Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 66

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 66 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Jack Lynch
A fan is someone who, if you have made an idiot of yourself on the pitch, doesn't think you've done a permanent job.
- Jack Lynch
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ann Shin
I'm so passionately hopelessly in love with my job! I think the definition of workaholic is that you can't wait till the weekend is over so you can start working again.
- Ann Shin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sher Valenzuela
The government does not and cannot create jobs. Only entrepreneurs do.
- Sher Valenzuela
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sher Valenzuela
I relate to what Gov. Romney brings. I know what it means to balance a budget. I know what it means to write a paycheck and not only cash one. I know what it means to create a job, and I know what it means to struggle with my business every day in terms of keeping our doors open any day but definitely in a difficult economy.
- Sher Valenzuela
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sher Valenzuela
The Obama administration believes in experts and blue-ribbon panels. They believe in creating new agencies and boards. They believe in all that, but they just don't trust the entrepreneur's ability to grow her own business and to create jobs.
- Sher Valenzuela
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sher Valenzuela
The Obama administration is not helping small businesses create jobs. In fact, it is responsible for the regulatory uncertainty nearly 50 percent of small-business owners cite as responsible for their lack of hiring.
- Sher Valenzuela
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mark Stoermer
I was lucky enough to just play music as a living and not have a nine-to-five job. I didn't have to pay the bills so I was able to experiment.
- Mark Stoermer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alice Lowe
I think 99% of the whole thing is to have passion about the idea yourself. I think part of your job as a filmmaker is to tell someone that might not think it's going to work that, actually, it will work.
- Alice Lowe
Collection: Jobs
Image of Aaron Korsh
I think a lot of other shows cast off of people's reels, and I think every one of those people came in, auditioned for those parts, and knocked it out of the park, and I thought they did an outstanding job in the course of the season.
- Aaron Korsh
Collection: Jobs
Image of Stephane Mallarme
It is the job of poetry to clean up our word-clogged reality by creating silences around things.
- Stephane Mallarme
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Maraniss
So, I mean, there's still vast swaths of the city that are suffering from a lack of jobs and poor housing and poor public schools, but they are building momentum - you know, techies, foodies, artists, musicians, all coming to Detroit. So there is this vibrancy. You see it in the newspapers every day - some story about the new Detroit.
- David Maraniss
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lorna Luft
I don't like to hear anybody in show business complain, because I just find it to be such a grateful business. Because there are so many wonderful, creative souls out there and there are so few jobs. And, so, I just find myself thinking to myself "wow, if I could get into a show of any kind and have it last for a while" - that's when I find myself really happy.
- Lorna Luft
Collection: Jobs
Image of Patrick Heusinger
My character is called The Hunter. He's the main antagonist in the movie. In a nutshell, he's a slightly deranged natural born killer who's weirdly determined to succeed at his job, whatever his employment is. He's a mercenary and there's a high body count for him in this film [Never Go Back].
- Patrick Heusinger
Collection: Jobs
Image of Patrick Heusinger
I'm obsessive about my job and I want it to be as great as it can possibly be, especially right now in these early parts of my career.
- Patrick Heusinger
Collection: Jobs
Image of William E. Kennard
Today in America many people are living in a virtual world. They enter it through an internet access device and they navigate freely around it, and those people who learn how to navigate better in that space are finding that they have better access to information about jobs and education and all the good things that our society produces.
- William E. Kennard
Collection: Jobs
Image of Shawn Tompkins
I ever said back when we had our choice words I still told everybody that I respected him. I wouldn't want to have to do [Joe Rogan] job and I don't know anybody else that could do his job.
- Shawn Tompkins
Collection: Jobs
Image of Shawn Tompkins
I have the utmost respect for Joe Rogan. I think he does his job better than anybody else could. I just think that we were both coming through a maturing stage in our careers and he said what he said and I said what I said. And we've both grown since then.
- Shawn Tompkins
Collection: Jobs
Image of Trent Lott
My job as majority leader is be supportive of our troops, try to have input as decisions are made and to look at those decisions after they're made ... not to march in lock step with everything the president decides to do.
- Trent Lott
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bethany Cosentino
I feel like talking to people who don't tour, when you talk about touring - obviously we're super blessed and very lucky to be doing what we do - but there are so many weird things that could never happen anywhere else. When I talk to people who don't tour they look at me like I'm being bratty and complaining about this job that I have. It's not that! It's the fact that when I'm home I can exercise every day, I can cook myself good meals, then when I'm on the road for a long time it's like, "There's a Subway. I guess I'm eating a bowl full of lettuce because I don't eat McDonalds."
- Bethany Cosentino
Collection: Jobs
Image of Isha Judd
I lost everything. When I was 28 years old, I lost my home, my job, my partner. I had many people die in my life. I felt like a total victim.
- Isha Judd
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ethel Merman
You'll never prove you're too good for a job by not doing your best.
- Ethel Merman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Avik Roy
Free trade does bring jobs to America.
- Avik Roy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Lansky
I was hired for a really excellent academic job early in my life; I was twenty-five when I started at Princeton and I got tenure early on. I really didn't deserve this; I just happened to be in the right place at the right time.
- Paul Lansky
Collection: Jobs
Image of Frances McDormand
After Blood Simple, everybody thought I was from Texas. After Mississippi Burning, everybody thought I was from Mississippi and uneducated. After Fargo, everybody's going to think I'm from Minnesota, pregnant, and have blonde hair. I don't think you can ever completely transform yourself on film, but if you do your job well, you can make people believe that you're the character you're trying to be.
