Bill McKibben

Image of Bill McKibben
There is an urgent need to stop subsidizing the fossil fuel industry, dramatically reduce wasted energy, and significantly shift our power supplies from oil, coal, and natural gas to wind, solar, geothermal, and other renewable energy sources.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Power
Image of Bill McKibben
When we think about global warming at all, the arguments tend to be ideological, theological and economic.
- Bill McKibben
Image of Bill McKibben
The roof of my house is covered in solar panels. When I'm home, I'm a pretty green fellow.
- Bill McKibben
Image of Bill McKibben
If the movie had ended in Hollywood fashion, the Copenhagen climate conference in 2009 would have marked the culmination of the global fight to slow a changing climate.
- Bill McKibben
Image of Bill McKibben
If you told Exxon or Lukoil that, in order to avoid wrecking the climate, they couldn't pump out their reserves, the value of their companies would plummet.
- Bill McKibben
Image of Bill McKibben
A spiritual voice is urgently needed to underline the fact that global warming is already causing human anguish and mortality in our nation and abroad, and much more will occur in the future without rapid action.
- Bill McKibben
Image of Bill McKibben
We build schools and give government loans and grants to college kids; for those of us who are parents, tuition will often be the last big subsidy we give the children we've raised.
- Bill McKibben
Image of Bill McKibben
Most of the men and women who vote in Congress each year to continue subsidies have taken campaign donations from big energy companies.
- Bill McKibben
Image of Bill McKibben
In reality, climate change is actually the biggest thing that's going on every single day.
- Bill McKibben
Image of Bill McKibben
Pity the poor senator or representative trying to stay alive in the political jungle. At every turn, there's a danger: a constituent who actually wants something done. Or worse, a campaign donor who might be offended by that something.
- Bill McKibben
Image of Bill McKibben
Whenever anyone challenges anything, the powers that be try to paint them as extremists or radicals or whatever. And I think that's actually nonsense.
- Bill McKibben
Image of Bill McKibben
We can't bankrupt Exxon. But we can politically and morally bankrupt them.
- Bill McKibben
Image of Bill McKibben
Our criteria is that it's okay to invest in companies so long as they stop lobbying in Washington, stop exploring for new hydrocarbons, and sit down with every one else to plan to keep 80 percent of the reserves in the ground.
- Bill McKibben
Image of Bill McKibben
The popular notion is that Americans are addicted to fossil fuels, but I find that's not true; most people would be happy to power their lives with anything else.
- Bill McKibben
Image of Bill McKibben
Climate change is the single biggest thing that humans have ever done on this planet. The one thing that needs to be bigger is our movement to stop it.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Climate
Image of Bill McKibben
The movers and shakers on our planet, aren't the billionaires and generals, they are the incredible numbers of people around the world filled with love for neighbor and for the earth who are resisting, remaking, restoring, renewing and revitalising.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Numbers
Image of Bill McKibben
The technology we need most badly is the technology of community, the knowledge about how to cooperate to get things done.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Peace
Image of Bill McKibben
Global warming is no longer a philosophical threat, no longer a future threat, no longer a threat at all. It's our reality.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Philosophical
Image of Bill McKibben
I also think we need unconventional political action, and I increasingly think that there is a need for people of faith to be able to do the kind of things that people of faith did 40 years ago in the heat of the civil rights revolution. This is a moral issue of every bit as much importance requiring every bit as much sacrifice, courage, and energy as that crisis did.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Sacrifice
Image of Bill McKibben
But the truth is that we could win every other fight that we face and if we lose the climate fight, the other victories will be pyrrhic. I don't think even people who are worried about climate change quite understand the scale and speed with which we're now shifting the planet.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Fighting
Image of Bill McKibben
We, all of us in the First World, have participated in something of a binge, a half century of unbelievable prosperity and ease. We may have had some intuition that it was a binge and the earth couldn't support it, but aside from the easy things (biodegradable detergent, slightly smaller cars) we didn't do much. We didn't turn our lives around to prevent it. Our sadness is almost an aesthetic response - appropriate because we have marred a great, mad, profligate work of art, taken a hammer to the most perfectly proportioned of sculptures.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Art
Image of Bill McKibben
We've been given a warning by science, and a wake-up call by nature; it is up to us now to heed them.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Wake Up
Image of Bill McKibben
Very few people on earth ever get to say: 'I am doing, right now, the most important thing I could possibly be doing.' If you'll join this fight that's what you'll get to say
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Fighting
Image of Bill McKibben
We've built a new Earth. It's not as nice as the old one; it's the greatest mistake humans have ever made, one that we will pay for literally forever.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Mistake
Image of Bill McKibben
In 50 years, no one will care about the fiscal cliff or the Euro crisis. They'll just ask, "So the Arctic melted, and then what did you do?"
