Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 61

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 61 provides more fun quotes.

Image of Gavin Rossdale
But it is really, really fun to just change it up some and to absolutely be a very small spoke on a big wheel, and to just be a part of that and contribute to something that people can enjoy.
- Gavin Rossdale
Collection: Fun
Image of Jeremy Renner
I can't totally talk about why we divide, but... it's interesting because we're doing this scene today that's sort of the pinnacle of that. Two gangs fighting against each other, ultimately knowing that... ya know, it's like friends fighting friends. To me it's fun, personally.
- Jeremy Renner
Collection: Fun
Image of Jeremy Renner
There is a greater a sense of pride - like when we did Kill the Messenger - and that was probably one of my more fun experiences on a movie set. Having everyone there on the same team, it just feels really great.
- Jeremy Renner
Collection: Fun
Image of David Foster Wallace
I think the only thing for me, the tricky thing with the footnotes, is that they are an irritant, and they require a little extra work, and so they either have to be really germane or they have to be kind of fun to read.
- David Foster Wallace
Collection: Fun
Image of Zadie Smith
I cannot believe homosexuality is that much fun. Heterosexuality certainly is not.
- Zadie Smith
Collection: Fun
Image of Tullian Tchividjian
I was a surfer so I hung out with people who were surfers and made fun of people who weren't surfers and I listened to surf music and made fun of people who didn't listen to surfer music.
- Tullian Tchividjian
Collection: Fun
Image of Evan Rachel Wood
All of the action, and the Wild West West fun, crazy, HBO stuff is in there and it's all amazing, but what separates the show [ Westworld] is that it's an existential drama. It's an intellectual nightmare. It is all very much based in reality. A lot of the technologies that we're exploring is stuff that we're working at, right now. All of this is not that far away. It's taking a look at humanity and the state that we're in now and what would happen, if we kept on going the way that we're going and we created this artificial intelligence.
- Evan Rachel Wood
Collection: Fun
Image of Mary Elizabeth Winstead
I realized that the people weren't just characters but they were people and they were getting to do something that was so fun and I wanted to be a part of it.
- Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Collection: Fun
Image of Dorothy Parker
If I don't drive around the park, I'm pretty sure to make my mark. If I'm in bed each night by ten, I may get back my looks again. If I abstain from fun and such, I'll probably amount to much; But I shall stay the way I am, Because I do not give a damn.
- Dorothy Parker
Collection: Fun
Image of Steve Nash
I have as much fun as anybody I know.
- Steve Nash
Collection: Fun
Image of Jack Welch
The thing it taught me was that winning's a helluva lot more fun than losing. It also taught me that the team with the best players that worked together the best wins.
- Jack Welch
Collection: Fun
Image of Bill Watterson
Calvin: Life's a lot more fun when you aren't responsible for your actions.
- Bill Watterson
Collection: Fun
Image of John Waters
I think that's why I've lasted this long because I love everything I make fun of! I make fun of myself first! I mean, I started my career by calling my films "trash" - the local critics used to complain that I beat the critic to the typewriter.
- John Waters
Collection: Fun
Image of Keri Russell
I love Cheryl [Hines] so much and had so much fun with her. Off set we got on so well and would tell stories.
- Keri Russell
Collection: Fun
Image of Nina Simone
I feel what they feel. And people who listen to me know that, and it makes them feel like they're not alone.
- Nina Simone
Collection: Fun
Image of Britney Spears
This may sound weird but I miss traveling. I miss the road, seeing different places and being with the dancers and having fun. That feeling of being on the stage, knowing it's your best -- I love that. I needed a break. I needed to be hungry again.
- Britney Spears
Collection: Fun
Image of Alan Watts
They are enlightened who join in this play knowing it as play, for people suffer only because they take as serious what the gods made for fun.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Fun
Image of Steven Spielberg
I'll probably never win an Oscar, but I'll sure have a lot of fun! I really believe that movies are the great escape.
- Steven Spielberg
Collection: Fun
Image of Derek Landy
We punch people, Valkyrie. That’s who we are. Embrace your inner lunatic. Fun times guaranteed.
- Derek Landy
Collection: Fun
Image of David Foster Wallace
The fun of reading as "an exchange between consciousnesses, a way for human beings to talk to each other about stuff we can't normally talk about."
- David Foster Wallace
Collection: Fun
Image of David Foster Wallace
Under fun's new administration, writing fiction becomes a way to go deep inside yourself and illuminate precisely the stuff you don't want to see or let anyone else see, and this stuff usually turns out (paradoxically) to be precisely the stuff all writers and readers share and respond to, feel.
- David Foster Wallace
Collection: Fun
Image of Linda Howard
Are you making fun of my hero complex?' Yeah.
- Linda Howard
Collection: Fun
Image of George Saunders
I always cheerfully say, "Well, you know, the species is adapting, and whatever it needs to do, it'll do," but I do think it's maybe a little bit alarming. Everybody knows that one thing we really have to do is to be more wherever we are, more present, that's just kind of a commonplace. And the whole mobile phone thing is completely 100% the opposite - to never be where you are because you can always be somewhere else; and yet it's so fun and addictive.
