Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 64

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Image of Erick Chavarria
I've never considered myself to be naturally funny and it wasn't until I booked my first few jobs in Hollywood that I started thinking, "I guess I'm funny."
- Erick Chavarria
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jose Reyes
I'm the leadoff hitter, it's my job to lead this team. I know people say the way I go is how the Mets go, so I'll do whatever it takes.
- Jose Reyes
Collection: Jobs
Image of Leigh Whannell
The problem with acting is that there's really no control. You're at the behest of others. Everyone else decides if you did a good job and you have to wait for other people's permission to work as an actor.
- Leigh Whannell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rose McIver
It is so important to remember that, while I love my job, there are other fantastic avenues to explore in my life.
- Rose McIver
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mr. Lee
All I can say is, I did my best. This was the job I undertook, I did my best, and I could not have done more in the circumstances. What people think of it, I have to leave to them. It is of no great consequence. What is of consequence is I did my best.
- Mr. Lee
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bassem Youssef
What I saw day-to-day is like people who are actually asking for freedom, calling for freedom - protesting, singing, chanting, calling for the removal of the regime - plain and simple. And of course there were clashes there because people, they tried to remove those protesters from Tahrir. And I was, like, doing my job as a doctor treating them.
- Bassem Youssef
Collection: Jobs
Image of Matthew Lillard
Every character lives in ever actor and if you're doing your job right, you're just accessing that part of your fantasy life. I can kill someone just as quickly as I can have sex with someone. You can switch that instinct, no matter what - you can pretend anything.
- Matthew Lillard
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tinsel Korey
It's a juggling act. Every time I get going on the album stuff or being musical, acting kicks in and I book a job. It comes down to a money thing.
- Tinsel Korey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jens Spahn
One thing is for sure - if you are wearing a niqab, you will never, ever find a job. You will never, ever make friends, German friends or neighbors friends. So this is obviously something that is making integration impossible.
- Jens Spahn
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Shikwati
Because it's unacceptable that the aid worker's chauffeur only speaks his own tribal language, an applicant is needed who also speaks English fluently - and, ideally, one who is also well mannered. So you end up with some African biochemist driving an aid worker around, distributing European food, and forcing local farmers out of their jobs. That's just crazy!
- James Shikwati
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gavin Hood
I am a story-teller working with a craft. My job is to use my craft - which is a different thing to my race - and tell a story well.
- Gavin Hood
Collection: Jobs
Image of Arika Okrent
The job of the linguist, like that of the biologist or the botanist, is not to tell us how nature should behave, or what its creations should look like, but to describe those creations in all their messy glory and try to figure out what they can teach us about life, the world, and, especially in the case of linguistics, the workings of the human mind.
- Arika Okrent
Collection: Jobs
Image of Martin Shkreli
Most of the drug CEOs I know, they're not themselves - they're what people want them to be. It's pretty obvious of the different drug executives. They're old white men, very buttoned up. They're appropriate, so to speak. I'm a little bit more irreverent, and I'm not going to change just because I have this job.
- Martin Shkreli
Collection: Jobs
Image of Stark Sands
I'd love to be on a TV series someday, but I believe you get the jobs that you're meant to get. If the job that I'm meant to get is another musical or another play or film or TV show, I'm just happy to keep working.
- Stark Sands
Collection: Jobs
Image of Henry Jackman
If you're the sort of person that likes a job where once you know what you're doing you can keep doing what you're doing, don't ever become a film composer.
- Henry Jackman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Maya Harris
I know that so many women don't have a choice. They could lose their job if they say, 'I need to leave because I don't have childcare.'
- Maya Harris
Collection: Jobs
Image of Laura Lippman
Reporting is pretty vital to me. It keeps me connected to the world. A 40-hour-per-week day job may be less feasible as time goes on.
- Laura Lippman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Abdellatif Kechiche
I don't come to work as an actor. There are many directors who can direct without ever having acted and do a great job and connect with their actors and lead them to excellent performances without themselves having had an acting background.
