Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 63

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 63 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Aldis Hodge
I don't believe in breaks. Not yet. I'm too young. I'll find the next job to keep me busy between seasons.
- Aldis Hodge
Collection: Jobs
Image of Cristian Machado
It's the government's job to come in and help their citizens and guide their citizens to a brighter future and unfortunately in America that's not what's happening.
- Cristian Machado
Collection: Jobs
Image of Viet D. Dinh
Our job here is to defend freedom.
- Viet D. Dinh
Collection: Jobs
Image of Todd Strauss-Schulson
I assume that people get in trouble when they do a bait and switch, when they say something to get the job and then they just don't do that thing.
- Todd Strauss-Schulson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tom Gegax
Self-managing is Job One. Have a vision and a mission. Surround yourself with talented people. Rely on effective coaching, not managing of employees.
- Tom Gegax
Collection: Jobs
Image of Giles Matthey
After I've done a good job, then I can get excited. Obviously, it would be very easy to get carried away, but I wanted to own that excitement.
- Giles Matthey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Giles Matthey
I felt like I had to prove myself, but I feel that you have to do that anyway, as an actor. You're there to do a job, and that's your primary concern.
- Giles Matthey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Giles Matthey
An actor's job is to do their job. It's great if it's successful and it's fantastic when it's a huge hit, but at the same time, you're there to do a job and make sure you do it well.
- Giles Matthey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Giles Matthey
You should always view any job as just as nerve-wracking or just as exciting as any other.
- Giles Matthey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Caroline Knapp
So it persists, for many of us, hunger channeled into some internal circuitry of longing, routed this way and that, emerging in a thousand different forms. The diet form, the romance form, the addiction form, the overriding hunger for this purchase or that job, this relationship or that one. Hunger may be insatiable by nature, it may be fathomless, but our will to fill it, our often blind tenacity in the face of it, can be extraordinary.
- Caroline Knapp
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dave Lombardo
Every job has its downside. For example, being in a band the travel part of it - getting picked up from your house in a car, going to the airport, getting on a plane, going from the airplane to a van, then going from the van to a hotel.
- Dave Lombardo
Collection: Jobs
Image of Stephen Leacock
Being a specialist is one thing, getting a job is another.
- Stephen Leacock
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mark Leibovich
I think the job of a good journalist, especially in Washington, is to create discomfort, and I think for a certain class of people, and for whom life is quite comfortable, I've created discomfort. So I take that as a badge of honor.
- Mark Leibovich
Collection: Jobs
Image of Keith Rabois
So that's your job too, to clarify and simplify for everybody on your team. The more you simplify the better people will perform.
- Keith Rabois
Collection: Jobs
Image of Keith Rabois
The most important job of an editor is simplify, simplify simplify, and that usually means omitting things.
- Keith Rabois
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jeff Raz
A director once said, when I was complaining about something or other, "I agree, it is terrible. The worst thing you can do to an actor is give him a job." That shut me up and broke off a big hunk of my actor's cynical armor.
- Jeff Raz
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tanith Lee
Maidens who stay maidens turn into saints. Old women become sorceresses. Tough jobs, both of these.
- Tanith Lee
Collection: Jobs
Image of Floyd Norman
Even though I worked hard at times, it was always magical. I have to confess I enjoyed every minute of it. Even the down times I enjoyed, because we were creating something that would make people smile and lift their hearts. You can't think of a better job than that.
- Floyd Norman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Benjamin E. Sasse
I don't think we do a great job in America any more of distinguishing between campaigns and governance. We live in an environment that's all campaign all of the time and it's helpful, now that we've moved beyond a campaign and an election to get into a governance posture.
- Benjamin E. Sasse
Collection: Jobs
Image of Steven Price
No one's being precious about their music. They want the film to be great. And that was the huge lesson for me along the way to be a filmmaker. And yes, I'm leading the music department kind of thing and that responsibility with the music is with me, but really that job is one of many.
- Steven Price
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bob Boughner
That's the job of our line. Get it deep, cause some commotion, be physical and try to get some garbage goals.
- Bob Boughner
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bob Boughner
We know our job. We are grinders and we are physical and we need to make their (defense) look back over their shoulders.
- Bob Boughner
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert Greenblatt
We had some ups and downs, creatively, as the season went on, which is true of any show. If you compound that by the production that we go through, in terms of original songwriting and recordings, and all that is happening simultaneously, where we didn't do as good a job, as I hope we do this year, is the arcing of the storylines and the consistency of going in one direction with a character, and continuing in a really interesting way with that arc.
- Robert Greenblatt
Collection: Jobs
Image of Damian Lewis
You never know when you're taking a job, ever... but you try to take good scripts. That's all you can do as an actor - take the best thing available. Even then, it's not [really] in your control. Certainly not in film and TV, because there are so many other elements. You just have to take control of your own performance.
- Damian Lewis
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Ragan
At the end of the day, it's up to me to get the job done but it's always nice to have someone to help you get through the tough week.
- David Ragan
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Ragan
I want to enjoy myself and enjoy the challenge. I love to compete at the top level of NASCAR. I love my job. I love what I do. I'm very fortunate that God has given me the strength and the courage and the people around me to help me do what I do.
- David Ragan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Anthony Scaramucci
There's symbolism in politics. There's communication in politics. And I think what Donald Trump is saying is, give me the job, and when I get to that job I will figure it out.
