Timothy Keller

Image of Timothy Keller
No one is too bad for Jesus. A lot of people think they are too good for Jesus.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Jesus
Image of Timothy Keller
God sees us as we are, loves us as we are, and accepts us as we are. But by His grace, He does not leave us as we are.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Grace
Image of Timothy Keller
The gospel is this: We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the very same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Jesus
Image of Timothy Keller
Jesus Christ did not suffer so that you would not suffer. He suffered so that when you suffer, you’ll become more like him. The gospel does not promise you better life circumstances; it promises you a better life.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Jesus
Image of Timothy Keller
If you say: I believed in God, I trusted God and He didn't come through - You only trusted God to meet your agenda.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Trust
Image of Timothy Keller
Jesus didn't come to tell us the answers to the questions of life, he came to be the answer.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Jesus
Image of Timothy Keller
Legalistic remorse says, "I broke God's rules," while real repentance says, "I broke God's heart."
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Heartbreak
Image of Timothy Keller
Pride is the carbon-monoxide of Sin. It silently and slowly kills you without you even knowing.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Pride
Image of Timothy Keller
How do you change your behavior? Change what you worship
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Behavior Change
Image of Timothy Keller
The basic purpose of prayer is not to bend God's will to mine, but to mold my will into His.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Prayer
Image of Timothy Keller
The only person who dares wake up a king at 3:00 AM for a glass of water is a child. We have that kind of access
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Kings
Image of Timothy Keller
The Bible’s purpose is not so much to show you how to live a good life. The Bible’s purpose is to show you how God’s grace breaks into your life against your will and saves you from the sin and brokenness otherwise you would never be able to overcome… religion is ‘if you obey, then you will be accepted’. But the Gospel is, ‘if you are absolutely accepted, and sure you’re accepted, only then will you ever begin to obey’. Those are two utterly different things. Every page of the Bible shows the difference.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Good Life
Image of Timothy Keller
Trust is accepting what God sends into your life whether you understand it or not.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Accepting
Image of Timothy Keller
The only love that won’t disappoint you is one that can’t change, that can’t be lost, that is not based on the ups and downs of life or of how well you live. It is something that not even death can take away from you. God’s love is the only thing like that.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Love
Image of Timothy Keller
Worry is not believing God will get it right, and bitterness is believing God got it wrong.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: God
Image of Timothy Keller
The Christian Gospel is that I am so flawed that Jesus had to die for me, yet I am so loved and valued that Jesus was glad to die for me. This leads to deep humility and deep confidence at the same time. It undermines both swaggering and sniveling. I cannot feel superior to anyone, and yet I have nothing to prove to anyone. I do not think more of myself nor less of myself. Instead, I think of myself less.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Christian
Image of Timothy Keller
God looks at the anxious and says, I tore my Son to shreds for you, and you're afraid I will not give you what you need?
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Son
Image of Timothy Keller
If God is not at the center of your life, something else is.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Ifs
Image of Timothy Keller
To discover the real you, look at what you spend time thinking about when no one is looking.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Real
Image of Timothy Keller
Religion says earn your life. Secular society says create your life. Jesus says, 'My life for your life.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Life
Image of Timothy Keller
There are some needs only you can see. There are some hands only you can hold. There are some people only you can reach.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Timothy Keller
If your god never disagrees with you, you might just be worshipping an idealized version of yourself.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Christian
Image of Timothy Keller
The Gospel is good news not good advice. Advice = what we should do. News = report of what was done for us.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Advice
Image of Timothy Keller
The prerequisite for receiving the grace of God is to know you need it.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Grace
Image of Timothy Keller
Honor the image of God. Human beings are not accidents, but creations.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Honor
Image of Timothy Keller
Our prayers should arise out of immersion in the Scripture. [We] speak only to the degree we are spoken to.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Prayer
Image of Timothy Keller
Jesus' claims are particularly unnerving, because if they are true there is no alternative but to bow the knee to him.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Jesus
Image of Timothy Keller
If you come from insignificance and when you die you return to insignificance, then nothing is significant now.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Return
Image of Timothy Keller
Jesus is not asking us to do anything for him that he hasn’t already done for us, under conditions of difficulty beyond our comprehension.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Jesus
Image of Timothy Keller
Holding a grudge against someone means you think you know what they deserve and you take it upon yourself to give it to them.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Mean
Image of Timothy Keller
If you need something in addition to God to make you happy, that is your true King.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Kings
Image of Timothy Keller
Power, approval, comfort, and control are meta-idols that hold sway over our daily lives.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Idols
Image of Timothy Keller
All I know is, if I don't care about the poor, if my church doesn't care about the poor, that's evil.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Evil
Image of Timothy Keller
I think these younger Christians are the vanguard of some major new religious, social, and political arrangements that could make the older form of culture wars obsolete. After they wrestle with doubts and objections to Christianity many come out on the other side with an orthodox faith that doesn't fit the current categories of liberal Democrat or conservative Republican.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Christian
Image of Timothy Keller
Sin is the despairing refusal to find your deepest identity in your relationship and service to God.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Identity
Image of Timothy Keller
The product of a true, growing, gospel-centered nature is often gentleness.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Growing
Image of Timothy Keller
You cannot have Jesus' rescue without accepting His rule.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Jesus
Image of Timothy Keller
It is because Jesus Christ experienced cosmic thirst on the cross that you and I can have our spiritual thirst satisfied. It is because he died that we can be born again. And he did it gladly. Seeing what he did and why he did it will turn our hearts away from the things that enslave us and toward him in worship. That is the gospel, and it is the same for skeptics, believers, insiders, outcasts, and everyone in between.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Timothy Keller
If the preaching of our ministers and the practice of our parishioners do not have the same effect on people that Jesus had, then we must not be declaring the same message that Jesus did.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Jesus
Image of Timothy Keller
The observer of beauty always receives a passion to share the beauty with others.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Passion
Image of Timothy Keller
By praying with friends, you will be able to hear and see facets of Jesus that you have not yet perceived.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Jesus
Image of Timothy Keller
Christ literally walked in our shoes and entered into our affliction. Those who will not help others until they are destitute reveal that Christ's love has not yet turned them into the sympathetic persons the gospel should make them.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Sympathy
Image of Timothy Keller
Jesus was much more interested in the quality of the people's response to him than in the quantity of the crowd.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Jesus
Image of Timothy Keller
Through the person and work of Jesus Christ, God fully accomplishes salvation for us, rescuing us from judgment for sin into fellowship with him, and then restores the creation in which we can enjoy our new life together with him forever.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Jesus
Image of Timothy Keller
The simple fact is that only if I love Jesus more than my wife will I be able to serve her needs ahead of my own.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Jesus
Image of Timothy Keller
Proper wedding vows are more a promise of mutually binding future love than a declaration of your present love.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Promise
Image of Timothy Keller
Idolatry happens when we take good things and make them ultimate things
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Good Things
Image of Timothy Keller
Neither son loved the father for himself. They both were using the father for their own self-centered ends rather than loving, enjoying, and serving him for his own sake. This means that you can rebel against God and be alienated from him either by breaking his rules or by keeping all of them diligently. It 's a shocking message: Careful obedience to God's law may serve as a strategy for rebelling against God .
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Father
Image of Timothy Keller
The gospel is not just the A-B-C's but the A-Z of Christianity. The gospel is not just the minimum required doctrine necessary to enter the kingdom, but the way we make all progress in the kingdom.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Progress