Laura Regan

Image of Laura Regan
The stars don't have to be perfectly aligned for me to do a good job.
- Laura Regan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Laura Regan
I like the idea that neither makes any romantic move until their philosophies are aligned.
- Laura Regan
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Laura Regan
More stuff and more money don't bring more happiness.
- Laura Regan
Collection: Stuff
Image of Laura Regan
I can still function when I don't have that balance I crave.
- Laura Regan
Collection: Balance
Image of Laura Regan
I'm most often surrounded by people, so what I usually crave is time alone.
- Laura Regan
Collection: People
Image of Laura Regan
I always feel more grounded and stable when I have balance in my life; I'm a Libra!
- Laura Regan
Collection: Balance
Image of Laura Regan
You are beautiful and you matter.
- Laura Regan
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Laura Regan
I recently went for a walk in a state park and found that some of my favorite trees had collapsed. It makes me feel vulnerable, personally and for my children.
- Laura Regan
Collection: Children
Image of Laura Regan
I'm passionate about caring for this planet. I'd like to bring awareness to ways that individuals can reduce their carbon footprints without waiting for governments to change things on a policy level.
- Laura Regan
Collection: Caring
Image of Laura Regan
I can still function when I don't have that balance I crave. I had a tendency to be precious about acting, thinking of it as something mercurial that required all the right conditions, but now I know that even if I don't get any sleep, I can still work, I can power through. The stars don't have to be perfectly aligned for me to do a good job.
- Laura Regan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Laura Regan
I always feel more grounded and stable when I have balance in my life; I'm a Libra! I'm most often surrounded by people, so what I usually crave is time alone. If I can have even a twenty-minute walk or swim and another twenty quiet minutes to myself at night, I can be much more giving all day long.
- Laura Regan
Collection: Night
Image of Laura Regan
It's a constant process for me to learn to take the time to really understand what hurt me and how best to address it or respond. I tend to be reactionary, and that doesn't help me or others. I do try to keep my heart open.
- Laura Regan
Collection: Hurt