- Abdellatif Kechiche
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tavoris Cloud
You have to go in there and hit him. Show him that his tactics don't work. Bernard Hopkins is a fighter that you have to get straight to the point with. You can't lollygag and bullshit because that's his game. Being serious and doing my job throwing punches in the ring, that's my game. I don't come to put on a show for the people. I come to give the people a fight and give them their money's worth; give them real entertainment.
- Tavoris Cloud
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jeremy Luke
I worked selling tickets for Dodger Stadium; I delivered pizza; I did every job under the sun. It's the part that sucks as an artist. But I've learned at the end of the day you just have to enjoy your life.
- Jeremy Luke
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nico Muhly
As a composer you want to tell musicians two completely contradictory things. You want to say, "Play exactly what I wrote, but bring your own thing to it." In a lot of ways they feel like opposites, but in a sense, my job is to cajole or encourage decisions that I approve of.
- Nico Muhly
Collection: Jobs
Image of Christian Lacroix
For me, haute couture is a necessity. I never would have done this job were it not for haute couture. It is a comfort, a security. I almost feel it is our duty to continue. Haute couture is France. We have to keep all the skills and craftmanship alive.
- Christian Lacroix
Collection: Jobs
Image of D.A. Wallach
In a certain respect, in a movie, you inevitably have a lot of people doing a lot of different jobs because that's the only practical way to get it done. When you make a record, you can still be an auteur, because you can make a whole record without anyone's help if you want.
- D.A. Wallach
Collection: Jobs
Image of Erin Davie
Honestly, you can't manage expectations. It has nothing to do with you. It has everything to do with everyone else. And everyone else is going to have expectations, and all you can do is do your job and do your best and be true to yourself.
- Erin Davie
Collection: Jobs
Image of Erin Davie
I think what's important is to first have your life and then do your job.
- Erin Davie
Collection: Jobs
Image of Stuart Blumberg
As a writer, I think your first job is to find a subject that you think you and others will find inherently interesting.
- Stuart Blumberg
Collection: Jobs
Image of Konnie Huq
I had a Saturday job in a chemist. The pay was something ridiculous like £2 an hour - it was slave labour - and I spent all day cleaning shelves. On my first day an actress from Eldorado, which was on telly at the time, came in and said, 'Can I have some Replense please?' I didn't know what it was, so I had to ask her and she had to say, 'It's vaginal moisturiser,' in front of a massive queue of people. After one day I was like, 'I don't want to do this job any more, it's just boring.'
- Konnie Huq
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Fairclough
I'm the CEO. My job is to get out of the way. I work with smart people and trust they can accomplish their goals. So I make sure to focus on removing roadblocks for them and then resume getting out of their way.
- John Fairclough
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gordon Raphael
The fact that I don't get big offers, it means that I don't refuse them. And I say no occasionally to bands, if I find them not very interesting to me. Or sounds like a copy of something else, I will say no. But 97% of the time, I say yes thank you to any jobs I'm offered.
- Gordon Raphael
Collection: Jobs
Image of T. J. Rodgers
Taxing the rich to fund the poorly managed government programs is simply a self-destructive decision: It does nothing more than move money and investment decisions away from proven moneymakers (read: job producers) to Washington amateurs. In both cases, American's lose.
- T. J. Rodgers
Collection: Jobs
Image of Adam Schlesinger
I think ultimately what you really want is a few people within any label that are into the band enough to really work on it every day for a long time and to actually try a little bit. But obviously, the major labels have more money to spend, so if they feel like spending it, they have bigger resources there when you need them. It doesn't always necessarily translate into them doing a better job for a band, but I think especially if you're playing the game of commercial radio and making videos and stuff like that, that's sort of an expensive proposition.
- Adam Schlesinger
Collection: Jobs
Image of Booker T. Jones
I was extremely fortunate to live around the corner from a recording studio and to be chosen to have a paper route to make enough money to pay for the music lessons. I was one of the chosen few to have a job and to walk through the curtain at Stax Records was just an amazing thing for me to do at age 14.
