- Andy Murray
Collection: Mean
Image of Eckhart Tolle
Vigilance in oneself is very important. Vigilance means to be alert to what happens inside, so you can catch an old, collective habit pattern.
- Eckhart Tolle
Collection: Mean
Image of Eckhart Tolle
When forms begin to crumble there is always an opportunity for great deepening. By deepening I mean the arising of who you are beyond form.
- Eckhart Tolle
Collection: Mean
Image of Calvin Trillin
I've decided to skip 'holistic'. I don't know what it means, and I don't want to know. That may seem extreme, but I followed the same strategy toward 'Gestalt' and the 'Twist', and lived to tell the tale.
- Calvin Trillin
Collection: Mean
Image of Herbert Read
This is the essential distinction--even opposition--between the painting and the film: the painting is composed subjectively, thefilm objectively. However highly we rate the function of the scenario writer--in actual practice it is rated very low--we must recognize that the film is not transposed directly and freely from the mind by means of a docile medium like paint, but must be cut piece-meal out of the lumbering material of the actual visible world.
- Herbert Read
Collection: Mean
Image of Neil Postman
Cyberspace' is a metaphorical idea which is supposed to be the space where your consciousness is located when you're using computer technology on the Internet, for example, and I'm not entirely sure it's such a useful term, but I think that's what most people mean by it.
- Neil Postman
Collection: Mean
Image of Robert H. Schuller
Success may or may not mean that you've acquired a lot. It does mean that you have become a generous person.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Mean
Image of Samuel Beckett
HAMM: We're not beginning to... to... mean something? CLOV: Mean something! You and I, mean something! (Brief laugh.) Ah that's a good one!
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Mean
Image of Donald Rumsfeld
Oh, Lord. I didn't mean to say anything quotable.
- Donald Rumsfeld
Collection: Mean
Image of Jeremy Bentham
Want keeps pace with dignity. Destitute of the lawful means of supporting his rank, his dignity presents a motive for malversation, and his power furnishes the means.
- Jeremy Bentham
Collection: Mean
Image of Mark Ronson
You know, it's weird. It's - it hasn't really changed my life in any kind of way that I can measure. I mean, it's obviously such an insanely amazing thing. You know, none of my other records I've ever had before even broke into the top 100.
- Mark Ronson
Collection: Mean
Image of J. K. Rowling
Yeah, size is no guarantee of power,” said George. “Look at Ginny.” “What d’you mean?” said Harry. “You’ve never been on the receiving end of one of her Bat-Bogey Hexes, have you?
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Mean
Image of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Political action means taking on responsibility. This cannot happen without power. Power is to serve responsibility.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Collection: Mean
Image of Lauren Kate
Roland, love means not being afraid to let yourself go, trusting that I will desire everything you have to offer. -Rosaline (Roland's love)
- Lauren Kate
Collection: Mean
Image of Horace
Not to be lost in idle admiration is the only sure means of making and preserving happiness.
- Horace
Collection: Mean
Image of Frank Zappa
So much gets lost in the translation. Even if you sat there listening to it with a microscope, there's no way you're gonna find out what it means.
- Frank Zappa
Collection: Mean
Image of Pythagoras
Do not spend in excess like one who is careless of what is good, nor be miserly; the mean is best in every case.
- Pythagoras
Collection: Mean
Image of Pythagoras
A good Soul hath neither too great joy, nor too great sorrow: for it rejoiceth in goodness; and it sorroweth in wickedness. By the means whereof, when it beholdeth all things, and seeth the good and bad so mingled together, it can neither rejoice greatly; nor be grieved with over much sorrow.
- Pythagoras
Collection: Mean
Image of Pythagoras
Many words befall men, mean and noble alike; do not be astonished by them, nor allow yourself to be constrained.
- Pythagoras
Collection: Mean
Image of Mark Strong
I got sent the script [ Before I Go To Sleep] as usually happens and you have a little look. I know it's a bit of a cliché, but it was absolutely a page turner. I mean, I wanted to find out what happened next.
- Mark Strong
Collection: Mean
Image of Bertrand Russell
Broadly speaking, we are in the middle of a race between human skill as a means and human folly as an end.
- Bertrand Russell
Collection: Mean
Image of Rick Yancey
I do not mean to mock or ridicule your life's work, for in one way at least it mimics my own: We have dedicated our lives to the pursuit of phantoms. The difference is the nature of those phantoms. Mine exist between other men's ears; yours live solely between your own.