- Anthony Scaramucci
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joan Tewkesbury
As a dancer I had worked with really hard choreographers, Jerome Robbins being the toughest. And you learned what it is to hit against a brick wall. And you learned pretty quickly to go around the wall or say, "I can't take this job."
- Joan Tewkesbury
Collection: Jobs
Image of Marin Ireland
I've been really lucky because when I go out to L.A. it's for a job, not to look for a job. That's the way I like L.A. most - when I already have a job.
- Marin Ireland
Collection: Jobs
Image of Patricia Wright
My first job was actually as a social worker. And then later, I got my PhD in anthropology. And I've always been interested in humans as well as primates. We are all kind of have the same emotions, the same goals and lives really. But to me, when I first got to Madagascar I realized that the lemurs lives are very closely related to what the humans are doing; partially because they've got both looking for natural resources. And if we can make some way that both humans and lemurs can live together peaceably and happily, that would be my goal for Madagascar.
- Patricia Wright
Collection: Jobs
Image of Edward Lear
It takes a long time to make a painter - even with a good artist's education - but without one it tries the patience of Job; it is a great thing if one does not go backward.
- Edward Lear
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tom Hughes
It's much more fun as an actor, as well. If everything is on the page and you're spoon-feeding an audience you feel like your job is merely to say the words clearly because the structure of the story will take care of itself.
- Tom Hughes
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nicholson Baker
The job of the novel is to be true to the confusion, but not so confusing that you turn the reader off.
- Nicholson Baker
Collection: Jobs
Image of Frank Knight
The probability of the people in power being individuals who would dislike the possession and exercise of power is on a level with the probability that an extremely tender-hearted person would get the job of whipping-master in a slave plantation.
- Frank Knight
Collection: Jobs
Image of Frank Knight
I have been....moved to wonder whether my job is a job or a racket, whether economists, and particularly economic theorists, may not be in the position that Cicero, citing Cato, ascribed to the augurs of Rome-that they should cover their faces or burst into laugher when they met on the street.
- Frank Knight
Collection: Jobs
Image of Francis Dunnery
I used to play the drums. When I was 11 I got my first professional job, I played drums in a cabary and played Elvis and stuff, I used to play left handed actually. Then I started to pick up the guitar when I was around 15, but I played the drums for a long time.
- Francis Dunnery
Collection: Jobs
Image of Elaine Cassidy
I choose jobs quite selfishly. I do them for me and the exploration you get to go on with a character... seeing how they react in certain situations, how they develop. If audiences enjoy it, then that's the cherry on top. You don't expect it but it's really nice when it happens. It adds to it and enhances the overall experience.
- Elaine Cassidy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Elaine Cassidy
I'm very fortunate with all the jobs that I've done that I've wanted to do them. So, I feel very grateful for that. With each and every one, I could pick memorable moments.
- Elaine Cassidy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Elaine Cassidy
I think every job that I've done to this point has had something new to challenge me.
- Elaine Cassidy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Elaine Cassidy
In life, you're supposed to get wiser, so as an actor, even just through your own life experiences, you're already richer as a person and have more to pull on. And this job is great for the places it takes you to, the things it makes you interested in and the skills you get to learn.
- Elaine Cassidy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Patty Schemel
When I was a kid, I felt like I could do anything and play anything. I just felt super-confident. And then, once I started to play music professionally, maybe it's from being from a small town, but you grow up and then you're suddenly a big fish in a small pond, and I realized that there were a billion other drummers out there that could play as good as you or better, and everybody wants that job.
- Patty Schemel
Collection: Jobs
Image of Christopher Lasch
Much of what is euphemistically known as the middle class, merely because it dresses up to go to work, is now reduced to proletarian conditions of existence. Many white-collar jobs require no more skill and pay even less than blue-collar jobs, conferring little status or security.
- Christopher Lasch
Collection: Jobs
Image of Donald Verrilli Jr.
My job was always to pull a vote over from somebody who was likely to be at least at the outset disinclined to agree with me on some things or at least disinclined to agree with the policy that I was defending.
- Donald Verrilli Jr.
Collection: Jobs
Image of Donald Verrilli Jr.
I feel so blessed to have had the chance to do this job [ U.S. Solicitor General] in this moment in our history. It's been an incredible thing.
- Donald Verrilli Jr.
Collection: Jobs
Image of Donald Verrilli Jr.
When we're not a party, we sometimes file as amicus, as friend of the court, 25, 30 times a term, sometimes more. And in each of those cases, we've got to decide what position the government's going to take. And that is the solicitor general's job to make that decision.
- Donald Verrilli Jr.
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jim Cummings
I really have been blessed and fortunate to have accomplished what I have. I hope to do this for a long time. It's such an enjoyable job. I love to do it.
- Jim Cummings
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jim Cummings
My agency tells me I am rare because I sing, do movie trailers, and do cartoons too. I like that because it gives me variety in jobs. I don't just sit and do movie trailers, and I don't just do cartoons either. I can do both, and I feel very fortunate for that.
- Jim Cummings
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ann Landers
If criticism is needed, do it tactfully. Don't use a sledgehammer when a fly swatter will do the job.
- Ann Landers
Collection: Jobs
Image of Charles de Lint
We're so quick to cut away pieces of ourselves to suit a particular relationship, a job, a circle of friends, incessantly editing who we are until we fit in.
- Charles de Lint
Collection: Jobs