Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 65

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Image of Carl Levin
The American people deserve a budget that invests in the future, protects the most vulnerable among us and helps to create jobs and economic security
- Carl Levin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jonathon Keats
I think that in the first place, why we can get excited about [Buckminster ] Fuller, why it's plausible that people might - why my publisher would publish this book [You belong to the universe] about it long after he's dead and irrelevant by many standards has to do with the fact that he was in a sense coming up with this job for himself that is the job that we now refer to when we speak about world change.
- Jonathon Keats
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kevin Morby
I had a lot of jobs in New York. I worked in a café and I did bike delivery and I was a mover. And I babysat, which was really cool in some cases and really insane in others.
- Kevin Morby
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dave Abrams
If Fobbit leaves a reader feeling stranded in some bland in-between territory, then I haven't done my job. But having said all that, I didn't consciously write the book with a particular moral intent. I took what I experienced and processed it through the sausage factory of fiction. It's up to readers to interpret what's on the page - as is the case with any novel.
- Dave Abrams
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mallory Ortberg
If this is something you'd truly like to work on, not out of a sense of guilt but because you would enjoy occasionally reciprocating, there are a wealth of resources out there for the enthusiastic amateur (you are far from the only would-be blow-jobber whose spirit is willing but gag reflex is weak). You have more options than "no blow jobs, ever" and "regular whole-hog sessions to completion that result in vomiting."
- Mallory Ortberg
Collection: Jobs
Image of Klaus Nomi
I did every thing, even dirty jobs like dishwashing or delivery boy for a grocer.
- Klaus Nomi
Collection: Jobs
Image of Henry Earl Singleton
I do not define my job in any rigid terms but in terms of having the flexibility to what seems to me to be in the best interests of the company at any times.
- Henry Earl Singleton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Daryl Wein
We all are conditioned to be settled down at 30 and have a job. Women are thinking "Well, when am I having children?" There is a biological clock. There are things that you're thinking about as a woman.
- Daryl Wein
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michel Ocelot
I lost so much energy in taxis, planes, hotels, phone calls and interpreters. Now, with the help from my little successes, I do everything in the same place with everyone around me. That's how a good job gets done.
- Michel Ocelot
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joseph M. Kahn
I still have every record company sending every new, hot track to me, to do music videos, so I'm chained by the foot to pop culture. I still know what kids dress like and speak like, and I still hang out with them. It's just the nature of my day job. I am a freak of nature that has to understand them.
- Joseph M. Kahn
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joseph M. Kahn
I have a day job that's very odd. Most people, by the time they're 25, glom onto one kind of music and that's what they listen to for the rest of their lives.
- Joseph M. Kahn
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tina Barney
Can you see the deaths, divorces, job losses or changes, disappointments, surprises, and successes on people's faces? Have they been happy, sad, disillusioned, or gratified? I have been trying the single, vertically shot portrait with my 8 x 10 since 1985 and never felt I succeeded in finding what I was looking for.
- Tina Barney
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ashlyn Harris
Once I pull up to the stadium, for me it's all business. This is my job and I take it really serious.
- Ashlyn Harris
Collection: Jobs
Image of Cody Johnson
I just continue to be myself and give this thing over to the good lord, just do my best every night and pretend like it's just any other job.
- Cody Johnson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Maryann Brandon
I think that, you know, women succeed in the cutting room or they're allowed into the cutting room because it's not a very on-display job. I mean, we're behind the scenes. We kind of whisper in your ear.
- Maryann Brandon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Laura Bates
As long as 85,000 women are raped every year and 400,000 sexually assaulted in England and Wales alone, it's hard to argue that there isn't a problem. Not to mention the fact that fewer than 1/3 of our MPs are female, that women write only 1/5 front page newspaper articles, that they're less than 1/10 of engineers and that 54,000 a year lose their jobs as a result of maternity discrimination... to name but a tiny sample of issues. It's not 'going too far' to demand equality, and we're certainly not there yet.
- Laura Bates
Collection: Jobs
Image of Laura Bates
The fact that traditionally 'female' jobs are paid less, that women end up working part-time because they're societally pressured into caring roles, and that having children has a negative impact on women's wages but a positive impact on men's, are all problems that should deeply concern us, not 'explanations' that can be happily accepted.
- Laura Bates
Collection: Jobs
Image of Laura Bates
If you think quotas mean the best person not getting the job, you have to believe that the best person always gets the job at the moment. Do you really believe there are more than three times more men named John qualified to lead FTSE 100 companies in the UK than all the women put together? All the 32 MILLION women combined? Just statistically, that doesn't make sense.
- Laura Bates
Collection: Jobs
Image of Maria Thayer
As an actor, I'll take any job.
- Maria Thayer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kelly Carlin-McCall
Going through these academic programs, your job really is to learn how to be a therapist. They're training you to sit in front of clients and it's a serious matter. You're holding people's psyches.
- Kelly Carlin-McCall
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sonny Vaccaro
NBA has a selfish rationale. It saves the owners money by delaying the time a player gets to a second, more lucrative contract. Even the player's union is on board. There are only 450 jobs in the NBA, and the one-and-done protects veterans' jobs.
- Sonny Vaccaro
Collection: Jobs
Image of Laura Regan
The stars don't have to be perfectly aligned for me to do a good job.
- Laura Regan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Laura Regan
I can still function when I don't have that balance I crave. I had a tendency to be precious about acting, thinking of it as something mercurial that required all the right conditions, but now I know that even if I don't get any sleep, I can still work, I can power through. The stars don't have to be perfectly aligned for me to do a good job.
