Bruce Sterling

Image of Bruce Sterling
I do have two data identities. I have my name, Bruce Sterling, which is my public name under which I write novels. I also have my other name, which is my legal name under which I own property and vote.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Legal
Image of Bruce Sterling
My idea of an amusement park story is getting adventurers to go tour environmental disaster areas. After all, if the entire Great Barrier Reef gets killed, which seems like an extremely lively possibility, what are you going to do with all that rotting limestone?
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Environmental
Image of Bruce Sterling
I used to think that cyberspace was fifty years away. What I thought was fifty years away, was only ten years away. And what I thought was ten years away... it was already here. I just wasn't aware of it yet.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Technology
Image of Bruce Sterling
One of the points about distractions is that everything that they do is destabilizing.
- Bruce Sterling
Image of Bruce Sterling
If politics and business fail us, of course the military will be called in. In the developing world, the massive and repeated ecological disasters are quite commonly met by the military.
- Bruce Sterling
Image of Bruce Sterling
I was once a student in a punk T-Shirt hooked on screwed-up scenarios. That's how I became the esteemed cultural figure that I am today.
- Bruce Sterling
Image of Bruce Sterling
Well, they didn't lack for topics after Hiroshima. Why should 9/11 slow them down? I know it got a lot of press, but it's just a few large buildings and aircraft, it's not like D-Day and the Seige of Berlin.
- Bruce Sterling
Image of Bruce Sterling
We may yet work up to some serious shooting war, or maybe some acts of urban genocide committed with rogue nuclear weapons. But if that were the case, why would we call that '9/11'? If Washington disappeared in a mushroom cloud, we'd give that huge event a different name.
- Bruce Sterling
Image of Bruce Sterling
People in the Pentagon had colleagues killed and maimed by bin Laden. They're trying to find bin Laden and kill him and his cult. Naturally they consider that a legitimate thing to do, but they're having mixed success at the job.
- Bruce Sterling
Image of Bruce Sterling
If bin Laden is in fact publicly killed, then the US military will find itself standing around with its hands in its pockets, wondering what's supposed to come next.
- Bruce Sterling
Image of Bruce Sterling
Humans are very aggressive and scrappy, and go to war at the drop of a hat. However, a standard land war is no longer going to work as it is no longer technically possible.
- Bruce Sterling
Image of Bruce Sterling
War as Napoleon knew it just not possible any more. However, we're very unlikely to accept or recognize 'world peace' even when we get it.
- Bruce Sterling
Image of Bruce Sterling
They used to be seen as insane or unthinkable acts of madmen. But if they take place they'll be called 'war' too. And there will still be no conventional war.
- Bruce Sterling
Image of Bruce Sterling
I like to get paid for doing basic research, so it's pleasant to write some nonfiction about it.
- Bruce Sterling
Image of Bruce Sterling
I'm an entertainer in the military-entertainment complex.
- Bruce Sterling
Image of Bruce Sterling
I wouldn't describe that 'position' as 'parasitic.' I'd describe that experience as 'edifying.' I don't merely write from a critical intellectual distance. I actually live around here.
- Bruce Sterling
Image of Bruce Sterling
I haven't had that good a time in ages. Since September 11, really. I just felt so happy, it was like the sun came out of the clouds for me. I love Italy.
- Bruce Sterling
Image of Bruce Sterling
We might be on the brink of an apocalypse if, instead of poor people with suicide bombs killing middle class guys, middle-class people with suicide bombs started killing rich guys.
- Bruce Sterling
Image of Bruce Sterling
The Bollywood distribution system is so corrupt that they have trouble making money off movies. So they sell shoes that an actress stepped in. If they turned up the amps some, maybe they could sell the actresses.
- Bruce Sterling
Image of Bruce Sterling
I don't think there's much distinction between surveillance and media in general. Better media means better surveillance. Cams are everywhere.
- Bruce Sterling
Image of Bruce Sterling
A security cam is one small part of a much larger universe of cams. The much larger effect, socially, politically and economically, is going to come from a much larger trend.
- Bruce Sterling
Image of Bruce Sterling
You don't get to cut that chain of evidence and start over. You're always going to be pursued by your data shadow, which is forming from thousands and thousands of little leaks and tributaries of information.
- Bruce Sterling
Image of Bruce Sterling
Privacy under what circumstance? Privacy at home under what circumstances? You have more privacy if everyone's illiterate, but you wouldn't really call that privacy. That's ignorance.
- Bruce Sterling
Image of Bruce Sterling
The level of ignorance is declining, and the ability to accumulate data and manipulate it for various ends is increasing.