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Euro Crisis
Image of Bill McKibben
If we all used clotheslines, we could save 30 million tons of coal a year, or shut down 15 nuclear power plants. And you don't have to wait to start. Yours could be up by this afternoon. To be specific, buy 50 feet of clothesline and a $3 bag of clothespins and become a solar energy pioneer.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Years
Image of Bill McKibben
You think OWS is radical? You think was radical for helping organize mass civil disobedience in D.C. in August against the Keystone Pipeline? We're not radical. Radicals work for oil companies. The CEO of Exxon gets up every morning and goes to work changing the chemical composition of the atmosphere. No one has ever done anything as radical as that, not in all of human history.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Change
Image of Bill McKibben
It is unbelievably sad and ironic that the first victims of global warming are almost all going to come from places that are producing virtually none of the problem.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Ironic
Image of Bill McKibben
In fact, corporations are the infants of our society - they know very little except how to grow (though they're very good at that), and they howl when you set limits. Socializing them is the work of politics. It's about time we took it up again.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Littles
Image of Bill McKibben
There is no real scientific debate over what is happening; of course there is debate over exactly how it is going to play out in the decades ahead, because this is a large experiment that we haven't done before, and no one knows precisely how one can ever precisely predict what effects this heat will have. But all the science in the last few years, or almost all of it, really serves to show that the effects are larger and more rapid than we had thought even a decade ago.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Real
Image of Bill McKibben
These things are happening in large measure because of us. We in this country burn 25 percent of the world's fossil fuel, create 25 percent of the world's carbon dioxide. It is us - it is the affluent lifestyles that we lead that overwhelmingly contribute to this problem. And to call it a problem is to understate what it really is. Which is a crime. Crime against the poorest and most marginalized people on this planet. We've never figured out, though God knows we've tried, a more effective way to destroy their lives.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Country
Image of Bill McKibben
A world where one tenth of the population gets to be extremely wealthy, and six tenths very poor, is not, in the long run, a stable place.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Running
Image of Bill McKibben
what you do every day is what forms your mind and precious few of us can or would spend most days outdoors.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Mind
Image of Bill McKibben
We can either save the planet from catastrophic warming, or protect fossil fuel CEOs. Not both. Do the math(s)
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Math
Image of Bill McKibben
A voluntary simplification of life-styles is not beyond our abilities, but it is probably outside our desires.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Style
Image of Bill McKibben
The real negotiation is between humans on the one hand and chemistry and physics on the other. And chemistry and physics, unfortunately, don't bargain.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Real
Image of Bill McKibben
In the United States, cheap fossil fuel has eroded communities. We're the first people with no real practical need for each other. Everything comes from a great distance through anonymous and invisible transactions. We've taken that to be a virtue, but it's as much a curse. Americans are not very satisfied with their lives, and the loss of community is part of that.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Real
Image of Bill McKibben
[Barack Obama] done some good things, he's done a couple of bad things. He's obsessed with this all of the above energy policy and... lots and lots of drilling in the States, so he's been weak on it.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Couple
Image of Bill McKibben
Remember...this year has already seen more billion-dollar weather-related disasters than any year in US history. Last year was the warmest ever recorded on planet Earth. Arctic sea ice is near all-time record lows. Record floods from Pakistan to Queensland to the Mississippi basin; record drought from the steppes of Russia to the plains of Texas...This is what climate change looks like in its early stages.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Russia
Image of Bill McKibben
We're going to need that kind of movement, because the fossil fuel industry is a sprawling adversary - at work everywhere, its tentacles in everybody's politics, invulnerable, I think, to direct frontal assault, but probably more brittle than it guesses if we come at it from all sides.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Thinking
Image of Bill McKibben
My guess is that liberating the fossil fuel industry to frack anywhere they want will drive down the rate at which we're converting to sun and wind. And it's entirely a rate problem at this point.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Wind
Image of Bill McKibben
If you were running a solar company you may be okay - you may be able to keep growing. The question for physics is: Can you grow fast enough to begin to catch up with the damage?
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Running
Image of Bill McKibben
Between [Speaker of the House] Paul Ryan, [Senate Majority Leader] Mitch McConnell, and Donald Trump's team, I don't see a lot of openings for making real progress.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Real
Image of Bill McKibben
In the States, I think, the syllogism goes like this: 'free markets solve all problems. Free markets aren't solving global warming, QED global warming is not a problem'. It's not a very good syllogism but it's emotionally comforting if you're in that world.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Thinking
Image of Bill McKibben
The fight around climate change, which I've spent my life on, is somewhat more difficult than gay marriages because no one makes trillions of dollars a year being a bigot, and that's how much the fossil-fuel industry pulls in pumping carbon into the air. But the principle is the same, I think.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Fighting
Image of Bill McKibben
Environmentalism, I'd always been told, was just rich white people.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: White
Image of Bill McKibben
I've spent my life living in rural America, some of it in blue state Vermont, some of it in red state upstate New York. They're quite alike in many ways. And quite wonderful. It's important that even in an urbanized and suburbanized country, we continue to take rural America seriously. And the thing that makes Vermont in particular so special, and I hope this book captures some of it, is the basic underlying civility of its political life. That's rooted in the town meeting. Each of the towns in Vermont governs itself.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Country
Image of Bill McKibben
When we work all over the planet, it's mostly poor and black and brown and young people, because that's mostly what the world [environmentalism] is.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: People
Image of Bill McKibben
We believe that we live in the 'age of information,' that there has been an information 'explosion,' an information 'revolution.' While in a certain narrow sense this is the case, in many important ways just the opposite is true. We also live at a moment of deep ignorance, when vital knowledge that humans have always possessed about who we are and where we live seems beyond our reach. An Unenlightenment. An age of missing information.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Believe