- Laura Regan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Anya Kamenetz
There are certainly lots of jobs in computer coding, but coding doesn't really require advanced mathematics. And engineering jobs, they vary widely in the amount of demand that we actually need. So, you know, the number of people for whom the job description includes Newton's calculus is not perhaps that high.
- Anya Kamenetz
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barry Manilow
I stay glued to my piano and my work. I don't look up. I write, I produce, I do the next project, I do my job. I don't look up, and I try to be kind. I try to be kind to people. That's what I do.
- Barry Manilow
Collection: Jobs
Image of Eric Reid
I will say that I don't expect anybody to do anything that makes them feel uncomfortable. Or makes them feel like they're putting themselves in a bad position with their job.
- Eric Reid
Collection: Jobs
Image of A. J. McLean
I am already experiencing something better than being a pop star and that's being a father. It's the best job in the world. A lot of work, but a lot of fun.
- A. J. McLean
Collection: Jobs
Image of Todd Lieberman
Of course, marketing and publicity does an amazing job of prepping everybody for that, but there's nothing like sitting there and experiencing the movie.
- Todd Lieberman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Maryse Alberti
Do a good job on a good film and you're on the map. Do a great job on a bad movie and not very many people will think of you.
- Maryse Alberti
Collection: Jobs
Image of Maryse Alberti
I always start a movie by being very firm and very hard and very, very serious, and then I can relax a little more once I've gained respect. That's part of the job - you have to earn the respect of your crew.
- Maryse Alberti
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jim Clifton
I hear all the time that 'unemployment is greatly reduced, but the people aren't feeling it.' When the media, talking heads, the White House and Wall Street start reporting the truth - the percent of Americans in good jobs; jobs that are full time and real - then we will quit wondering why Americans aren't 'feeling' something that doesn't remotely reflect the reality in their lives. And we will also quit wondering what hollowed out the middle class.
- Jim Clifton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jim Clifton
Gallup defines a good job as 30+ hours per week for an organization that provides a regular paycheck. Right now, the U.S. is delivering at a staggeringly low rate of 44%, which is the number of full-time jobs as a percent of the adult population, 18 years and older. We need that to be 50% and a bare minimum of 10 million new, good jobs to replenish America's middle class.
- Jim Clifton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Brian Pinkerton
I think many of us live in a rut. Stuck in a groove we can't get out of, whether it's our job, family drama or the little frustrations of everyday life.
- Brian Pinkerton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Travis Barker
I tattooed my body so I couldn't fall back on anything. I purposely did that so I couldn't get a normal job and live a normal life. I did it so I had to play music.
- Travis Barker
Collection: Jobs
Image of Victoria Wilson
I would say she [Barbara Stanwyck] did her job as best she could; an honest day's work for an honest day's pay - and when it was over, it was over.
- Victoria Wilson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Derek Ridgers
When I gave up my office job and became a full-time professional photographer, my fortunes certainly improved markedly. We moved away from the council estate into our own house and for the first time in my life, I had a little spare money.
- Derek Ridgers
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kyle Parker
I don't want to play a laptop live if I'm just going to sit there, so it's also a problem of working at my movie theater job long enough to get money to get better equipment.
- Kyle Parker
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kieran Bew
I come from the theater and you normally have four or five weeks to prepare. For me, the fun of the job is to pull yourself into a subject that you know nothing about.
- Kieran Bew
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kieran Bew
I always love being an actor for the simple fact that, whenever you do a job, you have to read a lot of stuff that you've never read before, you explore things, and generally you meet experts in lots of fields and you get to absorb that information and make it look like you've done it for 20 years.
- Kieran Bew
Collection: Jobs
Image of Terrence Malick
If you want to be a filmmaker, ask yourself if you could imagine doing any other job. If you can, that’s a script!
- Terrence Malick
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sarah Sutherland
We have an amazing relationship, and always have. She was so warm and welcoming to me - Veep was my first job out of school. Julia's [ Louis-Dreyfus] and my relationship couldn't be more different from Selina and Catherine's.
- Sarah Sutherland
Collection: Jobs
Image of Neal Brennan
The rules may seem obvious but when you think about them they're not. For somebody who has my job they're not as obvious as one would think.
- Neal Brennan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Richard Clayderman
Internet has considerably changed the rules. Some artists do not try to become celebrities: the internet does the job for them and makes them, slowly, famous.... without them wishing to become celebrated.
- Richard Clayderman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michael Che
I think when you first get a job, you're just trying to do what the last regime did, just to keep it going, as opposed to actually doing what you want to do.
- Michael Che
Collection: Jobs
Image of Emily Barton
[Michael] Chabon is arguing in favor of what is at the same time an old-fashioned and very forward-thinking opening up - of taking off the class associations with those labels, because we grew up, or I certainly grew up, feeling that, "Oh, there's literary fiction, and beneath that, there's these other things." He's actually saying that they're all of equal merit, and in many cases, that work in the genres, or work that draws from the genres is more entertaining for readers, since it is our job to entertain people.
- Emily Barton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Catherine Mayer
Take on jobs, projects and challenges that frighten you. It's the best way to get rid of fear.
- Catherine Mayer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Wendy Starland
Pressure is high and jobs are at stake. There is nothing wrong with having commercial music to pitch for those situations, as well as for ad campaigns.
- Wendy Starland
Collection: Jobs
Image of Brian L. Joiner
PDCA is the essence of managerial work: making sure the job gets done today and developing better ways to do it tomorrow.
- Brian L. Joiner
Collection: Jobs
Image of Liza Campbell
I tend to only write productively for one to two hours per day, so there is plenty of time left over for me to work a day job!
- Liza Campbell
Collection: Jobs