- Bruce Sterling
Image of Bruce Sterling
Political people don't solve stuff - not really. Political people are like guys in pop music.
- Bruce Sterling
Image of Bruce Sterling
Saying you have a political solution is like saying you can write a pop song that's going to stay at the top of the list forever. I don't have many illusions about this, but I'm not cynical about it.
- Bruce Sterling
Image of Bruce Sterling
If poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world, science fiction writers are its court jesters. We are Wise Fools who can leap, caper, utter prophecies, and scratch ourselves in public. We can play with Big Ideas because the garish motley of our pulp origins make us seem harmless.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Wise
Image of Bruce Sterling
The future is a process, not a destination.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Process
Image of Bruce Sterling
But even the Four Horsemen of Kidporn, Dope Dealers, Mafia and Terrorists don't worry me as much as totalitarian governments. It's been a long century, and we've had enough of them.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Dope
Image of Bruce Sterling
The past is a kind of future that has already happened.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Past
Image of Bruce Sterling
The frontiers of the future will be the ruins of the unsustainable.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Ruins
Image of Bruce Sterling
Tomorrow composts today.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Today
Image of Bruce Sterling
Anything that can be done to a rat can be done to a human being. And we can do most anything to rats. This is a hard thing to think about, but it's the truth. It won't go away because we cover our eyes. THAT is cyberpunk.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Eye
Image of Bruce Sterling
You know what's truly weird about any financial crisis? We made it up. Currency, money, finance, they're all social inventions. When the sun comes up in the morning it's shining on the same physical landscape, all the atoms are in place.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Morning
Image of Bruce Sterling
The internet brought many laudable things, but prosperity, stability, accountability and honest politics were not four of them.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Accountability
Image of Bruce Sterling
You may be a geek. You may have geek written all over you. You should aim to be the geek they will never forget. Don’t aim to be civilized. Don’t hope that straight people will keep you on as some sort of pet. To hell with them, they put you here. You should realize what society has made of you and take full revenge. Get weird. Get way weird. Get dangerously weird. Get sophisticatedly thoroughly weird and don’t do it half way, put every ounce of your horse power into it. Have the artistic courage to realize your significance in culture.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Horse
Image of Bruce Sterling
When you can’t imagine how things are going to change, that doesn’t mean that nothing will change. It means that things will change in ways that are unimaginable.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Mean
Image of Bruce Sterling
I've been asked to explain why I don't worry much about the topics of privacy threat...One reason is that these scenarios seem to assume that there will be large, monolithic bureaucracies...that are capable of harnessing computers for one-way surveillance of an unsuspecting populace. I've come to feel that computation just doesn't work that way. Being afraid of monolithic organizations especially when they have computers, is like being afraid of really big gorillas especially when they are on fire.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Fire
Image of Bruce Sterling
Don't become a well rounded person. Well rounded people are smooth and ull. Become a thoroughly spiky person.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: People
Image of Bruce Sterling
The future is unwritten. Cyberspace is the funhouse mirror of our own society, reflects our values and our faults, sometimes in terrifying exaggerations. It doesn't matter who you are today, if you don't show up in that mirror you are just not going to matter very much. Our kids have to show up in the mirror.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Kids
Image of Bruce Sterling
Worrying about a large institution, especially when it has computers, is like worrying about a large gorilla, especially when it's on fire.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Fire
Image of Bruce Sterling
Science fiction is not about the freedom of imagination. It's about a free imagination pinched and howling in a vise that other people call real life.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Real
Image of Bruce Sterling
In a world so redolent with wonder, how can we allow ourselves to conduct our daily lives with so little insight, such absence of dignity?
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: World
Image of Bruce Sterling
Architects thrive after massive urban disasters. The abject collapse of East Berlin gave us the only city in Europe with a mighty host of Postmodern skyscrapers.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: East Berlin
Image of Bruce Sterling
I was once a student in a punk T-Shirt hooked on screwed-up scenarios. Thats how I became the esteemed cultural figure that I am today.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Literature
Image of Bruce Sterling
University, as institutions, pre-date the information economy by many centuries and are not for-profit cultural entities, whose reason of existence (purportedly) is to discover truth, codify it through techniques of scholarship, and then teach it. Universities are meant to pass the torch of civilization not just download data into student skulls.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Data
Image of Bruce Sterling
Information wants you to give me a dollar.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Giving
Image of Bruce Sterling
Everybody has a different Internet.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Different
Image of Bruce Sterling
Competence doesn't seem like a big deal until you are forced to realize that your own government has none.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Government
Image of Bruce Sterling
Open-source is a means of production.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Mean