- Booker T. Jones
Collection: Jobs
Image of Martin Winterkorn
My goal is not to eliminate jobs but to secure jobs by increasing production volume.
- Martin Winterkorn
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rachel Notley
Our budget also reflects key components of our campaign. It's very much focused on stabilizing public services, restoring stability to public services and investing in job creation and economic diversification and, generally speaking, acting as a cushion during this economy, something fundamentally different than what the other parties proposed in the last election.
- Rachel Notley
Collection: Jobs
Image of Roy Niederhoffer
The way an aircraft flies - that is the way the strategy works. Most of the time the plane is on autopilot, and does a great job of flying itself. Every once in a while it is necessary for the pilot to jump in.
- Roy Niederhoffer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill Crow
I found a guy in the Bronx who had an old plywood Kay bass that he wanted $75 for. He held it for me, and I gave him a few dollars every time I could scrape some extra money together. Meanwhile I borrowed or rented basses for jam sessions and paying jobs. It was a great thrill when I finally took possession of my Kay.
- Bill Crow
Collection: Jobs
Image of Stanley Kubrick
Everything has already been done. every story has been told every scene has been shot. it’s our job to do it one better.
- Stanley Kubrick
Collection: Jobs
Image of Blake Judd
You can have the coolest job in the world, but it only seems cool until you get sick of it.
- Blake Judd
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joanna Page
And people are so het up about the fact I'm in the theatre - it's like, 'Ooh these telly names, can they be any good?' I came out of RADA and my first job was at the National Theatre, but everyone wonders if I can cope. It makes me laugh.
- Joanna Page
Collection: Jobs
Image of Matt Cohler
One of the torturous things about my job is that, as time goes on, you get more and more clarity on all the things you've screwed up and all the mistakes you've made.
- Matt Cohler
Collection: Jobs
Image of Micah Lexier
Doing a job well is the thing. It's its own thing.
- Micah Lexier
Collection: Jobs
Image of Micah Lexier
I love thoroughness. I respect people that do a job well.
- Micah Lexier
Collection: Jobs
Image of Charlemagne Palestine
I played to 20,000 people every day because people were walking on 5th Ave going to and from their jobs, and my sounds were bathing them in all kinds of dissonance, consonance, resonance, and things like that.
- Charlemagne Palestine
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gerad Adams
It's the one thing that the Devils have always prided themselves on. That comes from recruiting. We try and pick out the players who not only have the on-ice skills, but the off-ice skills too. I think in any job, if you have good people and you work together, you work better.
- Gerad Adams
Collection: Jobs
Image of Liz W. Garcia
Having kids is a full-time job. And I don't know any woman who isn't constantly fighting between the exquisite selfishness required to be an artist and this exquisite selflessness that's required to be a parent.
- Liz W. Garcia
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kevin Grevioux
A lot of times you talk about what you know, but since our reality is so difficult, its hard to think about travelling beyond the stars to another dimension - fantasy worlds - when, in reality, you can't get a job on Earth.
- Kevin Grevioux
Collection: Jobs
Image of Damian Loeb
I always thought being an artist was a lazy job. I was wrong.
- Damian Loeb
Collection: Jobs
Image of Yasmin Paige
Whatever grade I get, even though I do try my best, I'll be happy with. I feel so lucky to have done all the jobs I've done to this point. So, if I continue to work it will be amazing. But I'm going to see how it goes.
- Yasmin Paige
Collection: Jobs
Image of Guido Palau
I used to get defensive and react. Like you, I get pushed and pulled [backstage].... Sometimes people are rude to me, and I feel like, 'You know, guys, I'm just here trying to do my job....' And the reality is, everyone else is just trying to do their job...and sometimes they get on a power trip [and] you feel disrespected. But that's their problem. It's not my problem.
- Guido Palau
Collection: Jobs