- Frances McDormand
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jane Park
In my safe corporate job, I might have made one decision of real significance a year. As an entrepreneur, it feels like I'm making a decision every minute - I have lots of balls in the air, and so yes, sometimes I drop one or two. And for the most part, the balls are made of rubber and they bounce. So instead of carrying one ball very carefully, being worried that I might not be holding it at exactly the right angle, I am juggling hundreds, and I have to remind myself to appreciate all the balls I keep up in the air for every one that gets dropped.
- Jane Park
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jane Park
The thing that I've learned about taking risks is that the key question to ask is, "If this goes terribly, what will happen?" Usually, the answer is that the world won't come to a screeching halt. Usually you can go back. Maybe not to the exact same job, but usually to the same type of job.
- Jane Park
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ed Gass-Donnelly
My dad's a prominent theatre director in Toronto, so I grew up in that world, directing and producing theater since I was a teenager. I always loved movies but they seemed too complicated until I got a job as an assistant on a movie-of-the-week and the technical process became demystified, like peeking behind a magician's curtain. Not long after that I switched to movies and never looked back.
- Ed Gass-Donnelly
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Mamet
It is the writer’s job to make the play interesting. It is the actor’s job to make the performance truthful.
- David Mamet
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jeff Britting
I think a successful adaptation rises or falls on the work presented. If people need to read the book to understand the play, I didn't complete the job.
- Jeff Britting
Collection: Jobs
Image of Aron Flam
My mum still wonders when I'll get a real job. These are the questions we discuss at our family dinners.
- Aron Flam
Collection: Jobs
Image of Annie E. Clark
I have the weirdest job. It's not every day that you get to stand up onstage and unload every ounce of your misanthropic bile onto a crowd of people, and they're like, "Cool! Hit us again!"
- Annie E. Clark
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bob Bergen
Mel Blanc passed away in '89, and they held auditions, and I did my first job [as Porky Pig] in 1990.
- Bob Bergen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nikka Graff Lanzarone
Where we're telling the story of the history of the ensemblist [in the "Ensemblist Essentials"], using the nine musicals that have won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama as fixed points in time We're going from 1931 to 2016 and using these shows to talk about what the typical show was like for an ensemblist at the time; did this show change anything about that job, while it was changing everything about the way theatre was written and produced and made?
- Nikka Graff Lanzarone
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dick Latvala
I'm the proverbial kid in the candy store. I'm a guy who is lucky enough to have been chosen to turn his compulsive hobby into a profession. If I didn't have my job, I'd be doing almost the same thing for free.
- Dick Latvala
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michael Totten
Iraqi Kurds, out of desperate necessity, have forged one of the most watchful and vigilant anti-terrorist communities in the world. Terrorists from elsewhere just can't operate in that kind of environment. Al Qaeda members who do manage to infiltrate are hunted down like rats. This conservative Muslim society did a better job protecting me from Islamist killers than the U.S. military could do in the Green Zone in Baghdad.
- Michael Totten
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kesh
I'm not really a job-type person, where I go do a nine-to-give. I have to be with the work at all times and experiencing it.
- Kesh
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sophie Nelisse
Since I'm not a method actor, I don't actually feel angry or feel that I'm being mean, I just do it because I'm acting the part, doing my job and playing the role.
- Sophie Nelisse
Collection: Jobs
Image of Walter Munk
It's important that you work on things that you care about and do a good job and not be too worried about consequences. Don't be afraid to get involved.
- Walter Munk
Collection: Jobs
Image of Walter Munk
We have to work together to do a better job than we did in the last few generations.
- Walter Munk
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michelle Visage
In the career world we are downsizing. That means the one person that will keep their job will do three or four jobs for the same amount of money. You have to be that way these days.
- Michelle Visage
Collection: Jobs
Image of Chris Eubank, Jr.
It's the referee's job. It's not for me to have to say I should ease up.
- Chris Eubank, Jr.
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mike Love
I learned that when you do the best job that you can do, some people will idolize you, others won't care, and some will vilify you. I believe it is important to remain humble and thankful for the blessings in our lives, for the tremendous opportunities that are a result of our musical success.
- Mike Love
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tracy McGrady
I don't know what life is like, I don't know how regular people live. I just can never understand it. My first job was the NBA.
- Tracy McGrady
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tracy McGrady
My job is to make the players I'm playing with better. I'm going to be the cat that does a lof of the ‘other things.'
- Tracy McGrady
Collection: Jobs
Image of Oliver Harris
Of course, for me Naked Lunch was the big one, but I still believe I was right to pass on that. James Grauerholz and Barry Miles did an important job with their 2003 "Restored" edition because they knew what they wanted to do, and what they could do. At the time, I simply didn't know. I hadn't even edited Junky back then. So I did the right thing to pass. Instead, what I most want to do now is complete "The Making of Naked Lunch," on which I have been working, on and off, these past 25 years.
- Oliver Harris
Collection: Jobs
Image of Pom Klementieff
My job, challenges, and simple things like waking up, going to my patio, and seeing that an hibiscus or a camellia opened during the night. It just makes me happy.
- Pom Klementieff
Collection: Jobs
Image of Denison Witmer
I kind of talk about songwriting in the sense that it's really not my job to try to state hard truths. I'm not out to say this is what truth is, this is what's false, this is reality, this is not reality. What I prefer is to try to create a space where truth can move.
- Denison Witmer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Denison Witmer
Instruments of a trade are really fascinating to me. Things that enable you to do your job better. Rehabbing houses is really fun to me. I love taking a space and seeing the potential, gutting it, and putting it back together and I love the tools used to do that.
- Denison Witmer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jon Weisman
I have always had a hard time revising my work as a journalist, which was never much of a problem. You always have editors as backstops. Their job is to perfect your story. Most of them want to be useful.
- Jon Weisman
Collection: Jobs