Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 67

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Image of Kurt Voss
I wouldn't want to put myself up for something that I didn't think I could do a good job on. I wouldn't to direct material I didn't feel I could serve, but I don't have anything against doing bigger pictures.
- Kurt Voss
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kurt Voss
There's something with actors in their 40s, I don't know - there's this tendency with these guys, either they're not where they wanted to be, or - I mean, this guy was making good money and working a lot. It's almost like they have a bad conscience about the job, like it's unmanly or something, so they try to compensate by busting the director's balls 24/7.
- Kurt Voss
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tameka Cottle
They would send me notes on what's going on, and we would pitch in and talk about what we wanted to talk about on the show. I just really did my homework. It was more like a real job for me. Doing this talk show was like, "Wow, this is what they do?!" I can't even imagine doing it every day.
- Tameka Cottle
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ashley Bell
I love my job. It's such a privilege to be able to play such complicated characters. Growing up, I wanted to be a billion different things. I realized in order for that to happen, I don't have to be them all because the characters I want to play require such research and such a transformation to make that work - that's something that I love doing.
- Ashley Bell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Margaret Mahy
If a job's worth doing, it's worth doing twice.
- Margaret Mahy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gail Zappa
Musicians more than most people are in the moment. That's the dual nature of that job.
- Gail Zappa
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gail Zappa
The problem with composers is that they are the most unrequired job in America.
- Gail Zappa
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kevin Keck
Engaging with creativity in a serious way is a shamanistic activity, and by extension when you choose to follow a mystical path you cannot have a "normal" life within the community. Your job is to stand outside the community and hold up the mirror.
- Kevin Keck
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gary Kraftsow
Yoga teaching is that you're not your dark side or your woo-woo, you're pure awareness. Our job is to begin to gain that discrimination and insight so we can separate from our identification.
- Gary Kraftsow
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gary Kraftsow
Our job with our digestion is to absorb nutrients and eliminate waste, and to not dwell on the waste - which is my issue with some of the pop American psychology masquerading as Yoga, by the way.
- Gary Kraftsow
Collection: Jobs
Image of Method Man
I hated having to go out on the block and scramble - that's the worst job in the world, especially if you ain't making any real money.
- Method Man
Collection: Jobs
Image of Method Man
All my legitimate jobs were embarrassing. I used to be stock boy at an Odd-Lot, making $35 a day.
- Method Man
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jason Fried
"Easy" is a word that's used to describe other people's jobs.
- Jason Fried
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sadiq Khan
I am backing Remain for a very simple reason: it is the best way of protecting jobs, wages and rights for working people.
- Sadiq Khan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sadiq Khan
Most employers I speak to, they want to create jobs and give decent salaries. Some small and medium companies say to me they cannot afford to pay the living wage. I say "what about if I gave you a business rate cut?" and they say, yes, ok. We want companies which are skilled up, generating more profit, more corporation tax - we should not be embarrassed at success, as long as they pay their taxes.
- Sadiq Khan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Annia Ciezadlo
I don't have a problem with the media focusing on bad things happening. That's our job, after all. But I think it's incomplete, and I would even say it's inaccurate, to only portray a place through its tragedies.
- Annia Ciezadlo
Collection: Jobs
Image of Maria Bartiromo
Donald Trump has come on a lot and I think one of the hardest parts of my job is digging down beyond their talking points to get them to say something that people actually want to hear rather than what they've come to the interview with, and that is difficult. That's a reporter's challenge.
- Maria Bartiromo
Collection: Jobs
Image of Maria Bartiromo
It looks like [Donald] Trump's plan has the potential to actually move the needle on economic growth because he wants to lower taxes and lower regulations. That would be very powerful in terms of creating jobs.
- Maria Bartiromo
Collection: Jobs
Image of Maria Bartiromo
I'm not expecting a big sell-off but I do think that if we don't have a move toward economic growth and policies that will promote economic growth and get us out of this 2 percent world - we really need to see 4 percent, 5 percent - to see jobs created, and if we don't see that longer-term, yeah the market will sell-off...[but] I do think things are getting better. It's just been very slow.
- Maria Bartiromo
Collection: Jobs
Image of Travis Morrison
At certain point, you realize it's easy to play music for the rest of your life: just don't sell your guitar. Maybe you get a day job, but as long as you have a guitar, you can play.
- Travis Morrison
Collection: Jobs
Image of Adam Braver
I'm really sort of cautious about being too didactic. To me there are writers that can do that, but I think they drown in that after a while. I do think the job of a writer is to raise questions and nobody likes the questions being asked.
- Adam Braver
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dana Goldstein
Men are more salary-sensitive when they're choosing a job.
- Dana Goldstein
Collection: Jobs
Image of William H. Macy
I think what all actors share is that, somewhere down in your solar plexus, there's this fear that you're not going to be able to come up with the goods, that this is the one movie where you're going to look like a fool, and they should have cast someone else. And you feel ugly, and you've got three chins, and you've gained too much weight, and you're losing your hair, and there are so many better actors who could do this. But if you've got chops, what you realize is that everybody feels that way, so just show up and do the job.
- William H. Macy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Murray Gell-Mann
Niels Bohr brainwashed a whole generation of theorists into thinking that the job (interpreting quantum theory) was done 50 years ago.
- Murray Gell-Mann
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jonathan Michel Metzl
I think that one of the other lessons about what happened here is that open carry laws, even though many police, sheriff departments in Colorado support them, make it much harder for law enforcement to do their jobs.
- Jonathan Michel Metzl
Collection: Jobs
Image of Larkin Grimm
Where you go to these really good schools, and it's all about preparing for the next step of success. That was never even on my radar. My job is to explore the world, because this is my one life, you know? That's totally how I see it. But I came to Yale just being like, Yeah, now I get to explore this place and meet all these people who are really smart. And I was just excited to be surrounded by people who were as smart as me or were probably smarter. And I just did not expect the level of competition and bitterness and anger, and, the tearing each other down.