- Rick Yancey
Collection: Mean
Image of Corey Taylor
I mean come on. Do you know how easy it is to be famous these days? Do you have any idea? The web has made it plausible to have your very own platform to stand and spew nonsense from on an hourly basis. There's an old saying: when everyone is special, no one will be. These days, everybody thinks they're special, so no one really does anything to be special anymore.
- Corey Taylor
Collection: Mean
Image of Ai Weiwei
A historical property has morals and ethics of the society that created it and it can be revived. What I mean is that we can discover new possibilities from the process of dismantling, transforming, and recreating.
- Ai Weiwei
Collection: Mean
Image of Donald Trump
I don't think I've ever met Putin. I mean if he's in the same room or something. But I don't think so.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Mean
Image of Donald Trump
People said Mitt Romney had crowds, but the truth is he had one crowd, one big crowd the last day. We've had crowds for five months. I mean, from the beginning. And now they're bigger than ever before. I think it makes a big difference.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Mean
Image of Nathaniel Branden
It's not that achievements prove our worth but rather that the process of achieving is the means by which we develop our effectiveness, our competence at living.
- Nathaniel Branden
Collection: Mean
Image of Nathaniel Branden
In the whole history of capitalism, no one has been able to establish a coercive monopoly by means of competition in a free market...Every single coercive monopoly that exists or ever has existed...was created and made possible only by an act of government...which granted special privileges (not obtainable in a free market) to a man or a group of men, and forbade all others to enter that particular field.
- Nathaniel Branden
Collection: Mean
Image of Nathaniel Branden
Accepting does not necessarily mean liking, enjoying, condoning. I can accept what is-and be determined to evolve from there. It is not acceptance but denial that leaves me stuck.
- Nathaniel Branden
Collection: Mean
Image of Nathaniel Branden
The policy of seeking values from human beings by means of force, when practiced by an individual, is called crime. When practiced by a government, it is called statism.
- Nathaniel Branden
Collection: Mean
Image of Brandon Sanderson
Sometimes the prize is not worth the costs. The means by which we achieve victory are as important as the victory itself.
- Brandon Sanderson
Collection: Mean
Image of Brandon Sanderson
What did you put in the fire?" Kaladin said. "To make that special smoke?" "Nothing. It was just and ordinary fire." "But, I saw-" "What you saw belongs to you. A story doesn't live until it is imagined in someone's mind." "What does the story mean, then?" "It means what you want it to mean," Hoid said. "The purpose of a storyteller is not to tell you how to think , but to give you questions to think upon. Too often, we forget that.
- Brandon Sanderson
Collection: Mean
Image of Roger Ailes
Just because someone thinks he is being attacked by the media doesn't mean he is. Many times the media actually is being fair, and they're attacking for good reason.
- Roger Ailes
Collection: Mean
Image of Roger Ailes
It also has to do with how you look and how you sound. If you look like a mean SOB who's putting the other person down, that's different than if you're inquiring about the process they go through to make a decision on behalf of the public.
- Roger Ailes
Collection: Mean
Image of J. K. Rowling
I dreamed I was buying new shoes last night," said Ron. "What d'ya think that's gonna mean?" "Probably that you're going to be eaten by a giant marshmallow or something," said Harry.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Mean
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
We of an older generation can get along with what we have, though with growing hardship; but in your full manhood and womanhood you will want what nature once so bountifully supplied and man so thoughtlessly destroyed; and because of that want you will reproach us, not for what we have used, but for what we have wasted...So any nation which in its youth lives only for the day, reaps without sowing, and consumes without husbanding, must expect the penalty of the prodigal whose labor could with difficulty find him the bare means of life.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Mean
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
There is a delight in the hardy life of the open. There are no words that can tell the hidden spirit of the wilderness, that can reveal its mystery, its melancholy and its charm. The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased; and not impaired in value. Conservation means development as much as it does protection.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Mean
Image of Richard Branson
To launch a business means successfully solving problems. Solving problems means listening.
- Richard Branson
Collection: Mean
Image of Salman Rushdie
It seems to me it's perfectly possible to vehemently disagree with a piece of work and to say that it's offensive and insulting and so on and so on. And you're absolutely entitled to do that and to speak back, if you like, against that piece of speech with all the vehemence at your disposal. I mean, that's legitimate. Even other things. People have a right to demonstrate.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Mean