- George Saunders
Collection: Fun
Image of Amanda Palmer
The cool thing too, as you get older, you get way better at identifying who's an ally and who isn't. And who has good, positive, "let's make all this sh*t better and let's try to have fun and fix sh*t" people as opposed to "let's sit around and b*tch and berate" people.
- Amanda Palmer
Collection: Fun
Image of Manny Pacquiao
Being Manny Pacquiao's wife is not easy. It's fun for me and my guys but it's very difficult for her.
- Manny Pacquiao
Collection: Fun
Image of Matthew Perry
I'm making plans to go away for a month to focus on my sobriety and to continue my life in recovery. Please enjoy making fun of me on the world wide web.
- Matthew Perry
Collection: Fun
Image of P. J. O'Rourke
Worshiping the earth is more fun than going to church. It's also closer.
- P. J. O'Rourke
Collection: Fun
Image of Bill Murray
If it starts to drag on set, or if you feel like it's not a fun experience, people get down, the energy gets down. You've got to keep the energy up.
- Bill Murray
Collection: Fun
Image of John Wooden
There is no great fun, satisfaction, or joy derived from doing something that's easy.
- John Wooden
Collection: Fun
Image of Taylor Swift
It feels like a perfect night, to dress up like hipsters, and make fun of our exes.
- Taylor Swift
Collection: Fun
Image of Linus Torvalds
I'd argue that everybody wants to do something that matters, and the fact that Linux has had a huge impact on the tech market and is used virtually everywhere is obviously very personally satisfying. I think programming is fun, and the community around the kernel is great, but a project has to be relevant too.
- Linus Torvalds
Collection: Fun
Image of Pauly Shore
People should stop poking fun at other people and worry about themselves. The reality is that my movies all have made money.
- Pauly Shore
Collection: Fun
Image of Grace Slick
You start out performing because it's fun, then you learn more things and you want to do more than go "Na-na-na-na" on a stage. The production end is interesting, writing is interesting, and you learn to coordinate all these things.
- Grace Slick
Collection: Fun
Image of Larry Page
We really care about our brand. We really want it to stand for high quality. We want people to be excited about it, for it to be fun.
- Larry Page
Collection: Fun
Image of Marilyn Monroe
...I've found out it's fun to go shopping. It's such a feminine thing to do.
- Marilyn Monroe
Collection: Fun
Image of Venus Williams
I think there's more stressful periods than others when you're launching new things or going into a new business, or there are many things that can stress you out. Having to let people go, that's stressful. Never fun. But for the most part, I try to manage a schedule that's achievable and try not to make a schedule that's not. And a lot of times, sometimes it becomes a little unmanageable, but in spurts. So I think being able to make an achievable schedule, one that I know I can accomplish.
- Venus Williams
Collection: Fun
Image of Dwyane Wade
I'm just a kid in a candy store right now, trying to have fun. I'm getting a chance to show my ability and my talent.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Fun
Image of Amy Poehler
When you host a show you have to hopefully be funny at the top and set the tone for a really fun evening.
- Amy Poehler
Collection: Fun
Image of Dolly Parton
I do have big tits. Always had 'em - pushed 'em up, whacked 'em around. Why not make fun of 'em? I've made a fortune with 'em.
- Dolly Parton
Collection: Fun
Image of Serena Williams
All I want is to have fun in what I'm doing every day. I don't want to break records. To become the greatest player ever could take me like...10 more years and I don't think I'll still be playing at 31.
- Serena Williams
Collection: Fun
Image of Patrick Rothfuss
When you read a fantasy novel part of the fun is getting to explore a new world. Everyone knows that. But I believe the same is true about characters. You can explore interesting people in the same way that you explore a town or a culture.
- Patrick Rothfuss
Collection: Fun
Image of Chuck Palahniuk
The last story you should write is the most important story. You should start with a story that is just an amusing, entertaining, fun story to write and learn your writing chops with the least important things before you start applying them to the most important things.
- Chuck Palahniuk
Collection: Fun
Image of Meryl Streep
I separated myself in Prada because I didn't want to have fun. They were all having a lot of fun - Emily Blunt and Stanley Tucci - and they were a little coterie of laughs.
- Meryl Streep
Collection: Fun
Image of Joe Meno
We have fun acting like this, acting like we are incredibly offended. Really, we are just bored to tears with everything.
- Joe Meno
Collection: Fun
Image of Doug Stanhope
If you're in high-school and you're not having fun, quit.
- Doug Stanhope
Collection: Fun
Image of Hunter S. Thompson
You can't hoard fun. It has no shelf life.
- Hunter S. Thompson
Collection: Fun
Image of Loretta Chase
You are well aware of your effect on women, and I'm sure it gratifies you no end to watch them sigh and salivate over your magnificent physique. I do not wish to spoil your fun, Dain, but I do ask you to consider my pride and refrain from embarrassing me in public." Women...sighing and salivating...over his magnificent physique. Maybe the brutal bedding had destroyed a part of her brain.
- Loretta Chase
Collection: Fun
Image of Bobbi Brown
The best thing about being 55 is that I know enough now to know what I want and what I don't want-and what I want is to have fun.
- Bobbi Brown
Collection: Fun
Image of Dr. Seuss
It is fun to have fun.
- Dr. Seuss
Collection: Fun