Mario Puzo

Image of Mario Puzo
He was a degenerate gambler. That is, a man who gambled simply to gamble and must lose. As a hero who goes to war must die. Show me a gambler and I'll show you a loser, show me a hero and I'll show you a corpse.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: War
Image of Mario Puzo
What we think of as our sensitivity is only the higher evolution of terror in a poor dumb beast. We suffer for nothing. Our own death wish is our only real tragedy.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Death
Image of Mario Puzo
Friendship and money: oil and water.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Money
Image of Mario Puzo
Finance is a gun. Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Finance
Image of Mario Puzo
The only wealth in this world is children, more than all the money, power on earth.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Money
Image of Mario Puzo
A lawyer with his briefcase can steal more than a hundred men with guns.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Men
Image of Mario Puzo
Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment.
- Mario Puzo
Image of Mario Puzo
I have always believed helping your fellow man is profitable in every sense, personally and bottom line.
- Mario Puzo
Image of Mario Puzo
I believe in America. America's made my fortune.
- Mario Puzo
Image of Mario Puzo
Like many businessmen of genius he learned that free competition was wasteful, monopoly efficient. And so he simply set about achieving that efficient monopoly.
- Mario Puzo
Image of Mario Puzo
Even the strongest man needs friends.
- Mario Puzo
Image of Mario Puzo
The strength of a family, like the strength of an army, lies in its loyalty to each other.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Family
Image of Mario Puzo
What is past is past. never go back. Not for excuses. Not for justification, not for happiness. You are what you are, the world is what it is.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Past
Image of Mario Puzo
Behind every successful fortune;There is Crime.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Successful
Image of Mario Puzo
A friend should always underestimate your virtues and an enemy overestimate your faults
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Enemy
Image of Mario Puzo
Great men are not born great, they grow great . . .
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Greatness
Image of Mario Puzo
I don't trust society to protect us, I have no intention of placing my fate in the hands of men whose only qualification is that they managed to con a block of people to vote for them.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Block
Image of Mario Puzo
When I was young, some women told me they loved me for my long eyelashes. I accepted. Later it was for my wit. Then for my power and money. Then for my talent. Then for my mind-deep. OK, I can handle all of it. The only woman who scares me is the one who loves me for myself alone. I have plans for her. I have poisons and daggers and dark graves in caves to hide her head. She can't be allowed to live. Especially if she's sexually faithful and never lies and always puts me ahead of everything and everyone.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Lying
Image of Mario Puzo
There are things that have to be done and you do them and you don't talk about them. You don't try to justify them. They can't be justified. You just do them. Then you forget them.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Trying
Image of Mario Puzo
Never get angry. Never make a threat. Reason with people.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Anger
Image of Mario Puzo
I want to tell you a story. I have no other vanity.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Vanity
Image of Mario Puzo
Not having to worry about money is almost like not having to worry about dying.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Mario Puzo
We are a family, and the loyalty of the family must come before anything and everyone else. For if we honor that commitment, we will never be vanquished-but if we falter in that loyalty we will all be condemned.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Mario Puzo
Many young men started down a false path to their true destiny. Time and fortune usually set them aright.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Destiny
Image of Mario Puzo
In Sicily, women are more dangerous than shotguns.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Shotguns
Image of Mario Puzo
Love is like the little red toy wagon you get for your Christmas or your sixth birthday. It makes you deliriously happy and you just can't leave it alone. But sooner or later the wheels come off. Then you leave it in a corner and forget it. Falling in love is great. Being in love is a disaster
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Falling In Love
Image of Mario Puzo
A man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Real
Image of Mario Puzo
Time erodes gratitude more quickly than it does beauty!
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Mario Puzo
Actions defined a man; words were a fart in the wind
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Men
Image of Mario Puzo
Falling in love is great but being in love is a disaster
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Falling In Love
Image of Mario Puzo
I spent my whole life trying not to be careless. Women and children can afford to be careless, but not men.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Children
Image of Mario Puzo
Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Mario Puzo
Yet, he thought, if I can die saying, "Life is so beautiful," then nothing else is important. If i can believe in myself that much, nothing else matters.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Mario Puzo
Our own death wish is our only real tragedy.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Real
Image of Mario Puzo
Fredo, you're my older brother and I love you. But don't ever take sides against the Family again. Ever.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Brother
Image of Mario Puzo
Every family has bad memories.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Family
Image of Mario Puzo
It was a lie but he believed in telling lies to people. Truth telling and medicine just didn't go together except in dire emergencies, if then.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Lying
Image of Mario Puzo
Michael could never remember his father ever having uttered a word about death, as if the Don respected death too much to philosophize about it.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Father
Image of Mario Puzo
Michael: Barzini will set me up through somebody close... that, supposedly, I won't suspect. Hagen: Somebody like me. Michael: You're Irish, they won't trust you. Hagen: I'm German-American. Michael: To them that's Irish.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Like Me
Image of Mario Puzo
ِAn offer you can't refuse.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Refuse
Image of Mario Puzo
No, that's not possible," Michael said. "Killed, yes; jail, no.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Jail
Image of Mario Puzo
there was no greater natural advantage in life than having an enemy overestimate your faults, unless it was to have a friend underestimate your virtues.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Enemy
Image of Mario Puzo
Tell my father I wish to be his son.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Father
Image of Mario Puzo
Gambling is not as destructive as war or as boring as pornography. It is not as immoral as business or as suicidal as watching television. And the percentages are better than religion.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: War
Image of Mario Puzo
We are all honorable men here, we don 't have to give each other assurances as if we were lawyers.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Men
Image of Mario Puzo
He smelled the garden, the yellow shield of light smote his eyes, and he whispered, "Life is so beautiful." ... Yes, he thought, if I can die saying, "Life is so beautiful," then nothing else is important.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Mario Puzo
It can be argued that man's instinct to gamble is the only reason he is still not a monkey up in the trees.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Science
Image of Mario Puzo
Some honorable men spend their whole life preparing for a supreme act of treachery
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Men
Image of Mario Puzo
Life is like a box of Hand grenades,You never know what will blow you to kingdom come
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Blow
Image of Mario Puzo
Never let a domestic quarrel ruin a day's writing. If you can't start the day fresh, get rid of your wife.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Writing