- Larkin Grimm
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ann Friedman
Someone said to me that we have to encourage more young women to want top-level editing jobs. I think that will happen naturally as we have more role models, more examples of boss ladies who aren't sad and cruel and overworked and undersexed like in DevilWearsPrada, but who are straight-up owning it and notable not for their gender but for their editorial savvy.
- Ann Friedman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Catherine Cortez Masto
Diversity is so important for me, particularly in the United States Senate, and it's been important to every job that I've held. Whether you're in government or the private sector, we should be just as diverse as the community that we represent.
- Catherine Cortez Masto
Collection: Jobs
Image of Catherine Cortez Masto
The Clean Power Plan is a bold step not just in lowering carbon emissions, but also in creating the clean energy jobs of the future.
- Catherine Cortez Masto
Collection: Jobs
Image of Catherine Cortez Masto
With our abundance of wind, solar, and geothermal energy, Nevada has been a leader in moving away from carbon emissions and embracing a clean energy economy that has created good-paying jobs in our state that can't be shipped overseas.
- Catherine Cortez Masto
Collection: Jobs
Image of Arthur Bradford
Some of the stories in Dogwalker were written as long as four years ago, but I wouldn't say I've been working on this collection for four years. I have always been a little unsure of whether I could make it as a writer so I've held other jobs and worked on other projects this whole time.
- Arthur Bradford
Collection: Jobs
Image of Simon Weston
I've had well-paid jobs, but in comparison to what footballers earn, I've not earned serious money.
- Simon Weston
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ted Nordhaus
Making big investments to get off oil, making clean energy alternatives widely available and cheap, and creating millions of new jobs in clean energy industries is a winner with American voters and can carry the whole suite of policies that we need to address global warming.
- Ted Nordhaus
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ted Nordhaus
We know that things like energy independence, getting off oil, getting out of the Middle East, and creating jobs and economic development in the new clean energy industries of the future are much higher priorities for most voters than capping carbon emissions or taxing dirty energy sources. So why not redefine our agenda as the solution to those problems?
- Ted Nordhaus
Collection: Jobs
Image of Laura Sydell
Even under Apple founder Steve Jobs, the company did emphasize values. Remember the Think Different ad campaign that used pictures of the Dalai Lama, Amelia Earhart, Mahatma Gandhi? But Jobs focused on the integrity of Apple's products.
- Laura Sydell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michael Helm
It's fiction's job to express how it feels to be living now, and it's a complex feeling, full of contradiction. To me it often feels like a brutal trivialization of reality.
- Michael Helm
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rob Lowe
I’ve never agreed with the conventional wisdom that ‘actors are great liars.’ If more people understood the acting process, the goals of good actors, the conventional wisdom would be ‘actors are terrible liars,’ because only bad actors lie on the job. The good ones hate fakery and avoid manufactured emotion at all costs. Any script is enough of a lie anyway. (What experience does any actor have with flying a spacecraft? Killing someone?) What’s called for, what actors are hired for, is to bring reality to the arbitrary.
- Rob Lowe
Collection: Jobs
Image of Cathy O'Neil
So much of our society as a whole is gearing us to maximize our salary or bonus. Basically, we just think in terms of money. Or, if not money, then, if you're in academia, it's prestige. It's a different kind of currency. And there's this unmeasured dimension of all jobs, which is whether it's improving the world.
- Cathy O'Neil
Collection: Jobs
Image of Cathy O'Neil
When I think about whether I want to take a job, I don't just think about whether it's technically interesting, although I do consider that. I also consider the question of whether it's good for the world.
- Cathy O'Neil
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joe Robert Cole
Well, TV does a better job. In film, the justification has been that movies focused on stories or featuring people of color don't make money.
- Joe Robert Cole
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joe Robert Cole
This problem [of historical opportunities] compounds itself by limiting the number of people in the pipeline to attain the experience to do larger movies or get jobs so they can familiarize themselves with a studio head and get the opportunity to deliver and impress - or maybe direct a smaller movie. It will take a considerable amount of time to rectify. It's very difficult because it starts at the top.
- Joe Robert Cole
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joe Robert Cole
Having gone through the [Marvel] writer program, I knew Black Panther was in the pipeline and I knew they were big fans of my writing. But I had to compete with the other writers who were put up for it - no one hands out jobs.
- Joe Robert Cole
Collection: Jobs
Image of T Cooper
I think I approach all of my writing in the same way. I mean, it's my job, and I'm committed to it. I don't just float around and wait for some muse to call.
- T Cooper
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robby Mook
Donald Trump is having foreign leaders spend their money and our government spend their money on his properties. This is not the president of the United States helping create jobs for average Americans.
- Robby Mook
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert Davi
I had a different upbringing - my dad worked three jobs. You know, it wasn't as easy as they had it.
- Robert Davi
Collection: Jobs
Image of George Lucas
The one way the world hasn't changed: teaching is still the most important job.
- George Lucas
Collection: Jobs
Image of Renee Montagne
All front-line combat jobs in the infantry, special operations units and elsewhere are now open to women.
- Renee Montagne
Collection: Jobs
Image of Renee Montagne
Women and men will have to go through the same physical test before they get into these ground combat jobs, and the test will increase over time for again both Marine Corps and the Army just to make sure everyone is physically fit enough to go through these jobs, to get through this training.
- Renee Montagne
Collection: Jobs
Image of Renee Montagne
We're really talking about the Army and Marine Corps here for almost all these ground combat jobs. They want to move in a careful, deliberate manner.
- Renee Montagne
Collection: Jobs